SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#893: Will never stop

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Áng————!” 昂————!” Hokuto sent out incomparably inspired dragon roar. 北斗发出了无比振奋的龙吟 Roar————! 吼————! Roaring of Wyvern entirely one by one delighted as. 双足飞龙们通通一一欢喜似的咆哮而起。 Rozen and Mash jumps onto the midair in dragon group, both hands tight grasping together, finally, falling of simultaneously on Hokuto's head. 罗真与玛修就在龙群之中跃上半空,双手紧紧的握在一起,最终,齐齐的落在北斗的头上。 „Are you all right? Senpai!” “你没事吧?前辈!” Mash turns toward Rozen to ask immediately makes noise. 玛修立即向着罗真问出声。 I am all right.” “我没事。” Rozen shakes the head, shortly afterwards then saw the skin of Mash body is covering entirely the burned black trace. 罗真摇了摇头,紧接着便看到了玛修身上的皮肤布满着焦黑的痕迹。 That is to break through three Great Dragon arrange/laid out encirclement rings ignores the safety, was fired the trace that stays behind by Dragon Breath. 那是为了突破三头巨龙布下的包围圈而不顾自身安危,被龙息所灼烧所留下的痕迹。 Sees these traces, Rozen just like understanding anything was the same, a few words had not said that silently carves next Rune in Mash's palm. 看到这些痕迹,罗真就宛如明白了什么一样,一句话都没说,默默的在玛修的手心里刻下一个符文 Zheng...” “铮...” Rune sends out the light ray, gushes out warm currents, is curing Mash's body continually. 符文散发出淡淡的光芒,涌出一股股的暖流,持续治愈着玛修的身体 Burned black trace then disappearance of bit by bit Mash body, making the young girl tight facial features relax. 玛修身上的焦黑痕迹这才一点一点的消失,让少女绷紧的面容都放松了下去。 Meanwhile, on the ground, Medb tumbled, does not know after rolling several, stopped, pours there directly, could not move again. 与此同时,地面上,梅芙一路滚落了出去,不知道滚了几圈以后才停了下来,直接倒在那里,再也动弹不得了。 The body, the spot of heart opened a blood hole, not only flows out a lot of blood, but also makes the body of Medb send out granule radiance. 身上,心脏的部位开了一个血洞,不仅流出大量的鲜血,还让梅芙的身体散发出粒子般的光华。 That is the sign that Saint Graph will soon dissipate. 那是灵基即将消散的迹象。 Eh... Wū... ...呜... Spiritual Core crushed Medb is not then able to raise any power and even the strength again is ordinary, can only send out chanting in a low voice of depressed as. 灵核被击碎的梅芙便再也无法提起任何的力量乃至力气一般,只能发出苦闷似的低吟。 Queen Medb... 女王梅芙... Sees Medb this appearance, the Mash cannot help but dangling view. 看到梅芙这个样子,玛修不由得垂下眼帘。 Tasted the bitter fruit?” “尝到苦果了吗?” Including Scáthach sighs with seven Great Dragon are socializing slightly. 连与七头巨龙周旋着的斯卡哈都微微叹了一口气。 In addition, the there is still one person responded with the feelings to such Medb. 除此之外,还有一个人对这样的梅芙报以了感想。 Finally, turned into this.” “结果,还是变成这样了啊。” Together evil and ominous form then emergence slowly in the Medb front, occupying a commanding position looks to pour in pool of blood her. 一道邪恶、不祥的身影便缓缓的出现在梅芙的面前,居高临下的看着倒在血泊中的她。 Besides Cú Chulainn, but who can also be? 除了库·丘林以外,还能是谁呢? Carefully looks, at this moment, Cú Chulainn's body is becomes perfect, did not have including a wound. 仔细一看,此时此刻里,库·丘林的身上已经是变得完好无损,连一点伤都没有了。 In his hand, besides grasping Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, is also grasping golden cup unexpectedly. 其手中,除了握着一把魔枪以外,竟是还握着一个黄金之杯 Sees here, the people responded. 看到这里,众人才反应了过来。 Originally, when is Cú Chulainn therapy, Medb 《Holy Grail》 gave him, oneself before the injury restore of Cú Chulainn, bravely step forward completely, is responsible for keeping off everyone. 原来,早在为库·丘林疗伤的时候,梅芙就将《圣杯》交给了他,自己则是在库·丘林的伤势修复完全之前,挺身而出,负责挡下所有人。 However, at that time, Medb should not think, this can be an assignment that endangers the life? 但是,那个时候,梅芙应该没有想到,这会是一件危及性命的差事吧? After all, is grasping many Dragon Species as well as Lesser Dragon Species Her Majesty the Queen simply has not thought, oneself will fall in a hand of human. 毕竟,掌握着诸多龙种以及亚龙种女王陛下根本没有想到,自己会在一个人类的手中栽了跟头。 Has entrained the man is not willing let go, such fate also is very suitable you, Medb.” “一直拽着男人不肯放手,这样的下场也很适合你,梅芙。” Cú Chulainn overlooks looks at this to help oneself strove to treat the injury the time to offer the life as the woman of price finally, tone as before like that callous, was cruel. 库·丘林就俯瞰般的看着这个为了帮自己争取治疗伤势的时间而最终献上了性命作为代价的女人,语气依旧那般冷酷,那么残忍。 However, looks at such Cú Chulainn, Medb not only has not felt sad sad, even also throws to be in love with the look. 然而,看着这样的库·丘林,梅芙不但没有感到伤心难过,甚至还对其投以爱恋般的眼神。 Cú-chan... Cú-chan...” 小库...小库...” Medb is covering the chest, while pitiful as smiled. 梅芙便一边捂着胸口,一边凄惨似的笑了起来。 „Did this time... change into me dead before you...?” 这一次...换成我死在你面前了哦...?” Before death, to retaliate Cú Chulainn indifferent by right, Medb then Cú Chulainn to tortured to death, looks at him dead in own front personally helplessly, just now was dispels anger. 生前,为了报复库·丘林的冷漠以对,梅芙便亲手将库·丘林折磨致死,眼睁睁的看着他死在自己的面前,方才算是解恨了。 this time, the two people standpoint exchanged finally, lets Medb like before death Cú Chulainn like that pitiful died in its front. 这一次,两人的立场终于是调换了,让梅芙如同生前的库·丘林那般,凄惨的在其面前死亡。 only, regarding this result, Medb seemingly does not feel hateful, instead has a feeling relieved feeling. 只是,对于这个结果,梅芙貌似并不觉得可恨,反而有种如释重负的感觉。 Perhaps, regarding this matter, Medb, although had not said that but has actually cared, takes to heart, that also perhaps. 或许,对于这件事,梅芙虽然没说,但其实一直都放在心上,耿耿于怀,那也说不定。 Loves and hates, originally is very two sentiments that is difficult to be separated. 爱与恨,本来就是很难分开的两种感情。 Has loves a person , will have hates a person. 有多爱一个人,那么,就会有多恨一个人。 Has hates a person , will have loves a person. 有多恨一个人,那么,就会有多爱一个人。 Medb hates Cú Chulainn to hate its tortured to death, that means that this woman does love Cú Chulainn is also likes not hesitating the lethal degree? 梅芙库·丘林恨到将其折磨致死,那又何尝不是意味着这个女人爱库·丘林亦是爱到不惜致死的程度呢? Now, Medb showed this side, making Cú Chulainn completely receive in the eyeground. 现在,梅芙就将这一面展现了出来,让库·丘林尽收于眼底。 „...... Cú Chulainn then silent for a split second, immediately indifferently said: This averaged even.” “......是呢。”库·丘林便沉默了半响,随即淡淡的道:“这样就算扯平了吧。” hearing this, on the Medb face the pitiful smile wins, just like feeling happily is very same. 闻言,梅芙脸上凄惨的笑容更胜,宛如感到很开心一样。 That... was Cú-chan now my person...?” “那...小库现在算是我的人了吗...?” last of the last, Medb is keeping thinking about this matter. 最后的最后,梅芙还是惦记着这件事情。 Regarding this... 对此... That matter, is how good.” Cú Chulainn coldly said: I am your desire, existence that because you want one with you to be on par King of Evil that are born, therefore, at least here, you want to make anything, I accompany.” “那种事情,怎样都好。”库·丘林冷冷的道:“我是你的愿望,因为你想要一个可以与你比肩的邪恶之王才诞生的存在,所以,至少在这里,你想做什么,我都奉陪。” This is the action principle of Cú Chulainn. 这就是库·丘林的行动原理。 He unceasing slaughtering, only because of the request of Medb. 他会不断的杀戮,只是因为梅芙的要求。 Name king who he can keep, only because of the Medb desire. 他会不停的称王,只是因为梅芙的愿望。 Present Cú Chulainn is a weapon, one is used by others just now can send the weapon on use. 现在的库·丘林就是一把武器,一把由别人来使用方才能派的上用场的武器。 Therefore, Cú Chulainn own will, without own faith, the only lifestyle like wild beast, unceasing running, unceasing battle, has not arrived in the end point finally, pours there. 所以,库·丘林没有自己的意志,更没有自己的信念,唯一的生存方式就是像野兽一样,不断的奔跑,不断的厮杀,最终抵达终点,倒在那里而已。 Since is the weapon, must have the user. 而既然是武器的话,就得有使用者。 Medb, is own user. 梅芙,就是自己的使用者。 Cú Chulainn is holding such idea in the action. 库·丘林就是抱着这样的想法在行动的。 Such being the case... 既然如此... Said that I am your thing, that does not miscalculate.” “说我是属于你的东西,那也不算错。” Cú Chulainn acknowledged this point unexpectedly. 库·丘林竟是承认了这一点。 Aah...” 啊啊...” Medb showed the well satisfied expression immediately. 梅芙顿时露出了心满意足的表情。 That is good...” “那就好...” Thing that control Queen until wants to be wanted oneself finally. 支配的女王直到最后都想得到自己想要的东西。 Otherwise, she will definitely not give up. 否则,她肯定不会善罢甘休。 Now, Medb obtained the long-awaited thing finally. 如今,梅芙终于得到了梦寐以求的东西了。 Even if then, this was a dream, Medb still satisfies. 那么,就算这是一场梦,梅芙也满足了。 Loves you... Cú-chan...” “爱你哦...小库...” Medb left behind such a few words. 梅芙就留下了这样的一句话。 At once, Medb Saint Graph collapses finally, making him change to radiant light particle, vanished from sight. 旋即,梅芙灵基终于是崩溃,令其化作璀璨的光粒子,消失不见 Hence, does all kinds of evil things in this Singularity, selfish main culprit, was crusaded against finally. 至此,在这个特异点中为非作歹,为所欲为的罪魁祸首,终于是被讨伐。 Rozen, Mash as well as Scáthach are looking at this, and is silent. 罗真玛修以及斯卡哈都在看着这一幕,并为之沉默着。 But the event had not ended. 但事件还没有结束。 Ok, making us make a fresh start.” “好了,让我们重新开始吧。” Cú Chulainn no longer looks at place one that Medb vanishes, light declaration, while turns toward here to walk. 库·丘林不再去看梅芙消失的地方一眼,一边淡淡的宣言,一边向着这边走来。 Zheng!” “铮!” In the hand of Cú Chulainn, golden cup changes to a ray of light suddenly, submerged Cú Chulainn within the body. 库·丘林的手中,黄金之杯突然化作一道光,没入了库·丘林体内 He... he absorbed 《Holy Grail》...!?” “他...他吸收了《圣杯》了...!?” Mash then complexion changes. 玛修便面色一变。 Rozen is also the facial features sinks, so opens the mouth. 罗真亦是面容一沉,如此开口。 Medb had been defeated! Do you also want to fight again? Cú Chulainn!” 梅芙已经被击败了!你还想再战吗?库·丘林!” Rozen then sends out such interrogation. 罗真便发出这样的质问。 This lets Cú Chulainn reply without hesitation. 这让库·丘林毫不犹豫的回答。 Before I have not dropped down, my slaughtering, will never stop.” “在我还没有倒下之前,我的杀戮,永远都不会停下。” This is the Cú Chulainn road. 这就是库·丘林的路。 Come.” “来吧。” Cú Chulainn hoists incomparably cruelly the evil looking smile, made declaration. 库·丘林扯起无比残忍又邪异的笑容,做出了宣言 Continues to slaughter.” “来继续厮杀吧。” Saying, the Cú Chulainn whole body was sticking out suddenly ominous Magic Power. 说着,库·丘林全身都暴起了不祥的魔力 Let the battlefield, blustery. 让战场,风起云涌。
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