SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#898: death battle that does not compromise

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After comprehending God Level 《Eye of the Mind》, Rozen also had a more profound comprehension regarding Command Seals power. 在领悟了神级《心眼》以后,罗真对于令咒力量亦是有了更加深刻的领悟。 And, then included better reassignment Command Seals power, making it display a more effective strengthening. 其中,便包括了更好的调动令咒力量,令其发挥出更具效果的强化。 In the past, Masters when using Command Seals, is only is responsible for ordering, other all work will be realized by Command Seals including the execution plan. 以往,御主们在使用令咒时,都仅是负责下令而已,其余的一切工作包括执行的方案都会由令咒自身来进行实现。 However, present Rozen can actually control Command Seals in turn, after liberating Command Seals, massive Magic Power obtained conduct a more perfect use. 但是,现在的罗真却能够反过来控制令咒,将解放令咒以后得到的大量魔力进行更加完美的利用。 Then, when Rozen liberates Command Seals power, the Command Seals effect becomes before will be more powerful than does not know many times. 如此一来,当罗真解放令咒力量时,令咒的效果将变得比以前强大不知道多少倍。 Like the present, is uses Command Seals to strengthen Mash, if once first in Fuyuki City's Singularity time Rozen and present of using Command Seals use Command Seals Rozen to take to compare, then, compared with that time, Command Seals of present Rozen use can reach by that time several times above strengthening effect. 就像现在,同样是使用令咒来强化玛修,若是将曾经在冬木市的特异点里第一次使用令咒罗真和现在使用令咒罗真拿出来相比较,那么,比起那时,现在的罗真使用的令咒将能达到那个时候数倍以上的强化效果。 Has such ability, even if 《Magic Resistance》 level higher Servant, that is unable to resist the order under Rozen's Command Seals. 拥有着这样的能力,哪怕是《对魔力》等级再高从者,那都无法抗拒罗真的令咒下的命令。 Strengthening that thanks to this, Mash obtains, was far from the past can describe. 拜此所赐,玛修得到的强化,远非过去所能形容。 Rumble...” 轰隆隆...” Under trembling of land, Mash is then building shield, forward charging. 在大地的震颤之下,玛修便架起着盾牌,向前冲锋着。 Her charge lets the atmosphere at the wail. 她的冲锋让大气都在哀鸣。 Her charge makes the sand dust curl up. 她的冲锋让沙尘都在卷起。 Mash is then carrying imposing manner beyond comparison, rushes to by the Cú Chulainn front that oneself strike to fly, was hit unexpectedly again crazily fiercely. 玛修便携带着无以伦比的气势,冲到被自己击飞的库·丘林的面前,竟是再次狂猛的撞了上去。 BOOM————!” 轰隆————!” Just like having a meteorite hit came up to be the same, rumbling sound such as thunderous, making shock wave change to the storm, welling up of tsunami opened. 宛如有一块陨石撞了上去一样,轰鸣声如雷鸣,让冲击波化作暴风,海啸似的涌开了。 Facing such strikes, in the critical moment, Cú Chulainn seemed like timely to respond, a spin body, controlled the body that was struck to fly, shortly afterwards wields the heavy claw to strike, moves forward to meet somebody, just now started the so astonishing sound. 面对这样的一击,关键时刻里,库·丘林貌似及时反应了过来,一个旋身,控制住了被击飞的身体,紧接着挥出沉重的爪击,迎了上去,方才掀起如此惊人的动静。 only, such sound maintained the twinkling merely. 只是,这样的动静仅仅维持了瞬息。 Mash looks like touches to is the same, suddenly flashes in the instance that the collision produces, unexpectedly just like phantom plundering to the one side, on the spot leaves behind a blur at the same time, the whole person changes to a meteorite again, dashes in Cú Chulainn's body. 玛修就像是一触即离一样,在碰撞产生的瞬间里豁然一闪,竟是宛如幻影般的掠至一旁,在原地留下一道残影的同时,整个人再次化作一块陨石,冲撞在库·丘林的身上 BOOM————!” 轰隆————!” Second rumbling sound resounds, making the ground also crush, inch by inch broke apart. 第二次的轰鸣声响起,令得地面亦是为之粉碎,寸寸断裂 Just, this time, Mash's shield very smooth falling in Cú Chulainn's body, let Cú Chulainn is also again was rumbled to fly. 只不过,这一次,玛修的盾牌就很顺利的落在库·丘林的身上了,让库·丘林亦是再一次的被轰飞。 Tch...!” ...!” Cú Chulainn cannot help but smacks the lips, wants to stand firm figure, but this time power is powerful, making it only be able on the ground unceasing swaying back and forth, after cracking-up on along the way the rock one after another, just now stopped smoothly. 库·丘林不由得咂嘴,想稳住身形,可这次的力量过于强大,令其只能在地面上不断的打滚,撞碎沿途上一块又一块的岩石以后,方才顺利的停了下来。 But at this time, Mash is plundered to the Cú Chulainn front at an exceptional pace. 可这个时候,玛修已经是以惊人的速度掠至库·丘林的面前。 In his hand, that heavy shield had been covered by invisible Psychic Power Blade, front found out sharp Magic Power. 其手中,那沉重的盾牌已经是被无形的念力之刃所覆盖,前端探出了锋利的魔力 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Mash furiously wields, making the shield flash in hand flash past, brings a piece of blood. 玛修奋力的一挥,让手中的盾牌似闪光般一闪而过,带起一片鲜血。 The chest of Cú Chulainn was given to cut by invisible Psychic Power Blade, blood light for the first time presently. 库·丘林的胸口就被无形的念力之刃给划开,血光乍现。 If were not Cú Chulainn timely retreat one step, perhaps, he was not the chest is cut, but was the whole person is severed completely. 如果不是库·丘林及时后退了一步,恐怕,他就不是胸口被划开,而是整个人都被一刀两断了。 Very good!” “很好!” Cú Chulainn on loud opens the mouth. 库·丘林就大声的开口。 This slaughters! This is Mythical War!” “这才是厮杀!这才是神话战争!” So-called Mythical War, referred to and is not only Celtic Mythology, Greek Mythology as well as Hindu Mythology three myth systems the war of between Servant, ordinary human selects the war that the War God words Hero starts. 所谓的神话战争,指的并不仅仅是凯尔特神话希腊神话以及印度神话三个神话系统的从者之间的战争,还是平凡的人类战神话的英雄所掀起的战争。 In most famous Great Hero as Celtic Mythology, Cú Chulainn then has this qualifications to accept such challenge. 作为凯尔特神话中最著名的大英雄,库·丘林便有这个资格接受这样的挑战。 „To massacre my words! That kills full power!” “想杀掉我的话!那就全力杀过来吧!” Cú Chulainn said, and ferocious beast is the same, advances instead of retreating, toward kills own Mash to throw strongly. 库·丘林如此放话,并似猛兽一样,不退反进,向着强势杀伤自己的玛修扑去。 Bang!” “轰!” The body, ominous Magic Power rises suddenly again, resembling not to have the limit to be the same, successively increasing. 身上,不祥的魔力再次暴涨,似没有极限一样,节节攀升着。 Also can getting stronger!?” “还能变强吗!?” Mash clenches teeth, actually also moving forward to meet somebody of without hesitation. 玛修咬了咬牙,却也毫不犹豫的迎了上去。 Is this!” “就是这样!” Was in the rear Rozen similarly loud opens the mouth, shortly afterwards places the complete mind to Mash's employing on. 身在后方的罗真同样大声的开口,紧接着将全副心神都放在对玛修的使役上了。 In order to let obtain Command Seals the Mash 200% displays of power the current strength, Rozen by with heart and soul full power support, no longer makes the attack and hindrance by Magecraft and Magical Arts, but is 《Eye of the Mind》 full, with the aid of among the contract and Magic Power the path with Mash, guiding him to fight. 为了让得到令咒力量玛修百分之两百的发挥出目前的实力,罗真以全心全力的支援起来,不再以魔术咒术做攻击和妨碍,而是《心眼》全开,借助与玛修之间的契约与魔力的通路,引导其进行战斗。 Brandishes the claw that comes to strike facing Cú Chulainn, in Rozen's 《Eye of the Mind》 sees through under the condition of its path, Mash no longer merely is the passive defense, but is such as in the squally shower is supporting by strenuous efforts a small boat, figure flashing left and right flashes, avoids it completely, treats as huge blade reinforced 《Magic Blade》 shield again, the side of lifting a heavy weight as if light wields, leaves behind scar one after another in Cú Chulainn's body. 面对库·丘林挥舞而来的爪击,在罗真的《心眼》看穿其轨迹的状况下,玛修就不再仅仅是被动的防御而已,而是如在狂风骤雨中苦苦支撑着的一叶扁舟,身形左闪右闪,将其全部避开,再将加持了《魔韧》盾牌当做巨大的刀刃,举重若轻的极挥,在库·丘林的身上留下一道又一道的伤痕。 Cú Chulainn actually does not care about own safety completely, in turn is withstanding Mash all attacks passively, even blood sputtering, as before even the flesh and blood flying in all directions, is unforgiving is fiercely attacking. 库·丘林却完全不在意自身的安危,反过来被动承受着玛修所有的攻击,即便鲜血溅射,即便血肉横飞,依旧不依不饶的猛攻着。 During this period, Cú Chulainn similarly in continuously getting stronger. 在这段期间里,库·丘林同样在一直变强 In an instant, Cú Chulainn reaches the strategic level peak, goes a step further again, really must break through the Level category of Rozen formulation. 转眼间,库·丘林已经是达到战略级的巅峰,再进一步,真的就要突破罗真制定的等级范畴了。 If not for this, so discards the defense like Cú Chulainn, fiercely attacking constantly, the final fate is very definitely miserable. 如若不是这样,像库·丘林这般舍弃防御,一味的猛攻,最终的下场肯定很惨。 Now, under war stronger Status/condition, Cú Chulainn the fiercely attacked the pressure that created on the no small matter. 现在,在越战越强的状态下,库·丘林的这番猛攻带来的压力就非同小可了。 Mash can only clench teeth to insist, is observing from Rozen there class/flow the claw light that the will in Magic Power carrying, will attack avoids completely, returns by slash again. 玛修只能咬牙坚持,遵守着从罗真那里流过来的魔力中携带的意志,将来袭的爪光全部避开,再回以一次次的斩击 Puchi!” Puchi!” Puchi!” 噗嗤!”“噗嗤!”“噗嗤!” In the tearing sound, Cú Chulainn's body really did not have the perfect place again. 撕裂声中,库·丘林的身上真的再也没有完好无损的地方了。 Coughs...!” “咳...!” At this time, Cú Chulainn carves a blood finally. 这时,库·丘林终于是刻出一口血。 Haaaaaaaaah...!” 哈啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” But, this Mad King is roaring as before, whole body Magic Power rises suddenly again. 可是,这位狂王依旧怒吼着,全身魔力再次暴涨。 Also... can also again getting stronger...!?” “还...还能再变强吗...!?” Mash's complexion really start blanch. 玛修的脸色真的开始发白了。 Rozen's complexion also changes again and again. 罗真的面色亦是一变再变。 Finally... 最后... I do not believe that you are really undying body.” “我就不信,你真的是不死之身。” Rozen in the eyes severe light flashes. 罗真眼中厉芒一闪。 Zheng...” “铮...” Command Seals that on the left hand, three ring are linked together also flashed the ray finally. 左手上,三枚指环环环相扣的令咒亦是终于闪起了光芒。 Ignores the consumption in the Rozen preparation, liberates when 《Scarlet Wing Formation》's power...... 就在罗真准备不顾消耗,将《红翼阵》的力量都解放出来时...... Whoosh————!” 咻————!” With sharp sky-splitting sound, a Demonic Spear/Magic Gun flash puncture comes. 伴随着一个尖锐破空声响,一把魔枪似闪光般的穿刺而来。 Puchi————!” 噗嗤————!” Until now in a biggest tearing sound, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun passed through the Cú Chulainn abdomen. 至今为止最大的一声撕裂声中,魔枪贯穿了库·丘林的腹部。 Wha......?” “什...么...?” Cú Chulainn eyes opened wide. 库·丘林睁大了眼睛 Not is only Cú Chulainn but, even Rozen and Mash stare, shortly afterwards has turned the head hastily, looked to Demonic Spear/Magic Gun flies the place. 不仅是库·丘林而且,连罗真玛修都为之一愣,紧接着连忙转过头,看向了魔枪的飞来之处。 Ha... ha... 哈...哈... In there, Scáthach is maintaining the posture of throwing, the whole body is like Cú Chulainn, similarly is scarred, but also everywhere is the burned black trace. 在那里,斯卡哈正维持着投掷的姿势,浑身则与库·丘林一样,同样伤痕累累,还到处都是焦黑的痕迹。 But in Scáthach around the body, entire 14 Great Dragon lies down there unexpectedly, does not have aura again. 而在斯卡哈身周,整整十四头的巨龙竟是躺在那里,再无气息 This Foreign Territory Queen, while this period of time, will besiege own seven Great Dragon unexpectedly as well as besieges Mash and Rozen's seven Great Dragon gives to massacre. 这位异境女王,居然趁着这段时间,将围攻自己的七头巨龙以及围攻玛修罗真的七头巨龙都给杀掉了。 Is now!” “就是现在!” Scáthach loud shout. 斯卡哈高声呐喊 hearing this, Rozen responded. 闻言,罗真反应了过来。 Pā! 啪! The next second, Rozen suddenly claps. 下一秒钟,罗真豁然击掌。 Zheng————!” 铮————!” The radiant ray, sparkles in the battlefield. 璀璨的光芒,在战场上闪耀。 That is one by one does not know when covers entirely surrounding space Runes. 那是一个个不知何时布满周围的空间卢恩符文 Rune altogether has 18. 符文一共有十八个。 Impressively, is completely Primordial Rune. 赫然,全部都是原初之卢恩 could it be that...!?” 难道...!?” Cú Chulainn then thought of anything, complexion finally changed. 库·丘林便想到了什么,面色终于变了。 What a pity, now detects, is too late. 可惜,现在才察觉,已经太迟了。 《Ochd Deug Odin》!” 《大神刻印(ochdDeugodin)》!” Rozen liberated this to belong to Cú Chulainn Noble Phantasm's power. 罗真解放了这个原属于库·丘林宝具的力量 Therefore, the annihilated white light, illuminated the world. 于是,歼灭的白光,照亮了天地。
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