SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#887: The war of not making concessions!

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this period of time, Rozen while conducting daily practice, had not interrupted to training of Hokuto. 这段时间里,罗真在进行日常修行的同时,一直都没有中断对北斗的培养。 Even process dull, Rozen will find the time to refine as before every day suits Spiritual Energy that Hokuto grows, continuous pours into its within the body, making Hokuto obtain the growth. 即使过程非常枯燥,罗真依旧每天都会抽出时间来提炼适合北斗成长的灵气,持续不断的注入其体内,让北斗一直都在获得成长。 Therefore, until now, Hokuto the similar incarnation for about thousand meters Divine Dragon, has called it to block the sky, has certain persuasive power. 因此,时至今日,北斗已经差不多化身为近千公尺的神龙,称之为遮天蔽日,亦是已经有了一定的说服力。 Such Hokuto's power on unceasing was being strengthened, to today, has stood in the tactical level peak, only had the one pace to strategic level. 这样的北斗的力量就不断的在受到强化,到得今日,已经是站在战术级的巅峰,离战略级都仅有一步之遥而已了。 So long as Hokuto spans a kilometer build, is the true height kilometer, at the appointed time, was it steps into strategic level, the day of being on par top Servant. 只要北斗跨越千米的体型,达到真正的身长千米,届时,就是其踏入战略级,比肩顶级从者之日。 If Rozen unremitting ample force supports Hokuto, those who do not hesitate Spiritual Power is it strengthens power, then, Hokuto can definitely display the strategic level strength. 而若是罗真不懈余力的对北斗进行支援,不惜灵力的为其强化力量,那么,北斗完全可以发挥出战略级的实力。 Now, Rozen Hokuto summoning, own Magic Power also through firm incomparable contract path with Hokuto, pours into its body. 现在,罗真就将北斗给呼唤了出来,自身的魔力亦是通过与北斗之间坚固无比的契约通路,灌注在其身上 Then, Rozen also chanted the incantation. 然后,罗真还咏唱出了咒语。 ———— Mount Brillianttail has a god, he has the face of a man and body of a red serpent, he is scarlet, his eyes are vertical and in a straight stream, he closes his eyes and is thus night, he opens his eyes and is thus day, he does not eat nor rest, continuously there is wind and rain, for this is the Candle Dragon ———— ————章尾山有神,人面蛇身而赤,直目正乘,具瞑乃晦,其视乃明,不食不寝,不息风雨,是谓之龙———— At this moment, what Rozen chants is in 《Classic of the Great Northern Wilderness》 treats as Spiritual Energy the scrip­tures of divine object the dragon. 此时此刻,罗真咏唱的乃是《北大荒经》中把龙当做灵气的神物的经文。 It can promote Dragon Energy, making Spiritual Energy of dragon obtain the explosive promotion. 它能够提升龙气,让龙的灵气得到爆炸性的提升。 Bang!” “轰!” In the clouds, Hokuto body honored Dragon Energy then suddenly inflates, making him open the eye, incomparably stimulated exudes dragon roar that resounds through the world. 云端之中,北斗身上的尊贵龙气便豁然膨胀,令其睁大眼睛,无比亢奋的发出一声响彻天地的龙吟 In this moment li (0.5 km), under Rozen's enforcement, Hokuto's power direct upgraded to strategic level, achieved compares favorably with the top Servant degree sufficiently. 于此刻里,在罗真的加持之下,北斗的力量直接提升到战略级,达到足以媲美顶级从者的程度。 Áng————!” 昂————!” Hokuto then roared suddenly, dived from the clouds , to its tiny Great Dragon, was dashing ruthlessly. 北斗便骤然咆哮,从云端上俯冲而下,对着相对于其而言过于渺小的一头巨龙,狠狠的冲撞了上去。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” Just like having thunderously crack, shock wave expands from the midair, presented the ring-like emission, blew to fly instantaneously the innumerable steam. 宛若有雷鸣炸响似的,一圈冲击波自半空中扩展,呈现环形的放射了出去,瞬间吹飞了无数水蒸气。 Roar!” “吼!” Great Dragon sends out painful howling, figure drops from the upper air, hits on the ground, arouses sand dust four to inundate. 巨龙发出一声痛苦的吼叫,身形从高空中跌落下来,撞在地面上,激起一阵沙尘四漫。 But this Great Dragon, precisely Cú Chulainn that head of Riding. 而这头巨龙,正是库·丘林骑乘的那一头。 However, when Hokuto dives, Cú Chulainn from body of dragon has jumped down, avoided dashing of Hokuto. 不过,在北斗俯冲而下的时候,库·丘林就已经从龙的身上一跃而下,避开了北斗的冲撞。 „, You can also summon Dragon Species unexpectedly.” “没想到,你居然也能召唤龙种。” fell on the ground Cú Chulainn then looks at hitting Great Dragon of ground by Hokuto, the complexion appears is somewhat ugly. 落在地面上库·丘林便看着被北斗给撞进地面的巨龙,脸色显得有些难看起来。 Also who can think, only human, can summon the true dragon type unexpectedly? 又有谁能够想到,区区一个人类,居然能够召唤真真正正的龙种呢? Even Medb with the aid of 《Holy Grail》's power as well as own characteristics the successful manufacture Dragon Species, once Black Jeanne similarly was because had 《Holy Grail》 to summon Fafnir, otherwise, was in Phantasmal Species strongest existence, Dragon Species was not the casual what people can summon. 梅芙都是借助《圣杯》的力量以及自身的特性才成功的制造出龙种,曾经的黑贞德同样是因为有《圣杯》才能召唤出法夫纳,否则,身为幻想种中最强的存在,龙种根本就不是随便什么人都可以召唤的。 At least, until now, on Rozen, can summon the Dragon Species person, he has seen only one person. 至少,至今为止,就罗真而言,能够召唤龙种的人,他就只见过一人。 That once was in 1st Singularity France has presented Saintess ———— Martha. 那就是曾经在第一特异点法兰西里出现过的圣女————玛尔达 in other words, only if Saintess and existence of Saint rank, otherwise, wants to summon Dragon Species, almost impossible. 也就是说,除非是圣女圣人级别的存在,否则,想召唤龙种,几乎不可能 Even Heroic Spirit, if not for had had great achievements in this aspect, wants to direct Dragon Species, is more difficult than Dragon-slaying. 即便是英灵,若不是曾经有过这方面的丰功伟业,想使唤龙种,那比屠龙还困难。 This made Scáthach have the pleasant surprise. 这让斯卡哈都有了惊喜。 Also hid such one hand? Really extraordinary fellow!” “还藏了这样的一手吗?真是了不起的家伙啊!” Scáthach on is avoiding coming Dragon Breath, while such loud shout. 斯卡哈就一边躲避着迎面而来的龙息,一边这样子高声呐喊着。 How possibly...!” “怎么可能...!” But rode to clench jaws in Medb that Great Dragon body bluffs and blusters. 而原本骑在巨龙身上耀武扬威的梅芙则是咬牙切齿了起来。 Only pitifully, regardless of Medb has unwilling how, Rozen can employing Dragon Species be a fact. 只可惜,无论梅芙有多么不甘心,罗真能够使役龙种都是一个事实。 Medb.” The Cú Chulainn vision fixes the eyes on Rozen's body, opens the mouth to say toward Medb: Cures my body wound.” 梅芙。”库·丘林的目光就紧盯在罗真的身上,向着梅芙开口道:“治好我身上的伤。” „, Good, Cú-chan.” Medb then responded. “啊,好的,小库。”梅芙这才反应了过来。 In his hand, Golden Cup appeared. 其手中,黄金之瓮浮现了出来。 《Holy Grail》...!” 《圣杯》...!” Saw this, Mash cannot help but makes noise. 看到这一幕,玛修不由得出声了。 Let alone is Mash, Servant in entire battlefield in 《Holy Grail》 brilliance by Medb hand attracting attention. 别说是玛修,整个战场上的从者都被梅芙手中的《圣杯》的光辉给吸引了注意力。 Creates 《Holy Grail》 that this Singularity presents at present, causes also similarly is present golden cup that Celtic becomes cannot resist with all one's strength, who can its not be attracted? 造成这个特异点出现的《圣杯》就在眼前,使凯尔特一方变得不可力敌的亦同样是眼前的这个黄金之杯,谁能够不被其所吸引呢? But Medb completely has not actually cared about the other people vision, only makes a vow toward 《Holy Grail》. 梅芙却全然没有在意其余人的眼光,只是向着《圣杯》许愿。 Helps Cú-chan cure the injury!” “帮小库治好伤势吧!” 《Holy Grail》 in Medb hand blooms immediately endless radiance, gathers Cú Chulainn's body. 梅芙手中的《圣杯》顿时绽放出万丈光芒,汇聚到库·丘林的身上 Under that ray of light, the Cú Chulainn body injury quickly restores at the visible speed, the curse of even the heart spot was eliminated, healing bit by bit. 在那道光之下,库·丘林身上的伤势以肉眼可见的速度迅速恢复,连心脏部位的诅咒都被消除了,一点一点的愈合着。 Sees that Rozen without any hesitation made several talisman. 见状,罗真没有任何犹豫的打出了数枚咒符 Order!” 急急如律令(order)!” With brief spell, talisman one by one was liberated. 伴随着简短的咒文,咒符一一被解放。 Liberated talisman is very standard Five Elements Talisman. 被解放的咒符是非常标准的五行符 First what liberated is Water Element Talisman, shortly afterwards is Wood Element Talisman, Fire Element Talisman, Earth Element Talisman as well as Metal Element Talisman, shows powerful ability in turn. 首先被解放的是水行符,紧接着木行符火行符土行符以及金行符,依次展现出威能 Naturally, what Rozen utilizes is the Magical Arts principle of Five Elements Mutual Generation. 理所当然,罗真运用的乃是五行相生咒术原理。 Therefore, awakened Water Energy forms the mighty current, then by Wood Element Talisman to the absorption, the big tree that encourages the heaven, the big tree pasted on Fire Element Talisman, the combustion, changes to the flaming roaring flame loudly, submerges the land, lets submerge land power of Earth Element Talisman to rise suddenly similarly, raises the sandy soil, is absorbed by Metal Element Talisman again entirely, ultimately formed huge steel spear. 于是,被唤醒的水气形成洪流,然后被木行符给吸收,助长出苍天的大树,大树又贴上了火行符,轰然燃烧,化作熊熊烈焰,没入大地,让同样没入大地的土行符力量暴涨,掀起沙土,再由金行符通通吸收,最终形成了一把巨大的钢枪 This entire mutual promotion of the five elements process then like moving clouds and flowing water occurrence, smoothness and skilled, even if 《Twelve Divine Generals》 Level National First-Class Onmyouji saw, can for it look changes. 这整个的相生过程便如行云流水般的发生,个中的流畅与熟练,即使是《十二神将》等级国家一级阴阳师看到了,都会为之色变。 Huge steel spear then broke through the sonic barrier, brings sharp sky-splitting sound that made the person tinnitus, the bang to the direction that Cú Chulainn was. 巨大的钢枪便突破了音障,带着令人耳鸣的尖锐破空声响,轰向了库·丘林所在的方向。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Three Great Dragon pounce upon suddenly to come, to prepare immediately to block that huge steel spear. 三头巨龙立即猛扑而来,准备拦下那巨大的钢枪 Áng! 昂! What a pity, Hokuto turns the huge slender body, a revolution, hits to fly three Great Dragon quite the same as entirely, arouses the atmosphere that thunders and trembles. 可惜,北斗一扭巨大修长的身躯,浑然一转,将三头巨龙给通通撞飞,激起一阵轰鸣与震颤的大气。 Shooting at that steel spear opens access immediately Cú Chulainn. 钢枪顿时畅通无阻的射向了库·丘林 Until... 直到... Do not want to injure Cú-chan!” “别想伤害小库!” Medb rides in the head of Great Dragon, curls up the hurricane threw. 梅芙骑在巨龙的头上,卷起飓风的扑了下来。 Clang————!” 铛————!” Huge steel spear heavily with dragon claw collision together that Great Dragon finds out, let steel the explosive sound of sputtering sound and air current of collision sound and spark resounded through together. 巨大的钢枪重重的与巨龙探出的龙爪碰撞在一起,让钢铁交击声、火花的溅射声与气流的爆炸声一起响彻了起来。 This strikes, lets Medb Riding Great Dragon such as by lightning sudden retreat. 这一击,让梅芙骑乘巨龙如遭雷击般的暴退 But steel spear was also blocked, the ball arrives in the air, after revolving, pricked the land loudly. 钢枪同样被拦了下来,弹到空中,一阵旋转以后,轰然刺入了大地。 Rozen has not given up. 罗真没有罢休。 Hokuto!” 北斗!” Under Rozen's call, Hokuto angry emanation dragon roar, to the Cú Chulainn direction, was spouting Dragon Breath. 罗真的呼唤下,北斗愤怒的发出龙吟,对着库·丘林的方向,喷出了龙息 That is not Flame Dragon Breath, but is cold ice Dragon Breath. 那不是火焰的龙息,而是寒冰的龙息 ice and frost congeals the cold air that becomes like the white light of surging forward, covers to the direction that Cú Chulainn was. 冰霜凝结而成的寒气如同汹涌澎湃的白光,覆盖向了库·丘林所在的方向。 When this is at a crucial moment, including Medb Riding Great Dragon, four Great Dragon on the scene is opening to compress roaring flame dragon mouth to the upper air simultaneously, spouted scalding hot Dragon Breath. 在这千钧一发之际里,包括梅芙骑乘巨龙在内,在场的四头巨龙同时对着高空张开压缩着烈焰的龙口,喷出了灼热的龙息 The ice and fire Dragon Breath meets in the midair immediately. 冰与火的龙息顿时在半空中相遇。 BOOM————!” 咚————!” Like thunderclap, arouses again thunders. 有如炸雷似的,再次激起轰鸣。
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