SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#889: Seduction irresistibly

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When Rozen recovers, he discovered, oneself is not in the battlefield, but in a luxurious car(riage) room. 罗真回过神来时,他发现,自己已经不在战场上,而是在一个豪华的车室之内。 Here is covering entirely the red decoration everywhere. 这里到处都布满着红色的装饰。 Here is overspreading the red blanket everywhere. 这里到处都铺满着红色的毯子。 What the under foot steps on is the soft rug. 脚下所踩的是柔软的地毯。 What the back depends on is the warm cushion. 背后靠着的是温暖的垫子。 But under oneself body sits is one very comfortable, is the seat, rather is the wool chair of bed. 而自己身下所坐的则是一个十分舒服,与其说是座位,不如说是床铺的毛椅。 In air of such car(riage) room, fragrance that made one want to stop but cannot is filling the air. 这样的一个车室的空气里,一股令人欲罢不能的香气正在弥漫。 Here is...” “这里是...” Rozen then plans to set out. 罗真便打算起身。 But, why does not know, Rozen definitely is unable to move unexpectedly. 可是,不知为何,罗真竟是完全无法动弹。 Did not tie up, does not suffer anything to fetter, but leaves here like giving up of instinct, the body is resisting Rozen's movements. 不是被捆绑,更不是遭受到什么束缚,而是像本能的舍不得离开这里一样,身体在抗拒着罗真的动作 What's the matter?” “怎么回事啊?” Rozen feels stunned for this reason. 罗真就为此感到愕然着。 Next second... 下一秒钟... Relax, this is the good deed.” “放心,这是好事。” A sweet greasy sound appears in Rozen's side, spreads to his ear. 一个甜腻不已的声音就在罗真的身边出现,传入其耳中。 Until this time, Rozen discovered, in own side, already the person and together, sat here. 直到这时,罗真才发现,在自己的旁边,早已有一个人与自己一起,坐在了这儿。 Besides Medb, but who can also be? 除了梅芙以外,还能是谁呢? Welcome arrives at my chariot's room, Chaldea's Master.” “欢迎来到我的战车室,迦勒底的御主。” Before Medb then sweeps, to the Rozen's hostility, just like is like his sincere pure young girl, is fresh-faced the cheeks, while simple-hearted opens the mouth. 梅芙便一扫之前对罗真的敌意,犹如对其倾心的纯洁少女一样,一边粉嫩着脸颊,一边天真无邪的开口。 male that can be invited, only then by me who here comes settles on, they are completely the rare warriors, now you also become one of them Oh? “能够被邀请到这里来的只有被我看中的男性,他们全部都是不可多得的勇士,现在你也成为他们中的一员了哦? Medb is saying with a smile, the friendly degree, making one unable to believe, her invitation way, is others give forcefully draws here. 梅芙就这么笑吟吟的说着,友好的程度,让人根本不敢相信,她的邀请方式,乃是将别人给硬生生的拖进这里。 ( Really was general idea/careless...) (真是大意了...) Rozen is saying to the heart. 罗真在心中这么对着自己说着。 Obviously already 《Spirit Vision》, 《Heavenly Eye》 and even the operation of 《Eye of the Mind》 using full power, the Medb say/way, was being drawn here by it finally, simply is biggest loses self-control. 明明已经将《灵视》《天眼》乃至《心眼》全力全开的运行了,结果都着了梅芙的道,被其拖进这里来,简直就是最大的失态 Even Jade Rabbit currently in the side, Rozen does not have to arrive in God's Domain 《Eye of the Mind》's power as before, properly speaking, should be insufficient such simply the Medb say/way was right. 即使玉兔现在不在身边,罗真依旧有抵达神域《心眼》之力,照理来说,应该不至于这么简单的就着了梅芙的道才对。 It is a pity that even if Rozen has God Level the energy of 《Eye of the Mind》, Medb went well as before. 遗憾的是,即使罗真有着神级《心眼》之能,梅芙依旧得手了。 In that instance, I have drawn support once saw through you following all actions as my husband's male See the Future, therefore, you cannot escape my invitation Oh? “在那个瞬间,我已经借助曾经作为我丈夫的男性未来视看穿了你接下来所有的行动,所以,你是逃不开我的邀请的哦? Medb very happy to the Rozen explanation. 梅芙很是愉快的对着罗真解释。 Said, Medb also while sympathized the body in Rozen's body, even whole person snuggle. 一边说,梅芙还一边将身体贴在了罗真的身上,甚至整个人都依偎了进去。 The soft, creamy and happy touch and just right body temperature touched Rozen on one by one. 柔软、滑腻、美好的触感以及恰到好处的体温就一一触及了罗真 Rozen wants to leave, actually discovered oneself could not resist all of these. 罗真很想离开,却发现自己根本抗拒不了这一切 Medb then extends a hand, the finger is paddling on Rozen's chest. 梅芙便伸出一只手,手指在罗真的胸口上划动着。 don't waste your energy, since you have come, then before completing this/should matter of doing, you are unable to leave here Oh? absolutely 别白费力气了,既然你已经进来了,那在做完该做的事情之前,你是绝对无法离开这里的哦? Medb is very proud and happy is saying to Rozen. 梅芙很是自豪且开心的对着罗真说着。 Because, here, but my Reality Marble.” “因为,这里可是我的固有结界啊。” ———— 《Reality Marble》. ————《固有结界》 That is can own heart likely scenery manifestation, replaces itself in the boundary invariable situation with the world, then corrodes the reality, replaces the reality, changes to own heart likely scenery Great Magecraft. 那是能够将自己的心象风景具现化,在境界不变的情况下替换自己与世界,进而侵蚀现实,将现实取代,化作自己的心象风景的大魔术 In other words , this is one can make Magecraft of own individual microcosm. 换言之,这是一个能够制造出专属于自己的个人小世界的魔术 Such Magecraft, should be the thing that Spirit/Fairy as well as Devil can use. 这样的魔术,原本应该是精灵以及恶魔才能使用的东西。 After all, that is can change Great Magecraft of the world, it may be said that most is close to the 《Magic》 miracle, even Magus of highest position may not use, even if Age of Gods Magus may also not complete, was listed in forbidden spell Index by 《Mage's Association》. 毕竟,那是能够改变世界的大魔术,可谓是最接近《魔法》的奇迹,即便是最高位的魔术师都不一定能够使用,哪怕是神代魔术师亦不一定能够完成,进而被《魔术协会》列于禁咒目录之内。 It only has to have Magecraft that the talent of own individual image scenery may complete. 它是唯有拥有着自己的个人心象风景的人才有可能完成的魔术 Therefore, let alone is Rozen, is unable to use by Caster Class present world Medea as well as Cú Chulainn this kind of Age of Gods Magus. 所以,别说是罗真,就是以Caster职阶现界美狄亚以及库·丘林这一类的神代魔术师都无法使用。 Now, Medb told Rozen, this chariot's room had changed to Reality Marble. 现在,梅芙就告诉了罗真,这个战车的车室已经化作了固有结界 Such being the case, only if there is to break World Level power, otherwise goes out from here on impossible. 既然如此,除非有打破世界等级力量,否则就不可能从这里出去。 In fact is also so. 事实上也是如此。 Only then completes the matter that I want to handle, that can go out Oh? from here “只有完成我想做的事情,那才能从这里出去哦? Medb then has the delightful smile, announced such a matter toward Rozen. 梅芙便带着甜美的笑容,向着罗真宣告了这样的一件事情。 But the matter that Medb wants to complete what is, could it be that still needs to be said? 梅芙想完成的事情是什么,难道还需要说吗 Come, drinks this.” “来,喝下这个吧。” Medb handed in front of one glass of liquor Rozen's. 梅芙就将一杯酒递到了罗真的面前。 That is cup of liquor that honey that packed golden. 那是一杯装满了黄金色的蜂蜜的酒。 On this glass of bee sweet wines, is sending out fragrance that made one unable to resist. 在这杯蜂蜜酒上,正散发出一股令人无法抗拒的香味。 Rozen then understood. 罗真便懂了。 From just the regular script of that fragrance started to smell is this?” “从刚刚开始就一直能够闻到的那股香味的正体就是这个吗?” Right. 没错。 Fills the air in the entire car(riage) indoor fragrance, precisely came from this glass of liquor. 弥漫在整个车室内的香气,正是来自于这杯酒。 Also is this glass of liquor, making Rozen lose all resistivities. 也是这杯酒,使罗真失去了所有的抵抗力。 Please drink ~ ~ ~?” “请喝吧~~~?” Medb has the smile of shake will of the people, hands in front of this glass of attractive bee sweet wines Rozen's. 梅芙就带着震荡人心的微笑,将这杯充满诱惑力的蜂蜜酒递到罗真的面前。 Rozen knows, once oneself really drink this glass of liquor, oneself ended. 罗真知道,一旦自己真的喝下这杯酒,那自己就完了。 ———— 《My Red Mead》. ————《我心爱的蜂蜜酒(MyRedMead)》 This is Medb another Noble Phantasm. 这是梅芙的另一个宝具 Moreover C-Rank Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. 而且还是C级对军宝具 It has flowing rapidly that golden honey that attracts the legend, so long as Medb hands the front with the smiles and words this glass of liquor, then, anyone, by this glass of liquor taking away all mind. 它是拥有着魅惑传说的黄金色蜂蜜的奔流,只要梅芙用微笑以及话语将这杯酒递到面前,那么,无论是谁,都会被这杯酒给夺去所有的心神。 It is like Medb's war chariot, has to male special attacks. 它与梅芙的战车一样,都拥有着对男性的特攻。 Therefore, only if female, otherwise, will be given to attract by this glass of liquor, then loses all resistivities. 所以,除非是女性,否则,都会被这杯酒给魅惑,进而失去所有的抵抗力。 Rozen now is so, because of the effect of this glass of liquor, even if knew perfectly well that at present this to the woman who oneself hand over the liquor is own enemy, even if knows that drinks this glass of liquor, oneself thorough falls into attracts, was given to conquer by Medb, since then becomes her possession, is unable to extricate oneself, but Rozen could not resist this glass of liquor attraction as before. 罗真现在就是如此,因为这杯酒的效果,即使明知眼前这个向自己递酒的女人是自己的敌人,即便知道喝下这杯酒的话,自己就会彻底的陷入魅惑中,被梅芙给征服,从此成为她的所有物,无法自拔,但罗真依旧抵抗不了这杯酒的诱惑力。 If Jade Rabbit now on Rozen's hand, then, this attracting regarding Rozen is the biggest joke, basically impossible is effective. 如果玉兔现在在罗真的手上,那么,这种魅惑对于罗真而言就是最大的笑话,根本不可能奏效。 What a pity, Jade Rabbit now in Rozen's side, not making Rozen not only lose to the negative status resistivity, Medb say/way. 可惜,玉兔现在根本不在罗真的身边,让罗真不仅失去了对负面状态的抵抗力,亦着了梅芙的道。 If Jade Rabbit, had its detection ability as well as warns the function, after it to the strengthening of 《Eye of the Mind》, Rozen will not be necessarily drawn in this tank/war chariot again. 若是玉兔在的话,有了它的感应能力以及示警功能,再经过其对《心眼》的强化,罗真不一定就会被拖进这辆战车里。 Even Medb used See the Future, therefore saw Rozen's all actions, then decisive make a move, drew in Rozen under the prediction condition this tank/war chariot, but if there is Jade Rabbit, Rozen can definitely rely on its ability, socializes with Medb See the Future. 即便梅芙使用了未来视,因此看到了罗真的所有行动,进而果断出手,在预判的状况下将罗真拖进了这辆战车内,但如果有玉兔在,罗真完全可以凭借它的能力,与梅芙未来视周旋。 Loses the Jade Rabbit present, Rozen's strength dropped, to Medb the resistivity that attracted Noble Phantasm was also infinite approach at zero. 失去了玉兔的现在,罗真的实力本就有所下降,对梅芙的这个魅惑宝具的抵抗力亦是无限趋近于零 Then... 如此一来... „After it drinks, you completely will turn into my person.” “把它喝下去以后,你就会完全变成我的人了。” Medb then by clear with the tone that coexists charmingly, resembles the challenge man innermost feelings the bottom line to be the same, the red lips open lightly, toward Rozen's face, put out fragrance. 梅芙便以清纯和妩媚并存的口吻,似挑战男人内心的底线一样,朱唇轻启,向着罗真的脸,吐出了一口香气。 When the time comes, do we handle some happy things again??” “到时候,我们再来做一些开心的事情吧??” So words, so seduction, so long as is a man, that is unable to reject. 如此话语,如此诱惑,只要是个男人,那就无法拒绝。 The Rozen's innermost feelings defense line is then also collapsing, making him raise an own hand slowly, gripped the present wine glass. 罗真的内心的防线便也在崩溃着,令其缓缓的举起自己的一只手,握住了眼前的酒杯。
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