SOM :: Volume #8 Strike the Blood (1)

#1177: The secret in Prison Barrier?

Rumble...” 轰隆隆...” In midair, turbulent such as the violent class/flow of ocean waves then under vibration the stop of space, on reef is ordinary like mighty waves of dashing, by separation. 半空中,汹涌如海浪的暴流便在震动的空间的阻拦下,有如冲撞在礁石上的波涛一般,被生生的分开。 Massive water stream blast open in the midair immediately, resembles under the torrential downpour same pouring, filled the roaring flame that to give under the pouring to extinguish gradually, causes intermittent steam and charred smoke ascended. 大量的水流顿时在半空中炸裂,似倾盆大雨一样的浇下,将下方弥漫的烈焰都给渐渐浇灭,使得一阵阵水蒸气和焦烟都升腾了起来。 Wuoh...!” 呜喔...!” Kojou just avoided blowing to fly by the Magic Power storm with great difficulty, now by dropping from the clouds massive water stream, is almost being rushed to floating bridge, falls into the sea. 古城刚刚才好不容易避免被魔力的暴风给吹飞,现在又被从天而降的大量水流给冲个正着,差点被冲下浮桥,落入海洋。 damn...!” 可恶...!” Monster...!” “怪物...!” By innumerable tentacles protecting Meyer Sisters could also not avoid being affected, only threw over the body of cloak to be irrigated wet, cloak pasted on the body, is unable to produce the results of covering up, let two people showed incomparably to make the person daydream tender body, while startled and scolding of anger makes noise. 被无数的触手给保护着的梅雅姐妹同样避免不了被波及,仅披着斗篷的身体被浇得湿漉漉的,斗篷贴在身体上,根本无法产生遮掩的效果,让两人一边展现出无比令人遐想的娇躯,一边又惊又怒的骂出了声。 Rozen only Magical Power urges, water stream then avoided him automatically, simply has not touched his body. 罗真只是咒力一催,水流便自动避开了他,根本没有触及他的身体。 Saw that own 《Mantra of Varuna》 was given to decode by Tokoyogi Yuuma’s guardian, Rozen actually extremely calm. 眼看着自己的《水天法》仙都木优麻的守护者给破解,罗真异常的冷静 After all... 毕竟... Depends on vibrates shock wave that space produces to increase the attack the might?” “靠着震动空间产生的冲击波来加大攻击的威力吗?” Rozen lightly uttered. 罗真淡淡的出声 „Can that approach, when maintain?” “那种做法,能够维持到什么时候呢?” Saying, Rozen's around the body, the roaring flame and water stream ascended simultaneously. 说着,罗真的身周,烈焰与水流同时升腾了起来。 Rozen then and with 《Fire Realm Magic》 and 《Fire Realm Magic》 liangs Great Magical Arts, lets the roaring flame and water stream changes to two giant dragons, sends out to roar, while plunged the midair. 罗真便并用《火界咒》大咒术,让烈焰和水流化作两条巨大的龙,一边发出咆哮,一边扑向了半空。 Sees that Tokoyogi Yuuma’s guardian vibrates space immediately again. 见状,仙都木优麻的守护者立即再度震动空间 But... 可是... Buzz————!” 嗡————!” With a fluctuation of Magic Power, just vibrated space like by not visible power smoothing general, restored steadily. 伴随着一阵魔力的波动,刚刚被震动的空间如同被一股看不见的力量给抚平一般,重新恢复了平稳。 What...!?” “什么...!?” Tokoyogi Yuuma is startled immediately. 仙都木优麻顿时大吃一惊。 As spatial control system Witch, Tokoyogi Yuuma knows certainly that is how a matter. 作为空间制御系魔女,仙都木优麻当然知道是怎么一回事。 Carefully looked, below Rozen as before coldly looks here, the body actually unceasing release Magic Power fluctuates, the vibration of space smoothing. 仔细一看,下方的罗真依旧冷冷的看着这边,身上却不断的释放出魔力波动,将空间的震动给抚平。 Rozen then by same Spatial Control Magecraft, Tokoyogi Yuuma’s guardian power pressing. 罗真便以同样的空间制御魔术,将仙都木优麻的守护者力量给压了下去。 In other words , Rozen seized the space right to control forcefully, by compared with using guardian Tokoyogi Yuuma exquisiter Spatial Control Magecraft, making Tokoyogi Yuuma Spatial Control Magecraft be counter-balanced. 换言之,罗真强行夺走了空间的支配权,以比动用了守护者仙都木优麻更精湛的空间制御魔术,让仙都木优麻空间制御魔术被抵消了。 This is the Tokoyogi Yuuma surprised place. 这就是仙都木优麻吃惊的地方。 „Can human be good at operating space compared with Witch unexpectedly?” 人类居然能够比魔女更擅长操作空间?” Vacillation that Tokoyogi Yuuma cannot stop. 仙都木优麻止不住的动摇了。 Besides looking like Natsuki as well as Tokoyogi Yuuma this type of Witch, Spatial Control Magecraft that High-ranked Magus is unable easily to use again, Rozen actually grasps to press the Tokoyogi Yuuma degree by the body of human it sufficiently. 除了像那月以及仙都木优麻这种类型的魔女以外,再高阶的魔术师都无法轻易动用的空间制御魔术,罗真却以人类之身将其掌握到足以压过仙都木优麻的程度。 How can this not make Tokoyogi Yuuma vacillate? 这如何能够不让仙都木优麻动摇呢? The words that only, vacillates now are fatal. 只是,现在动摇的话可是致命的。 Áo! 嗷! Áo! 嗷! Changes to Fire Dragon and Water Dragon roaring flame and water stream then exudes the roaring sound finally, circles mutually, while throws at an exceptional pace, bang in Tokoyogi Yuuma’s guardian body. 化作火龙水龙的烈焰和水流便终于发出咆哮声,一边互相盘旋,一边以惊人的速度扑来,轰在了仙都木优麻的守护者身上 Bang————!” 嘭————!” In the explosive sound, dark green blue Knight becomes under the ignition as well as suddenly/violently of flow roaring flame the impact creakies, finally could not maintain the entity, dragged like mirages, resembled Shikigami nucleus splitting phenomenon. 爆炸声中,苍蓝的骑士就在烈焰的灼烧以及暴流的冲击下变得摇摇欲坠,最后连实体都维持不住了似的,如海市蜃楼般摇曳了起来,状似式神裂核现象 《Le Bleu》!” 《苍》!” Tokoyogi Yuuma called out immediately. 仙都木优麻顿时叫出声。 However... 但是... Has not ended.” “还没完呢。” Rozen gazes at that azure Knight, in the eyes is reappearing to sell the Meyer Sisters panic-stricken incomparable flame. 罗真注视着那苍蓝色骑士,眼中浮现出让梅雅姐妹惊恐无比的火光。 BOOM————!” 轰隆————!” The next instance, azure Knight such as the can see fire attacking was the same, was given in the bang by a remarkable explosion. 下一个瞬间,苍蓝色骑士如被看不见的炮火给袭击了一样,被一阵惊人的爆炸给轰中。 The roaring flame sticks out suddenly at the same time, azure Knight could not support finally, vanishes into thin air. 烈焰暴起的同时,苍蓝色骑士终于是支撑不住,烟消云散了。 Coughs...!” “咳...!” Disappearance of guardian, lets Tokoyogi Yuuma by Magic Power that backlash comes to the attack, cannot help but coughed a blood. 守护者的消失,让仙都木优麻反噬而来的魔力给袭击,不由得咳出了一口鲜血。 Yuuma!” 优麻!” Sees the Tokoyogi Yuuma appearance, somewhat distressed Kojou shouted that runs. 看到仙都木优麻的样子,有些狼狈的跑回来的古城喊出了声 Rozen also looks at Tokoyogi Yuuma by the complex look. 罗真亦是以复杂的眼神看着仙都木优麻 The reason is very simple. 原因很简单。 „...... I also very important people, just like you, for the test-tube baby who some goal was expedited, although has not given Devil the soul, actually gave Death God the life, now lies down in aseptic room probably as before convalesces, actually could not avoid shortly after the life.” “......我也有一个非常重要的人,和你一样,都是为了某种目的而被催生出来的试管婴儿,虽没有将灵魂交给恶魔,却将生命交给了死神,如今大概依旧躺在无菌室里疗养,却避免不了命不久矣。” Rozen thought aloud probably same opening the mouth in a low voice. 罗真像是自言自语一样的低声开口。 But, she never thinks oneself are fettered, never thinks that this is own fate, but only strove for at the matter that in the limited time was itself most to handle, has not hated anybody, never had, because involuntary then violated the conscience, forever was that pure and stainless also is strong.” “但是,她从来不认为自己是被束缚,从来不认为这就是自己的宿命,而是只求在有限的时间里做自己最想做的事情,从来没有怨恨过任何人,更从来没有因为身不由己便违背本心,永远都是那么纯洁、无垢还有坚强。” I, feel ashamed of one's inferiority in her front.” “就连我,在她的面前都自愧不如。” Therefore...” “所以...” Rozen gazes at the Tokoyogi Yuuma look from turn complex ice-cold. 罗真注视着仙都木优麻的眼神从复杂变成冰冷。 Makes me also come teaching well you, was decided life that has the significance, actually should how exactly be correct.” “就让我也来好好的教教你,被决定了存在意义的人生,究竟该怎么活才是正确的吧。” speech finished, Rozen's Mystic Eyes starts again, making eyes burn the flame. 语毕,罗真的魔眼再次发动,让眼眸燃烧起火光。 The goal, precisely Tokoyogi Yuuma. 其目标,正是仙都木优麻 Bad!” “糟了!” Tokoyogi Yuuma relied on the Witch intuition to feel anything, actually started space shift without enough time, can only lift the hand subconsciously. 仙都木优麻凭借着魔女的直觉感受到了什么,却来不及发动空间转移,只能下意识的抬起手来。 At this moment... 就在这时... 《Minelauva-Iris》!” 《冥姬之虹炎》!” Number 6 is made noise to summon own Beast Vassal by Tokoyogi Yuuma brings. 仙都木优麻带着的第六号出声呼唤了自己的眷兽 By 《Chastising Chains》 to fetter firmly Valkyrie lifts the hand immediately. 《规诫之锁》给牢牢的束缚起来的女武神顿时抬起手。 Qiāng————!” 呛————!” As flash cuts, the light sword in Valkyrie hand cut to break to pieces the chains that fettered in body, regained the freedom. 随着闪光的一斩,女武神手中的光剑斩碎了束缚在身上的锁链,恢复了自由。 Worked loose?” “挣脱了?” Rozen reveals surprised expression, and saw. 罗真露出意外的表情,并看到了。 Was cut 《Chastising Chains》 not to break by the Valkyrie light sword, but like separated to be the same, is lets the connection of above Rune, magical mark, Magical Arts as well as chains unexpectedly wait/etc. thorough separation, was divided including inside Divine Aura. 女武神的光剑所砍中的《规诫之锁》并不是断了,而是如同被分离一样,竟是让上面的符文咒纹咒术以及锁链的连接等等都彻底的分开,连里面的神气都被分了出来。 Saw this, Rozen understands immediately. 看到这一幕,罗真立即理解了。 Uses Beast Vassal cut-off ability, will form 《Chastising Chains》 all causes and effects to cut off?” “使用眷兽的切断能力,将形成《规诫之锁》的所有因果都斩断了吗?” 《Chastising Chains》 is Rozen coordinates Runes to manufacture by numerous materials, not only borrowed Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit's Divine Aura, but also carved 《Unmoving Golden Chains》 Magical Arts, just now forms. 《规诫之锁》罗真以众多的材料配合卢恩符文制作出来,不但借用了金乌和玉兔的神气,还将《不动金缚》咒术都刻了上去,方才成形。 Number 6 on by own Beast Vassal's ability, cuts off these factor each other linking, making the causes and effects separate, for shaking off the fetter of 《Chastising Chains》. 第六号就以自己的眷兽的能力,斩断这些因素彼此的连结,让因果分离,借以挣脱《规诫之锁》的束缚。 fortunately 《Chastising Chains》 now is Rozen's Familiar and Beast Vassal, even were destroyed can still restore instantaneously, otherwise, such a was tossed about by the opposite party, Rozen's 《Chastising Chains》 was the abandonment. 幸好《规诫之锁》现在已经是罗真的使魔眷兽,即使被破坏也能瞬间恢复,否则,被对方这么一折腾,罗真的《规诫之锁》算是报废了。 Such 《Minelauva-Iris》 then vibrates the wing of flame, plunders to Number 6 and Tokoyogi Yuuma front, sweeps in make a move again the light sword. 这样的《冥姬之虹炎》便振动火焰的翅膀,掠至第六号仙都木优麻的面前,再次扫出手中光剑。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” In light/only sword under sweeps, Magic Power that Rozen's Mystic Eyes of Rupture projects has not changed to the effect cut to extinguish. 在光剑的一扫之下,罗真的爆裂魔眼投射出去的魔力还没化作效果就已经被斩灭。 This Beast Vassal's ability is really outstanding, utilizes the good words, can the slaughter god kill Buddha simply. 这匹眷兽的能力实在是太优秀,运用得好的话,简直可以屠神杀佛。 Rozen has the reason to believe that if this Beast Vassal is used by Root, oneself are not possibly able initially the smooth seal she. 罗真有理由相信,若是这匹眷兽原初来使用,自己当初可能就无法顺利的封印她了。 After all, no matter 《Lingering Spirit Calling》 Magical Arts or 《Taizan Fukun Ritual》 secret ritual, so long as uses this Beast Vassal's ability to sweep to cut, that can cut off its effect. 毕竟,不管是《御魂振》咒术还是《泰山府君祭》秘仪,只要使用这匹眷兽的能力扫出一斩,那就都能斩断其效果了。 Number 6 by Root to the absorption, has not really been great luck amidst misfortune. 第六号没有被原初给吸收,真是不幸中的大幸 What a pity... 可惜... You are not Root, before I am not I.” “你不是原初,我也不是以前的我。” Rozen is then extending a hand to the Valkyrie direction. 罗真便对着女武神的方向伸出一只手。 Suddenly... 突然... „Don't you want to know the secret in Prison Barrier?” “你不想知道监狱结界之内的秘密吗?” Tokoyogi Yuuma without any omen sudden said such a line words. 仙都木优麻没有任何前兆的突然说了这么一句话。 Where doesn't want to know 《Witch of the Void》 now?” “不想知道《空隙的魔女》现在在哪里吗?” A few words, let under Rozen's movements thorough stagnation. 一句话,让罗真的动作彻底的滞下了。
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