SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#894: 《Curruid Coinchenn》

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Oooooooooooh ————!” 噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢————!” In battlefield that the beacon-fire sets the prairie afire, Cú Chulainn then loudly howls crazily, the whole body erupts astonishing ominous Magic Power, covered his whole body, shakes scarlet mist/flame breath. 烽火燎原的战场上,库·丘林便纵声狂啸,全身爆发出惊人的不祥魔力,将其全身都覆盖了起来,震荡起猩红的气焰 In that mist/flame breath, the whole body of Cú Chulainn is having the change. 在那气焰之内,库·丘林的全身都在产生着变化。 Specifically speaking, then like changing to a monster is the same, whole body that thorn hangnail finds out, body was also given to cover by the armor of scales, was given to replace by a ferocious beast skull including, both hands change to a pair of sharp claw, thorough changed an appearance. 具体来说,便是有如化作一只怪物一样,全身那荆棘般的倒刺探出,身上亦是被鳞片似的盔甲给覆盖,连头都被一个猛兽般的头骨给取代,双手更是化作一对锋利的爪子,彻底的变了一个模样。 In such a case, Magic Power of Cú Chulainn whole body is rising suddenly, like hurricane, assails the audience. 在这样的情况下,库·丘林全身的魔力都在暴涨着,如同飓风似的,吹袭全场。 What...!?” “什么...!?” Mash is startled. 玛修大吃一惊。 That is...!?” “那是...!?” Scáthach was also startled. 斯卡哈亦是为之吃惊了。 Rozen shrank the pupil similarly, surprised incomparable opens the mouth. 罗真同样缩起了瞳孔,惊讶无比的开口。 what's going on?” 这是怎么回事?” Did Cú Chulainn turn into the monster? 库·丘林变成怪物了? „Did could it be that absorb the influence of 《Holy Grail》?” 难道是吸收了《圣杯》的影响?” Rozen is thinking. 罗真就这么想着。 But, this idea, immediately by Scáthach denying. 可是,这个想法,立即就被斯卡哈给否认。 No, that is not power that 《Holy Grail》 brings.” “不,那不是《圣杯》带来的力量。” Scáthach continues to avoid coming Dragon Breath, while is gazing at stubbornly Cú Chulainn that turns into the monster, spoke with a dignified complexion. 斯卡哈一边继续躲避着迎面而来的龙息,一边死死的注视着变成怪物的库·丘林,面色凝重的出声了。 That is Demonic Spear's power.” “那是魔枪的力量。” Scáthach is so assured. 斯卡哈如此笃定着。 Demonic Spear/Magic Gun?” 魔枪?” Rozen is first startled, shortly afterwards understands. 罗真先是一怔,紧接着明白过来。 It is said that is different from Old-Type Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that Scáthach uses, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that Cú Chulainn uses is with the weapon that another material manufactures. 据说,和斯卡哈所使用的旧型魔枪不同,库·丘林所使用的魔枪乃是用另外一种材料制作出来的武器。 Scáthach's Demonic Spear is takes some ancient era Age of Gods plant to take the material, thing that finally makes, but Cú Chulainn Demonic Spear/Magic Gun is actually not so. 斯卡哈的魔枪是取某种年代久远神代植物作为素材,最终制造出来的东西,可库·丘林魔枪却不是如此。 It is Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that Red Sea animal bones of sea beast make, inborn is carrying vicious aura and curse power. 它是一种红海的海兽的兽骨所制成的魔枪,天生就携带着凶恶气息和诅咒的力量 Now, Cú Chulainn's body is covering the bone system armor, carefully looks, with that legendary sea beast unexpectedly is exactly the same. 现在,库·丘林的身上所覆盖着的骨制盔甲,仔细一看,和那头传说中的海兽竟是一模一样。 And, wears this armor at the same time, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun in Cú Chulainn hand is also missing, body releases and Demonic Spear/Magic Gun exactly the same ominous Magic Power as well as scarlet mist/flame breath. 并且,穿上这件盔甲的同时,库·丘林手中的魔枪亦是不见了踪影,身上则释放出和魔枪一模一样的不祥魔力以及猩红气焰 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? He Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to the radical liberation, takes the price by this, power of legendary sea beast awakening?” “他将魔枪给彻底解放,以此作为代价,把传说中的海兽的力量给唤醒了吗?” Rozen said this truth immediately. 罗真立即道出了这个真相。 precisely so. 正是如此。 Besides can use Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that was proud by Berserker Class present world Cú Chulainn, but also obtained Noble Phantasm. Berserker职阶现界库·丘林除了能够使用生前引以为傲的魔枪以外,还得到了一件宝具 That can in that Red Sea power of sea beast the legend because of Demonic Spear/Magic Gun temporary embodiment, form the exoskeleton, like armor general winding in body. 那就是能够将传说中那头红海的海兽的力量藉由魔枪暂时性具象化,形成外骨骼,像铠甲一般缠绕在身上 Once starts this Noble Phantasm, Cú Chulainn will lose Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, is unable to show one hit kill fearful power again. 一旦发动这个宝具,库·丘林就会失去魔枪,无法再展现出一击必杀的可怕力量 However, as sacrificing the Demonic Spear/Magic Gun price, Cú Chulainn will obtain power of sea beast, not only Endurance Level will promote, can achieve EX-Rank including the parameter of physical strength. 但是,作为牺牲魔枪的代价,库·丘林将得到海兽的力量,不仅耐久等级会提升,连筋力的参数都会达到ex级 This is Mad King Cú Chulainn collection A-Rank Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm. 这就是狂王库·丘林珍藏的A级对人宝具 《Curruid Coinchenn》!” 《死牙之兽的噬碎(CurruidCoinchenn)》!” Mad King Cú Chulainn then liberated this Noble Phantasm, was changed to the monster of Red Sea by oneself. 狂王库·丘林便解放了这个宝具,让自身化作红海的怪物。 At once... 旋即... Bang————!” 磅————!” With the astonishing airing sound, Cú Chulainn broke the ground of under foot, brings terrifying sky-splitting sound, resembles red flash general, ominous Demonic Spear/Magic Gun is the same, flees to the Rozen and Mash front instantaneously. 随着惊人的气爆声,库·丘林震碎了脚下的地面,带着恐怖破空声,似一道红色的闪光一般,一把不祥的魔枪一样,瞬间窜至罗真与玛修的面前。 „......!” “......!” „......!” “......!” Rozen and Mash complexion changes suddenly simultaneously, looks flees to oneself front Cú Chulainn suddenly, in the eyes is astonished. 罗真与玛修同时面色骤变,看着瞬息间窜至自己面前的库·丘林,眼中全是惊愕。 The Cú Chulainn speed will then draw near this situation. 库·丘林的速度便快到了这种地步。 Death!” “死吧!” The next instance, the Cú Chulainn low and deep sound passed from the helmet, the sharp claws in its are also are similar to curse Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to be common, suddenly violently thrust. 下一个瞬间,库·丘林低沉的声音就从头盔里传了出来,其手上的利爪亦是如同诅咒的魔枪本身一般,骤然暴刺而出。 The speed, broke through the sonic barrier instantaneously. 速度,瞬间就突破了音障。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Mash wants to build shield to defend, actually already without enough time. 玛修想架起盾牌来防御,却是已经来不及。 Áng! 昂! Also produced the response in head Hokuto the Rozen and Mash back at this time, is too late. 罗真与玛修背在头上的北斗亦是这个时候才产生了反应,却已经太晚。 Can see through the Cú Chulainn the person of speed as well as attack clearly, only then has 《Eye of the Mind》 Skill Rozen. 能够清清楚楚的看穿库·丘林的速度以及攻击的人,只有具备《心眼》技能罗真 Even but if, can see through, Rozen's body also cannot keep up with the speed of opposite party completely, evades not to be possible radically to evade. 可是,就算能够看穿,罗真的身体亦是完全跟不上对方的速度,根本避无可避。 When this is at a crucial moment in... 在这千钧一发之际里... Golden Crow!” 金乌!” Rozen can only toward protect own God hope asylum. 罗真只能向着一直守护着自己的神祇祈求庇护。 Hū! 呼! Rozen's body, the magnificent jet black coat reacts readily, howls, turns the lower hem, such as cloak opens wide general, keeps off in front of Rozen and Mash. 罗真的身上,华丽的漆黑大衣立即做出反应,呼啸之间,翻起衣摆,如斗篷敞开一般,挡在罗真与玛修的面前 Clang————!” 铛————!” Sharp claws of Cú Chulainn sharp immediately falling of heavily above coat that in turned, arouses clear collision sound at the same time, was lets fire powder and fluttering of raven feathers hysterical/frenzy. 库·丘林尖锐的利爪顿时重重的落在了翻起的大衣之上,激起一声清脆的交击声响的同时,亦是让火粉乌鸦羽毛狂乱的翻飞了起来。 shock wave like strong winds is wreaking havoc. 冲击波就像狂风一样的肆虐着。 Under the physical strength of making an exception rank, even if Golden Crow's Coat is similar to creakies, sprinkles massive fire powder and Raven's Wing. 在破格级别的筋力之下,即使是金乌所化的大衣都如同摇摇欲坠似的,洒落出大量的火粉鸦羽 In the past this had never had the matter. 这是过去从来不曾发生过的事情。 However, at this moment, under Cú Chulainn that astonishing power, Golden Crow resists reluctant appearance on one quite. 但是,此时此刻,在库·丘林那惊人的力量之下,金乌就一副抵挡得相当勉强的样子。 Can let be Divine Spirit Golden Crow resists so reluctantly, without doubt unusual command Rozen is astonished. 能够让身为神灵金乌抵挡得如此勉强,无疑非常的令罗真惊愕。 Because although does not have to provide the relations of Magic Power full power, Golden Crow's power has not displayed completely, but how to say again is Magical Tool that Divine Spirit the incarnation becomes, can striking make Golden Crow so turbulent, it can be imagined, Cú Chulainn this time power actually strong. 虽然因为没有全力提供魔力的关系,金乌的力量并没有完全发挥出来,可再怎么说都是神灵所化身而成的咒具,能够一击让金乌如此动荡,可想而知,库·丘林此时的力量究竟有多强。 This not solely only awakened power of legendary sea beast is so simple absolutely. 这绝对不单单只是唤醒了传说中的海兽的力量那么简单。 Besides power of sea beast, Cú Chulainn is still using another power. 除了海兽的力量以外,库·丘林还在使用着另外一种力量 《Holy Grail》...!” 《圣杯》...!” Yes. 是的。 Was absorbed within the body 《Holy Grail》 also to provide power by Cú Chulainn for it, is enhancing the Cú Chulainn strength, for it continuous supplies Magic Power, just now makes it such. 库·丘林吸收进体内《圣杯》同样在为其提供着力量,提升着库·丘林的实力,为其源源不断的供给魔力,方才让其变得如此之强。 Present Cú Chulainn is close to the strategic level peak absolutely infinitely, power of quick surpassed Rozen formulation graded. 现在的库·丘林绝对无限接近于战略级的巅峰,都快超出罗真制定的力量分级了。 Buzz...!” “嗡...!” It looks like to substantiate the idea in Rozen heart is the same, Cú Chulainn wields the sharp claws again, stirred muddily the atmosphere, started the impact, such as Death God's scythe was ordinary, bang ruthlessly above Golden Crow's Coat, erupted astonishing power. 就像是为了印证罗真心中的想法一样,库·丘林再次挥出利爪,搅浑了大气,掀起了冲击,如死神的镰刀一般,狠狠的轰在了金乌大衣之上,爆发出惊人的力量 Clang————!” 铛————!” Second collision sound gets up. 第二次的交击声响起。 only, this time, changes to cloak, looks like shell Golden Crow's Coat that Rozen and Mash covers, was flown by striking of heavily. 只是,这一次,化作斗篷,将罗真与玛修覆盖起来的金乌大衣就像是炮弹似的,被重重的击飞了出去。 At first sight, looks like the black meteorites to be struck to fly simply general, is in Rozen and Mash, although had not been attacked, may follow as before Golden Crow's Coat the cloak same place, hit below land, gave crushing, to strike to fall there. 乍看之下,简直就像是有一块黑色的陨石被击飞出去一般,身在其中的罗真与玛修虽然没有遭受到冲击,可依旧跟着金乌大衣所化的斗篷一起,撞进了下方的大地,将那里给击碎、击陷。 At once, the ground crack comes up in great numbers and from all sides, the crushed stone rubble danced in the air everywhere, making the sand dust fill the air. 一时之间,地面裂缝横生,碎石瓦砾到处飞舞,让沙尘都弥漫了起来。 Áng! 昂! Saw that Cú Chulainn works as own surface to fly the Rozen and Mash bang, the Hokuto anger roared, opened the huge mouth, float will swallow down in oneself front Cú Chulainn directly. 眼看着库·丘林当着自己的面将罗真与玛修轰飞,北斗怒而咆哮,张开巨口,将悬浮在自己面前的库·丘林直接吞了下去。 Next second... 下一秒钟... Puchi!” 噗嗤!” In the tearing sound, the evil ominous red form passes through from the Hokuto abdomen, making the Hokuto abdomen start out a hole, sprinkled golden light particle. 撕裂声中,邪恶不祥的红色身影从北斗的腹部上贯穿而出,令北斗的腹部被开出一个洞,洒出金色的光粒子 shā shā...!” 沙沙...!” Hokuto the whole body flashes the miscellaneous news to be the same immediately probably, became slurred. 北斗顿时全身都像是闪起杂讯一样,变得模糊不清了起来。 nucleus splitting phenomenon when that is Shikigami by greatly attacks can present. 那是式神遭受到巨大的打击时才会出现的裂核现象 Áng! 昂! Hokuto also sent out calling out of pain. 北斗也是发出了痛苦的嚎叫。 At this time, Cú Chulainn is turning over/stands up, arrived at the Hokuto above, to below Hokuto, is brandishing heavily kicked. 这时,库·丘林已经是一个翻身,来到北斗的上方,对着下方的北斗,抡下重重的一踢。 Bang————!” 嘭————!” In stifling sound, the Hokuto huge build was trampled by Cú Chulainn unexpectedly directly flies, fell on the ground. 闷击声中,北斗巨大的体型竟被库·丘林给直接踹飞,坠落在地面上 The ground, suddenly vibrates. 地面,豁然震动。
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