SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#897: Has Command Seals that counter-attacks definitely

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Bang...” “轰...” Astonishing Magic Power changes to ominous mist, unceasing ascended from Cú Chulainn's body. 惊人的魔力化作不祥的气焰,不断的从库·丘林的身上升腾了起来。 Cú Chulainn's body is becomes scarred obviously, this Mad King Status/condition has not actually dropped, instead in unceasing rise. 明明库·丘林的身上已经是变得伤痕累累,这位狂王状态却是一点都没有下降,反而在不断的上升。 No matter imposing manner, threatens and has power, with that scar same place, is rising suddenly in Cú Chulainn's body. 不管是气势、威胁、存在还是力量,都随着那身伤痕一起,在库·丘林的身上暴涨着。 Unexpectedly getting stronger...!?” “居然变强了...!?” Mash is fluctuating for this reason the complexion. 玛修便为此变幻着脸色。 At this time, Cú Chulainn had thrown again. 这个时候,库·丘林已经是再次扑了上来。 „......!” “......!” Sees that Rozen and Mash had the response immediately, suddenly retreat, spread out with Cú Chulainn, holds up shield instantaneously, blocks throwing of Cú Chulainn to strike. 见状,罗真与玛修立即产生了反应,一个豁然后退,与库·丘林拉开了距离,一个瞬间举起盾牌,拦下库·丘林的扑击。 Clang————!” 铛————!” The heavy claw strikes then falling of heavily again on Mash's shield, the strength that power that the aroused impact, bursts out as well as lifts compared with previously promoted much. 沉重的爪击便再一次的重重的落在玛修的盾牌上,激起的冲击、迸发的力量以及掀开的劲气都比先前提升了不少。 ...!” “唔...!” Mash groan, this time cannot stand firm the footsteps finally, retreat. 玛修闷哼了一声,这一次终于是没有能够稳住脚步,后退了出去。 But Cú Chulainn must manage the unforgiving, pair of claws as difficult situation unceasing delimits, pulls up a piece of claw light, falling that continuously on Mash's shield. 库·丘林则是得理不饶人,双爪似惊涛骇浪般不断的划出,拉起一片爪光,不住的落在玛修的盾牌上。 Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” “铛!”“铛!”“铛!”“铛!”“铛!” Strikes falling time and time again along with the claw of Cú Chulainn, fearful power also raising shock wave time and time again, arouses the sand storm, blows tornado, wields the crushed stone class/flow, lets withstand such Mash's footsteps of fiercely attacking unable to stand firm, can only seem like such as is been same by lightning, repeatedly retreat. 伴随着库·丘林的爪击一次又一次的落下,可怕的力量亦一次又一次的掀起冲击波,激起沙尘暴,吹起龙卷风,挥起碎石流,让承受着这样的猛攻的玛修的脚步根本无法稳住,只能像是如遭雷击一样,频频后退着。 Naturally, Rozen had exerted 《Magic Defense》 Psychic Power Shield to Mash's shield, adds on for Mash including 《Body Hardening》, even also relies on 《Eye of the Mind》's ability to see through each path that the claw of Cú Chulainn strikes, enabling Mash to most to unload the strength the angle to resist, finally linking continuous strikes draws back by Cú Chulainn. 理所当然,罗真已经是给玛修的盾牌施加了《魔防》念力之盾,连《刚体》亦是为玛修加上,甚至还凭借《心眼》的能力看穿库·丘林的爪击的每一道轨迹,让玛修以最能卸力的角度进行抵挡,结果还是被库·丘林给连连击退。 Therefore, Rozen also more than once used all sorts of Magecraft and Magical Arts toward Cú Chulainn. 为此,罗真不止一次的向着库·丘林使用了一种种的魔术咒术 For example, Rozen drew Rune of flame, making the Rune writing change to mass of flames, shells in Cú Chulainn's body, but Cú Chulainn actually does not dodge does not evade, its withstood directly, even were rumbled to result in the whole body burned black, as before is fiercely attacking. 比如,罗真画出了焰之符文,让卢恩文字化作火焰的团块,轰击在库·丘林的身上,可库·丘林却是不闪不避,直接将其承受了下来,即使被轰得浑身焦黑,依旧不停的猛攻着。 For example, Rozen used Taoist Internal Attack magical law, attempts to drive back Cú Chulainn, but Cú Chulainn not only does not have retreat, but also crashes in the impact of Magical Power on own initiative, control firmly Mash, making Mash have to by the impact of Magical Power affecting. 比如,罗真使用了隔山打牛咒法,企图逼退库·丘林,但库·丘林不仅没有后退,还主动冲进咒力的冲击里,牢牢的控制住玛修,让玛修都不得不被咒力的冲击给波及。 Finally, Rozen also repeatedly the Magic Power transformation is Psychic Power, either forms the Psychic Power shell bang it in Cú Chulainn's body, either forms 《Magic Blade》 enforcement it in Mash's shield, making its shield cut the Cú Chulainn body flesh, but Cú Chulainn disregarded, only is conducting fiercely attacking to Mash. 最后,罗真还频频将魔力转化为念力,要么将其形成念力的炮弹轰在库·丘林的身上,要么将其形成《魔韧》加持玛修的盾牌,令其盾牌划破库·丘林身上的血肉,可库·丘林就是不管不顾,只是对着玛修进行着猛攻。 Mash has 《Shield of Rousing Resolution》 Skill, can attract the Cú Chulainn attack words , this Mad King absolutely will attacks these uses in Rozen's body completely, disregards to the Mash's hindrance, only to massacre Rozen one person is crazy? 要不是玛修有着《决意奋起之盾》技能,可以吸引库·丘林的攻击的话,那么,这位狂王一定会将这些攻击全部用在罗真的身上,对玛修的阻碍不管不顾,只为了杀掉罗真一人而疯狂吧? In such a case, Cú Chulainn constantly is accumulating the injury, power actually presents getting stronger and stronger of inverse proportion. 偏偏,在这样的情况下,库·丘林不断的累积着伤害,力量却是呈现反比的越变越强 How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” Rozen really changed countenance. 罗真是真的动容了。 Although, because Cú Chulainn has highest rank the relations of 《Battle Continuation》 Skill, Rozen had not expected can, when its severe wound routs him at one fell swoop, but Rozen has not really thought, Cú Chulainn not only by the influence of injury, was not instead fiercely competed and successfully competed, the war is stronger. 虽说,因为库·丘林拥有着最高等级《战斗续行》技能的关系,罗真并没有奢望能够在其重伤的时候一举击溃他,可罗真是真的没有想到,库·丘林不但不受伤势的影响,反而越战越勇,越战越强。 „Is this 《Holy Grail》's power? His power?” “这到底是《圣杯》的力量?还是他自己的力量?” Rozen's expression then becomes cloudy and uncertain extremely. 罗真的表情便变得极其阴晴不定 With fiercer the more one fights, compared with war stronger Cú Chulainn, Rozen's consumption is bigger and bigger, even is gradually supplementing Magic Power in Shikigami there, but with fight conducts, Status/condition cannot say absolutely is good. 与越战越勇,越战越强的库·丘林相比,罗真的消耗是越来越大,即使正在式神们那里逐渐的补充着魔力,但随着战斗的进行,状态绝对不能说得上是好。 Jade Rabbit is not, had a big influence on Rozen in the end still. 玉兔不在,对罗真终究还是造成了不小的影响。 If there is Jade Rabbit, it can help Rozen reduce the consumption, can help Rozen rapidly restore Magic Power, making Rozen's Magic Power be insufficient to exhaust that the time, needs to start 《Scarlet Wing Formation》 to supplement several times. 若是有玉兔在的话,它即可以帮罗真减小消耗,又能够帮罗真快速恢复魔力,让罗真的魔力不至于耗尽那么多次,需要数次启动《红翼阵》来进行补充。 If there is Jade Rabbit, it can also increase Rozen's 《Eye of the Mind》's power, letting Rozen can better deals with various conditions. 若是有玉兔在的话,它亦可以增幅罗真的《心眼》之力,让罗真可以更好的应对各种状况。 If there is Jade Rabbit, it can also give Rozen to warn at crucial moments, making Rozen be insufficient to encounter too many dangers. 若是有玉兔在的话,它还能在危急时刻给罗真示警,令罗真不至于遇到太多的危险。 If there is Jade Rabbit in... 若是有玉兔在的话... Thinks of here, Rozen discovered, actually oneself usually has depends upon Jade Rabbit, there are depends upon Golden Crow. 想到这里,罗真才发现,自己平时究竟有多么依靠玉兔,又有多么依靠金乌 Has Golden Crow and Jade Rabbit, perhaps, Rozen has dropped down. 要不是有金乌和玉兔,或许,罗真早就倒下了。 People have said, was sheltered by Divine Spirit, that can definitely guarantee safe and secure. 人们一直都说,受到神灵庇护,那肯定能够保证平安。 Before, Rozen does not believe that this excuse, now, Rozen really believes. 以前,罗真不相信这种说辞,现在,罗真真的相信了。 Naturally, Rozen has not regretted to lend Rama Jade Rabbit. 当然,罗真也没有后悔将玉兔借给罗摩 Because, this is worth Rozen doing that. 因为,这值得罗真这么做。 only, this wants to obtain the understanding of enemy, that is not easy. 只是,这想获得敌人的理解,那就没有那么容易了。 Come, again come.” “来,再来吧。” Cú Chulainn then brings evil smile declaration. 库·丘林便带着邪恶的笑容的宣言着。 Continues to slaughter again, kills till a side drops down thoroughly.” “再继续厮杀,杀到其中一方彻底倒下为止。” Makes this declaration Cú Chulainn to attack Mash unceasingly, has not stopped. 做出这番宣言库·丘林就不断的攻击着玛修,一刻都未停。 Wū...!” 呜...!” Finally, even defensive power astonishing Mash before fiercely attacking of Cú Chulainn cannot help but made the depressed sound. 终于,连防御力惊人的玛修库·丘林的猛攻前都不由自主的发出苦闷的声音了。 if continue this way... 再这样下去的话... if continue this way, that this fought must lose without doubt.” 再这样下去的话,那这一战就必输无疑了。” This is the myth. 这就是神话。 This is the war. 这就是战争。 Cannot this way.” “不能再这样下去了。” Rozen sets firm resolve. 罗真就下定了决心。 ———— orders You———— by Command Seals ————令咒命令你———— Rozen held up finally the right hand that wears the glove, used the own second trump card. 罗真总算是举起了戴着手套的右手,使用了自己的第二个王牌。 ———— Mash Kyrielight, overthrows Cú Chulainn ———— ————玛修·基列莱特,打倒库·丘林———— Rozen liberated Command Seals power. 罗真就这么解放了令咒力量 Zheng————!” 铮————!” On the back of the hand of Rozen right hand, three ring are linked together formed Command Seals bloom the ray. 罗真右手的手背上,三个指环环环相扣所形成的令咒绽放出光芒。 shortly afterwards, stroke of Command Seals changes to pure Magic Power, poured into Mash's body. 紧接着,其中一划令咒就化作纯粹的魔力,注入了玛修的身体 Rumble————! 轰————! Mash's body, Magic Power rose suddenly. 玛修的身上,魔力暴涨了起来。 Haaaaaah!” 喝啊啊啊啊啊啊!” Has withstood the uphold view that Cú Chulainn Mash of fiercely attacking makes an effort immediately, sends out to fill imposing manner to shout. 原本一直承受库·丘林的猛攻的玛修顿时用力的抬起眼帘,发出充满气势呐喊 Bang————!” 磅————!” In the sound of blasting open, Mash stood firm the footsteps. 炸裂似的响声中,玛修稳住了脚步。 Hū————!” 呼————!” shield of passive defensive sticks out suddenly, is carrying the fresh breeze of howling, forward dashing. 被动防御的盾牌暴起,携带着呼啸的劲风,向前冲撞。 Bang————!” 嘭————!” In depressed impact noise, in Cú Chulainn pair of claws just held up instantly, Mash's shield is resembles tiny dagger to be the same unexpectedly, sneaks in his bosom, heavily bang in his body. 沉闷的撞击声中,在库·丘林的双爪刚刚举起的刹那里,玛修的盾牌竟是似细小的匕首一样,钻进其怀中,重重的轰在了他的身上 BOOM————!” 咚————!” Under thunders, Cú Chulainn that the whole body is scarred was struck to fly. 轰鸣之下,浑身伤痕累累的库·丘林被击飞。 Mash, changed from defensive to offensive. 玛修,反守为攻了。 Rozen is then giving the instruction. 罗真便下着指示。 On! Mash!” “上!玛修!” Regarding Rozen's this instruction, Mash's recover only has one. 对于罗真的这个指示,玛修的回复只有一个。 Yes! Master!” “是!御主!” The voice falls, Mash rushes. 话音一落,玛修冲了上去。
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