SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#901: Who is?

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At the same time, in Chaldean Central Control Room. 同一时间,迦勒底的中央管制室内。 When Cú Chulainn was defeated, when its within the body 《Holy Grail》 also by Scáthach seizing next, report that in Rites Center/Command Room, numerous staff start to continue. 库·丘林被击败,其体内《圣杯》亦是被斯卡哈给夺下时,司令室里,一众工作人员们开始持续的报告。 Fight ended, confirmed that the Saint Graph response of Mad King Cú Chulainn vanishes.” “战斗结束,确认狂王库·丘林灵基反应消失。” Confirmed that existence of 《Holy Grail》, presently is Lancer Scáthach has.” “确认《圣杯》的存在,现为Lancer斯卡哈所持有。” Confirmed again existence of 《Holy Grail》, had been returned to Master Loreley Agnesen.” “再确认《圣杯》的存在,已被交还给御主罗雷莱·阿涅真。” Has completed in view of the retrieve work of 《Holy Grail》.” “针对《圣杯》回收工作已完成。” 5th Singularity Human Order laid the foundation to finish.” 第五特异点人理奠基结束。” Staff is operating the instrument, while is conducting such report. 一名名的工作人员便一边操纵着仪器,一边进行着这样的汇报。 ...” “呼...” When the final report resounds through entire Rites Center/Command Room, three highest heads on the scene also relax. 当最后的汇报响彻整个司令室时,在场的三名最高负责人同时松了一口气。 Finished finally, how has thought to be able.” “总算结束了,一直以为会怎么样呢。” Then stands by Olga Marie that the shape of owl has in the chair place of Director position, looks before the screen that 《CHALDEAS》 appears, big relaxing. 以猫头鹰的形态存在着的奥尔加玛丽便站在所长位置的椅座上,看着在《迦勒底亚斯》前显现的荧幕,大大的松了一口气。 Because instrument the relations of massive damage, in basin, Chaldea then to reduce instrument burden as well as restore, but broke off all relations with Rozen that side, is only maintaining the most basic observation airplane energy, making the Chaldean many staff be able to see the war condition in 5th Singularity, the receive fight image. 由于仪器的大量受损的关系,在盆地里的时候,迦勒底便为了减轻仪器负担以及修复而和罗真那边断绝了所有的联系,只维持着最基本的观测机能,让迦勒底的众多工作人员们能够看到第五特异点中的战争状况,接收战斗影像。 Therefore, all achievement of Rozen in battlefield, the people in Chaldea is looks clearly, only situated in the issue that the instrument is damaged, cannot provide the nice support, can only look like so looks on, here worries. 所以,罗真在战场上的所有作为,迦勒底内的众人都是看得清清楚楚,只是介于仪器受损的问题,一直都没有能够提供像样的支援,只能像这般旁观,在这里干着急。 Especially Olga Marie, the temperament was not good, the patience is lower several times compared with the average man, because in battlefield condition continuously, making him not know that does not know worried many times. 尤其是奥尔加玛丽,脾气本来就不好,耐心更是比常人低数倍,因为战场上此起彼伏的状况,令其不知道不知着急了多少次。 Now, saw 《Holy Grail》 by Rozen retrieve, Olga Marie feels relieved finally. 现在,看到《圣杯》罗真回收,奥尔加玛丽才总算是放心了。 Really owes he to support, Loreley.” “真亏他能够支撑下来啊,罗雷莱。” Da Vinci is also gives acclaims. 达芬奇亦是给出如此赞叹。 Even if this adamant talent, saw when 28 Dragon Species arrive, actually still thought that this time definitely had no chance. 即便是这位我行我素的天才,看到二十八头龙种降临时,其实也是觉得这次肯定没有希望了。 Who once thinks, finally, Rozen is relying on own ability, turns danger into safety it. 谁曾想,最后,罗真凭借着自身的能力,将其化险为夷。 Now, Rozen successfully restored 5th Singularity finally, 《Holy Grail》 to retrieve, moreover spent merely for a week, that is to make people feel joyful. 如今,罗真终于成功的修复了第五特异点,将《圣杯》回收,而且仅仅花了一个星期的时间,那着实是让人感到喜悦。 Finally, but also really said like him, in just one month... not, in the time that in a month is not restored entire four Singularities.” “结果,还真的像他说的一样,在短短一个月内...不,是在一个月都不到的时间里就修复了整整四个特异点。” Da Vinci then sigh smile. 达芬奇便感叹般的微笑着。 Now, I feel suddenly, if this Master, perhaps really can save human history, lays the foundation Human Order again.” “现在,我突然感觉,如果是这个御主的话,或许真的能够拯救人类史,重新将人理奠基。” This is Da Vinci now the most real idea. 这就是达芬奇现在最真实的想法。 Naturally, that is also presents everyone's idea. 理所当然,那也是在场所有人的想法。 must say, Rozen's actions and result, really made these be in the people under nearly desperate situation to see a ray of hope. 不得不说,罗真的所作所为以及成绩,真的让这些原本处于近乎绝望的事态下的人们看到了一丝希望。 Does not know how this brat achieves and that's the end.” “就是不知道这个臭小子到底是怎么做到的就是了。” Roman that similarly relaxes ill-humored is saying. 同样松了一口气的罗曼没好气的这么说着。 Rozen shows until now all sorts of ability, even if searched entire Chaldea's records unable to find the traces description. 要知道,罗真至今为止展现出来过的种种能力,那就算是查遍整个迦勒底的记录都找不到蛛丝马迹般的描写。 In other words , these abilities, actually Rozen how grasps, is completely a riddle. 换言之,这些能力,罗真究竟是如何掌握,完全是个谜。 In addition Chaldea outside world had been burnt down, Rozen previously actually vanished in Chaldea several times, sudden coming back of unfathomable mystery, all sorts of signs, are telling others, Rozen's body affirmed that is hiding any significant secret. 再加上迦勒底外面的世界已经被烧光,罗真此前却数度在迦勒底内消失,又莫名其妙的突然回来,种种的迹象,都在告诉别人,罗真的身上肯定隐藏着什么重大的秘密。 If not for this secret, Rozen not unfathomable mystery has this ability, will not have the present performance. 若不是这个秘密,罗真不会莫名其妙的拥有这番能耐,更不会有如今的表现。 Originally, regarding Rozen's evaluation, the people are quite high, regards as in history most outstanding Master it, can also quite favor to its Magecraft, thinks that he is a Magic Society indispensable talent, making the people save the hope of Human Order to give him. 本来,对于罗真的评价,众人已经算是相当高了,将其视作有史以来最优秀的御主,对其魔术才能也相当看好,认为他就是魔术界不可或缺的一个天才,让众人将拯救人理的希望交给了他。 But now, Rozen all performance, big surpassed everyone's expectation. 可现在,罗真所有的表现,已经大大的超出了所有人的预料。 This lets not want excessively to investigate Rozen's secret Roman felt were oneself this/should asks him well. 这让原本不想过度追究罗真的秘密罗曼都觉得自己是不是该好好问问他了。 Otherwise, does each time such anxiously, I meet the neurasthenia.” “要不然,每次都搞得这么紧张,我可是会神经衰弱的。” Remembers beforehand Rozen almost to assign/life the matter of mourning in Cú Chulainn hand, the Roman's face color becomes unattractive. 想起之前罗真差点命丧在库·丘林手中的事,罗曼的脸色就变得不好看起来。 However... 但是... Compared with your waste Big Brother, impeccable that his Quest completes, your arbitrarily preaching words, what to is finally embarrassed is you, making the Chaldean instrument have massive breakdowns to cause us unable to conduct the effective support Romani.” “比起你这个废物大哥,他的任务可是完成的无可挑剔,你擅自说教的话,到最后难堪的可是你,让迦勒底的仪器出现大量故障而导致我们无法进行有效支援的罗玛尼。” Like this Da Vinci ponders is teasing Roman, making Roman's expression instantaneously bitter and astringent. 达芬奇就这样玩味的打趣着罗曼,让罗曼的表情瞬间变得苦涩了起来。 only, Roman was anything had not said, expressed silent. 只是,罗曼却是什么都没说,表示了沉默。 But in side has looked such Roman Olga Marie clenches teeth in the heart. 而一直都在旁边看着这样的罗曼奥尔加玛丽则是在心中咬牙。 Recalled Roman previously showed that frightening Magic Power and power, Olga Marie is unable to conceal oneself suspicion to the Roman. 回想起罗曼此前展现出来过的那股令人恐惧的魔力力量,奥尔加玛丽就无法掩饰自己对罗曼的怀疑。 Always, Olga Marie thinks doctor who Roman only does not have the sense of responsibility. 一直以来,奥尔加玛丽都以为罗曼只是一个没有责任感的医生。 But now, is naive, Olga Marie does not think that Roman can be simple Character. 但现在,再天真,奥尔加玛丽都不认为罗曼会是一个简单的人物了。 But is careful thinks, Olga Marie discovered unexpectedly, he understanding Roman almost waits for at zero. 而仔细一想,奥尔加玛丽竟是发现,自己对罗曼的了解几乎等于零 At least, Olga Marie does not know that Roman is arriving at the Chaldea beforehand details. 至少,奥尔加玛丽不知道罗曼在来到迦勒底以前的底细。 After all, before Olga Marie arrives at Chaldea, Roman in Chaldea has worked, and by predecessor Director, namely Olga Marie's father recruits personally. 毕竟,在奥尔加玛丽来到迦勒底以前,罗曼就已经在迦勒底中工作,并且还是由前任所长,亦即奥尔加玛丽的父亲亲自招收进来的。 However, can be invited the Chaldea work by own father personally, this is a very unusual matter. 但是,能够被自己的父亲亲自邀请进迦勒底工作,这本身就是一件很不寻常的事情。 Before then, the person also has such treatment. 偏偏,在此之前,就有一个人也有这样的待遇。 ( Lev...) (雷夫...) Right. 没错。 Lev Lainur similarly is the technician who Olga Marie's father invited personally. 雷夫·诺莱尔同样是奥尔加玛丽的父亲亲自邀请来的技师。 But, that by the professor of Olga Marie trust finally unexpectedly is Human Order Incineration's black hand behind the scenes lackey, the true body is Demon God Pillar. 可是,那个备受奥尔加玛丽信任的教授最后竟是人理烧却的幕后黑手马前卒,真身乃是魔神柱 How does this make Olga Marie be able not to suspect Roman? 这让奥尔加玛丽如何能够不怀疑罗曼呢? Therefore, Olga Marie had not investigated that Roman damages the responsibility of equipment, looked that has actually changed to his vision. 所以,奥尔加玛丽没有追究罗曼损坏器材的责任,看向他的目光却早已改变。 This is Rozen observes atmosphere that subtle issue between Roman and Olga Marie is. 这就是罗真观察到罗曼奥尔加玛丽之间的气氛那么微妙的问题所在。 But Roman seemingly also knows oneself were suspected, anything had not explained that remains silent. 罗曼貌似也知道自己受到怀疑,却什么都没有解释,一直保持沉默。 This caused the staff in Chaldea also to spread out with Roman, the relations became subtle, only then Da Vinci, before if as before, was together with Roman like that. 这导致了迦勒底内的工作人员们也都与罗曼拉开了距离,关系变得微妙起来,只有达芬奇,依旧如以前那般与罗曼相处。 Looks that chitchatted Roman with Da Vinci, Olga Marie can only suppress about the anxiety and frightened that its status felt. 看着与达芬奇攀谈中的罗曼,奥尔加玛丽就只能强忍对其身份感到的不安和恐惧。 ( Romani...) (罗玛尼...) Who are you? 你到底是什么人? This is the matter that Olga Marie most wants to know now. 这是奥尔加玛丽现在最想知道的事情。 At this moment... 就在这时... Thump —— thump —— thump —— “噔—————— In Chaldea suddenly resounds a alarm bell, awakened everyone. 迦勒底内突然响起一阵警铃,惊醒了所有人。 what happened!?” 怎么了!?” What happened!?” “发生什么事了!?” This is...” “这是...” Olga Marie, Roman as well as Da Vinci one after another is startled. 奥尔加玛丽罗曼以及达芬奇纷纷大吃一惊。 not only they, the staff were even startled. 不只是他们而已,连工作人员们都惊慌了起来。 Observes 5th Singularity to present anomaly Spatial Distortion!” “观测到第五特异点出现异常空间扭曲!” „The astonishing Magic Power response appeared! This is Servant..., is not the value that Servant can have!” “惊人的魔力反应出现了!这是从者...不,根本就不是从者所能够拥有的数值!” Saint Graph responded appears! But... but this response and value... basically impossible...!” 灵基反应出现!可...可是这种反应和数值...根本不可能...!” „It is not good! The observation airplane can arrive at the upper limit! Must paralyze!” “不行!观测机能到上限了!要瘫痪了!” With staff panic yelling on the scene, is receiving in 5th Singularity the screen of image suddenly one dark, is unable to observe again, only then the sound is passing on. 伴随着在场工作人员们惊慌失措的大叫,正在接收第五特异点内影像的荧幕陡然一暗,再也无法进行观测,只有声音在传过来而已。 The inexplicable condition, lets Olga Marie as well as Da Vinci cannot respond. 莫名的状况,让奥尔加玛丽以及达芬奇都没有能够反应过来。 Vacillation that only then a Roman person, continuously. 只有罗曼一人,不住的动摇了。 Should unable...” “该不会...” Roman is pale the face, stubbornly stares is getting down dimly the screen that diligently listens clearly message that transmits. 罗曼便惨白着脸,死死的盯着黯淡下去的荧幕,努力的听清楚其中传来的讯息 Not is only Roman, other people also can only handle this matter. 不仅是罗曼,其余人亦是只能做这种事情。 Therefore, then, the people will hear the worst thing. 因此,接下来,众人将听到最糟糕的东西。 Hope that will just multiply, completely thing of brutal destroying. 将刚刚滋生的希望,全部无情的摧毁的东西。
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