SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#888: Let me love you well

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Rumble...” 轰隆隆...” The impact that in the midair, Dragon Breath of mutual collision has then formed the hurricane, under atmospheric rumbling sound, such as the tsunami is the same, wells up rolling. 半空中,互相碰撞的龙息所产生的冲击便形成了飓风,在大气的轰鸣声之下,如海啸一样,滚滚涌开。 In a twinkling, the entire world resembles in the high temperature is like the transformation that the low temperatures non-stop, back and forth staggered, told others, this collision is intense. 霎时间,整个天地都似在高温与低温之间不停的转变一样,来回交错,告诉了别人,此次的碰撞有多么激烈。 Hokuto then only depends on one's effort, is contending with entire four Great Dragon flame Dragon Breath by Dragon Breath of cold ice. 北斗便仅凭一己之力,以寒冰的龙息抗衡着整整四头巨龙的火焰龙息 Therefore, Dragon Energy as well as Magic Power similarly seem like storm is sweeping across, making the surrounding area resemble the thorough roll-up typhoon, raised the intermittent sand dust, prolonged. 于是,龙气以及魔力同样像是暴风般的在席卷着,让周围的一带似彻底的卷起台风了似的,掀起阵阵沙尘,经久不息。 Hateful!” “可恨!” Sees this condition not patiently, Medb is shouting. 看到这个状况,梅芙似不耐烦般的嚷嚷着。 You also give on me!” “你们也给我上!” Saying, Medb waves the pointer, the surroundings resound intermittent dragon roar immediately. 说着,梅芙一挥手中的教鞭,周围立即响起一阵阵的龙吟 That is the Wyvern cry. 那是双足飞龙的叫声。 Don't forget, besides 28 Great Dragon, Medb also summoned innumerable Wyvern. 别忘了,除了二十八头巨龙以外,梅芙还召唤出了无数的双足飞龙 Now, Medb is then ordering area surroundings Wyvern, rushes over toward Rozen's direction completely. 现在,梅芙便命令着周围一带的双足飞龙,全部都往罗真的方向冲了过去。 Seeing that... 见状... 《Wyvern Summoning》!” 《飞龙召唤》!” Rozen fierce the hand according to on the ground, transfers Magic Power of whole body, starts technique/spell that the summon used. 罗真猛的将手按在地面上,调动全身的魔力,启动了召唤用的术式 Buzz————!” 嗡————!” Huge Magic Array then expanded from the Rozen's body, turning round revolving. 一个巨大的魔法阵便从罗真的身下扩展了开来,滴溜溜的旋转着。 But is one of them, Wyvern of leader started to fly. 而在其中,一头头的双足飞龙开始飞了出来。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Responded Rozen's summoning, tens of thousands of Wyvern also jumped out from Magic Array finally, flew the horizon. 响应罗真的召唤,成千上万头双足飞龙终于也是从魔法阵里窜出,飞上了天际。 Even Wyvern can also summon...!?” “连双足飞龙也能召唤...!?” this time, Medb was really astonished. 这一次,梅芙是真的惊愕了。 No matter Dragon Species or Lesser Dragon Species, Medb can succeed employing with the aid of 《Holy Grail》's power, making them own soldier. 不管是龙种还是亚龙种,梅芙都是借助《圣杯》的力量才能成功使役,让它们成为自己的士兵的。 Now, Rozen human, is actually in front of Medb, did the matter that she achieves. 如今,罗真一个人类,却当着梅芙的面,将她做到的事情都做了一遍。 Even, Rozen with the aid of 《Holy Grail》's power, the completeness has not accomplished all of these by own ability. 甚至,罗真还没有借助《圣杯》的力量,完完全全就是靠自己的能力办到这一切 This made Medb realize finally. 这让梅芙终于是意识到了。 This human Master is the most dangerous enemy.” “这个人类御主才是最危险的敌人。” These words, before, Cú Chulainn already more than once has said to Medb. 这句话,之前,库·丘林已经不止一次的跟梅芙说过。 But, Medb follows Cú Chulainn orally, in fact has not cared this matter, has not regarded as the threat Rozen. 可是,梅芙口头上顺着库·丘林,实际上根本就没有将这件事放在心上,更没有将罗真视作威胁。 Originally, Medb is eyes on the top of the head Queen, let alone is human, is Heroic Spirit can enter her discernment rarely, making her take seriously human truly, is that also easier said than done? 本来,梅芙就是眼高于顶女王,别说是人类,就是英灵都罕有能够入她的法眼的,让她真正去重视一个人类,那又谈何容易呢? Let alone, Medb has depended itself to have Cú Chulainn, to have 《Holy Grail》 this wishing machine and also countless regiments as well as this devastates all dragon group sufficiently, thinks that the victory is itself sooner or later, will then realize Rozen's threat? 更别说,梅芙一直都仗着自己这边有库·丘林、有《圣杯》这个许愿机还有数不尽的军团以及这足以蹂躏一切的龙群,认为胜利迟早都属于自己,如此一来又怎么会意识到罗真的威胁呢? But now, Medb understands finally why Cú Chulainn wants to kill this human Master several times. 但现在,梅芙总算明白,库·丘林为什么数次都想袭杀这个人类御主 This human Master, absolute not solely only provides Magic Power and support to Servants is so simple. 这个人类御主,绝对不单单只是从者们提供魔力和支援那么简单。 He is not that type can only be Magic Power provider incompetent Master, but is truly can every ride Servant's power to display the limit, and even surpasses the limit, even regards the battlefield condition to give the best assistance, moreover hidden the deepest trump card. 他不是那种只能作为魔力提供者的无能御主,而是一个真真正正能够将每一骑从者的力量发挥到极限,乃至超越极限,甚至视战场的状况给予最佳的辅助,而且还是隐藏得最深的王牌。 Cú Chulainn then stemmed from the focus of victory, detection of instinct to this point, therefore has only wanted first to massacre Rozen, in addition, even Scáthach this should most receive Sensei that Cú Chulainn dreaded to be neglected by it, even if India as well as Greek Great Hero also have not brought to his attention, from this can be inferred. 库·丘林便出于对胜利的执着,本能的察觉到了这一点,因此一直都只想先杀掉罗真,除此之外,连斯卡哈这位理应最受库·丘林忌惮的老师都被其忽视了,即便是印度以及希腊的大英雄们亦是始终没有引起他的注意,由此可见一斑。 Now, under Rozen's instruction, Wyvern then one after another that jumps out from Magic Array shoots up to the sky, slaughtered one with dropping from the clouds the Wyvern regiment of Medb, formed the resistance unexpectedly faintly. 现在,在罗真的指示下,从魔法阵里窜出的双足飞龙便纷纷都冲天而起,与从天而降的梅芙双足飞龙军团厮杀到了一块,竟是隐隐的形成了对抗。 In such a case, Medb not clear Rozen's threat, then on unseemly behavior Queen. 在这样的情况下,梅芙再不清楚罗真的威胁,那就妄为女王了。 Such being the case... 既然如此... Turns into my thing you simply.” “干脆把你变成我的东西吧。” Looking like thinks that any great idea to be the same, Medb clear smiling. 就像是想到什么好主意一样,梅芙清纯的笑了。 That clear smile, discloses a charming and lascivious feeling. 那个清纯的笑容,却是透露出一股妩媚又淫荡的感觉。 Then, Medb jumps down from own Riding Great Dragon body. 然后,梅芙就从自己骑乘巨龙身上跳了下来。 Originally, these Dragon Species are not the Medb mounts. 本来,这些龙种就不是梅芙的坐骑。 Medb is Rider Class Servant, although also has 《Riding》 Skill, moreover 《Riding》 Skill Level also reaches as high as A-Rank, but that can only enable Medb to control besides Phantasmal Beast and all wild beast and outside the transportation vehicle Divine Beast Level freely, but also cannot achieve the Riding Dragon Species rank by far. 梅芙Rider职阶从者,虽然也拥有《骑乘》技能,而且《骑乘》技能等级还高达A级,但那仅能让梅芙可以自由驾驭除幻兽神兽等级以外的所有野兽及交通工具而已,还远远达不到骑乘龙种的级别。 Reason that can Riding Dragon Species, that be completely because these Dragon Species are Medb by the child who 《Holy Grail》's power makes, always follows to her. 之所以能够骑乘龙种,那完全是因为这些龙种梅芙凭借《圣杯》的力量制造出来的孩子,对她言听计从而已。 The evidence is Cú Chulainn does not have 《Riding》 Skill obviously, actually can also similarly Riding Dragon Species. 证据就是库·丘林明明没有《骑乘》技能,却也同样能够骑乘龙种 Naturally, this is Riding in surface, truly Riding may not solely only ride merely, but must the perfect control the Riding thing be good. 当然,这仅仅是表面上的骑乘,真真正正骑乘不单单只是骑上去而已,还得完美的驾驭住骑乘物才行。 But in this regard, compared with cannot Riding Dragon Species, Medb trust own tank/war chariot. 而在这方面,比起不能骑乘龙种,梅芙更信任自己的战车 That is Medb own power and influence obtains manifestation tank/war chariot, demonstrated that the steel of royal power and oppressive person of dominant person, shocks terrifying existence of person. 那是梅芙自身的权势得到具现化战车,展示出统治人的王权、虐人的钢铁、震撼人的恐怖的存在 This tank/war chariot used related two god cows in the Cooley good contest drew, once ran quickly in the battlefield, its advance strength will be powerful enough to destroy all the enemies of being in the way. 这辆战车利用了在库利牛争夺战中相关的两头神牛进行拉动,一旦在战场上奔驰,其突进力将足以摧毁一切挡路的敌人。 Therefore, that is Rank B+ Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. 因此,那是B+级对军宝具 The named... 其名为... 《Chariot My Love》!” 《我心爱的钢铁战车(ChariotMyLove)》!” Under the summon of Medb, two horns cows are drawing tank/war chariot, roared, while ran quickly from the battlefield edge. 梅芙的呼唤下,两头角牛拉动着战车,一边咆哮,一边从战场的边缘上奔驰而来。 Medb then just falls on own tank/war chariot driver seat, moves the leather whip, brushing ruthlessly in two good body. 梅芙便刚好落在自己的战车的驾驶座上,甩动皮鞭,狠狠的抽打在两头牛的身上 On! Conquers to me that man!” “上吧!将那个男人给我征服!” This was not says orally. 这并不是口头说说而已。 In fact, Medb's war chariot has power. 实际上,梅芙的战车就有着一种力量 This power, to settled on male that has enormously by Medb attacks the effect especially. 这种力量,对被梅芙所看中的男性有着极大的特攻效果。 Therefore, Medb is then urging own tank/war chariot, curls up the sand dust, regardless the soil, such as ferocious beast is ordinary, toward the Rozen's direction advance. 所以,梅芙便驱使着自己的战车,卷起沙尘,抛开泥土,如猛兽一般,向着罗真的方向突进而来。 Rozen naturally must detect this vast momentum attack. 罗真自然不会没有察觉这声势浩大的攻击。 Immediately, Rozen drew vague Rune in oneself front on the ground. 顿时,罗真在自己面前的地面上画出了一个隐晦至极的符文 That is can serve as Rune of flame the trap uses. 那是能够用作陷阱之用的焰之符文 Blows off!” “炸飞吧!” Rozen then under the fluttering of Golden Crow's Coat, suddenly flew the midair. 罗真便在金乌大衣的翻飞下,豁然飞上了半空。 The place that was only left over Medb's war chariot, the trend did not reduce grinds it that to be , the wheel steps on Rune of flame. 只剩下梅芙的战车,趋势不减的碾过了其原本所在的地方,车轮踩中了焰之符文 Bang————!” 嘭————!” The berserk flame is in full bloom immediately, such as the volcano of erupting, gives to embezzle that area. 狂暴的火焰立即盛开,如爆发的火山,将那一带都给吞没。 However... 然而... Ahahaha!” 啊哈哈哈!” Medb unexpectedly like having foresight to be the same, rises with a spring from tank/war chariot, flings the long whip in make a move. 梅芙竟是有如未卜先知一样,从战车上一跃而起,甩出手中的长鞭。 Pā! 啪! In the clear sound, the Medb long whip tied down Rozen's foot. 清脆的响声中,梅芙的长鞭缠住了罗真的脚 What...!?” “什么...!?” Rozen cannot help but startled. 罗真不由得吃惊了。 Rozen does not know completely, because had conquered the relations of numerous male before one's death once, Medb can in a short time borrow these male Noble Phantasm. 罗真完全不知道,因为在生前征服过众多男性的关系,梅芙能够在极短的时间里借用那些男性宝具 For example, once made See the Future ability that her some time husband's Ulster king Conor has had, by Medb temporary borrowing. 比如,曾经做过其一段时间的丈夫的阿尔斯特王康纳尔所持有的未来视能力,就被梅芙暂时性的借用了。 Come! Let me love you well ~ ~ ~?” “来!让我好好疼爱你吧~~~?” Medb then licked own lip, in the hand made an effort. 梅芙便舔了舔自己的嘴唇,手中一个用力。 The next second, the Rozen whole person by the long whip pulling, with Medb together, was locked her tank/war chariot compartment. 下一秒钟,罗真整个人都被长鞭给扯了下去,与梅芙一起,被锁进了她的战车的车厢。
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