SN :: Volume #8

#740: Walks 2

But what coincidence is, before Shasha of that dance theater, although stands in the original position as before, but this time heartbeat is not completely calm like her semblance. 而巧合的是,之前那个舞蹈团的莎莎,虽然依旧站在原先的位置,但她此时的心跳完全不像她外表那么冷静。 Faint trace hatred that in her soul dissipates, probably the neon light is the same, conspicuous. 她灵魂上逸散出来的丝丝恨意,像是霓虹灯一样,惹眼至极。 Lin Sheng paused, has not done to pay attention, walks toward oneself position until now as before. 林盛顿了顿,没做理会,依旧朝着自己一直以来的位置走去。 It looks like from the bystander, he seems like directly soars that white skirt female, seems like wants to say something to smooth things over. 从外人看来,他似乎是直奔那名白裙女子,似乎是想要搭讪。 The female as if also believes, she raised the head, reveals one perfectly, harmonious, the smile that is used to reject, will speak. 那女子似乎也这么认为,她抬起头,露出一个完美的,和谐的,用来拒绝的微笑,正要说话。 Only pitifully, Lin Sheng arrives at her, the tall and strong body probably crowded chicken is the same, the buttocks push. 只可惜,林盛只是走到她边上,魁梧的身体像是挤小鸡一样,屁股一挤。 The white skirt female felt immediately a great strength wells up from the body side, when she responded, she had been pushed about several meters position. 白裙女子顿时感觉一股巨力从身侧涌来,等她反应过来,自己已经被挤到了数米开外的位置。 But Lin Sheng has exhibited usually looked up the day stance. Completely not with the meaning that she talked. 林盛已经重新摆出了平时抬头看天的姿态。完全没有和她搭话的意思。 ....... “.......” Some smile coagulations on white skirt female face. It is estimated that this whole life has not seen this behavior style man. 白裙女子脸上的笑容有些凝固。估计她这辈子都没见过这种行为风格的男人。 Now is not suitable on starship begins, changes into other places, like front man, she lifts the hand is a spear/gun. 要不是现在在星舰上不宜动手,换成其他地方,像面前这种男人,她抬手就是一枪。 After all in the gray world, has her of blood red succuba nickname, is not always the good nature person. 毕竟在灰色世界里,有着血红魔女外号的她,从来都不是个好脾气的人。 This mister, you did not think that your behavior is insurrectionary?” The white skirt female shows a perfect smile again, was saying to Lin Sheng in a soft voice. “这位先生,您难道不觉得您的行为有失妥当么?”白裙女子再度露出一丝完美的微笑,对着林盛轻声道。 Lin Sheng looked down the eye she. Pointed at referred to the strong arm. 林盛低头看了眼她。手指了指自己强壮的胳膊。 Saw?” “看到了?” The females a little are slightly vacant. What?” 女子微微有点茫然。“什么?” You cannot be victorious I.” The Lin Sheng complexion is confident. “你打不过我。”林盛面色坦然。 The females gawked, immediately small mouth slightly. Ha??” 女子愣了下,随即小嘴微张。“哈??” What a pity Lin Sheng has no longer managed her. Continues to raise head to look at the starry sky as before. 可惜林盛已经不再理她了。依旧继续仰头看星空。 He likes like this peacefully, no one disturbs( no one to dare), no one makes noise( dares to call entered medical office). Everyone is appreciating this rare beautiful scene peacefully. 他喜欢这样的安静,没有人打扰(没人敢),没有人出声(敢叫的都进医务室了)。所有人都安安静静的欣赏着这难得的美景。 Starry sky in his eyes, so peaceful, vast. 星空在他眼里,是如此的安宁,浩瀚。 The females looked at the eye surrounding fear some looks, suddenly as if understood anything. 女子看了眼周围一圈有些畏惧的眼神,忽然似乎明白了什么。 You......” she deeply inspire, felt that the dignity received the provocation. Sufficient of hand gripping waist cannot help but can the dagger. “你......”她深吸一口气,感觉尊严受到了挑衅。手不由自主的握住腰间的充能匕首。 Lin Sheng as if felt that anything, the line of sight fell to her on. 林盛似乎感觉到了什么,视线重新落到她身上。 I like your look.” “我喜欢你的眼神。” „......” White skirt female gets hold of the dagger handle. “......”白裙女子握紧匕首把柄。 Enters the medical office before beforehand two exactly the same. Stubborn and unyielding.” The Lin Sheng to praise sighed. “和之前两个进医务室前一模一样。倔强而不屈。”林盛赞叹道。 ........ Hehe.” The white skirt female felt own lung must explode with rage. “.....呵...呵呵。”白裙女子感觉自己肺都要气炸了。 But here was not the place that good to begin, the time originally already quickly without enough time. She has not traded the crevice of ship in midway. 但这里不是好动手的地方,时间本来就已经快来不及了。她中途没有换船的空隙。 Therefore she can only endure. 所以她只能忍。 Good... to want you to be able such compared with others.” “好...希望您一直能这么比别人强。” Lin Sheng has not spoken, but raised the head, looks to the vast starry sky. 林盛没有说话,只是重新抬头,看向浩瀚的星空。 The present woman soul muddy stain cannot withstand, completely does not have any aesthetic sense. 眼前的女人灵魂颜色浑浊而不堪,完全没有任何美感。 Therefore he does not want to waste the time energy on the opposite party from the start again. 所以他压根就不想再在对方身上浪费时间精力。 The white skirt female air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble, the turning around stride got down the cabin. 白裙女子气得浑身发抖,转身大步下了客舱。 Only leaves behind Lin Sheng by the original position, with usually, motionless being in a daze. 只留下林盛靠在原处,和平时一样,一动不动的发呆。 Actually most starts, will be some people in the nearby rest sightseeing of Lin Sheng. 其实最开始的时候,还是有人会在林盛的边上休息观光的。 Afterward had several matters, some people shouted loudly side Lin Sheng, was pulled the hair by his palm of the hand, grabbed the head to pound in the deck, the whole face was the blood. 只是后来发生了几件事,有人在林盛身旁大喊大叫,被他一巴掌揪住头发,抓着脑袋砸在甲板上,满脸是血。 Again later, two run to seek revenge, grasps the dagger one to clash toward Lin Sheng crazily, then pulled out the shock by his palm of the hand in the past, the face bone fracture almost dies. 再之后,两个跑来寻仇的,手持匕首朝着林盛一顿狂冲,然后被他一巴掌抽得休克过去,面部骨折差点没命。 Later dares to stay in his side on no one. 之后就再也没人敢在他身边停留了。 The white skirt female was expelled, Lin Sheng does not care from the start. 白裙女子被赶跑,林盛压根就不在意。 He treated completely for six hours in the deck, leisure walks toward the elevator that the entrance got down. 他在甲板上足足待满了六个小时,才慢悠悠的朝着入口下去的电梯走去。 Looks at luminously such as the elevator door reflection of mirror, Lin Sheng is gazing at the big tall and strong body. Somewhat regretted slightly. 看着光亮如镜的电梯门反光,林盛注视着自己高大魁梧的强壮身材。微微有些惋惜。 Back then, he also had the makings handsome boy. 想当年,他也是有气质的英俊男孩。 In an instant so many years, initial boy, thorough long is remnant. 一转眼这么多年了,当初的男孩,也已经彻底长残了。 Ding. 叮。 The elevator opens automatically. 电梯自动打开。 Just the front surface sees that girl named Shasha, just and several stature quite good female student companions come up together. 刚好迎面看到那个叫莎莎的女孩,正和几个身材颇好的女生同伴一起上来。 Several people see Lin Sheng, sets up the expression on long face changes, hurries to separate toward the both sides. Let Lin Sheng enter the elevator. 几人看到林盛,立马脸上的表情一变,赶紧朝两侧分开。让林盛进电梯。 What makes Lin Sheng somewhat strange is, that girl named Shasha, looked that his look somewhat seems to be temperate. Before indifferent completely different. 只是让林盛有些奇怪的是,那个叫莎莎的女孩,看他的眼神似乎有些温和。和之前的冷漠完全不同。 However he is also disinclined to pay attention to these. 不过他也懒得理会这些。 Immediately The Red Hero must reach the destination. So long as arrives at the capital star, his tranquility leisurely and carefree also to the end. 马上红英号就要到达目的地了。只要一到首都星,他的平静悠闲也将到头。 Shasha was also worried in the heart similarly. 莎莎同样也在心头担心。 What she has not thought that the homicidal maniac demon of that white skirt, blood red succuba Decathlon, will really exercise forbearance to front man unexpectedly. 她没想到的是,那个白裙的杀人狂魔,血红魔女迪卡菈,居然真的会对面前的这个男人忍让。 The Decathlon temperament is extremely callous, present exercising forbearance does not represent her really to regress. 迪卡菈的脾气极其冷酷,现在的忍让并不代表她真的退步。 Once to the capital star, perhaps is she time that begins to retaliate. 一旦到了首都星,恐怕就是她动手报复的时刻。 Although this tall and strong giant makes Decathlon admit defeat, looks at her heart to be dark. 虽然这个魁梧的大个子让迪卡菈吃瘪,看得她心头暗爽。 But if looks helplessly the giant was massacred by Decathlon. She does not have the heart. 但要是眼睁睁的看着大个子被迪卡菈杀掉。她也于心不忍。 When scrapes past with Lin Sheng, Shasha handed over a paper gently in the hand of Lin Sheng. 在和林盛擦身而过时,莎莎轻轻递了一张纸条在林盛的手里。 Lin Sheng enters the elevator, when several girls went to the deck, elevator door closure. 林盛走进电梯,等到几个女孩都去了甲板,电梯门关闭。 He took up the paper to look at the eye. 他才拿起纸条看了眼。 Tomorrow will disembark, hurries to run!’ ‘明天一下船,赶紧跑!’ „??” Lin Sheng is perplexed. Rubs the paper conveniently pinches, immediately turns into paper ash to scatter with the wind. “??”林盛不明所以。随手把纸条揉搓一捏,顿时变成一片纸灰随风飘散。 Tomorrow should arrive in the capital star. 明天就该抵达首都星了。 His leisurely and carefree time also arrived at the last act finally. 他的悠闲时光也终于到了尾声。 ............ ............ ............ ............ In deck. 甲板上。 Shasha line of sight unconscious the direction looks in Decathlon is usually standing. 莎莎视线不自觉的朝着迪卡菈平时站着的方向望去。 Discovers there no one, immediately breathed with ease. 发现那里没人,顿时呼吸轻松了许多。 Because this meets Decathlon temporarily, she hurries to inform the companion, in the organization mostly in the strength of capital star, assembles temporarily. 这趟因为临时遇到迪卡菈,她赶紧通知同伴,组织里大部分在首都星的力量,都临时调集了过来。 They prepare to gather the complete strength, massacres blood red succuba Decathlon. 她们准备集中全部力量,杀掉血红魔女迪卡菈 In blood-color organization, in strongest three people, the blood red succuba most is good at hiding one of the whereabouts. 血色组织里,最强的三人中,其中血红魔女是最擅长隐藏行踪的一个。 This luck is good, unexpectedly happen to recognizes the opposite party had used a status appearance. 这次运气好,居然正好认出了对方用过的一个身份容貌。 This is the luck, that is also ready beforehand. 这是运气,也是事先做好的准备。 Still remembers Shasha to the present, initially she by mother who the blood-color killer killed, before that at the point of death look. 莎莎到现在还记得,当初她被血色杀手杀害的母亲,那临死前的眼神。 Listens to periphery chirp the companion to chat the speech, how the Shasha heart is actually calculating encircles in the best way kills blood red succuba Decathlon. 听着周围叽叽喳喳的同伴聊天说话,莎莎心头却是在计算如何以最佳的方式围杀血红魔女迪卡菈 ................ ................ ................ ................ Last day of passed by finally. 最后一天的时间终于过去了。 The The Red Hero military transport ship goes through a jump star gate finally again, speedy approach Star Alliance capital star Khesra star. 红英号运输舰终于再度穿过一个跳跃星门,迅速接近星空联盟首都星凯斯拉星。 Khesra star surroundings arrangement has five big defense lines. 凯斯拉星周围布置有五大防线。 And most famous is the war fortress joint defenses of four grand marshals. 其中最著名的便是四大元帅的战争堡垒联防。 In addition three big foundation defense lines, as well as card summer alliance satellite group. 加上三大基础防线,以及卡夏联盟卫星群。 These five big defense lines, surround and protect impregnably the entire Khesra star, impregnable. 这五大防线,将整个凯斯拉星拱卫得固若金汤,无懈可击。 Except that the upfront attacks hardly outside, regardless of the inside and outside begin, will encounter in five big defense lines encirclements at least two defense line strengths to kill. 除开正面硬攻外,无论内外动手,都会遭到五大防线中至少两条防线力量的围杀。 Therefore, few people dare to begin to look for a job here. 所以,很少有人敢在这里动手找事。 Apex 顶点
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