SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#899: Gives me to engage in introspection well

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———— ———— This instance, the whole world seemingly was dyed the white, made above this stretch of battlefield, all colors were won. 这一个瞬间,整个世界貌似都被染成了白色,令这片战场之上,所有的色彩都被夺走了。 Surging upward Magic Power is roaring. 高涨的魔力在咆哮。 Fearful power in angry howling. 可怕的力量怒嚎 As if there is sacred flame to burn completely is same, the white light illuminated the world, and all will give the annihilation. 就仿佛有神圣的火焰在焚尽一切一样,白光照亮了天地,并将其中的一切都给湮灭。 The atmosphere was annihilated. 大气被湮灭。 The land was annihilated. 大地被湮灭。 Greater Source was annihilated. 大源被湮灭。 The fire was also annihilated. 大火也被湮灭。 By that stretch of battlefield that 18 Primordial Runes surrounds, is annihilating, making Wyvern that misfortune was covered to enter send out the pitiful yell without enough time vanishes into thin air, 14 Dragon Species corpse also change completely dust burninged out. 十八个原初之卢恩所包围的那片战场,所有的一切都在湮灭着,让不幸被覆盖进入的双足飞龙连惨叫都来不及发出就烟消云散,十四头龙种尸体亦是全部化作灰尘般的被烧尽。 The white light place visited, such annihilation scene has been happening. 白光的所过之处,这样的破灭场景就一直在发生着。 ———— 《Ochd Deug Odin》. ————《大神刻印(ochdDeugodin)》 Although this Noble Phantasm merely is A-Rank, is actually out-and-out Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm, the effective scope and might and compared with same level Anti-Army Noble Phantasm, impossible has to be possible compared with it place. 这个宝具虽仅仅是A级,却是不折不扣的对城宝具,作用范围以及威力和同等级对军宝具相比,不可能有可比之处。 A battlefield corner/horn on thorough was covered by such white light, for a very long time is unappeasable. 战场的一角就彻底的被这样的白光所覆盖,久久无法平息。 Wū... Aaaaaaaaaah...!” 呜...啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” But in the white light center, Mad King is then withstanding this fearful power, finally like being defeated, the pain is loudly howling. 而在白光的中心,狂王便在承受着这可怕的力量,最终有如败下阵来似的,放声痛嚎。 The body, bone armor inch by inch broke apart of legendary sea beast, resembles the dust the same as sprinkle finally, reveals the Cú Chulainn complete picture. 身上,传说中的海兽的骨甲寸寸断裂,最后似灰尘一样洒落,露出库·丘林的全貌。 Then, the body of Cú Chulainn also under annihilating the ignition of white light reduces and solves unceasingly, finally the whole person was blown to fly. 然后,库·丘林的身体亦是在歼灭白光的灼烧下不断化解,最终整个人都被吹飞。 As for creating the all of these instigator, under storm that then starts in the white light, similarly the whole person was blown to fly. 至于造成这一切的始作俑者,则是在白光掀起的暴风之下,同样整个人被吹飞了。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Mash immediately without hesitation jumps to rush to Rozen's side, its tight grasped, protects him. 玛修立即毫不犹豫的纵身冲到罗真的身边,将其紧紧的抱住,护住了他。 The white light has been wreaking havoc, the surrounding area unceasing ignition and burning down. 白光就这么一直肆虐着,将周围的一带不断的灼烧、焚毁。 When all of these subsides, how long later matter that has not known. 等到这一切都平息下去时,那已经是不知道多久以后的事情了。 Zheng...” “铮...” With the dimness of one by one Primordial Rune, the white light finally is disappearance of retiring after meritorious service. 伴随着一个个原初之卢恩的黯淡,白光终于是功成身退的消失。 Scoffs...” “嗤...” By space that in the white light covers, the land sends out the steam, emits the smog, proved just that all were not the dreamlands. 被白光所覆盖的空间里,大地散发出热气,冒出烟雾,证明了刚刚那一切都不是梦境。 In a while, all belong to tranquilly. 没过多久,一切都归于平静。 Became... the success?” “成...成功了吗?” Holds Rozen to hide in shield later Mash together very not self-confidently is saying. 抱着罗真一起躲在盾牌之后的玛修便很不自信的这么说着。 ...” “呼...” Rozen does not have the ample force to make anything to respond, can only put out the one breath, is deriving Shikigami Spiritual Power, supplemented that own loss, while smiles bitterly slightly. 罗真则是已经没有余力做出什么反应,只能吐出一口气,一边汲取着式神们灵力,补充自身的损耗,一边微微苦笑。 But in this stretch of battlefield, besides this pair of boy and girl, no matter Dragon Species or Wyvern vanished from sight. 而在这片战场上,除了这对少年少女以外,不管是龙种还是双足飞龙们都消失不见了。 Including these Wyvern that Rozen summoned, similarly was so. 包括罗真召唤出来的那些双足飞龙,同样是如此。 Remains as before here, only has a person. 依旧残留在这里的,只有一个人。 No, should say that is half talent is right. 不,应该说是半个人才对。 The body has become is badly-damaged, is not only lower part radical disappearance, even left half of the body disappears, is only left over one with the head, chest cavity and right hand are connecting the remnant body. 身体已经变得残破不堪,不仅是下半身彻底的消失,连左半身都不见了,只剩下一个用头颅、胸腔以及右手连接着的残躯。 This, is present Cú Chulainn. 这,就是现在的库·丘林 „...... Lost?” “......输了吗?” Cú Chulainn then lying down on the ground, eyes lax as is looking at sky, lost saying these words. 库·丘林便躺在地面上,双眼涣散似的望着天空,出神般的说出这番话。 Does not need to butt, even if this Mad King, turns into this, that impossible continued to fight again. 毋庸置喙,哪怕是这位狂王,变成这样的话,那都不可能再继续战斗了。 You who are very suitable to go crazy as the dead end? Sétanta?” “作为末路来说很适合发疯的你吧?瑟坦特?” Such a sound responded to him. 这样的一个声音就回应了他。 The rotation eyeball that Cú Chulainn then resembles reluctantly, looks to the one side. 库·丘林便勉强似的转动眼珠,看向一旁。 In there, holds the arm, Scáthach that body is scarred is visiting him exhaltedly. 在那里,扶着手臂,身上伤痕累累的斯卡哈居高临下的看着他。 Looks at such Scáthach, the Cú Chulainn coldly opens the mouth. 看着这样的斯卡哈,库·丘林冷冷的开口。 „, You link Primordial Rune to teach human Master unexpectedly.” “没想到,你居然连原初之卢恩教给一个人类御主。” Obviously, this is the condition that Cú Chulainn has not even estimated. 显然,这是连库·丘林都没有预想到的状况。 I said that on Magecraft, his ability is not under you, even must surpass you.” “我说了,就魔术而言,他的才能不在你之下,甚至还要超过你。” Scáthach replied like it was a matter of course. 斯卡哈理所当然的回答 I acknowledged.” Cú Chulainn indifferently said: Can in learn Primordial Rune in this Singularity for several days, moreover can liberate completely, composes this Noble Phantasm, as human, he is more outstanding than anybody.” “我就承认吧。”库·丘林淡淡的道:“能够在这个特异点短短几天的时间里就将原初之卢恩习得,而且还能全部解放,组成这个宝具,作为人类而言,他比任何人都优秀。” Therefore has the value of guidance.” Scáthach quietly said: Perhaps, my long-cherished wish can achieve by him.” “所以才有教导的价值。”斯卡哈静静的道:“或许,我的夙愿可以由他来达成。” Refers, naturally Scáthach killing matter. 指的,自然是将斯卡哈给杀死的事情了。 This Foreign Territory Queen so like talent, very big reason to train to kill own disciple. 这位异境女王之所以如此爱才,很大一个理由就是为了培养能够杀死自己的弟子。 Once, Cú Chulainn was by one person that Scáthach favored. 曾经,库·丘林就是最被斯卡哈看好的一人。 Now, Rozen also becomes such person. 现在,罗真也成为了这样的人了。 only... 只是... Gives up, monster.” Cú Chulainn is shooting a look at Scáthach, aloof say/way: Can kill 14 Dragon Species, your such fellow cannot die.” “放弃吧,怪物。”库·丘林瞥着斯卡哈,无动于衷般的道:“能够杀死十四头龙种,你这样的家伙才死不了。” Isn't? 可不是? These dragon can/but are true Dragon Species, in Phantasmal Species strongest existence, any compares favorably sufficiently rides powerful Servant , 28 Dragon Species arrive, everyone's response will not be big. 要知道,那些龙可都是真正的龙种,幻想种中最强的存在,任何一头都足以媲美一骑强大的从者,否则,二十八头龙种降临时,所有人的反应就不会那么大了。 Scáthach can kill 14 Dragon Species unexpectedly, that 14 rides powerful Servant also to give to kill no difference them with duel simply. 斯卡哈竟是能够杀死十四头龙种,那简直跟单挑十四骑强大的从者还将他们给杀死没什么区别。 Perhaps, this is also matter that only then Scáthach can accomplish? 恐怕,这也就是只有斯卡哈才能办到的事情了吧? After all... 毕竟... No matter Giant, Great Dragon or Divine Spirit, I have killed, after Medb was overthrown, wants to solve to fall into the riot, uncontrolled they, are simple.” “不管是巨人巨龙还是神灵,我都有杀过,在梅芙被打倒以后,想解决陷入暴乱,不受控制的它们,再简单不过。” In Scáthach's tone is filling the calm self-confidence. 斯卡哈的语气中就充满着冷静的自信。 Also only then this Divine Spirit has even killed Queen of the Foreign Territory, just now has the means to discover the weakness of dragon under the disadvantage, seizes the chance to solve them with Noble Phantasm? 也就只有这位连神灵都杀过的异境女王,方才有办法在劣势下找出龙的弱点,趁机用宝具解决掉它们吧? certain kill Noble Phantasm adds on again can hold all victory the wisdom of time, who can compete? 必杀宝具再加上能够抓住一切胜利的时机的智慧,谁能敌得过? Naturally, even Scáthach, must kill 14 true Dragon Species, pays the price that the whole body was scarred as before. 当然,就算是斯卡哈,要杀死十四头真正的龙种,依旧付出了浑身伤痕累累的代价。 But Cú Chulainn will turn into this, the biggest hero can also say that is Scáthach. 库·丘林会变成这样,最大的功臣也能说是斯卡哈 That spear/gun may not only pierce the Cú Chulainn abdomen finally, but also fixed it in space, just now made him irresistibly, be defeated finally. 要知道,最后那一枪可不仅仅是刺穿了库·丘林的腹部而已,还将其固定在了空间里,方才使其无法抵抗,最终落败。 In other words , last of the last, Scáthach also used own Noble Phantasm for Cú Chulainn, with Noble Phantasm first Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, fixes it in space. 换言之,最后的最后,斯卡哈还对库·丘林使用了自己的宝具,用宝具的第一支魔枪,将其固定在空间中。 So, Rozen can solve Cú Chulainn with 《Ochd Deug Odin》. 如此,罗真才能用《大神刻印》解决库·丘林 How to say again... 再怎么说... Disciple went crazy the words, as Master, deliver a regulation is also natural for you.” “弟子发疯了的话,作为师父,为你送上一程也是理所当然的。” Scáthach to is lying down in oneself front Cú Chulainn makes noise. 斯卡哈就对着躺在自己面前的库·丘林出声。 „After returning to 《Throne》, engages in introspection to me well, idiot.” “回到《座》里以后再给我好好的反省吧,蠢货。” Saying, Scáthach extend the hand, effort jabbed into the chest of Cú Chulainn. 说着,斯卡哈伸出手,用力的刺进了库·丘林的胸口。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” In the tearing sound, Scáthach dug out the Cú Chulainn within the body thing. 撕裂声中,斯卡哈挖出了库·丘林体内的东西。 That is not the internal organs, but is radiant golden cup. 那不是内脏,而是一个璀璨的黄金之杯 This was regarded as to the gift on first meeting of new disciple.” “这就当做是给新的弟子的见面礼了。” Scáthach does not bring recall is saying to Cú Chulainn. 斯卡哈不带留恋的对着库·丘林说着。 „...... Old fox.” “......老狐狸。” This is Cú Chulainn leaves the Scáthach words finally. 这就是库·丘林最后留给斯卡哈的话。 shortly afterwards, the whole body of Cú Chulainn sends out radiance, changes to radiant light particle, gradually vanished from sight. 紧接着,库·丘林的全身都散发出光华,化作璀璨的光粒子,逐渐消失不见了。 Scáthach is gazing at once leaving the stage of most outstanding disciple. 斯卡哈就注视着自己曾经最杰出的弟子的退场。 At once, in the direction of later most outstanding disciple, walking slowly. 旋即,向着以后最杰出的弟子的方向,缓缓的走去。
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