SN :: Volume #8

#741: Walks 3

The Red Hero passes through to fold the charge route stand slowly, slow and stable flies toward Khesra star atmosphere. 红英号缓缓穿过一道道叠收费航道站,缓慢而稳定的朝着凯斯拉星大气飞去。 Across exuding the atmosphere of color light, fan-shaped The Red Hero, finally slowly landing to capital star biggest black shining starport. 穿过泛着彩光的大气层,扇形的红英号,终于缓缓降落到首都星最大的黑耀星港里。 Finally to!” “终于到了!” Blood red succuba Decathlon stands in the deck, is looking out outside busy lively starport scenery, relaxed at heart slightly. 血红魔女迪卡菈站在甲板上,遥望着外侧一片忙碌繁华的星港景色,心里稍稍放松了些。 The good time is enough, caught up reluctantly. She has planned, a while disembarks, then directly soars the duty destination. First completed the organization task to say again. 还好时间足够,勉强赶上了。她已经规划好,一会儿一下船,便直奔任务目的地。先完成组织任务再说。 Later, comes back to solve that again damn does not have the demeanor big fellow! 之后,再回来解决掉那个该死的没有风度的大块头! Thinks of here, Decathlon then cannot bear swept Lin Sheng one ruthlessly. 一想到这里,迪卡菈便忍不住的狠狠扫了林盛一眼。 In starport. 星港内。 The dense and numerous big and small spaceships, are lining up, the neat ordered movement ahead, waiting harbor connects with the authentication. 密密麻麻的大小飞船,排着队,整齐有序的往前移动,等待港口方面交接认证。 Quick, The Red Hero was then assigned to No. 5 platform. 很快,红英号便被分配到五号站台上。 The fan-shaped spaceship drives into the pliers same bridge slowly. Opens the cabin door, connects the trestle, the staircase with a handrail. 扇形的飞船缓缓驶入钳子一样的舰桥。紧接着打开舱门,连接栈桥,扶梯。 In Lin Sheng took a small handbag, goes down the staircase with a handrail following the stream of people slowly. 林盛手里提了一个小提包,缓缓顺着人流走下扶梯。 Stands on this star merely, he then can feel a marvelous touch. 仅仅只是站在这颗星球上,他便能感觉到一丝奇妙的触感。 In the air seems lingering the gentle note. The light flower fragrance flutters extremely from the distant place. 空气里仿佛都萦绕着轻柔的音符。淡淡的花香从极远处飘飞过来。 Really is the good place.” Lin Sheng deeply inspires, felt that the body and mind received the wash. “真是不错的地方。”林盛深吸一口气,感觉身心都受到了洗涤。 Stands on the middle channel of harbor, he closes eyes launches huge Soul Force slowly. 站在港口的中间通道上,他闭目缓缓展开庞大的灵魂力 „, Making me come to see, where is the second jurisdiction at?” “那么,让我来看看,第二权限在哪?” Soul Force of faint trace changes into the whisker, projects from Lin Sheng rapidly, just like together light beam, silent departs toward all around sky dispersion. 一丝丝的灵魂力化为触须,从林盛身上飞速射出,宛如一道道光束,无声无息的朝着四周天空分散离去。 These soul whiskers in the following time, will be being been searching the second jurisdiction by Lin Sheng control everywhere. 这些灵魂触须将会在接下来的时间里,由林盛控制着到处搜索第二权限。 The release hundreds of thousands of soul whiskers, Lin Sheng opens eyes, prepares to look for a hotel to stay in advance, waiting result. 释放出数十万的灵魂触须,林盛重新睁眼,准备找个酒店先行住下,等待结果。 Suddenly near the front right hand, separated on a traffic lane in rectangular flower-bed, several silver speeding cars land rapidly. 忽然前面右手边,隔了一块长方形花坛的车道上,数辆银色飞车急速落地。 On vehicle men and women who wear the black battle dress. 车上下来一个个身穿黑色作战服的男男女女。 Preparation!” A stature tall thin women's high sound said. “准备!”一个身材高瘦的女子高声道。 The people of all black battle dresses, cross the flower-bed in abundance, to/clashes in the Lin Sheng direction. 所有黑色作战服的人,纷纷越过花坛,朝着林盛方向冲来。 Lin Sheng soul whisker dispersing, has been familiar with the surrounding situation. 林盛灵魂触须散开,早已对周围的情况了如指掌。 He has turned head, looked that to white skirt female Decathlon that just disembarked. 他回过头,看向刚刚下船的白裙女子迪卡菈 That side already two and her near bodies fought. 那边已经有两人和她近身交手了。 both sides frequent each other, here martial skill a feeling of ball dancing, making Lin Sheng feel quite awkwardly. 双方你来我往,这里的武技给人一种交际舞的感觉,让林盛感觉相当尴尬。 Quick, Decathlon then takes advantage of various technical items that emerge one after another incessantly, runs out of the dogfight, broke through from Lin Sheng rapidly. 很快,迪卡菈便依仗身上层出不穷的各种科技道具,冲出缠斗,从林盛身边急速冲过。 Very much obviously she does not have no intention close to Lin Sheng, but intentionally. 她很明显不是无意的靠近林盛,而是故意的。 Looks at also face ignorant ignorant Lin Sheng, the Decathlon heart sneers, the small hand turns, immediately are many together the miniature bomb of button size. 看着还一脸懵懂无知的林盛,迪卡菈心头冷笑一声,小手一翻,顿时多出一块纽扣大小的微型炸弹。 Her hand shakes, throws in the Lin Sheng direction the bomb. 她手一抖,将炸弹朝着林盛方向一丢。 This fellow dares to be impolite to her on the spaceship unexpectedly, but also shames her face to face. Such being the case, killed this goods is also natural conveniently. 这家伙在飞船上居然敢对她无礼,还当面羞辱她。既然如此,顺手弄死这货也理所当然了。 Since she rushes out the given name, no one can after offending her can also live. 自从她闯出名号后,就没有人能在冒犯她之后还能活下来。 I fling! 我甩! Decathlon shakes, saw that the bomb button departs the palm, falls in the Lin Sheng direction. 迪卡菈手一抖,眼看着炸弹纽扣飞出手心,朝着林盛方向落去。 Then , by a Lin Sheng conveniently ball. 然后,啪的一下,被林盛随手一弹。 ! 噗! The bomb injects in the Decathlon pants crotch like lightning. 炸弹闪电般射入迪卡菈裤裆里。 That button penetrates the skirt, the accurate stay in her pants crotch, the entire process only used less than a half second. 那纽扣穿透裙子,精准的停留在她裤裆中,整个过程只用了不到半秒。 The Decathlon complexion is instantaneous, she raised the head happen to noticed that Lin Sheng reveals the tooth to smile to her. 迪卡菈面色瞬间煞白,她抬起头正好看到林盛对她露齿一笑。 Bang!!! 嘭!!! A dull thumping sound explodes. 一声闷响爆炸开来。 Decathlon runs out of several meters away, then rolling in an extremely difficult situation falls to the ground. 迪卡菈才冲出数米远,便狼狈不堪的滚倒在地。 The instance that just exploded, she pulled rotten half skirt promptly, threw the button bomb doom. 刚刚爆炸的瞬间,她及时的扯烂身上的半截裙子,将纽扣炸弹死命扔出。 What a pity slow a point, the bomb blasted out in her nearby less than one meter distance. 可惜还是慢了一点,炸弹就在她边上不到一米的距离炸开。 Finally is, including her surroundings everyone, all receives the explosion power the burn. 结果就是,包括她在内的周围所有人,全都受到爆炸威力的灼伤。 Do not let her run! Careful bomb!!” “别让她跑了!小心炸弹!!” Bellowing that the surrounding person shouts and wrangles. 周围人大呼小叫的大吼。 The explosion also caused the surrounding stream of people confusion. 爆炸同时也引起了周围的人流混乱。 The large crowd were screaming flees everywhere, seeking corner that can avoid. 大量人群尖叫着四处逃离,寻找可以躲避的角落。 Some armed merchants hide in behind the protection of convoy guard in abundance, withdraws the spaceship rapidly. 一些武装商人们纷纷躲进护卫队的防护后面,迅速撤回飞船。 Harbor patrol army mech, the extreme speed catches up from the distant place. 港口的巡逻军机甲,正极速从远处赶来。 Distant can see fierce barrels that on these mech launch. 远远的就能看到这些机甲身上展开的一根根狰狞枪管。 Begins quickly! Otherwise without enough time!” “快动手!否则来不及了!” Shasha that latter just now disembarks is pinching the invisible communication rapid say/way on collar. 后方才下船的莎莎捏着衣领上的隐形通讯器迅速道。 !! 哧哧哧哧哧!! Laser light lacings pursue Decathlon to move rapidly. 一道道激光光束紧追着迪卡菈急速移动。 Lin Sheng has not paid attention to these farces from the start, but along the harbor main road, walks in the inland city direction gradually. 林盛压根没理会这些闹剧,而是缓步沿着港口主道,朝着内陆城市方向走去。 Since Decathlon had not just died, that is her luck and strength, he is also disinclined to pay attention again specially. 既然刚刚迪卡菈没死,那就是她的运气和实力,他也懒得再专门去理会。 Then .... Let me have a look, where is the 2nd Level jurisdiction at?” “接下来....让我看看,二级权限在哪?” Lin Sheng strolls in being away from a starport less than hundred meters business street, starts to adopt the soul whisker sensation information. 林盛漫步在距离星港不到百米的商业街上,开始通过灵魂触须感知情报。 The soul whisker biggest use, can intercept the lots of information of human brain shallow layer. 灵魂触须最大的用途,是能截获人类大脑浅层的大量信息。 Quantity enough many words, are used to search for the information, truly is a powerful ability. 数量足够多的话,用来搜寻情报,确实是非常强大的一个能力。 Quick, Lin Sheng then discovered a very rare place. 很快,林盛便发现了一处十分稀有的地方。 There his soul whisker is not even able to infiltrate unexpectedly. 那里居然连他的灵魂触须也无法渗透。 Hundreds of thousands of soul whisker short dozen minutes, then swept the region of entire star surface sketchily. 数十万的灵魂触须短短十几分钟,便将整个星球表面的地域粗略扫荡了一遍。 Found... there.” “找到了...在那里。” Lin Sheng opens the eyes, has turned around, will hurry to the direction that he found. 林盛睁开双眼,转过身,正要朝着他找到的方向赶去。 Suddenly together iron grey person's shadow keeping off hurriedly before his body. Impressively one is grey blood red succuba Decathlon. 忽然一道灰白色的人影急匆匆的挡在他身前。赫然一身是灰的血红魔女迪卡菈 She escaped from the encirclement ring unexpectedly, did not know with what way method. Also intercepts Lin Sheng that the preparation left. 她居然逃脱了包围圈,也不知道用了什么方式手段。还截住了准备离开的林盛 Halts!” “站住!” Decathlon is cold the face to block Lin Sheng. 迪卡菈寒着脸拦住林盛 You dare to play tricks on me unexpectedly! It seems like aren't you an average person?” The thigh wound place that she exposes, has the pale blue line faintly in the mobile fluorescence. “你居然敢戏弄我!看来你也不是普通人吧?”她裸露出的腿部伤口处,隐隐有着淡蓝色的线路在流动荧光。 It seems like this fellow can live, perhaps is because she will have transformed inhuman. 看来这家伙之所以能活下来,或许是因为她早已将自己改造得非人了。 No, you thought mistakenly, I am an average person.” Lin Sheng grins to reveal the white tooth. “不,你想错了,我就是个普通人。”林盛咧嘴露出洁白的牙齿。 You successfully brought to my attention, the woman.” “你成功引起了我的注意,女人。” ....... “.......” The Mary taste of this share overbearing president .... 这股子霸道总裁的玛丽苏味儿.... The Decathlon whole body goosebumps all braved. 迪卡菈浑身鸡皮疙瘩全冒出来了。 Your this fellow ....!” Her complexion becomes flushed, in the hand are many barrel thick unusual firearms, aims at Lin Sheng. “你这家伙....!”她脸色涨红,手里多出一把枪管粗大的奇特枪械,瞄准林盛 ! 噗! In invisible fist accurate pounding center Decathlon face. 一道无形拳头精准的砸中迪卡菈脸正中。 Her entire face caves, from among hollow, are many a fist size round hole. 她整个面部塌陷下去,从正中间凹陷,多出一个拳头大小的圆坑。 The brain fluid and bloody water explode from her back of the head, splashed a following wall piece. 脑浆和血水从她后脑炸出,溅了后面墙壁一片。 Wish Saint Light to bless you.” Lin Sheng made the stance of pray gently, then passes through from the Decathlon corpse slowly. “愿圣光保佑你。”林盛手轻轻做了个祈祷的姿态,然后缓缓从迪卡菈尸体边上走过。 He had found several suspicious places, is one by one removes. 他已经找到了几处可疑的地方,接下来就是一一排除。 Naturally, if also some people hinder him, then he did not mind that makes Saint Light bless them. 当然,如果还有人妨碍他,那么他不介意让圣光多保佑保佑他们。 Screamed along with the surrounding pedestrian panic-stricken runs away, Lin Sheng wear a look of calm, walked in the highest administrative machinery direction of this city. 伴随着周围行人惊恐的尖叫逃窜,林盛面带从容,朝着这座城市的最高行政机构方向走去。 The public security is so bad. 治安这么差。 Was the time makes Saint Light liberate this turbulent star ~ 是时候让圣光解放这颗动荡的星球了~
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