STHS :: Volume #8

#749: Layer upon layer advancement

Rhodes has not paid attention to Celestina and Duran that side tactical situation, in fact he just Celestina summoning time, Undead Legion already had the movement the garrison troops military strength while the airborne army attraction city wall, Undead Army of originally slow vanguard in the ground quickens pace suddenly, Undead Army headed by Skeleton Troll as if howls the great waves of tumbling like this to be generally dense and numerous, overlapping formation one after another powerful shock-wave, toward present dike, tumbling, turbulent coming. 罗德并没有关注塞蕾丝蒂娜杜兰那边的战况,事实上他才刚刚把塞蕾丝蒂娜召唤出来的时候,不死军团已然有了动作就在空中部队吸引城墙上守军兵力的同时,原本在地面上缓慢前行的不死大军骤然间加快了步伐,以骸骨巨魔为首的不死大军仿佛呼啸翻滚的浪涛一般就这样密密麻麻,层层叠叠的形成了一道又一道强有力的冲击波,向着眼前的“堤坝”,翻滚,汹涌的呼啸而来。 Projects from the Undead Army rear area just like rainstorm arrow once more, this lets resist the garrison troops of airborne army to be thrown into confusion immediately with single-hearted devotion, although Agawei and other Sea Elf summoned the ice wall to resist the attacks of these arrow immediately, but many soldier under unexpectedness move, in addition Gargoyle together with the landing attack of Vampire, suddenly in the city wall immediately appeared some confusions. But regarding the attention of below Undead Legion, has been naturally short, after all they are only human, cannot give dual attention to other enemies in aspect three heads and six arms. 宛如暴雨般的箭矢再次从不死大军的后方射出,这顿时让正在专心抵挡空中部队的守军们手忙脚乱起来,虽然阿伽薇海精灵在第一时间召唤出冰墙来抵挡这些箭矢的攻击,但是还是有不少士兵在猝不及防下中了招,再加上石像鬼连同吸血种的空降打击,一时间城墙上顿时显得有些混乱起来。而对于下方的不死军团的关注,自然而然就少了许多,毕竟他们只是人类,没有三头六臂可以兼顾其他方面的敌人。 Sees this, Rhodes to frown slightly. He thinks Kelunde will choose disperses the military strength as far as possible, in order to reduces the threat of Holy Spear, but has not thought that Kelunde does exactly the opposite unexpectedly, it seems like that this Lich is very accurate, right, Kelunde that own weakness grasps held the Rhodes biggest weakness, that is the population!! 看见这一幕,罗德微微皱起了眉头。他本来以为柯伦德会选择尽量分散兵力,以求降低圣洁之枪的威胁,但是没有想到柯伦德居然反其道而行之,看来这头巫妖把自己的弱点抓的很准,没错,柯伦德抓住了罗德最大的弱点,那就是人数!! He has 100,000 armies, Rhodes 10,000 possibly, although Holy Spear looks like very fierce, but rumbled to eliminate thousand undead creature in fact each time is the limit. Even if Rhodes three Saintess Statue, most one time can also eliminate 3000 undead soldier, moreover Holy Spear saves requires the time. However the Undead Legion speed is not the snail crawls, if can lose 3000 to 6000 undead creature, trades arrives at the city wall. Launches opportunity that close combat fights with opposite party, then this loss is worth? 他有100000大军,罗德这边10000可能还不到,虽然圣洁之枪看起来很厉害,但事实上每次轰下来能够消灭千把个不死生物已经算是极限了。就算罗德有三座圣少女像,最多一次也不过能够消灭3000名不死士兵,而且圣洁之枪积蓄还是需要时间的。但是不死军团的速度也不是蜗牛爬,如果能够以损失3000到6000个不死生物,换来的则是到达城墙。与对方展开近身战的机会,那么这个损失值不值得? This answer Rhodes knows certainly, he is only has not thought this damn Lich is unexpectedly firm it not to have on Rhodes' to work as, to avoid Holy Spear chooses the scattered military strength. On the contrary, this damn sly Lich does exactly the opposite, its concentration of effort. Attempts direct Bobo shatters Rhodes! So long as succeeds one time, then Rhodes thoroughly was finished! 这个答案罗德当然知道,他只是没有想到这个该死的巫妖居然坚决它没有上罗德的当,为了避开圣洁之枪而选择分散兵力。相反,这头该死狡猾的巫妖反其道而行之,它集中兵力。试图直接一波波的将罗德冲垮!只要成功一次,那么罗德这边就彻底完蛋了! Has to acknowledge, this idea really good, hits the snake to hit seven cuns (2.5 cm), Rhodes felt that Kelunde this move has not projected on own seven cuns (2.5 cm), was supposing is also 56 cuns (2.5 cm) place, could not miss many. However wants to return to think, Rhodes has not actually stopped the movement in oneself hand, his vision has swept. Quick, a dazzling light beam drops from the clouds, stroking of heavily in that black tide. 不得不承认,这个主意真的不错,打蛇打七寸,罗德感觉柯伦德这一招就算没打到自己的七寸上,估摸着也就是56寸的地方,差不了多少了。但是想归想,罗德却并没有停下自己手中的动作,他的目光扫过。很快,一道耀眼的光柱从天而降,重重的击打在那黑色的潮水之中。 Quick, under the bombardment of pure white light beam, black tide slightly one slow, but is quick, the blank was filled up again, great waves of howling not, therefore stops own footsteps. Until the second ray of light column drops from the clouds ............... 很快,在洁白光柱的轰击下,黑色的潮水微微一缓,但是很快,空白再次被填满,呼啸的浪涛并没有因此停下自己的脚步。直到第二道光柱从天而降…………… It seems like that human really did not have the means.” “看来那个人类果然已经没有办法了。” Sees own attack to be prevented once again, Kelunde not only has not felt breathless. On the contrary, he has shown several happy expressions. The so-called quantitative change causes the qualitative change, so long as in the hand has enough many soldier, then Holy Spear can play the major role to oneself? Undead Legion is still going forward, Holy Spear was reduced the bottom regarding their threats, so long as comes again several times. They can arrive at city wall, but such one ......... Successfully then close at hand. 看见自己的进攻又一次被阻止,柯伦德非但没有感到气急败坏。相反,他露出了几丝笑意。所谓量变引起质变,只要自己手中有足够多的士兵,那么圣洁之枪又能够对自己起到多大的作用呢?不死军团依然在前进,圣洁之枪对于它们的威胁已经被降低到了最低点,只要再来几次。它们就可以到达城墙处,而那样一来………胜利就近在眼前。 However, but also is insufficient. 但是,还不够。 Kelunde stands up, it has turned the head to look to distant place jet black Fortress, the soul fire combustion in eye socket unusual warm. That side Duran has as if encountered any difficulty, in the city wall has not started like oneself expect becomes chaotic. However Kelunde also has the means that it begins lowly, looks to approach oneself Necromancer. 柯伦德站起身,它转过头望向远处漆黑的要塞,眼眶里的灵魂之火燃烧的异常热烈。杜兰那边似乎遇到了什么困难,城墙上并没有像自己所期望的那样开始变得混乱起来。不过柯伦德也不是没有办法,它低起头,望向自己身边的死灵法师 Prepares.” “准备施法。” Dark magic power starts to surge. 黑暗的魔力开始涌动起来。 Lord Sir, we have discovered the target!” 领主大人,我们已经发现了目标!” Waits again!” “再等一等!” Heard the speech of Bailey, has given the reply that Rhodes unemotionally, seemed like as if calm, nobody noted, this moment Rhodes' right hand closely has gripped the sword hilt, his vision sweeps once more has been jet black at present, dense undead/not dead great waves, quick, under two pure white dazzling light beam bang, will congeal to become an overall dark impact on rout to scatter once more, but was quick, swung dark once more, the congealment, prompted forward slowly. Can hear sound of the wind that howls in the Rhodes' ear, the sound of footsteps of Undead Army advance, angry roaring and sound combination of weapon of human relations city wall soldiers in the same place, makes noise, grating, but the Rhodes' brains are actually the incomparable calmness. 听到贝妮的说话,罗德面无表情的给出了回答,看起来似乎非常冷静,没有人注意到,此刻罗德的右手已经紧紧的握住了剑柄,他的目光再次扫过眼前漆黑,黑压压一片的不死浪涛,很快,两道洁白耀眼的光束再次轰下,将本来已经凝结成为一个整体的黑暗冲击击溃打散,但是很快,黑暗再次摇摆,凝结,缓慢向前推进。在罗德的耳边可以听见呼啸的风声,不死大军前进的脚步声,城墙士兵们的怒吼与兵器交际的声音混杂在一起,喧闹,刺耳,但是罗德的头脑却是无比的冷静。 Lightning leap. 闪电飞跃而过。 Marlene extends the right hand, the lightning leap of beat, stroking of heavily on the body of Gargoyle, along with the stone chip fragment that the splash scatters in all directions, that jet black heavy monster changed into one pile of fragments to explode thoroughly. But Marlene again has not looked at half to own spoils of war, she has turned around, faces another side Vampire legion to hold up both hands, but at this time, along with the low roar, strange black shadow has flown from the sky, stretches out the sharp claws, tears away toward the nape of the neck of young girl. 玛琳伸出右手,跳动的闪电飞跃而过,重重的击打在石像鬼的身上,伴随着飞溅四散的石屑碎片,那个漆黑沉重的怪物彻底化为了一堆碎片爆炸开去。而玛琳则并没有再向自己的战利品多看半眼,她转过身去,面对着另外一侧的吸血鬼军团举起双手,而就在这个时候,伴随着低吼声,一个诡异的黑影从天空上飞过,伸出利爪,向着少女的脖颈撕去。 Goes to dead Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!” “去死啊啊啊啊啊啊!!” However, Ghoul cannot prevail, because at this time, along with calling out the sound, the Anne as if tornado flushed, on the fine gold heavy shield in hand is sparkling the wind element brilliance, but the next moment, sees only Anne one to wield got rid the shield, the strong winds of howling sweeps across, that bad luck Ghoul rips the fragment at the same time number with great difficulty from under will climb up undead creature of city wall to hit to fly. But Anne seized the chance an arrow step to arrive at the Marlene body side, has held up the shield in hand. 但是,食尸鬼并没有能够得逞,因为就在这个时候,伴随着嚎叫声,安妮仿佛旋风般的冲了过来,手中的精金重盾上闪耀着风元素的光彩,而下一刻,只见安妮一把挥出了手中的盾牌,呼啸的狂风席卷而过,把那个倒霉的食尸鬼撕成碎片的同时又将数个好不容易从下面爬上城墙的不死生物打飞了下去。而安妮则借此趁机一个箭步来到了玛琳的身侧,举起了手中的盾牌。 Thank you, Anne.” “谢谢你,安妮。” Until this time, displayed spell, cleaned up clean Marlene then to turn the head to Anne to express gratitude another side Vampire, as Caster, although she also had oneself Protection Spell, however under this chaotic war, wanted to protect is in itself a very difficult matter. This is also why Marlene or Leiya like with the reason of Anne partner, under the protection of Anne, their anything does not need to consider, only needs to complete own profession work to be good wholly absorbed. However during first several fights, because Anne must remain behind the rear area, causes Marlene and Leiya two people have to join up. And when a person is responsible for attacking, another person must be responsible for defending, this makes them feel that the pressure is big, now Anne returned to side them, the feelings of two people are such good, they can carefree dripping falls in torrents own spell. But does not need to be worried about any life the safety, because Anne will certainly protect them. 直到这个时候,施展完法术,将另外一侧的吸血种清理干净的玛琳这才转过头来对安妮道谢,作为一个施法者,虽然她自己也有自己的守护法术,但是在这种混乱的战局之下,想要保护自己可是非常困难的一件事。这也是为什么无论是玛琳还是莉洁都喜欢和安妮搭档的原因,在安妮的保护下,她们什么都不需要考虑,只需要专心致志的做好自己的本职工作就好。但是在前几次的战斗之中,因为安妮要留守后方,使得玛琳莉洁两个人不得不联合起来。其中一个人负责攻击时,另外一个人就要负责防守,这让她们感到精神压力非常大,现在安妮又回到了她们身边,两个人的感觉都是如此之好,她们可以畅快淋漓的倾泻自己的法术。而不用担心任何生命的安危因为安妮一定会保护好她们的。 Does not know how long this situation must continue ............... “不知道这种情况还要持续多久……………” Marlene frowned, looks toward the side, with the efforts of people, these tries to invade Vampire and Gargoyle of city wall is eliminated slowly, their strength has the superiority, however in the Undead Legion quantity does not suffer a loss, although said that the superiority is inclining, but Marlene do not know that actually the superiority is inclining to which side. 玛琳皱起眉头,向着侧面望去,在众人的努力下,那些试图侵占城墙的吸血种石像鬼正在被慢慢消灭,她们实力占据优势,但是不死军团的数量上也不吃亏,虽然说优势正在倾斜,但是连玛琳自己都不知道优势究竟在向哪一方倾斜。 Marlene at this moment absolutely did not have to be Shenia Family successor and talent Mage halo the image of that beautiful young girl, she from top to bottom everywhere is the blood stain. The silver-white long hair at this time already by dust with an ash black same place that the sweat made, looked like probably dyes the failure to be the same. But that fair and clear cheek at this moment also everywhere is the blood of dirty earth dust and splash, but Marlene simply does not have the time to care that own deportment issue, in a moment ago, her brought another two Mage to clean up a safety zone in the center-section of city wall with great difficulty, but now, these undead creature actually once more stage a comeback. Although Rhodes contained the attack of majority of Undead Legion, but many fish slip through climbed up the city wall. Therefore Marlene and the others burdens, not only has not reduced, instead has the situation of even more aggravating. 此刻的玛琳已经完全没有了身为仙妮亚家族继承人和天才法师光环的那个美丽少女的形象,她浑身上下到处都是血污。银白色的长发这个时候已经被灰尘和汗水弄的灰一块黑一块,看起来就好像染发失败一样。而那白净的面颊此刻也到处都是肮脏的土尘与飞溅的鲜血,不过玛琳根本没有时间来关心自己的仪态问题,就在刚才,她带着另外两个法师在城墙的中段好不容易才清理出来了一块安全区域,但是现在,那些不死生物却再次卷土重来。虽然罗德遏制住了大部分不死军团的进攻,但是还是有不少漏网之鱼爬上了城墙。所以玛琳等人的负担非但没有减轻,反而有越发加重的情况。 Hasn't Rhodes planned to make a move? 罗德还不打算出手吗? Marlene shook the head. This is not the issue that should consider, now, she can do, only then waited. However at this time, Marlene suddenly surprised raising the head, looked to the front. As Caster, she can feel the tide of magic power to surge keenly, that invisible, formidable strength is following a dark path congealment ............ 玛琳摇了摇头。这不是自己应该考虑的问题,现在,她所能够做的,只有等待。但是就在这个时候,玛琳忽然惊讶的抬起头来,望向前方。作为一个施法者,她可以敏锐的感受到魔力之潮正在涌动,那无形,强大的力量正在遵循着一个黑暗的轨迹凝结………… Lord Sir.” 领主大人。” In the Bailey tone also mixed with several points of anxiety, this regarding this always calm Battle Angel Legion Commander can be very rare. She knows that the Rhodes' plan is ingenious, but is also very dangerous, Kelunde wants to attack its point, but Rhodes is planned that one time does hit the remnant opposite party thoroughly? This probably two boxers unceasingly mutually probe with the light fist in the arena, wants to realize that the flaw of opposite party then strikes the heavy blows to overthrow the opposite party, but only then a person can win successful. 贝妮的语气之中也夹杂了几分紧张,这对于这个向来沉着冷静的战天使军团长来说可以算是非常罕见。她知道罗德的计划有多么巧妙,但是也很危险,柯伦德想要攻其一点,但是罗德又何尝不是打算一次彻底打残对方?这就好像两个拳击手在擂台上不断用轻拳相互试探,都想要察觉到对方的破绽然后一击重拳打倒对方,但是这其中只有一个人能够获得成功与胜利。 Only has a person. 只有一个人。 ..................... “…………………” Facing the inquiry of Bailey, Rhodes has not spoken, his right hand stretches, slowly pulls out the long sword to the scabbard, that movement is very slow, seems is pondering any general, but is quick, Rhodes backhands suddenly presses, only hears one clearly „” the sound, the sharp sword returns the sheath, but until this time, Bailey heard Rhodes that to arrive at the voice of freezing point calmly. 面对贝妮的询问,罗德没有说话,他的右手舒展,缓缓的将长剑抽离剑鞘,那个动作无比缓慢,仿佛是在思考什么一般,但是很快,罗德忽然反手一按,只听见一声清脆的“嚓”的声响,利剑还鞘,而直到这个时候,贝妮才听见了罗德那冷静到冰点的声音。 Begins.” “动手。” Dark magic power is congealing. 黑暗的魔力正在凝结。 Kelunde lifts up high both hands, is gazing at present Fortress, in his side, Necromancers has stood in own position respectively, 300 people of Mage Group stand in the rear woods at this moment, they are chanting with one voice, is crowding around dark magic power, lets it according to own idea reverse, the formation, changes into infinite strength. 柯伦德高举双手,注视着眼前的要塞,在他的身边,死灵法师们已经各自站在了自己的位置上,300人的法师团此刻站在后方的树林之中,它们齐声咏唱着,簇拥着黑暗的魔力,让它按照自己的想法扭转,成型,化为无穷的力量 This is a beginning of victory! 这将是一场胜利的开端! Kelunde raised the head, gazes at Fortress of distant place, deep in the heart was saying in a low voice. But at this time, Lich at present, has flashed through weak golden light suddenly. But is almost the instinct, while seeing that golden light, Kelunde felt that own heart jumps suddenly, one extremely unclear premonition welled up own heart instantaneously, as if will have any not good matter soon to send ............... 柯伦德抬起头来,注视着远处的要塞,在内心深处低声说道。而就在这个时候,巫妖的眼前,忽然闪过了一道微弱的金光。而几乎是本能的,在看见那道金光的同时,柯伦德感觉到自己心头猛然一跳,一种极为不详的预感瞬间涌上了自己的心头,仿佛有什么不好的事情即将要发…………… Bang!!!” “轰!!!” With the resounding explosive sound, Lich was flown by hitting of heavily, dances in the air in the nighttime sky like a rags baby, afterward heavily falls down. The golden brilliance scatters in all directions the splash, covers its Necromancer in completely, but facing this sudden attack, Necromancers stares, but has not waited for them to respond, sees only above the Fortress city wall, dozens golden brilliance flash past. 伴随着响亮的爆炸声,巫妖重重的打飞出去,像一个破布娃娃般在夜空中飞舞,随后重重的摔倒在地。金色的光辉四散飞溅,将它身边的死灵法师全部都笼罩在其中,而面对这突如其来的进攻,死灵法师们都是一愣,但是还没有等它们反应过来,只见在要塞的城墙之上,又有数十道金色的光辉一闪而过。 Rumbling!!!” “轰轰轰!!!” That is a strange incomparable scene, the heads and bodies of these Necromancer then the explosion of such unfathomable mystery, the sacred golden brilliance scatter in all directions the splash, has brought scenery visionally. However regarding Necromancer Group, they will not hope to see such scene absolutely. 那是一种诡异无比的情景,那些死灵法师的头颅和身体就这样莫名其妙的爆炸开来,神圣的金色光辉四散飞溅,带来了一副梦幻般的景色。但是对于死灵法师团来说,它们绝对不会希望看见这样的情景。 Has the enemy to raid!! A bit faster defense!!” “有敌袭!!快点防御!!” With shout, quick, wears Death Knight of heavy armor to change into the shield to keep off in the Necromancers front, a path of Bone Protective Shield also immediately by summoning, to prevent the further attack of opposite party, but ............ This useful? 伴随着呼喊声,很快,身穿着厚重盔甲的死亡骑士化为盾牌挡在了死灵法师们的面前,一道道白骨护盾也立刻被召唤出来,以防止对方的进一步打击,但是…………这有用吗? On silver white tower. 银白塔楼上。 Dawn Angel eyes narrowed, careful is looking at the front, she holds up that giant heavy crossbow bolt, quick, sees golden arrow to reappear together baseless, falls into the scoop channel, then, the bowstring pulls open, afterward, a golden light flashes. 晨曦天使眯着眼睛,仔细的望着前方,她举起那巨大沉重的弩箭,很快,就看见一道金色的箭矢凭空浮现,落入凹槽之中,接着,弓弦拉开,随后,金光一闪。 Golden arrow then such leap battlefield, straight shoots towards present Necromancer, that firm Bone Protective Shield cannot resist the fire of golden arrow completely, free time but who blinks, that filled, congeals Sacred Strength arrow like this to penetrate Bone Protective Shield, injected in the body of Necromancer, afterward, exploded. 金色的箭矢就这样飞跃战场,笔直的射向眼前的死灵法师,那坚固的白骨护盾完全没有能够抵挡住金色箭矢的射击,只是眨眼的工夫,那充满,凝结了神圣力量箭矢就这样穿透了白骨护盾,射入了死灵法师的身体之中,随后,爆炸开去。 Bang!!” “轰!!” Kelunde crawls to set out, Lich at this moment looks like the terrifying is incomparable, its half head had been rumbled completely, if not Kelunde as Lich, soul core here, in addition its magic protection item in instantaneous has not played the role that realizing the danger arrived, perhaps now this Lich can only return to own Mage Tower to go to and Phylactery reports. 柯伦德爬起身来,此刻的巫妖看起来恐怖无比,它的半个脑袋已经完全被轰掉了,如果不是柯伦德身为巫妖,本身的灵魂核心不在这里,再加上它的魔法防护道具在察觉到危险降临的瞬间发挥了作用的话,恐怕现在这头巫妖只能够回到自己的法师塔里去和命匣报道了。 „The opposite party has Dawn Angel, do not expose outside!!” “对方有晨曦天使,不要暴露在外面!!” At present this Lich lying in an extremely difficult situation in the ground, its bit down hard, shouts angrily loudly. But hears its order, Necromancers is also rapid retreat, attempts tunnels the vision of opposite party with the aid of the hillside and rock. However their movements were too slow a little, even if in process of retreating, often can see Necromancer like this to be passed through the body by Sacred Arrow, rupturing died. 眼下这头巫妖狼狈不堪的趴在地面上,它咬紧牙关,大声怒喝。而听到它的命令,死灵法师们也是迅速后退,试图借助山坡和岩石来挡住对方的视线。但是它们的动作还是太慢了一点儿,哪怕是在撤退的过程之中,也不时可以看见死灵法师就这样被神圣之矢贯穿身体,爆裂死去。 However, this is only starts merely. 但是,这仅仅只是开始。 Necromancer Group was eliminated, Lord Sir.” 死灵法师团已经被消灭了,领主大人。” Is very good, Miss Bailey.” “很好,贝妮小姐。” Hears the reply of Bailey, Rhodes nodded with satisfaction, then he puts out a hand, snapped a finger. 听到贝妮的回答,罗德满意的点了点头,接着他伸出手,打了个响指 Then following, should make our guests enjoy us to receive cordially warmly.” “那么接下来,也该让我们的客人享受一下我们热情的款待了。” With the Rhodes' movement, the low and deep mechanical operation sound, starts to resound in the city wall gradually.( To be continued......) 伴随着罗德的动作,低沉的机械运转声,开始逐渐在城墙上响起。(未完待续……)
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