SOM :: Volume #8 Strike the Blood (1)

#1176: Thinks that I will make you work?

Bang!” “轰!” The heavy airing splits open before Prison Barrier, making the whole body burn rainbow color flame Valkyrie body, fearful Magic Power changes to tornado, starts to sweep across. 沉重的气爆就在监狱结界之前迸裂,让浑身燃烧着虹色火焰的女武神身上,可怕的魔力化作龙卷,开始席卷。 That... that is...!?” “那...那是...!?” Against under almost attacked Magic Power storm of Kojou in handling blowing to fly, builds the arm hastily, blocks the fresh breeze of attack, and sinks the body, stands firm figure, just now can luckily, actually also being startled changes countenance by Valkyrie that presents from the Number 6 back. 古城在措不及防之下差点被来袭的魔力风暴给吹飞,连忙架起手臂,挡住来袭的劲风,并沉下身体,稳住身形,方才得以侥幸,却也被从第六号的背后出现的女武神给惊得动容了。 That is Beast Vassal Number 6...” “那就是第六号的眷兽...” Even Rozen cannot help but lifts a hand, keeps off in own front, looks at that mighty Valkyrie, only felt that in blood of own within the body, with opposite party same root with different branches Beast Vassal in the ebullition, are roaring. 罗真都不由得抬起一只手,挡在自己的面前,看着那威武女武神,只感觉到自己体内的血中,一匹匹与对方同根同源眷兽在沸腾,在咆哮。 Summoned Beast Vassal Number 6 then released the biggest rank Magic Power, while was resounded through by own sound. 召唤眷兽第六号便一边释放出最大级别的魔力,一边让自己的声音响彻而起。 „To relieve the Prison Barrier seal, needs outstanding space to control technique/spell, but also needs to dominate huge Magic Power above Dragon Vein, both are indispensable, even if present Prison Barrier has appeared, wants to enter the interior, breaks open barrier, that needs to dominate Magic Power above Dragon Vein launches the attack to be good.” “想解除监狱结界的封印,既需要优秀的空间操控术式,还需要凌驾于龙脉之上的庞大魔力,两者缺一不可,哪怕是现在监狱结界已经显现,想进入内部,破开结界的话,那都需要凌驾于龙脉之上的魔力进行攻击才行。” After all, Prison Barrier because of the place that flowing through Itogami Island's Dragon Vein constructs, without dominating power above Dragon Vein, how can eradicate it? 毕竟,监狱结界是藉由流经弦神岛的龙脉建造出来的地方,若没有凌驾于龙脉之上的力量,如何能将其破除呢? But such condition, originally, only personally, is unable to satisfy. 但这样的条件,本来的话,单凭个人,根本无法满足。 Even if Three Great Progenitors, its Magic Power may not dominate above Dragon Vein, most endures compared with Dragon Vein, is honored as World's Strongest Vampire Fourth Progenitor's Magic Power to have the means to satisfy this condition only. 哪怕是三大真祖,其魔力都不一定能够凌驾于龙脉之上,最多堪比龙脉而已,唯独被誉为世界最强的吸血鬼第四真祖的魔力有办法满足这个条件。 Therefore, to relieve the Prison Barrier seal, originally, LCO prepares to treat as the sacrificial offering the resident on Itogami Island, fills in the lives of 100,000 people, eradicates the seal forcefully. 因此,为了解除监狱结界的封印,本来的话,LCo可是准备将弦神岛上的市民当做祭品,拿十万名民众的生命来填,强行破除封印。 But at the present that Number 6 make a move helps one another, does not need is so troublesome. 但在第六号出手相助的现在,已经不需要这么麻烦了。 My Beast Vassal is Valkyrie of slash, control shuts off Authority, all the physical shapes and laws of causality of existence can sever completely.” “吾之眷兽斩击女武神,司掌切断权能,所有存在的物理形态及其因果律都能一刀两断。” Number 6 seems like to whom was reporting that own ability is the same, so opens the mouth. 第六号像是在向谁介绍自己的能力一样,如此开口。 In my Beast Vassal —— 《Minelauva-Iris》 —— front, even if were the Prison Barrier seal same cannot escape the cut off destiny.” “在吾之眷兽——《冥姬之虹炎》——的面前,哪怕是监狱结界的封印也一样逃脱不了被斩断的命运。” The words fall, Number 6 back Valkyrie has then turned around. 话落,第六号背后的女武神便转过身。 St... stop...!” 住...住手...!” Is called by Avrora that Number 6 grabs immediately. 第六号抓着的阿古罗拉立即叫了起来。 But Number 6 actually turns a deaf ear, is controlling own Beast Vassal, lets light sword high holding up in Valkyrie hand, sweeping ruthlessly falls. 第六号却充耳不闻,控制着自己的眷兽,让女武神手中的光剑高高的举起,再狠狠的扫落。 Immediately, the atmosphere explodes, Magic Power jumps presently, lets strike to sweep to the Prison Barrier direction that the Valkyrie that even law of causality can cut off. 顿时,大气爆裂,魔力迸现,让女武神那连因果律都能斩断的一击扫向监狱结界的方向。 Next second... 下一秒钟... ———— Antari on, sokumetsu soku, birariya birari, sokume tsumei, zansaki mei, zanki sei, zandai hion, shikan shiki jin, atara un, on ze so, zanzan birarai, aun, zetsu mei, soku zetsu, un, zanzan dari, zan dari han tsu ———— ————暗淡之中,云烛明灭,摇曳不定,闪烁之命,激烈之命,瓢泼之势,飘摇之中,观止式阵,剧烈摇曳,啊哞绝命,明灭中断———— A sound then chanted the dignified incantation at an exceptional pace. 一个声音便以惊人的速度咏唱出了庄严的咒语。 In this instantaneous , an invisible fearful impact penetrated space, the bang in body that Valkyrie that prepares to attack Prison Barrier. 就在这个瞬间里,一股无形的可怕冲击穿透了空间,轰在了准备攻击监狱结界女武神身上 Bang————!” 磅————!” With scary crack, Valkyrie strikes cannot smooth falling, on the contrary exploding to draw back by the sudden fearful impact, stirs up a wing of pair of flame, sudden retreat is having a distance, until plundering midair time just now standing firm figure with great difficulty. 伴随着骇人的炸响,女武神的一击并没有能够顺利的落下,反倒被突如其来的可怕冲击给炸退,煽动着一对火焰的羽翼,暴退出好一段距离,直到掠上半空的时候方才好不容易的稳住身形 You think that I will make you work?” “你以为我会让你得逞吗?” Rozen is gazing at Number 6 by the chilly look, maintains the posture of applauding, body Magic Power is changing to the blood fog. 罗真冷冽的眼神注视着第六号,维持着击掌的姿势,身上魔力则化作血雾。 In blood fog, innumerable silver-white chains like nimble and resourceful roaming dragon appearances. 血雾中,无数银白色的锁链如同一条条灵动的游龙般出现。 precisely had concluded Absolute Contract with Rozen, by turn into Beast Vassal, moreover fused 10 Valkyries, now is not just in name, but also in reality Living Weapon Magic Tool ———— 《Chastising Chains》. 正是已经和罗真缔结了绝对契约,被眷兽化,而且还融合了十名女武神,如今已经是名副其实活武器魔具————《规诫之锁》 Chains then just like obtaining the life are common, has put exquisite paths in the midair. 一道道的锁链便宛若获得生命一般,在半空中划过一道道优美的轨迹。 After having the 10 Valkyries will, these chains have changed completely can fetter, the weapon of automatic attack and automatic defense automatically, only needs a Rozen thought that they will change to nimble and resourceful roaming dragon entirely, flees to the direction that the enemy is. 有了十名女武神的意志以后,这些锁链已经完全化作能够自动束缚、自动攻击、自动防御的武器,只需要罗真一个意念,祂们就会通通化作灵动的游龙,窜向敌人所在的方向。 But Valkyrie that in object precisely midair at this moment, the chains aims. 此时此刻里,锁链针对的对象正是半空中的女武神 The nimble and resourceful chains has not responded while Valkyrie, the suddenly winding in her body, its tight fetter, hung in the midair. 灵动的锁链就趁着女武神还没反应过来,豁然缠绕在了她的身上,将其紧紧的束缚住,吊在了半空。 „Is that also thy Beast Vassal?” “那也是汝的眷兽吗?” Number 6 looks at this, burns flame light eyes to exude the mighty waves slightly. 第六号看着这一幕,燃烧着焰光的眼眸微微泛起波澜。 „It is not right, that should be 《Witch of the Void》 Magic Tool is right.” “不对,那应该是《空隙的魔女》魔具才对。” Tokoyogi Yuuma had been instilled into the knowledge about Natsuki probably, looks at that chains, charming face changes. 仙都木优麻则好像被灌输过关于那月的知识,看着那一道道锁链,俏脸微变。 „Is that Beast Vassal or Magic Tool?” “那到底是眷兽还是魔具啊?” LCO has not given the information in our aspect!” LCo没给过我们这方面的情报啊!” Even if were Meyer Sisters cannot help but said. 哪怕是梅雅姐妹都不由得叫了起来。 Only then Kojou and Avrora, show the joyful expression. 只有古城阿古罗拉,不禁露出欣喜的表情。 The Rozen whole body is then shaking Magic Power, the sound appears extremely desolate. 罗真便浑身震荡着魔力,声音显得极其的冷淡。 ———— Namah sarva tatha gatebhyah sarva ———— ————曩莫·萨缚·怛他孽帝毗药·萨缚———— Rozen chanted the incantation in a low voice. 罗真就低声咏唱出了咒语。 precisely Wisdom King Acala's Exorcism Magic ———— 《Fire Realm Magic》. 正是不动明王的调伏法————《火界咒》 Fire Energy of surging forward was awakened immediately, changes to the flaming roaring flame, sweeps across to open. 汹涌澎湃的火气顿时被唤醒,化作熊熊烈焰,席卷而开。 The flame like the storm, the heat wave of probably mutual chase, rushed to the direction that Number 6 and Tokoyogi Yuuma and the others was. 火焰如暴风,像是互相追逐的热浪,涌向了第六号仙都木优麻等人所在的方向。 „......!” “......!” Tokoyogi Yuuma responded immediately, held Number 6, including the Number 12 same place, is using Spatial Control Magecraft, integrates in space instantaneously, avoided attack fire wave, then appears in the sky. 仙都木优麻立即反应了过来,一把抓住了第六号,连着第十二号一起,使用空间制御魔术,瞬间融入空间中,避开了来袭的火浪,转而出现在上空。 But Tokoyogi Yuuma and the others this avoids, Meyer Sisters welcomed the flaming raging fire immediately. 仙都木优麻等人这一避开,梅雅姐妹立即迎来熊熊的烈火。 „... Does not want!” “不...不要!” guardian...!” 守护者...!” Saw that Rozen emitted the roaring flame, the psychological trauma in Meyer Sisters heart is awakened immediately, lets two people simultaneously screamed, called the innumerable tentacles, in own front unfolding layer by layer, kept off the roaring flame that attacked. 眼看着罗真放出了烈焰,梅雅姐妹心中的心理创伤立即被唤醒,让两人同时尖叫出声,唤出了无数的触手,在自己的面前一层一层的铺开,挡下来袭的烈焰。 only, this just started. 只是,这才刚刚开始。 ———— Taniyata udakadaibana enkeienkei sowaka ———— ————跢侄他·乌驮迦提婆那·堙醯堙醯·娑婆诃———— Immediately Rozen is without hesitation continues to chant spell. 罗真立即毫不迟疑的继续咏唱咒文 this time is Varuna magical technique ———— 《Mantra of Varuna》. 这一次水天伐楼那术法————《水天法》 What awakened is huge Water Energy. 被唤醒的是庞大的水气 The turbulent current like waves in the Rozen's side suddenly forming, was then same just like the waterfall, charged into Tokoyogi Yuuma one line in midair. 如海浪般的激流便在罗真的身边豁然成形,宛如瀑布一样,冲向了半空中的仙都木优麻一行。 《Le Bleu》!” 《苍》!” Facing violent class/flow that sweeping across to come, Tokoyogi Yuuma loud summon. 面对席卷而来的暴流,仙都木优麻大声的呼唤。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The next instance, is sending out ominous aura, the whole body presented azure Knight to appear in the Tokoyogi Yuuma front. 下一个瞬间,一个散发着不祥的气息,浑身呈现苍蓝色骑士出现在了仙都木优麻的面前。 precisely Tokoyogi Yuuma’s guardian ———— 《Le Bleu》. 正是仙都木优麻的守护者————《苍》 Named 《Le Bleu》 Greatsword in guardian then high holding up hand, to the ocean waves that front violently surge is coming, divided to strike. 名为《苍》守护者便高高的举起手中的大剑,对着面前暴涌而来的海浪,劈下了一击。 This strikes, has not vibrated the atmosphere, but vibrated space. 这一击,并没有震动大气,而是震动了空间 Rumble————! 轰————! The violent class/flow and vibration that space sweeps across then collides mutually, arouses one to thunder. 席卷的暴流与震动的空间便互相碰撞,激起一声轰鸣。 Thunders like the thunderclap, spreads in the midair. 轰鸣如炸雷,在半空中传开。 Prolonged. 经久不息。
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