SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#892: For each other hand of outstretch

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Although Rozen was drawn in tank/war chariot, Magic Power and Spiritual Power that but it provides to numerous Servant, Familiar as well as Shikigami actually as before are maintaining. 虽然罗真被拖进了战车里,但其对一众从者使魔以及式神所提供的魔力灵力却是依旧保持着。 What even if Rozen enters may be called Reality Marble of another world, it has to connect together with numerous path between Servant, Familiar and Shikigami. 哪怕罗真进入的是堪称另外一个世界的固有结界,其与一众从者使魔以及式神之间的通路还是有连接在一起 Even entered with this world completely different Another World, Rozen can maintain the path to be unceasing by 《Miracle》's power. 就算是进入了与此世界完全不同的异世界,罗真都可以凭借《奇迹》的力量保持通路不断。 Otherwise, under understanding the condition in another world, Rozen and Yaya, Irori, Komurasaki, Natsume and Suzuka and the others Shikigami Contract path had broken, impossible has been maintaining. 否则,在进入另外一个世界的状况下,罗真夜夜伊吕里小紫夏目以及铃鹿等人式神契约的通路早就断了,不可能一直维持着。 In such a case, Spiritual Power that Rozen provides is also maintaining, enforcement dragon spirit Mantra is is still also effective in Hokuto's body, letting Hokuto can display strategic level power. 在这样的情况下,罗真提供的灵力还在保持,加持的龙灵真言亦是依旧在北斗的身上奏效,让北斗可以发挥出战略级力量 Even what faces is the true dragon type, on pure power, Hokuto must dominate above the opposite party. 即使面对的是真真正正的龙种,在纯粹的力量上,北斗还是要凌驾于对方之上。 Moreover, Hokuto is not independent one person. 而且,北斗也不是单独一人。 《Lord Chaldeas》!” 《假想宝具·拟似展开/人理之础(LordChaldeas)》!” Stood liberated own Noble Phantasm in Hokuto head Mash, making the flash Magecraft wall barrier revolve, kept off before the body of Hokuto. 站在北斗头上的玛修解放了自己的宝具,让闪光的魔术壁障旋转而出,挡在了北斗的身前。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” In dragon group that Hokuto such collision directly seven Dragon Species formed, arouses world-shaking rumbling sound and berserk shock wave at the same time, own Dragon Energy also inflated, bang in leader Great Dragon's body. 北斗就这么径直的撞进了七头龙种所形成的龙群中,激起惊天动地轰鸣声狂暴冲击波的同时,自身的龙气亦是膨胀了起来,生生的轰在了一头头巨龙的身上 Bang————!” 磅————!” Explodes in the pressure, seven Dragon Species shaking draw back by Hokuto arbitrary dashing, one after another revolved like the kite of line, goes all out to vibrate the wing until after a while, stood firm figure. 爆压中,七头龙种就被北斗蛮横的冲撞给震退,纷纷都像断了线的风筝一样的旋转了出去,直到好一会以后才拼命振动翅膀,稳住了身形 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” However, seven Great Dragon were entirely is angry. 但是,七头巨龙却是通通都愤怒了。 Originally, the dragon is quite arrogant existence, some loses self-control will enrage them, let alone was each other is the enemy. 本来,龙就是一种相当高傲的存在,些许的失态都会触怒它们,更别说是彼此为敌了。 Now, here altogether seven dragons collaborate, was actually flown to such unilateral collision by opposite only one, moreover is not only one time, before also times by the opposite party wasting, how does this make these seven dragons be able not violent anger? 现在,这边一共有七头龙联手,却是被对面区区一头给这么单方面的撞飞,而且不仅仅是一次,之前也一次次的被对方给打飞过,这让这七头龙如何能够不暴怒呢? Perhaps so under the violent anger, Medb as his mother possibly could not control them. 如此暴怒之下,恐怕就是身为其母亲的梅芙可能都控制不住它们了。 Therefore, Great Dragons one by one angry roaring, is launching the crazy attack to Hokuto finally. 于是,巨龙们一一愤怒的咆哮,终于是对着北斗展开疯狂的进攻。 Some Great Dragon were spouting scalding hot Dragon Breath to Hokuto, some Great Dragon instigation wings, curl up the strong winds, raided to Hokuto, also Great Dragon moved the long-tail directly, wielded the sharp claws, even is nipping to Hokuto throwing ruthlessly directly, Dragon Species fierce and showed fearfully incisively. 有的巨龙对着北斗喷出了灼热的龙息,有的巨龙煽动翅膀,卷起狂风,袭向了北斗,还有巨龙直接甩动长尾,挥下利爪,甚至直接对着北斗狠狠的扑咬而下,将龙种的凶猛与可怕展现得淋漓尽致。 But facing crazy counter-attacks of these seven dragons, Hokuto also got angry. 而面对这七头龙的疯狂反扑,北斗亦是发怒了。 Even Hokuto personality is quite romantically naive, but, how to say again, Hokuto survived millennium above Spirit Beast, cannot obtain to train in the Tokyo Ravens world, words that is unable to grow, millenniums enough Hokuto growth is Divine Beast in Phantasmal Species, became compares favorably with Magic Mystery sufficiently. 即使北斗个性相当天真浪漫,但要知道,再怎么说,北斗都是存活了千年以上的灵兽,要不是在东京暗鸦的世界里得不到培养,更无法成长的话,千年的时间都足够北斗成长为幻想种中的神兽,成为足以媲美魔法神秘了。 Hokuto can become looks such rapidness, training that Rozen does one's best is an aspect, what is most important is Hokuto has the mastery. 北斗能够成长得如此之快,罗真尽心尽力的培养是一个方面,最重要的还是北斗本身就有底蕴在。 If not because of survived the entire even thousands years, under accumulation enough age and spirituality/intelligence, perhaps that Hokuto is unable to absorb so many Spiritual Energy, grows to present this rank. 不是因为存活了整整千年,累积下足够的年代与灵性,那或许北斗根本无法吸收那么多的灵气,成长到现在这个级别。 Reviews at present these Dragon Species, although is also the true dragon type, but not only is Dragon Species that is expedited by 《Holy Grail》, existence that transforms by the genetic gene of warrior in Medb within the body, as Dragon Species, is not pure. 反观眼前这些龙种,虽然也是真真正正的龙种,可不但是由《圣杯》催生出来的龙种,还是在梅芙体内以勇士的遗传基因改造出来的存在,作为龙种而言,根本就不算纯粹。 In addition shortly after was just born, unexpectedly dares to bluff and bluster in own front, but also prevents itself to rescue Master, Hokuto does not get angry is strange. 再加上刚刚诞生不久,居然敢在自己的面前耀武扬威,还阻止自己去救主人,北斗不发怒才怪。 Therefore, Hokuto was also crazy. 所以,北斗也疯狂了。 Facing coming scalding hot Dragon Breath, Hokuto retaliates by Dragon Breath of cold ice, both sides each other bumped into, refuses to compromise after a while to be pushed, making that Great Dragon be given to cover by the cold air at the scene, the whole body ices up, sent out wailing, while is vibrating the whole body ice particles, sudden retreat. 面对迎面而来的灼热龙息,北斗以寒冰的龙息回敬过去,双方彼此相撞,僵持了一会以后就被推了回去,让那头巨龙当场被寒气给笼罩,全身都结起了冰,一边发出哀嚎,一边抖动着浑身的冰粒,暴退了出去。 Facing curling the strong winds, Hokuto flings back Dragon Tail, a heavily racket, endures that compared with the strong winds of more than ten levels of typhoons gives the bang powder ruthlessly, dissipates in the air. 面对卷来的狂风,北斗更是一甩背后的龙尾,重重的一拍,将那堪比十几级台风的狂风都给狠狠的轰散,消散在空气里。 But the sharp claws that also flings Dragon Tail that wields facing these as well as covers entirely throwing of fang to nip, Hokuto first is the smooth hovering body, a revolution, resembles the roller coaster to avoid their one by one quite the same as, shortly afterwards then scrapes past with opposite party one by one, the sharp claws wield suddenly. 而面对那些同样甩来的龙尾、挥下的利爪以及布满獠牙的扑咬,北斗先是流畅的游动身体,浑然一转,似过山车般将它们一一避开,紧接着便与对方一一擦身而过,利爪骤然挥出。 Puchi!” Puchi!” Puchi!” 噗嗤!”“噗嗤!”“噗嗤!” In the tearing sound, several encountered the Hokuto dragon claw long jab with Great Dragon that Hokuto scraped past, ended up the body to be grasped the dripping with blood, the fate that scales flew randomly. 撕裂声中,数头与北斗擦身而过的巨龙就遭到了北斗龙爪的直击,落得身体被抓得鲜血淋漓,鳞片乱飞的下场。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Great Dragon of leader was sends out finally painfully calls out the sound. 一头头的巨龙终于是发出痛苦般的嚎叫声了。 Under erupts, Hokuto gave to suppress unexpectedly entire seven Great Dragon, must make one be flabbergasted. 爆发之下,北斗竟是将整整七头巨龙都给压制住了,强得令人咋舌。 Sees Hokuto so mighty, these by Wyvern similarly inspired roaring that Rozen summoned, shows astonishing powerful ability unexpectedly, crazy counter-attack, will slaughter Wyvern to give to suppress, one by one shot down. 看到北斗如此威武,那些被罗真召唤出来的双足飞龙同样振奋的咆哮,竟是展现出了惊人的威能,疯狂的反扑,将厮杀中的双足飞龙都给压制了下来,一一击落。 Even is Wyvern, Wyvern that the military that but the opposite party was only summoned, Rozen summoned had the Rozen's Magic Power support entirely, originally on stronger than the opposite side, in addition oneself was also Magic Power aggregation, even were injured can come the rapid recovery by Magic Power, once did not attend to counter-attack of safety, effect how, it can be imagined. 即使都是双足飞龙,但对方仅是被召唤出来的兵力,罗真召唤出来的双足飞龙则通通都有罗真的魔力支持,本来就比对方强,加上自身亦是魔力的凝聚体,即使受伤都能靠魔力来迅速恢复,一旦不顾自身安危的反扑,效果如何,可想而知。 thanks to this, even in other battlefields, Dragon Species and Wyvern is devastating as before, at least, here, Dragon Species as well as Wyvern were suppressed. 拜此所赐,即使在其余的战场上,龙种双足飞龙依旧在蹂躏着,至少,在这里,龙种以及双足飞龙都被压制了下来。 Áng!!!!!!!!!!!!” 昂!!!!!!!!!!!!” Plunders highest spatial Hokuto then to face upward to roar, shakes the world, lets Wyvern is also one by one angrily roars to the day, causes world-shaking dragon roar. 掠上最高空的北斗便仰天咆哮,震遍天地,让双足飞龙们亦是一一对天怒吼,引起一阵惊天动地龙吟 Is pursuing Scáthach seven Great Dragon to see that produced fear unexpectedly. 正在追逐着斯卡哈的七头巨龙见状,竟是产生了畏惧。 Good!” “好!” Is out of control to shout including Scáthach that drops from the upper air such, thus it can be seen, regarding Hokuto as well as Wyvern, Scáthach has held in high esteem. 连从高空中落下的斯卡哈都禁不住喊了这么一声,由此可见,对于北斗以及双足飞龙们,斯卡哈已经刮目相看了。 In order to save only Master, Hokuto and Wyvern showed matchless imposing manner. 为了拯救唯一的主人,北斗双足飞龙们就展现出了无可匹敌气势 Then, Mash jumps down from keeping aloof Hokuto's top of the head. 然后,玛修从高高在上的北斗的头顶上一跃而下。 The, precisely by two god cows are drawing tank/war chariot. 其下方,正是被两头神牛拉动着的战车 Under world-shaking dragon roar, that two cows had been frightened fall down, completely lost revolted against ability. 惊天动地龙吟之下,那两头牛已经是被吓得瘫倒在地,完全失去了反抗能力 Therefore, this time, Mash opens access. 因此,这次,玛修畅通无阻。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Mash that extremely fast from the upper air falls is then looking below tank/war chariot, issues the summon of innermost feelings. 从高空中极速落下的玛修便望着下方的战车,发出内心的呼唤。 Comes back! Senpai!” “回来吧!前辈!” Besides loyal and devoted Shikigami as well as Familiar, here also similarly loyal and devoted Demi-Servant. 除了忠心耿耿的式神以及使魔以外,这里还有同样忠心耿耿的亚从者 Haaaaaaah!” 喝啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!” shield in Mash high holding up hand, the heavily bang approached below tank/war chariot. 玛修高高的举起手中的盾牌,重重的轰向了下方的战车 Bang————!” 嘭————!” Heavy shield fell in the tank/war chariot compartment finally, burst out the astonishing impact. 沉重的盾牌终于落在了战车的车厢上,迸发出惊人的冲击。 But Mash does not know, shield in his hands hits in the same time of compartment, in the car(riage), Rozen's Golden Crow's Coat also changes to sharp long spear/gun, pierced Medb Spiritual Core. 玛修并不知道,在其手中的盾牌击中车厢的同一时间里,车室内,罗真的金乌大衣亦是化作尖锐长枪,刺穿了梅芙灵核 Suffers from the exterior attack, tank/war chariot user also by fatal strike, even Reality Marble, were still finally stave. 遭受到来自外部的攻击,战车的使用者亦是被致命一击,即使是固有结界,终于也是破碎了。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” The tank/war chariot compartment exploded. 战车的车厢爆开了。 And, fell two forms. 其中,跌出了两道身影。 Tumbles together in the place. 一道滚落在地。 Another, flew the horizon. 另外一道,飞上了天际。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Looks at that to fly the horizon Rozen, Mash moves forward to meet somebody. 看着那飞上天际的罗真,玛修迎了上去。 Mash!” 玛修!” Rozen has turned the head similarly, saw Mash, to own Kouhai and Servant, was extending an own hand. 罗真同样转过头,看到了玛修,对着自己的后辈从者,伸出了自己的一只手。 The hand of youngster and young girl grasps together. 少年与少女的手握在一起 Unusual effort. 非常的用力。
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