SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#895: Flickers a breath death battle

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Rumble...” 轰隆隆...” At this moment , the entire battlefield trembled, resounds intermittent thundering. 这一刻里,整个战场震颤了起来,响起一阵阵的轰鸣。 Crash of near kilometer dragon such heavily in the land, said are world-shaking, is not exaggerating. 近千米的龙就这么重重的坠落在大地上,说是惊天动地,一点都不夸张。 The land then resembled to suffer hit hard is the same, such as was been ordinary by the meteorite long jab, trembled repeatedly, raises the intermittent sand dust. 大地便似遭受到了重击一样,如被陨石直击一般,频频震颤,掀起阵阵沙尘。 Áng...!” “昂...!” Hokuto then lies down there, preparation diligently haunches the body, but opened a hole dragon body looked like defies the Hokuto will to be the same, enabling Hokuto only to lift the upper part, shortly afterwards was fell down. 北斗便躺在那里,努力的准备支撑起身体,但开了一个洞的龙躯就像是违抗着北斗的意志一样,让北斗仅能抬起上半身,紧接着就又是倒了下去 The body, enforcement dragon spirit Mantra starts to pass, makes Hokuto's power large scale forfeit. 身上,加持的龙灵真言开始流逝,令北斗的力量大幅度的丧失。 Changes to the monster Cú Chulainn then to move sideways to the Hokuto front. 化作怪物的库·丘林便闪身至北斗的面前。 This?” “就这样了吗?” Cú Chulainn coldly to the Hokuto opens the mouth. 库·丘林冷冷的对着北斗开口。 Even legendary Dragon Species, in front of absolute power, couldn't avoid reducing to this pitiful condition as before?” “即使是传说中的龙种,在绝对的力量面前,依旧避免不了沦落到这幅惨状啊?” The Cú Chulainn smooth-spoken spits to insult the opinion of enemy. 库·丘林便口吐侮辱敌人的言论。 Naturally, its oneself not such idea, only consistent makes the ice-cold words expressing feelings. 当然,其本人并没有这样的想法,只是一贯的做出冰冷的感言而已。 „The dragon that could not fight had no difference from the any cat flatter dog of roadside, but was greatly only a point.” “战斗不了的龙跟路边的阿猫阿狗没什么差别,只不过是大只了一点而已。” Cú Chulainn high holds up the sharp claws of sharp. 库·丘林高高的举起尖锐的利爪。 Now delivers you to start off, dragon.” “现在就送你上路吧,龙。” Saying, on the sharp claws of Cú Chulainn, is changing to scarlet mist/flame breath Magic Power then to rise, to front Hokuto, suddenly is dividing. 说着,库·丘林的利爪上,化作猩红气焰魔力便涨动了起来,对着面前的北斗,豁然劈下。 However... 但是... Gave up any idea of!” “休想!” Held the form of shield together such as wind general bullying the Hokuto front, shield high holding up, welcomed to the sharp claws under dividing. 一道持盾的身影如风一般的欺进了北斗的面前,将盾牌高高的举起,迎向劈下的利爪。 Clang————!” 铛————!” Also is clear collision sound changes to the stirring sound wave, along with the impact same place, broke confrontation the ground of two people under foot, making the vulnerable ground downcast again downward, turns into a broken pothole. 又是清脆的交击声化作震撼人心的音浪,伴随着冲击一起,震碎了交锋的两人脚下的地面,让脆弱不堪的地面再次往下陷落,变成一个残破的坑洞。 ...!” “唔...!” Mash only thought that power without a peer transmitted to come, making it knelt down on one knee from shield, the knee crack-up the surface at the scene, fell in the soil. 玛修只觉得一股不可匹敌的力量盾牌上传递而来,令其当场单膝跪下,膝盖撞碎了地表,陷进了泥土里。 If not because of body enforcement 《Body Hardening》 power, on shield is also being has 《Magic Defense》 to complement one another, perhaps, Mash power that because this strikes entered underground by the whole person bang, that also perhaps. 如果不是因为身上加持《刚体》力量,盾牌上亦是有着《魔防》在相辅相成,或许,玛修会因为这一击的力量被整个人轰进地底,那也说不定。 Naturally, Mash not alone. 当然,玛修不是一个人 Order!” 急急如律令(order)!” Under brief spell, several talisman flee like the bullet, one by one was liberated, changes to one sharp blade, streak across space, direction that while violently shoots was at to Cú Chulainn. 在简短的咒文之下,数枚咒符如子弹般的窜来,一一被解放,化作一把把锋利的刀刃,一边划过空间,一边暴射向了库·丘林所在的方向。 Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” “锵!”“锵!”“锵!”“锵!”“锵!” Impact noise then resounding of one after another steel and steel. 钢铁与钢铁的撞击声便一下接着一下的响起。 But, that is not Cú Chulainn brandishes the sharp claws, sound that blade flicks that will attack arouses completely, but is blade falls on Cú Chulainn's body, the injury of a little bit has not actually even brought, instead by Cú Chulainn body beast armor flicks sound. 可是,那并不是库·丘林挥舞利爪,将来袭的刀刃全部弹开所激起的声音,而是刀刃一落在库·丘林的身上,却连一丁点的伤害都没有带来,反而被库·丘林身上的兽甲所弹开的声音。 After using 《Curruid Coinchenn》, Cú Chulainn promotion is not only the physical strength, even the Endurance parameter enhanced. 使用了《死牙之兽的噬碎》以后,库·丘林提升的不仅仅是筋力而已,连耐久的参数都提高了。 Originally, the Cú Chulainn Endurance parameter has Rank B+, now was promoted by 《Curruid Coinchenn》, that at least also promoted a rank, achieves Rank A+, and even might achieve Rank A++, that also perhaps. 本来,库·丘林耐久参数就有B+级,现在被《死牙之兽的噬碎》提升,那至少也提升了一个级别,达到A+级,乃至有可能达到A++级了,那也说不定。 Naturally, Rozen simply had not expected that this degree can bring the harm to present Cú Chulainn. 理所当然,罗真根本没有奢望这种程度能够对现在的库·丘林带来伤害。 Flies Rozen of midair then to make several talisman under the change of Golden Crow's Coat again. 金乌大衣的翻动下飞上半空的罗真便再次打出数枚咒符 Metal collects Water!” 金气生水气!” talisman plunders to one that was shot to fly blade above, making blade like the melting general, bursts out huge water stream, rushed to Cú Chulainn. 咒符掠至被弹飞的一把把刀刃之上,让刀刃如同融化一般,迸发出一股股巨大的水流,涌向了库·丘林 „It is not worth mentioning.” “不值一提。” The violent class/flow that Cú Chulainn will not have welled up completely treats as a matter, holds up the sharp claws unexpectedly again, wields suddenly, divided to the violent class/flow that is curling. 库·丘林完全没有将涌来的暴流当做一回事,竟是再次举起利爪,骤然一挥,对着卷来的暴流劈了下去。 BOOM————!” 轰隆————!” The violent class/flow that in rumbling sound, huge Water Energy forms was divided unexpectedly at the scene by Cú Chulainn, divided. 轰鸣声中,巨大的水气形成的暴流居然被库·丘林当场劈断,分了开来。 That scene, looks like the sea to be broken out with the claw by Cú Chulainn simply, exceptionally astonishing. 那场景,简直就像是有一个海被库·丘林用爪子劈开似的,异常惊人 But this also in Rozen's expectations. 但这也在罗真的预料中。 Water nourishes Wood!” 水气生木气!” Rozen entered in several Wood Element Talisman the closure, making them bloom the ray. 罗真将数枚木行符打进了断流里,让它们绽放出光芒。 Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” Bang!” “嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!”“嘭!” The land was similar to crazy absorbing water immediately dry, immediately suddenly the smashing, making thick incomparable timbos drill, from revolved to come in all directions, surrounding approached Cú Chulainn. 大地顿时如同干涸了般疯狂吸水,随即骤然粉碎,让一根根粗大无比的树藤钻了出来,从四面八方围绕而来,包围向了库·丘林 By this type of thing can what are you doing?” “靠这种东西又能干什么?” Sharp claws on Cú Chulainn both hands brandishes, probably danced blade light sword shadow to be the same, making the sharp claws change to the claw light, as if flash general jumps in own all around presently, cutting, slivered the innumerable pieces thick incomparable timbos directly. 库·丘林双手上的利爪一阵挥舞,像是舞出了一阵刀光剑影一样,让利爪化作爪光,仿佛闪光一般的在自己的四周迸现,一阵切割,将一根根粗大无比的树藤直接切成了无数片。 But at this time, Rozen has made new talisman. 但这个时候,罗真已经打出了新的咒符 Wood feeds Fire!” 木气生火气!” Posted above shut off timbo Fire Element Talisman is sparkling, is lighting the timbo, changed to everywhere the roaring flame, such as explosion, Cú Chulainn embezzling. 一张张贴在了被切断的树藤之上的火行符闪耀着,点燃着树藤,化作漫天的烈焰,如爆炸般,将库·丘林给吞没。 At once... 旋即... ———— Namah sarva tatha gatebhyah sarva ———— ————曩莫·萨缚·怛他孽帝毗药·萨缚———— Rozen chanted spell. 罗真咏唱出了咒文 That is 《Fire Realm Magic》 spell. 那是《火界咒》咒文 Although is not using full power Wisdom King Acala's true meaning 《Fire Realm Magic》 spell, but Common-Style 《Fire Realm Magic》 is the adjustment for injury extremely high technique/spell to spirituality/intelligence, is very difficult to cause serious adverse effects regarding physical property existence, but regarding is in itself also Spiritual Body Servant, the injury is extremely in the same old way high, in addition huge Fire Energy after Five Elements Mutual Generation led a cheer, even if Cú Chulainn formed Magic Resistance with Rune, similarly will be injured. 虽然不是全力全开不动明王真谛《火界咒》咒文,可泛式《火界咒》本来就是调整为对灵性的伤害极高的术式,对于物理性的存在或许很难造成大影响,但对于本身也是灵体从者而言,伤害照样极高,再加上经过五行相生以后的庞大火气助阵,就算库·丘林卢恩形成了对魔力,同样会受到伤害。 Therefore, embezzles the Cú Chulainn flame then the Flame Dragon surges under the operation of 《Fire Realm Magic》, is firing Hero unceasingly. 于是,吞没库·丘林的火焰便在《火界咒》的操纵下似炎龙般翻腾,不断的灼烧着其中的英雄 However... 然而... not bad, finally a little quality of being worth looking.” 不错,总算有点看头。” Under cruel sneering, the red monster pillages from the sea of fire, the whole body is belching smoke, as if many were injured, but is completely actually disregarded by it, displays the astonishing speed, one such as previously like that fled to Rozen's in front. 在残忍的冷笑之下,红色的怪物从火海中暴掠而出,全身都在冒着烟,似乎还是多少受伤了,可却被其完全无视,发挥出惊人的速度,一如先前那般,窜到罗真的面前。 Qiāng————!” 呛————!” In the sharp recitation sound, the sharp claws tearing air, brings the ice-cold arc light, divided to Rozen. 锋利的吟声之中,利爪撕裂空气,带起冰冷的弧光,劈向了罗真 Hah!” 喝啊!” At this time, Mash lightened from the Rozen's body side suddenly, resembling should exist in that position from the beginning naturally is ordinary, to Cú Chulainn that wielded the claw, heavily hit. 这时,玛修突然从罗真的身侧闪出,似一开始就理所当然应该存在于那个位置一般,对着挥爪的库·丘林,重重的撞了上去。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” Unexpected, even if present Cú Chulainn were hit to fly, fell to the ground. 猝不及防之间,即使是现在的库·丘林都被撞飞了出去,落向了地面。 fortunately, Cú Chulainn adjusted figure, was well-grounded by the foot, in exploding sound, ground stepping on crack. 所幸,库·丘林调整好了身形,以脚着地,在一声爆鸣中,将地面给踩裂了。 At this moment... 就在这时... Áng! 昂! When Hokuto does not know sticks out suddenly, pastes tread extremely fast go through, immediately lifts the upper part, a transition, to below Cú Chulainn bombardment under. 北斗不知何时暴起,贴着地面极速游过,随即抬起上半身,一个转折,对着下方的库·丘林轰击而下。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” The second impact, lets the entire ground suddenly smashing, overlapping fell. 第二次的冲击,让整个地面豁然粉碎,层层叠叠的陷了下去。 But this does not calculate. 可这并不算完。 In the midair, Rozen takes out talisman again. 半空中,罗真再次取出一枚咒符 That is one self-made technique/spell Wood Element Talisman. 那是一枚自制过术式木行符 ———— Heavenly Lord of Universal Transformation Whose Voice of Thunder Resonates With the Origin of the Nine Heavens ———— ————九天应元雷声普化天尊———— What Rozen chants is the cross after Lightning Magic, talisman high holding up in hand. 罗真咏唱出的是十字经中的雷法,将手中的咒符高高的举起。 Rumble...” 轰隆隆...” Similarly second thundering, actually no longer is trembling of land, but is trembling of sky. 同样第二次的轰鸣,却不再是大地的震颤,而是天空的震颤。 In sky, dense cloud layer then turned to well up, making the thunder chop together. 天空中,黑压压的云层便翻涌了起来,让一道雷霆从中劈下。 This thunder unexpectedly is dividing directly in Hokuto's body, absorbed Hokuto body Dragon Energy, the might rose suddenly instantaneously countless times, turned into thunderous of terrifying, bloomed in the land. 这道雷霆竟是径直的劈在北斗的身上,吸收了北斗身上龙气,威力瞬间暴涨无数倍,变成恐怖的雷鸣,在大地上绽放了开来。 In a twinkling, the ground was given to cover entirely by the terrifying thunder, fleeing. 霎时间,地面被恐怖的雷霆给布满,不停的窜动着。 lightning ray, illuminated the world. 雷光,照亮了天地。
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