STHS :: Volume #8

#747: At nightfall first, sought monthly ticket support)

Is tonight. 就是今晚。 Rhodes looked up the sky, after the offensive and defensive operations start, this was almost the custom that he must make every day has acted one. Whenever sees moon/month to rise the sunset, the Rhodes can't help but centralized spirit, his stepping onto city wall in big strides, will see only in the city wall, already warp density dense has stood soldier, but their complexion gloomy serious standing in the city wall edge, in the hand is grasping the long bow, the side laid aside has been soaking kerosene arrow with all over the body the bright red magic arrow, at first sight before as if , did not have any difference, so long as carefully looked that will discover, character that these time are many some had not presented before the crowd. 罗德抬起头来望着天空,在攻防战开始之后,这几乎是他每天都必须要做的习惯动作了一眼。每当看见月升日落,罗德就会不由的集中精神,他大踏步的走上城墙,只见在城墙上,早已经密密麻麻的站满了士兵,他们面色阴沉而严肃的站在城墙边缘,手中握着长弓,身边放置着浸泡了火油的箭矢与通体鲜红的魔法箭,乍看之下似乎和之前没有任何区别,但是只要仔细看去就会发现,这一次在人群之中多了一些之前没有出现的人物 Bugle Angel grasps the pure white bugle, peaceful standing in the rear area of crowd, that pair of pure white wing drew in completely, at first sight and human not any difference. But at this moment, in circular tower that stands tall and erect, Dawn Angels also first time unloaded has carried after behind heavy crossbow, set level, forward aiming. Sees Rhodes' to appear, soldiers can't help but looks to him, they are very clear, if no this Fortress, if not this Lord leads them, oneself at all impossible to resist in the Undead Legion front is so long. Although this Lord Sir normally has been serious in speech and manner, looks like the appearance that is difficult to be intimate, but sees Rhodes that expressionless face at this moment, soldiers actually felt the own nervousness relaxed many this young Lord Sir immediately has itself as if to tell them, all normal, anything does not need to be worried. 号角天使手握纯白的号角,安静的站在人群的后方,那双洁白的翅膀已经完全收拢起来,乍看之下和人类没有任何区别。而此刻,在那高耸的圆形塔楼之内,晨曦天使们也第一次卸下了一直背在身后的重弩,放平,向前瞄准。看见罗德的出现,士兵们不由的向他望去,他们很清楚,如果没有这座要塞,如果不是这位领主带领他们的话,自己根本不可能在不死军团的面前抵挡这么久。虽然这位领主大人平日一直不苟言笑,看起来很难亲近的样子,但是此刻看见罗德那张面无表情的面孔,士兵们却感觉自己本来紧张的心情顿时放松了许多这位年轻的领主大人的存在本身似乎就在告诉他们,一切正常,没有什么需要担心的。 Rhodes steps onto the city wall central stage, looks to the front, the dim light of night is gradually deep, the cold wind howls. Today has not snowed, bright moonlight drops from the clouds, with Sacred Light Beam that in Fortress shoots up to the sky as well as float magnificent formation in horizon vault of heaven interwines, has brought one type such as the dream imaginary beauty. However Rhodes is very clear. Here a while will turn into the most fearful nightmare and bloodiest battlefield. 罗德走上城墙中央的高台,望向前方,夜色渐渐深沉,寒风呼啸而过。今天没有下雪,皎洁的月色从天而降,与要塞之中冲天而起的神圣光柱以及悬浮在天际苍穹上的华丽法阵交织在一起,带来了一种如梦似幻的美丽。但是罗德很清楚。这里一会儿就会变成最可怕的噩梦和最血腥的战场。 Thinks of here, Rhodes looks to all around, this time he almost set out oneself all subordinates, even continually continuously in the rear area was responsible for protecting Anne of other people also to be adjusted the frontline, in this decisive battle time, strength of oneself this side many was a little a little. How Anne said that also has 50 levels, moreover as Half-Beast Elite Shield Warrior, her strength absolutely can't be looked down on. Anne eyes open wide at this moment stands in the city wall edge, excited looks around toward the front, appearance that being eager to try. Can look, when she anticipated to be many obviously. 想到这里,罗德望向四周,这一次他几乎出动了自己所有的部下,甚至连一直在后方负责保护其他人的安妮也被调来了前线,在这种决战时刻,自己这方的力量多一点儿是一点儿。安妮怎么说也有50级,而且作为半兽精英盾战士,她的实力绝对不容小窥。此刻的安妮睁大眼睛站在城墙边缘,兴奋不已的向着前方张望,一副跃跃欲试的样子。看得出来,她显然对此已经期待多时了。 But in another side, headed by Knight Bayer Nobles is complexion is also serious and anxious, in this case nobody can cultivate one's own moral worth, although they had experienced more than once the fight with undead creature. But is extremely immature. In comparison, instead like Marlene, Leiya under Rhodes' leads and undead creature has hit the person of social dealings actually exceptionally more than once calm, they even have the idle time to contemplate here, clearly, they entered and been familiar with and orbit of undead creature fight completely, moreover some indistinct also player appearances. 而在另外一侧,以拜尔爵士为首的贵族们也是面色严肃而紧张,在这种情况下没有人能够独善其身,虽然他们已经经历过不止一次与不死生物的战斗。但还是太过稚嫩。相比之下,反而像玛琳,莉洁这样在罗德的带领下和不死生物已经打过不止一次交道的人倒是异常冷静,她们甚至还有空闲时间在这里冥想,很明显,她们已经完全进入并且熟悉了和不死生物战斗的轨道,而且隐隐约约还有些玩家的样子了。 Looks at two people appearances, deep in Rhodes's heart shows a faint smile. Afterward takes back the vision, looks once more to the front. At this moment. He received the caution of system, large quantities of undead creature are similar to bursts the tidal turbulent sweeping across earth of dike, attacks forward. Kelunde set firm resolve finally, then as the matter stands, Rhodes does not need to be worried about anything again. Can prepare has prepared to arrive, then. Looked that whose trump card can leave to finally! 看着两人的样子,罗德内心深处微微一笑。随后收回目光,再次望向前方。此刻。他已经接到了系统的警示,大批的不死生物正在如同溃堤的潮水般汹涌的席卷大地,向前攻来。柯伦德终于下定了决心,那么这样一来,罗德也不需要再担心什么了。能够准备的都已经准备到位,接下来。就看谁的王牌能够出到最后吧! Wu... ......... Wu... ............... Wu... .....................!!!” 呜…………呜………………呜……………………!!!” While Rhodes sets firm resolve, the low and deep sad and shrill bugle horn sound resounds from the front darkness, wails sound echo when that probably is countless people are suffering the painful penalty and suffers together sends out on the entire earth, but heard this strange bugle horn sound, soldier in city wall to have the movement immediately. They bend the bow the nocking, is gazing at front. But originally tranquil Sacred Light Beam as if was also is echoing this fills with the death aura evilly the sound, immediately surged upward. 就在罗德下定决心的同时,低沉凄厉的号角声从前方的黑暗之中响起,那就好像是无数人正在遭受着痛苦的刑罚和折磨时一同所发出的的哀嚎般的声响回响在整个大地上,而听见这诡异的号角声,城墙上的士兵顿时有了动作。他们弯弓搭箭,注视着前方。而原本平静的神圣光柱仿佛也是在呼应这邪恶而充满死亡气息的声响般,顿时高涨起来。 The silver white, gentle brilliance has sprinkled forward, but quick hits in the jet black barrier, the quick, natural black retreats like surging tides, displacing hidden in the undead creature form, they appear from the darkness, soul flame ice-cold that as always in the empty eye socket glitters, although they entered the Anti-Dead Barrier range, sacred strength like acupuncture seepage bodies of these undead creature, but they still did not indicate, regarding them, the mission only has one, that then was the death. 银白,柔和的光辉向前洒过,但是很快就撞击在漆黑的屏障上,很快,自然的黑色如潮水般退去,取而代之的则是隐藏在其中的不死生物的身影,它们从黑暗中浮现,空洞的眼眶里闪烁的灵魂火焰一如既往的冰冷,虽然它们已经进入了防死结界的范围,神圣的力量正在如针刺般渗透着这些不死生物的身体,但是它们依然毫无表示,对于它们来说,使命只有一个,那就是死亡。 However, first launches the attack is not Undead Army in ground. 但是,首先发动进攻的并不是地面上的不死大军 Gaah!!” 嘎啊!!” Skeleton Griffin and Gargoyle gather the dark clouds that becomes to jump into the range that Sacred Radiance has shone responsibly, they as if generally block the sky by the dark cloud that the strong winds move, the wielding wing of effort swoops to go forward. Under the ice-cold cold wind even can smell the stench rotten aura indistinctly. They from the sky circled, afterward calls out to throw to the city wall. 骸骨狮鹫石像鬼所聚集而成的黑云首当其冲的扑入了神圣光辉照耀的范围之中,它们仿佛被狂风吹动的乌云一般遮天蔽日,用力的挥动翅膀向前飞扑而去。冰冷的寒风下甚至能够隐隐约约嗅到腥臭腐烂的气息。它们在空中盘旋了一圈,随后嚎叫着向城墙扑下。 This is the airborne surprise attack that Undead Army most excels, but Rhodes is very clear its true killing move even is not the sharp claws and Gargoyle of Skeleton Griffin brute force, but hidden in Vampire. These Vampire almost each are the inborn fight experts, they ambush and hide in the darkness are very big threats. Moreover is different from Dark Elf, these Vampire will have to be turned into the Zombie ability by the prey that oneself will kill, although this living corpse speed will be quite slow, but saw that own companion transformation will be the feeling of monster does not feel better. But this is Undead Army is also used to defeat one of the firm city garrison most useful trump card moves, in fact in before first time facing the attack of this type of pure airborne army, Rhodes subordinate/hand soldiers was also panic-stricken, but currently, they early were prepared. Although these people have not experienced too much with the fight of undead creature, but regarding Rhodes, Undead Legion tactic, no matter before the improvement , after improving, was minor matter one do not despise the player strength regarding him. 这是不死大军最擅长的空中奇袭,但是罗德很清楚其真正的杀招甚至不是骸骨狮鹫的利爪和石像鬼的蛮力,而是隐藏在其中的吸血种。那些吸血种几乎各个都是天生的战斗好手,它们埋伏和隐藏在黑暗之中是非常大的威胁。而且和黑暗精灵不同,这些吸血种还有可以将被自己杀死的猎物变成丧尸的能力,虽然这种活死人速度颇慢,但是眼看着自己的同伴转化为怪物的感觉绝不好受。而这也是不死大军用来击破坚固城防最有用的王牌招数之一,事实上在之前第一次面对这种纯空中部队的进攻时,罗德手下士兵们也是惊慌失措,但是现在,他们已经早有准备。虽然这些人没有经历过太多和不死生物的战斗,但是对于罗德来说,不死军团的战术,不管是改良前还是改良后的,对于他而言都是小事一桩不要小看了玩家的实力。 Withdraws! Release light screen!!” “退后!释放光幕!!” warrior protection, Healer preparation!” 战士防护,灵师准备!” Sees monster that these drop from the clouds, in city wall resounds the scolding sound continuously immediately, quick has seen only soldiers to encircle to the Healer side all round, lifts up high the shield and long sword, but early has drawn Archer of full long bow in their, but was protected in Healers rapidly lifts up high both hands. With their movements, sees only the a path of light shining in all directions, as if Barrier of Light theater curtain like this emerges out of thin air, this is the variant of shining technique, the theater curtain of light. It does not have what protection and kill capability, however has the great effect in illumination. Sees only along with a path of light screen linking up into a single stretch continuously. On entire Fortress wall seemed illuminated by the innumerable searchlights immediately dazzling incomparable. 看见那些从天而降的怪物,城墙上立刻响起了此起彼伏的呵斥声,很快就只见士兵们团团围到灵师的身边,高举盾牌和长剑,而在他们的身后则是早已经拉满长弓的弓箭手,而被保护在其中的灵师们则迅速高举双手。伴随着她们的动作,只见一道道光芒四射,仿佛光之屏障般的幕布就这样凭空出现,这是照耀术的变种,光之幕布。它并没有什么防护和杀伤能力,但是在照明方面却有着一等一的功效。只见伴随着一道道光幕此起彼伏的连成一片。整个要塞城墙上顿时仿佛被无数探照灯照亮般的耀眼无比。 Although the theater curtain of light itself does not have the lethality, Sacred Spirit Spell that but releases as Healer, it is also having Sacred Radiance strength. Regarding human, this fill Sacred Strength brilliance is perhaps dazzling, but is unable to look straight ahead, more is the incandescent lamp such luminous. However regarding undead creature, probably wearing sunglasses does not look straight ahead the solar general pain simply. Sees only to explode along with the light screen, Skeleton Griffin has sent out the pitiful yell responsibly, they after all are only inferior undead creature. At this moment suffers the illumination of so dazzling Sacred Radiance, immediately the instinct swatting wing stops the footsteps, attempt of being panic-stricken flies away backward. 虽然光之幕布本身并不具备杀伤力,但是作为灵师所释放的神圣灵术,它本身也拥有着神圣光辉力量。对于人类来说,这种充满神圣力量的光辉或许耀眼,但是并非无法直视,更多是白炽灯那样的光亮罢了。但是对于不死生物而言,简直就好像是不戴墨镜直视太阳一般的痛苦。只见伴随着光幕爆起,骸骨狮鹫首当其冲的发出了惨叫,它们毕竟只是低等不死生物。此刻遭受到如此耀眼的神圣光辉的照射,顿时本能的扑打翅膀停下脚步,惊慌失措的试图向后飞开。 However as the matter stands, the originally uniform team immediately had the confusion, compared to the Skeleton Griffin confusion, Gargoyle does not care about itself whether obviously at present has any Sacred Radiance, they still defer to the order to flush away downward, but as the matter stands. The entire team comes apart immediately. Covers Skeleton Griffin outside to go all out retreat, but inside Gargoyle still continues to go forward. This causes the entire team probably skinned banana is ordinary, sees only under shining of light screen, the outer layer is glittering point soul brilliance big piece darkness rapid retreat, but core army that inside comprised of Gargoyle and Vampire then such thorough exposition outside. 但是这样一来,原本整齐划一的队伍就立刻出现了混乱,相对于骸骨狮鹫的混乱,石像鬼显然并不在乎自己眼前是否有什么神圣光辉,它们依然按照命令向下冲去,而这样一来。整个队伍顿时脱节。笼罩在外的骸骨狮鹫拼命后退,而里面的石像鬼依然继续前进。这使得整个队伍就好像被剥皮的香蕉一般,只见在光幕的照耀下,外层闪烁着点点灵魂光辉的大片黑暗飞速后退,而里面由石像鬼吸血种所组成的核心部队就这样彻底暴露在外。 Gargoyle did not respond, but Vampire is not good, their originally hidden in Gargoyle and Skeleton Griffin. With the aid of hidden oneself figure the type that dark comes to fight, but now entire Fortress up and down by the shining of theater curtain and Saintess Statue photo light like daytime, although this is not the genuine sunlight, making Vampire not die because of the self-ignition. However regarding them, in Anti-Dead Barrier sacred aura and dazzling luminous is still their archenemies. 石像鬼对此毫无反应,但是吸血种却不行,它们原本就是隐藏在石像鬼骸骨狮鹫里。借助黑暗隐藏自己身形前来战斗的类型,但是现在整个要塞上下被光之幕布和圣少女像照的亮如白昼,虽然这并非真正的阳光,使得吸血种不会因为自燃而死。但是对于它们来说,防死结界内神圣的气息和耀眼的光亮依然是它们的大敌。 Wintuyor!!” “wintuyor!!” But while stripped of Gargoyle and Vampire from the shield of Skeleton Griffin. Caster also start to have an action to perform, sees only by Marlene, Serena is the head, loud chants including Mage as well as headed by Agawei Sea Elf that several Noble bring at this moment, along with their movements, sees only the originally tranquil moat water to rise suddenly in this moment suddenly, the a path of water column shoots up to the sky, as if water snake impact stripped black fog. 而就在石像鬼吸血种骸骨狮鹫的掩护下被剥离的同时。施法者们也开始有所动作,只见以玛琳,瑟琳娜为首,包括那几个贵族所带来的法师以及以阿伽薇为首的海精灵在内此刻都是高声咏唱,伴随着他们的动作,只见原本平静的护城河水在这一刻陡然暴涨,一道道水柱冲天而起,仿佛水蛇般的冲击着被剥离的黑色云雾。 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!” Regarding Gargoyle, these water columns at all are not anything, but is the pain is incomparable regarding Vampire. Quick, sees only under the impact of water column, several jet black forms from airborne crash along with the pitiful yell sound, as a result of Saintess Statue blessing/buff, in the range that at this moment in it covers all water sources were attached the Holy Water special characteristics. This fill the Sacred Strength water source did not have what negative impact regarding human, but simply probably is similar to the sulphuric acid terrifying regarding undead creature, especially pure undead creature like Vampire is so. Sees only under an impact of water column, Vampires lost the original balance immediately, Holy Water corroded their skins, the naked eye is looking even to see these Vampire both hands to cover the face, the appearance of wing rotten deterioration, they braved the white smog from top to bottom, this directly crashed, falling of heavily on the ground. Even if Vampire is called undead creature, will not guard against falling that to fall the ground from upper air absolutely least bit matter not to have. Suddenly sees only many Vampire then such crash ground, look like falls flat frog common covered with blood, somewhat bad luck falls into the moat directly, miserably is immediately howling is changing into the white smoke to be corroded to does not remain thoroughly the trash. Even if some evades the disaster reluctantly, mounts the city wall with great difficulty, in early has prepared in front of good sharp blade to have bad luck immediately. Although according to average strength, Gargoyle or Vampire average level be higher than human, however under the suppression of Anti-Dead Barrier, they actually including 50% strengths unable to display. In turn, under brilliant ray of Saintess Statue, soldiers in city wall is actually the confidence multiplies, courage hundred times launches the attack toward the present enemy. 对于石像鬼来说,这些水柱根本不算什么,但是对于吸血种来说却是痛苦无比。很快,只见在水柱的冲击下,数个漆黑的身影伴随着惨叫声从空中坠落而下,由于圣少女像加持,此刻在它所覆盖的范围之中所有的水源都被附加了圣水特质。这种充满了神圣力量的水源对于人类来说没有什么负面影响,但是对于不死生物来说简直就好像如同硫酸般的恐怖,特别是像吸血种这样纯粹的不死生物更是如此。只见在一番水柱的冲击下,吸血种们顿时失去了本来的平衡,圣水侵蚀着它们的皮肤,肉眼望去甚至可以看见那些吸血种双手捂脸,身后的翅膀腐烂变质的模样,它们浑身上下冒着白色的烟雾,就这样直接坠落而下,重重的摔在地上。哪怕吸血种被称为不死生物,从高空中毫无防备的摔落地面也绝对不会半点儿事都没有。一时间只见不少吸血种就这样坠落地面,活像是摔扁的青蛙一般血肉模糊,更有些倒霉的直接掉入护城河里,随即惨嚎着化为白烟彻底被腐蚀到连渣渣都不剩。即便有一些勉勉强强躲过大难,好不容易登上城墙,也在早已经准备好的利刃面前立刻就倒了大霉。虽然按照平均实力来说,无论是石像鬼还是吸血种的平均等级都要比人类高,但是在防死结界的压制下,它们却连一半的实力都施展不出。反过来,在圣少女像的光辉照耀下,城墙上的士兵们却是信心倍增,勇气百倍的向着眼前的敌人发起进攻。 In addition, the ball of illusory image brings Land of Harvest Effect addition also in influencing subtly played many roles to these soldiers, in the promotion upgrade speed turns in time of situation, after several times among the fight with undead creature, this moment Rhodes subordinate/hand soldier had almost about 40 levels of strengths, in addition Little Bubble Gum and Canary brutal the training, causes facing the enemy who this blots out the sky to come, the strength of their still war. 除此之外,幻影之球所带来的【丰收之地】的效果加成也在潜移默化的对这些士兵们起到了不少作用,在升级提升速度翻倍的情况下,经过了几次与不死生物之间的战斗,此刻罗德手下士兵几乎都有了将近40级的实力,再加上小小泡泡糖金丝雀“惨无人道”的训练,使得面对这铺天盖地而来的敌人,他们依然有一战之力。 With the dual impacts of light screen and under water column, the Undead Legion airborne army is defeated and dispersed gradually, Skeleton Griffin wails retreat, Vampire was screaming tries to flee, the arrow rain that but blots out the sky howls, wraps them. But along with retreating and collapse of Skeleton Griffin and Vampire, only remaining Gargoyle did not have too to threaten, as alchemy lifeform, Gargoyle itself did not have the intelligence, therefore naturally will not save time moderately made the choice. Quick, soldiers that they of loner with city wall in early been ready in full battle array fights one group. However the Gargoyle itself strength is not high, general mass production mostly is also at 15 levels to about 20 levels. Although their bodies are hard, but regarding soon approached four Level 10 Elite stages soldiers is actually not anything. Quick sees one by one Gargoyle to dismember a body, tumbles from the city wall under. 伴随着光幕与水柱的双重冲击之下,不死军团的空中部队正在逐渐溃散,骸骨狮鹫哀嚎着后退,吸血种则尖叫着试图逃离,但是紧接着铺天盖地的箭雨呼啸而过,将它们包裹在其中。而伴随着骸骨狮鹫吸血种的退却和崩溃,唯一剩下的石像鬼却也没有了太多威胁,作为炼金生物,石像鬼本身并没有智力,因此自然也不会省时适度的做出选择。很快,孤家寡人的它们就和城墙上早已经严阵以待的士兵们战成一团。但是石像鬼本身实力不高,一般的量产型大多也不过在15级到20级左右。虽然它们身体非常坚硬,但是对于已经快要接近四十级精英阶段的士兵们而言却是不算什么。很快就看见一只只石像鬼被大卸八块,从城墙上滚落而下。 However, this is only starts merely. 但是,这仅仅只是开始。 Regarding the airborne chaos, ground Undead Legion looks but not see completely, they still silent and fast setting out forward, as if the high sea is ordinary, gallops has been firing into at present this solid dike. But sees present, Rhodes eyes narrowed, his hand grasps the sword hilt, simultaneously calculates secretly, but at this time, in the Rhodes' eye, saw together the blood-color brilliance suddenly from that black cloud layer in flashes before, the bright red lightning lasing, stroking of heavily above the city wall, along with the violent explosion sound, suddenly has seen only there soldier to be off their feet immediately. Afterward, then sees a middle age, wears the magnificent clothing, complexion pale Vampire goes out, his hand grasps the long sword, in the eye pupil is flashing before the point red light. 对于空中的混乱局面,地上的不死军团完全视而不见,它们依然沉默而快速的向前进发,仿佛怒涛一般,奔腾着冲向了眼前这道坚实的堤坝。而看见眼前的这一幕,罗德眯起眼睛,他手握剑柄,同时暗暗计算,而就在这个时候,罗德的眼中,忽然看见一道血色的光辉从那黑色的“云层”里闪现,紧接着,鲜红的闪电激射而过,重重的击打在城墙之上,伴随着猛烈的爆炸声响,一时间只见那里的士兵顿时人仰马翻。随后,便见一个中年,穿着华丽服饰,面色苍白吸血种从中走出,他手握长剑,眼眸中闪现着点点的红光。 Duran? Does Vampire Count go forth to battle personally? This may really be interesting. 杜兰吸血鬼伯爵亲自上阵?这可真是有趣啊。 Sees this, Rhodes coldly snorted, he extends the left hand to make an effort to wield, the quick, black fog scatters, the Celestina form appears. 看见这一幕,罗德冷哼一声,他伸出左手用力一挥,很快,黑雾散落,塞蕾丝蒂娜的身影出现。 Gave you, Celestina, killed that old bastard!”( To be continued......) “交给你了,塞蕾丝蒂娜,干掉那个老不死的!”(未完待续……)
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