SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#900: Unprecedented agitation

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Zheng...” “铮...” With the lapse of time, in Rozen's hand, several processes specially makes jet black ceremonial talisman that becomes is also gradually dim, Spiritual Energy becomes extremely weak. 随着时间的推移,在罗真的手中,数枚经过特制而成的漆黑式符也是渐渐的黯淡了下去,灵气变得极为微弱。 Rozen closes one's eyes, lies down 10 Valkyries body in own hand from by ceremonial talisman form derives Spiritual Power, Magic Power that oneself will lose gives supplement slowly. 罗真就闭着眼睛,从以式符的形式躺在自己手中的十名女武神身上汲取灵力,将自身损耗的魔力给慢慢的补充回来。 Not is only Valkyries, even that side Hokuto, Rozen is also deriving Spiritual Power to supplement. 不仅是女武神们而已,即使是北斗那边,罗真同样在汲取灵力来补充。 Mash defends by such Rozen, looks at his complexion restoration gradually, the expression also relaxed much. 玛修就守在这样的罗真旁边,看着他的面色渐渐的恢复,表情也是放松了不少。 after a while, Rozen opens own eye slowly. 一会以后,罗真才慢慢的睁开自己的眼睛。 Senpai.” 前辈。” Mash immediately at present one bright, hastily spoke. 玛修顿时眼前一亮,连忙出声 You how?” “你怎么样了?” Worry and care in words expose simply without doubt. 话语中的担忧与关心简直展露无疑。 Rozen then aura in spout, while has turned the head, looks to Mash. 罗真便一边吐出口中的气息,一边转过头,看向玛修 All right, relax.” Rozen then shakes the head, so said: Consumption Magic Power has supplemented, is a little tired.” “没事,放心。”罗真便摇了摇头,这般道:“消耗的魔力已经补充回来了,就是有点累而已。” Saying, Rozen looks to ceremonial talisman in hand, in a low voice saying. 说着,罗真看向手中的式符,低声说着。 thanks for your trouble.” 辛苦你们了。” Such salute spreads from Rozen's mouth. 这样的慰问就从罗真的口中传出。 Zheng...” “铮...” Ten jet black ceremonial talisman bloom immediately again slightly some luminously, probably responded to Rozen to be the same, shortly afterwards thorough dim. 十枚漆黑的式符顿时再次微微绽放出些许光亮,像是回应了罗真一样,紧接着彻底黯淡了下去。 Looks at this, in the Rozen heart somewhat was also a pity. 看着这一幕,罗真心中也是有些可惜。 Although has undergone many improvements, Shikigami that but Valkyries just manufactures eventually from ceremonial talisman, even Defensive Type, one by one also has the High-Class Familiar strength, but did not survive like Hokuto like that millenniums Spirit Beast, like Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit is not Divine Spirit, space that Valkyries has almost not promoted, possibly can only be for a lifetime High-Class Familiar, impossible breaks through Ultimate-Class Familiar. 虽说已经经过许多次的改良,但女武神们终究只不过是从式符中制作出来的式神,即使是护法式,一个个的亦是有着上级使魔的实力,可即不像北斗那般是存活了千年的灵兽,又不像金乌和玉兔那样是神灵,女武神们几乎没有提升的空间,可能一辈子都只能是上级使魔,不可能突破到最上级使魔 Therefore, in the fight of highest end, Valkyrie was unable to be Rozen leads a cheer again, can only look like so, acts as the Magic Power battery backup, is Rozen provides Spiritual Power, as restoring it uses. 所以,在最高端的战斗上,女武神已经无法再为罗真助阵,只能像这般,充当魔力的备用电池,为罗真提供灵力,作为恢复之用。 But even so, Valkyries has also helped Rozen very big busy. 就算是这样,女武神们也已经帮了罗真很大的忙。 If not their existences, perhaps Rozen the consumption blood supplemented Magic Power, that eventually was a damage. 如果不是她们的存在的话,或许罗真就又得消耗血液来补充魔力了,那终究是一种损伤。 What a pity, this was still unavoidable Valkyries unable to act as the weakness of strength in the high-end war. 可惜,这依旧无法避免女武神们在高端战局上充当不了战力的弱点。 Regarding this, Rozen is very regrettable. 对此,罗真是很遗憾的。 How to say again is Shikigami that Rozen manufactures personally, is different from Familiar that these summons come, unlike Hokuto world spiritual object like that. 再怎么说都是罗真亲手制作出来的式神,和那些召唤而来的使魔不同,与北斗那般的天地灵物也不一样。 Perhaps, as Rozen's strength is getting stronger and stronger, can Valkyries only be eliminated eventually? 也许,随着罗真的实力越来越强,女武神们终究只能被淘汰吧? However... 不过... ( even so, I am also very grateful they.) (就算是这样,我也已经很感激她们了。) If later can find the opportunity to make them apply again, that was good. 如果以后能够再找机会让她们派上用场,那就好了。 Rozen is then holding such idea, received jet black ceremonial talisman in hand. 罗真便抱着这样的想法,将手中的一枚枚漆黑的式符收了起来。 At once, Rozen lifts the view, looks to the front. 旋即,罗真才抬起眼帘,看向前方。 What shows in it at present is a stretch of desolated region, the dragons that no matter wreaked havoc before raise eyes the obvious sea of fire, completely vanished from sight. 展现在其眼前的是一片荒芜的地带,不管是之前肆虐的龙们还是举目可见的火海,全部都消失不见 This is the highest rank Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm might. 这就是最高等级对城宝具的威力。 Really worthily is Primordial Rune.” “真不愧是原初之卢恩。” Sees their might again, Rozen is very satisfied. 再一次见到它们的威力,罗真算是非常满意的了。 Sacrificed the wisdom that an eye trades as Northern European Chief God Odin, without this degree of powerful ability is not good.” “作为北欧主神奥丁牺牲一只眼睛换来的睿智,没有这种程度的威能可不行。” Rozen this is then thinking aloud. 罗真便这番自言自语着。 But this thinking aloud, traded a response. 而这番自言自语,换来了一个回应。 You also just can use their part of power now, endless wisdom that but true Primordial Rune the gods fall, you want to achieve Chief God Odin that Level, but also falls far short.” “你现在也只不过是能够使用它们的一部分力量而已,真正的原初之卢恩可是神都为之倾倒的无尽睿智,你想达到主神奥丁那种等级,还差得远呢。” Can say such words to teach Rozen's naturally to teach his Sensei this wisdom. 能够说出这样的一番话来教训罗真的自然是将这种睿智教给他的老师了。 That said that but as human, you can use Primordial Rune like this unscrupulously, that is also a very inconceivable matter, if the gods exist in this world as before, your has absolutely will to bring to the attention of all kinds of god?” “话是这么说,但作为一个人类,你能够这样肆无忌惮的使用着原初之卢恩,那也算是一件非常不可思议的事情,要是众神们依旧存在于这个世界上,你的存在一定会引起各种各样的神的注意吧?” Scáthach then slowly walks, the body injury is sending out the light brilliance, is restoring at the visible speed. 斯卡哈便缓缓的走来,身上的伤势则在散发着淡淡的光辉,以肉眼可见的速度在恢复着。 Obviously, Scáthach is also using Rune Magic, is curing the injured body. 显然,斯卡哈也在使用着卢恩魔术,治愈着受伤的身体。 But Rozen and Mash actually in a thing by Scáthach hand seizing all attention. 罗真玛修却都被斯卡哈手中的一件东西给夺走了所有的注意力。 《Holy Grail》...!” 《圣杯》...!” Mash then cried out in surprise cannot help but. 玛修便不由自主的惊呼出声 Rozen same eyes one bright, looked to Scáthach. 罗真同样眼眸一亮,看向了斯卡哈 Sees that Scáthach smiles. 见状,斯卡哈嫣然一笑。 You do very well, Loreley, Mash.” “你们做得很好,罗雷莱,玛修。” Scáthach then as role model, gave the present youngster and young girl affirmed. 斯卡哈便以人师的身份,给予了眼前的少年和少女肯定。 As coming from future human and Demi-Servant, in this piece on continent that encounters the myth to corrode, you have not given up hoping, has not discarded the redemption, finally led numerous Servant to seize the victory of this Mythical War, as Queen of the Land of Shadows, I responded with the affirmation to your result.” “作为来自未来的人类亚从者,在这片遭到神话侵蚀的大陆上,你们即没有放弃希望,也没有舍弃救赎,最终带领着众多的从者夺下了这场神话战争的胜利,作为影之国的女王,我对你们的成绩报以肯定。” You have also been bringing the pleasant surprise to me, has not wasted me to seize initially you in the battlefield, lets my trip has not been made in vain.” “你们也一直在给我带来惊喜,没有枉费我当初在战场上将你们夺下来,更让我不虚此行。” Sees you, I first time had came out from Land of Shadows, well had a look at the idea of this world.” “看到你们,我头一次有了从影之国内出来,再好好的看看这个世界的想法。” You gave my stupid disciple sanction again in addition, therefore, I must thank you.” “再加上你们给予了我那愚蠢的弟子制裁,所以,我要感谢你们。” Then, Scáthach looked to Rozen. 说完,斯卡哈就看向了罗真 I most excel is the spearplay and Magecraft, now Magecraft has given you, even if the spearplay teaches you, by your attainments, it is estimated that cannot learn several points of exquisiteness, but since even my stupid disciples have Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, my anything does not give you, cannot be justified.” “我最擅长的就是枪术和魔术,如今魔术已经给你了,枪术就算教你,以你的造诣,估计也学不到几分精妙,但既然连我那个蠢弟子都有一把魔枪,我什么都不给你,着实说不过去。” Scáthach then lifts 《Holy Grail》 to Rozen's in front. 斯卡哈便将《圣杯》举到罗真的面前。 Although just offers borrowed flowers to Buddha, but this 《Holy Grail》 is you earns, brings back to Chaldea it.” “虽然只不过是借花献佛,但这个《圣杯》是你应得的,将它带回迦勒底吧。” hearing this, Rozen nodded, extend the hand, present 《Holy Grail》 meeting. 闻言,罗真点了点头,伸出手,将眼前的《圣杯》给接了下来。 Then, fifth Singularity's 《Holy Grail》 by retrieve. 就这样,第五特异点的《圣杯》回收 In addition Celtic's being defeated, this means that this 5th Singularity soon will also be repaired. 再加上凯尔特的落败,这意味着这个第五特异点亦是即将被修复。 Restored 2nd Singularity, Rozen used for two days. 修复第二特异点,罗真用了两天。 Restored 3rd Singularity, Rozen used for three days. 修复第三特异点,罗真用了三天。 Restored 4th Singularity, Rozen used for seven days. 修复第四特异点,罗真用了七天。 But restore 5th Singularity, Rozen also used for seven days. 而修复第五特异点,罗真同样用了七天。 It is expected that must four Singularities that uses for four months to restore, Rozen only used less than one month them restore completely. 预计要用四个月来修复的四个特异点,罗真仅用了不到一个月的时间就将它们全部修复。 This result, will leave behind how magnificent one on Chaldea's records, it can be imagined. 这番成绩,将在迦勒底的记录上留下多么华丽的一笔,可想而知。 Then is sweeping of battlefield, solved the remnants of faction completely.” “接下来就是战场的扫荡,将余党全部解决而已了。” Scáthach then purses the lips to smile. 斯卡哈便抿嘴笑着。 Doesn't matter, after this to you are the meal , the degree of dessert, I will also accompany your meeting again.” “没关系,这对于你来说不过是餐后甜点的程度,我也会再奉陪你一会的。” In this case, let Rozen is also smiling of smiling. 这样的话,让罗真亦是莞尔的笑了。 Nearby, Mash feels relieved similarly smiled, relaxed the tight body. 一旁,玛修同样如释重负般的一笑,放松了紧绷的身体。 group of three prepares to return to the battlefield again , helping other Servant, clears away the barrier. 一行三人就准备再次回到战场,帮其余从者,扫清障碍。 However, matter that the next moment, no one has thought of happened. 然而,下一刻,谁都没有想到的事情发生了。 dōng dōng...!” 咚咚...!” Shake tictac resounded through. 一个震荡般的跳动声响彻了起来。 That is came from the sound of Rozen's chest cavity. 那是来自于罗真的胸腔的声音。 Said accurately that is the Rozen's heartbeat sound. 更准确的说,那是罗真的心跳声。 Rozen's heartbeat unprecedented fierce beat. 罗真的心跳前所未有的剧烈跳动了。 ...!” “唔...!” Rozen then catches own chest fiercely, stops the footsteps, complexion becomes pale. 罗真便猛的拽住自己的胸口,停下脚步,面色变得惨白。
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