SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#891: Demi-Servant and Guardian Beast

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The time, before returning for several minutes . 时间,回到数分钟之前。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Helplessly looks that flew Rozen of midair to be drawn in the tank/war chariot compartment by Medb with the whip, Mash cannot help but anxious. 眼睁睁的看着飞上半空的罗真梅芙用鞭子拖进了战车的车厢里,玛修不由得急了。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Is then turning toward Mash loudly roared to surrounding three Great Dragon Mash, emitting that in the mouth Dragon Breath continuously, presents the potential of triangle, Mash surrounding in dragon Yanli, making it inescapable. 正将玛修给包围的三头巨龙便向着玛修放声咆哮,口中龙息不住的喷吐而出,呈现三角之势,将玛修包围在了龙炎里,令其根本无法逃脱。 Before then, three Great Dragon have been using this way, attempts Mash to burning down completely, around ground that Mash stands, all by the scalding hot flame to the melting, had been presented magma fiery red and burned black. 在此之前,三头巨龙就一直用着这种方式,企图将玛修给焚烧殆尽,以至于玛修所站的地面周围,所有的一切都已经被灼热的火焰给融化,呈现出一种岩浆般的火红与焦黑。 Position that only then Mash is, because Mash launched the relations of Noble Phantasm, was being protected as before. 只有玛修所在的位置,因为玛修展开了宝具的关系,依旧被保护着。 Depends on defensive power astonishing Noble Phantasm, Mash can withstand Dragon Species Dragon Breath, trading to do is general Servant, that had died under besieging of three Dragon Species. 靠着防御力惊人的宝具,玛修才能承受住龙种龙息,换做是一般的从者,那早就在三头龙种的围攻下死去了。 However, saw that Mash depends on Magecraft wall barrier that at the same time the shield builds to support now, three Great Dragon seemingly are also thorough and on Mash bar, is vibrating flying of wing in the midair, while each other has been revolving Mash to spin, transfers blowout Dragon Breath that also while non-stop, is firing Mash's Magecraft wall barrier continually. 不过,看到玛修靠着一面盾架起的魔术壁障一直撑到现在,三头巨龙貌似也是彻底的和玛修杠上了,一边振动着翅膀的飞在半空中,一边彼此一直都在围绕着玛修打着转,一边转还一边不停的喷出龙息,持续灼烧着玛修的魔术壁障 Mash was surrounded, can only look Rozen faces the danger alone, oneself cannot add on busily. 玛修就这么被困住了,只能一直看着罗真单独面对危险,自己则一点忙都帮不上。 Now, Rozen was given to drag away by Medb Noble Phantasm, Mash was really anxious. 如今,罗真梅芙宝具给拖走,玛修真的急了。 Makes way!” “让开!” Young girls then rare called, disregards unexpectedly completely, cancelled Noble Phantasm directly, making Magecraft wall barrier vanish. 少女便罕见的叫了起来,竟是完全不管不顾,直接取消了宝具,让魔术壁障消失。 Immediately, three Dragon Breath rushed to Mash like suddenly/violently Liuban, embezzled it. 顿时,三道龙息如同暴流般的涌向了玛修,将其吞没了。 Wū...! Aaaaaah...!” 呜...啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” Mash then sent out the wail. 玛修便发出了哀鸣。 However, shortly afterwards, Mash bit the tooth directly, does not attend to falling on body Dragon Breath, directly flushed. 但是,紧接着,玛修直接咬住了牙,不顾落在身上龙息,直接冲了出去。 Bang————!” 嘭————!” With a breakthrough sound of explosion, Mash flushed from the dragon flame, brings flame that has not been put out, flushes away in the Medb's war chariot direction. 随着一声爆炸似的突破声,玛修就从龙炎中冲了出来,带着还没熄灭的火焰,一路向着梅芙的战车的方向冲去。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Three Great Dragon have not as if thought that Mash will choose unexpectedly cancels the defense on own initiative, to withstand the attack to take the price, the prominent tight encirclement, cannot respond at the scene. 三头巨龙似乎也没有想到玛修居然会选择了主动取消防御,以承受攻击作为代价,突出重围,没有能够当场反应过来。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Then, Mash charged into Medb's war chariot, even high jumping, holds up shield in hand, prepares to give crushing that tank/war chariot compartment. 就这样,玛修冲向了梅芙的战车,甚至高高的跃起,举起手中的盾牌,准备将那个战车的车厢给击碎。 What a pity, two god cows that is responsible for pulling a cart sent out angry howling, while Mash jumps high, the person stood unexpectedly simultaneously, to is in Mash in midair, rumbled own former hoof. 可惜,负责拉车的两头神牛发出了怒嚎,在玛修高高跃起的同时,竟是同时人立了起来,对着身在半空中的玛修,轰出了自己的前蹄。 „......!” “......!” Mash cannot help but one startled, never imagined, to tower shield directly, in own front. 玛修不由得一惊,想都没想,直接矗起盾牌,架在自己的面前。 Clang————!” 铛————!” In the clear stroking sound, falling of two god good former hoof then simultaneously on Mash's shield, aroused berserk shock wave, divulged astonishing power. 清脆的击打声中,两头神牛的前蹄便齐齐的落在了玛修的盾牌上,激起一圈狂暴冲击波,宣泄出了惊人的力量 Under this strikes, is in Mash in midair only to think that has an astonishing power transmission to come, oneself then with hand in shield same place, by two god cows before , kicked trampling to the upper air. 在这一击之下,身在半空中的玛修只觉得有一股惊人的力量传递而来,自己便跟着手中的盾牌一起,被两头神牛的前踢给踹向了高空。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Almost in simultaneously, is responsible for besieging Mash's three Great Dragon to respond finally, inspires the wing, throws toward Mash's direction. 几乎是在同时,负责围攻玛修的三头巨龙终于反应过来,一振翅膀,向着玛修的方向扑去。 ...” “唔...” Sees with one's own eyes this, is in Mash of midair to clench teeth, can only hold up shield, prepares to greet the attacks of three Great Dragon. 亲眼看到这一幕,身在半空的玛修咬了咬牙,只能举起盾牌,准备迎接三头巨龙的攻击。 However, before that the extremely fast of huge slender form in front of Mash's has fled together. 然而,在那之前,一道庞大修长的身影在玛修的面前极速窜过。 Áng! 昂! Hokuto unexpectedly is arrived in front of Mash, roared, the long whip that behind Dragon Tail such as blocked the sky together, brandishing ruthlessly approached the front. 北斗竟是来到了玛修的面前,一声咆哮,身后龙尾如一道遮天蔽日的长鞭,狠狠的抡向了前方。 Bang————!” Bang————!” Bang————!” 嘭————!”“嘭————!”“嘭————!” In rumbling sound that several vibrate the air, Hokuto's dragon tail to the bang flies Great Dragon that three front surfaces throw entirely, making their one after another rub the air, under sharp sky-splitting sound, hits below sea of fire either, raises piece by piece fire wave, either hits on the mountain peak, aroused the earth quaked and the mountains shook, also hits one crowd of Wyvern directly, hit to fly that crowd of Wyvern completely, scene exceptionally shocking. 几道震动空气的轰鸣声中,北斗的龙尾将三头迎面扑来的巨龙给通通轰飞,让它们纷纷都摩擦着空气,在尖锐破空声响之下,要么撞进下方的火海,掀起一片片火浪,要么撞在山峰上,激起一阵地动山摇,还有一头直接撞中了一群双足飞龙,将那群双足飞龙全部撞飞,场面异常震撼 Hokuto!” 北斗!” Mash then pleasantly surprised screaming. 玛修便惊喜般的叫出声。 When 2nd Singularity's Rome, Rozen had summoned Hokuto, therefore Mash knows Hokuto, knows that it is Rozen's Guardian Beast. 第二特异点的罗马时,罗真就曾经召唤过北斗,所以玛修是认识北斗的,亦知道它是罗真的守护兽 At that time, because Rozen can summon the relations of Dragon Species, is not only Mash, even in Chaldea is screams, even Olga Marie and Da Vinci two people for this reason mood spirited was very long, it can be imagined, regarding Magi, in Phantasmal Species might be called strongest Dragon Species become the allied force, actually to be worth an excited matter. 当时,因为罗真能够召唤龙种的关系,不仅是玛修而已,连迦勒底内都是一片惊呼声,甚至奥尔加玛丽达芬奇两人还为此情绪激昂了很久,可想而知,对于魔术师们而言,幻想种中堪称最强的龙种成为友军,究竟是多么值得激动的一件事。 It can be said that Phantasmal Species on equivalent to Mystery, if not the situation does not permit, let alone as prestigious family aristocrat later Olga Marie, is Da Vinci will unable to bear well to Hokuto conducts a research. 可以说,幻想种本身就相当于一种神秘,如果不是情况不允许,别说是身为名门贵族之后的奥尔加玛丽了,就是达芬奇都会忍不住好好的对北斗进行一番研究。 Naturally, if by existence of 《Mage's Association》 understood Hokuto , the crazy matter might do. 理所当然,如果被《魔术协会》知道了北斗的存在,那么,再疯狂的事情都有可能做得出来。 Therefore, regarding the appearance of Hokuto, Mash not surprised, is pleasantly surprised. 因此,对于北斗的出现,玛修没有惊讶,只有惊喜。 But Hokuto also has seal to be like to Mash probably, turns around, will also be in Mash of midair to give the back in the head. 北斗则好像也对玛修有印象似的,一个转身,将还身在半空的玛修给背在了头上。 Sat in Hokuto's body, Mash had some energy immediately. 坐在北斗的身上,玛修顿时有了一些底气。 Walks! Hokuto! We rescue Senpai!” “走吧!北斗!我们去救前辈!” Mash turns toward Hokuto under body to make noise. 玛修就向着身下的北斗出声。 Áng! 昂! Hokuto sends out immediately stimulated should with the sound. 北斗立即发出亢奋的应和声。 Saw that Rozen was drawn in tank/war chariot, is not only Mash, Hokuto also worries very much. 看到罗真被拖进战车里,不仅是玛修而已,北斗也很着急。 Although, Hokuto personality is sloppy and pure, even also has not changed this personality in the present of extremely fast growth period, but regarding Rozen, Hokuto has been very loyal. 虽说,北斗个性过于散漫和纯真,即使是处于极速成长期的现在亦是没有改变这种个性,但对于罗真,北斗一直都很忠心。 This is to the sentiment that other Tsuchimikado Family's people do not have. 这是对其余土御门家的人所没有的感情。 In the past, although Hokuto as Tsuchimikado Family's Guardian Spirit Beast, has dedicated very much, may regarding Hokuto, this actually just be gives to raise own main family work this degree of matter, has not had what special sentiment to Tsuchimikado Family. 过去,北斗虽然身为土御门家的守护灵兽,一直都很尽忠职守,可对于北斗而言,这其实只不过是给予饲养自己的主家工作这种程度的事情而已,并没有对土御门家有什么特别的感情。 No matter once subdued its Abe no Seimei to be possible be called Tsuchimikado Yakou of Abe no Seimei second, Hokuto to is only the curiosity that they hold and plays the heart, loyalty that and has no. 不管是曾经收服了它的安倍晴明还是堪称安倍晴明二世的土御门夜光,北斗对他们抱有的都仅是好奇心和玩心而已,并没有任何的忠心。 But Rozen was different. 罗真就不同了。 From first meeting, was started by the Rozen perfect operation, Hokuto has had the favorable impression to Rozen very much. 自第一次见面,被罗真完美的操纵开始,北斗就一直对罗真很有好感。 In addition Rozen not like the past Tsuchimikado Family's person like that only greedy is borrowing own power, instead provided power for oneself, even also developed Dragon Breath Skill for oneself, and entered the growth period by oneself, unceasing getting stronger, Hokuto had turned into a worship to Rozen from the pure curiosity, a respect. 再加上罗真不像过去的土御门家的人那般,只是贪婪的借用着自己的力量,反而为自己提供了力量,甚至还为自己开发出了龙息技能,并让自己进入了成长期,不断的变强,北斗罗真早已从单纯的好奇心变成了一种崇拜,一种敬仰了。 said with no trace of politeness, if Rozen wants to conclude Absolute Contract with Hokuto, that a fraction of a minute can accomplish. 毫不客气的说,若是罗真想和北斗缔结绝对契约的话,那分分钟都能办到。 Thus it can be seen, present Hokuto had to Rozen is loyal. 由此可见,现在的北斗罗真有多么的忠心了。 Therefore, Hokuto has not only revolted against the Mash's opinion, instead probably had become impatient generally, sends out resounding dragon roar. 所以,北斗不仅没有反抗玛修的意见,反而像是早就等急了一般,发出高亢的龙吟 At once, Hokuto then suspends dragon body, goes toward the Medb's war chariot charge. 旋即,北斗便一摆龙躯,向着梅芙的战车冲锋而去。 Near kilometer Divine Dragon of to/clashes toward oneself, this made two god cows produce fear. 近千米的神龙向着自己冲来,这让两头神牛均都产生了畏惧。 Only then these Dragon Species, one after another flushed. 只有那些龙种,纷纷都冲了过来。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Under the roaring sound, Great Dragon of leader charged into Hokuto one after another. 咆哮声下,一头头的巨龙就相继冲向了北斗 Quantity, then copes with four heads that Mash's three as well as Hokuto copes with from the beginning, a total of seven heads. 数量,则是一开始对付玛修的三头以及北斗对付的四头,总共七头。 Áng! 昂! Hokuto has not retreated completely, instead suddenly accelerates, resembling the a ray of light belt/bring was ordinary, dashed. 北斗完全没有退却,反而豁然加速,似一道光带一般,冲撞了上去。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” The collision of dragon and dragon then launched in the upper air, blows to fly the atmosphere. 龙与龙的碰撞便在高空中展开,吹飞了大气。
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