SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#890: Could not be interested to you

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Hehe...” 呵呵...” Looks at Rozen to carry own bee sweet wine, Medb smile on face appeared more delightful. 看着罗真端起了自己的蜂蜜酒,梅芙脸上的笑容显得更加的甜美了。 So long as under drinking this glass of liquor, then, no matter the Rozen also anything ability, the final result, definitely changes to the Medb captive. 只要喝下这杯酒,那么,不管罗真还有什么能耐,最终的结果,肯定是化作梅芙的俘虏。 This is Medb Noble Phantasm, only for power that to conquer the man has. 这就是梅芙宝具,只为了征服男人而存在的力量 When this glass of liquor were drunk by Rozen, at the appointed time, this human Master will always do as one is told to Medb, no matter it as ability that the ability in Master aspect has, will become the Medb possession. 等到这杯酒被罗真喝下去,届时,这个人类御主就会对梅芙唯命是从,不管是其身为御主方面的才能还是自身拥有的能力,都将成为梅芙的所有物。 Medb even somewhat anticipated. 梅芙甚至有些期待 What this child's genetic gene can be?” “这个孩子的遗传基因又会是什么样的呢?” Thinks of here, Medb cannot help but licked own lip, impatient wants to taste the having a look appearance. 想到这里,梅芙不由得舔了舔自己的嘴唇,一副迫不及待的想品尝一下看看的模样。 Rozen under such condition, will send out to make the fragrance bee sweet wine end that one wants to stop but cannot to own front. 罗真就在这样的状况下,将散发出令人欲罢不能的香气的蜂蜜酒端到自己的面前。 At this moment... 就在这时... Why you must act in a self-serving manner in this Singularity, even doesn't hesitate to kill off all native people?” “你为什么要在这个特异点里为所欲为,甚至不惜杀光所有的原住民呢?” Before drinking to start the bee sweet wine, Rozen was asking such a issue unexpectedly. 在喝下手中的蜂蜜酒之前,罗真竟是问出了这么一个问题。 hearing this, Medb is startled slightly, but shortly afterwards actually caring at all reply. 闻言,梅芙微微一怔,但紧接着却是满不在乎的回答了。 Naturally to control this piece of continent.” “当然是为了支配这片大陆了。” Reply of Medb without any hesitation. 梅芙没有任何犹豫的回答了。 Control?” Rozen said in a low voice: To control, you no matter then this Singularity how, Human Order how, the world can how?” “支配?”罗真低声说道:“就为了支配,你便不管这个特异点会怎么样,人理会怎么样,世界又会怎么样了吗?” Facing this issue, Medb like hearing any funny words was the same, happily laughed gets up. 面对这个问题,梅芙如同听到了什么好笑的话一样,乐呵呵的笑了起来。 Singularity? Human Order? World? What is that?” Medb tilted the head, naturally saying: That is my thing, belongs to my Queen Medb thing Oh? 特异点人理?世界?那又是什么?”梅芙歪着脑袋,理所当然般的说道:“那都是我的东西,属于我女王梅芙的东西哦? Since is own thing, that... 既然都是自己的东西,那么... How should use, isn't that must be decided by me?” “该怎么使用,那不是都得由我说了算吗?” Medb is then speaking the so overbearing and persistently unreasonable words by the clear tone. 梅芙便以清纯的口吻说着这般霸道又蛮不讲理的话语。 But they are also not your possession.” “可它们还不是你的所有物。” Rozen so opens the mouth in a low voice. 罗真如此低声开口。 Regarding this, the reply of Medb also only had one. 对此,梅芙的回答也仅剩下一个了。 Therefore, I need to control it.” “所以,我才需要支配它啊。” Medb so smooth word without hesitation. 梅芙就如此毫不犹豫的畅言了。 Hears here, Rozen did not get don't understand. 听到这里,罗真不得不明白了。 Understands at present this Queen essence. 明白眼前这位女王的本质。 This is one only for then can subvert all women. 这是一个只为了自己便可以颠覆所有的一切的女人。 She for oneself desire, does not permit any disobedience. 她为了自己的欲望,不允许任何的忤逆。 She for oneself desire, once possessed of countless men before one's death once. 她为了自己的欲望,在生前就曾将无数的男人占为己有。 But she also most likes the valuables and money, once for this reason, raised war that takes the Ulster entire earth as the opponent. 而她也最喜欢财宝,曾经以此为由,掀起了以阿尔斯特全土为对手的大战。 Like Scáthach said that this Queen was the coagulum that the acquisitive instinct and control wanted, was the truly desire incarnation. 就像斯卡哈所说的一样,这个女王就是占有欲以及支配欲的凝聚体,乃是真真正正的欲望的化身。 So long as can realize own desire, so long as can complete own ambition, then, regardless in what form, this female Royal Capital intense pursues. 只要是能够实现自己的欲望,只要是可以完成自己的野望,那么,无论以什么样的形式,这位女王都会激烈的去追求。 In this Singularity all, stem from this completely. 在这个特异点里发生的一切,就全部都是源于此。 The warrior who in order to obtain has not obtained, Medb transformed Cú Chulainn. 为了得到生前不曾得到的勇士,梅芙改造了库·丘林 In order to conquer the North American Continent entire earth, creates one to be able with the country that Cú Chulainn gallops, Medb does not hesitate native people kill to the last one, but also regards Human Order's destruction without the thing. 为了征服北美大陆全土,创造一个可以和库·丘林一起驰骋的国家,梅芙不惜将原住民赶尽杀绝,还视人理的毁灭于无物。 Must say that selfish words, this Queen is the selfish biggest rank and highest manifests absolutely. 要说自私的话,这位女王绝对是自私的最大级别、最高体现。 This Queen also realizes all of these ability. 偏偏,这位女王还有实现这一切能力 Like before death for valuables and money, but is involved in the Ulster entire earth the war, this time, for own selfishness, this Queen is also involved in entire Singularity the chaos caused by war that oneself made. 如同生前为了财宝而将阿尔斯特全土都卷入战争中一样,这次,为了自己的私心,这位女王同样将整个特异点都卷入了自己制造的战乱中。 This is Medb, Queen Medb. 这就是梅芙,女王梅芙 She did not say? 她自己不也是这么说的吗? My hateful is not willing to submit to all my.” “我讨厌不愿意臣服于我的一切。” Medb straightforward expression oneself. 梅芙率直的表达了自己。 „If not my thing, that destroyed then it will be alright.” “如果不是属于我的东西的话,那就摧毁掉就行了。” precisely because of this, before death Cú Chulainn will die in the hand of Medb. 正是因为这样,生前的库·丘林才会死在梅芙的手中。 precisely because of this, native people in this Singularity can by Medb kill to the last one. 正是因为这样,这个特异点里的原住民才会被梅芙赶尽杀绝 Now, Rozen is also facing such aspect. 如今,罗真也面临着这样的局面。 You submit to me, here turns into my thing?” “你就臣服于我,在这里变成我的东西吧?” Medb holds in the arms Rozen's neck, is breathing out to his face sweet and delicate voice. 梅芙搂住罗真的脖子,对着他的脸娇声哈气。 In this case, I make you stay here, regardless of wants anything, I will give you completely, including me.” “这样的话,我就让你留在这里,无论想要什么,我都会全部给你,包括我自己。” Medb so undisguisedly and showed own pursue boldly. 梅芙如此露骨又大胆的展现了自己的追求。 Only pitifully... 只可惜... „Sorry, Your Highness Queen.” “真是抱歉,女王殿下。” Rozen is staring at liquor in the hand, by steadfast tone, said such a line. 罗真凝视着自己手中的酒,以坚定不移的口吻,说了这么一句 I, really cannot be interested to you.” “我啊,实在是对你提不起兴趣。” This is in the Rozen heart the biggest feeling. 这就是罗真心中最大的感受。 Zheng————!” 铮————!” In this instantaneous, is lifting the wine glass, on Rozen's forehead that prepares the bee sweet wine to toss down, a writing appeared, bloomed the radiant ray. 就在这个瞬间里,举着酒杯,正准备将其中的蜂蜜酒一饮而尽的罗真的脑门上,一个文字浮现了出来,绽放出了璀璨的光芒。 That is 『अ』 character, 『अ』 character that was written by Sanskrit. 那是一个「阿」字,一个由梵文写成的「阿」字 Wha...!?” “什...!?” Saw that Rozen's forehead presents a Sanskrit that suddenly is blooming the ray, Medb is startled. 眼看着罗真的脑门骤然出现一个绽放着光芒的梵文,梅芙大吃一惊。 But this Queen movement is actually not slow, was almost rebounding of conditioned reflex. 但这位女王的动作却是一点也不慢,几乎是条件反射的跳开了。 But, in this space limited car(riage) room, Medb can spread out big? 可是,在这个空间有限的车室里,梅芙又能拉开多大的距离呢? Draws here Rozen, is the success of Medb, is the failure of Medb. 罗真拖进这里,即是梅芙的成功,又是梅芙的失败。 Under forehead 『अ』 character, innermost feelings suddenly that Rozen gradually falls to the enemy inspires, the controlled body and mind is also recaptured by it instantaneously. 额头「阿」字之下,罗真逐渐沦陷的内心豁然一振,被支配的身心亦是瞬间被其夺回。 ———— 《Ajikan》. ————《阿字观》 meditation method of esoteric buddhism, can through meditation 『अ』 character, but rapid unification mind/energetic, lets the Spiritual Energy fierce circulation of within the body, thus purifies within the body Spiritual Energy, sweeps clean influence magical law that all Magical Arts interfere with. 密教的冥想法,能够通过冥想「阿」字而迅速的统一精神,让体内灵气剧烈的循环,从而净化自己体内灵气,扫清所有咒术干涉的影响的咒法 Once, relied on this magical law, Rozen was working loose taking possession the control of Raven's Wing. 曾经,凭借着这一咒法,罗真就挣脱了附身的鸦羽的支配。 Now, Rozen used it again, eliminated own attracting Status/condition, recaptured the body and mind. 现在,罗真再一次的使用了它,清除了自己的魅惑状态,夺回了身心。 Then... 然后... Puchi!” 噗嗤!” In physical body tearing sound, jet black sharp long spear/gun after Medb conducted the back thoroughly. 肉体的撕裂声中,漆黑的尖锐长枪梅芙的后背上透了出来。 Almost jumps to rebound in Medb, Rozen recaptures the body and mind in the instance of property rights, the Rozen body coat sticks out suddenly suddenly, the lower hem changes to sharp long spear/gun, punctured toward Medb. 几乎是在梅芙纵身跳开,罗真夺回身心的所有权的瞬间里,罗真身上的大衣骤然暴起,衣摆化作尖锐长枪,向着梅芙刺了过去。 Without helping Rozen drives out to attract the Status/condition effect, Golden Crow is also has the function of automatic defense and automatic counter-attack, in Medb close to the Rozen's time, Golden Crow was ready to make trouble, but was suppressed by Rozen. 即使没有帮罗真驱除魅惑状态的效果,金乌亦是有着自动防御与自动反击的机能,早在梅芙靠近罗真的时候,金乌就蠢蠢欲动了,只不过是被罗真压制了下来而已。 in other words, Rozen already , was drawn in this tank/war chariot, and after understanding the condition, has been waiting for one to the time of Medb counter-attack. 也就是说,罗真早就在被拖进这辆战车里,并了解了状况以后,一直都在等着一个可以向梅芙反击的时机。 That time, is at this moment. 那个时机,就是此时此刻。 Therefore, the Golden Crow lower hem changes to sharp long spear/gun directly, pierced the heart of Medb. 因此,金乌的衣摆直接化作尖锐长枪,刺穿了梅芙的心脏。 Bang!” “砰!” A shatter sound spreads in Medb within the body. 一个破碎声就在梅芙体内传出。 Sound that precisely Medb Spiritual Core arouses shatter. 正是梅芙灵核破碎所激起的声音。 Bang!” “轰!” In this second, changes to the Reality Marble car(riage) room to blast open loudly. 就在这一秒钟内,化作固有结界的车室轰然炸裂。 Eh... Aaaaaaaaah...!” ...啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...!” Meanwhile, the Medb pitiful yell sound penetrating, spread over the entire battlefield. 与此同时,梅芙的惨叫声响彻而起,传遍了整个战场。 tank/war chariot vanished, lets Rozen and Medb returns above the battlefield. 战车就此消失,让罗真梅芙重新回到了战场之上。 only, Rozen turns the body coat, flew the midair. 只是,罗真是一翻身上的大衣,飞上了半空。 As for Medb, dropped directly, falls on the ground, begins cannot. 至于梅芙,直接跌落了出去,摔在地面上,再起不能。
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