SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#886: 『Dragon』 and 『Dragon』

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Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Above the battlefield, the roaring sound of dragon is fluctuating, prolonged. 战场之上,龙的咆哮声就不停的起伏着,经久不息。 Innumerable Wyvern walk randomly in the midair, to under is emitting Flame Dragon Breath, and follows in leader behind of Great Dragon, with them together, is devastating all. 无数的双足飞龙游走在半空,对着下方喷吐着火焰的龙息,并跟随在一头头的巨龙身后,与它们一起,蹂躏着所有的一切。 Changes to a sea of fire in the stretch of battlefield, ten Great Dragon then bring innumerable Wyvern to run amuck, and one by one is bombing each corner, lets Dragon Tooth Warrior as well as Celtic's warriors being buried one by one in the sea of fire, almost does not have escape by luck. 化作一片火海的这片战场里,十头巨龙便带着无数的双足飞龙在横行,并一一轰炸着每一个角落,让龙牙兵以及凯尔特的战士们都逐一的葬身于火海,几乎无一幸免 In addition, also four Great Dragon in pursuing Argo that extremely fast in the midair grazes, Magic Bullet and arrow that and is withstanding in the deck the launch that non-stop coming, shows being unforgiving imposing manner. 除此之外,还有四头巨龙在追赶着于半空中极速飞掠的阿尔戈号,并承受着甲板上不停的发射而来的魔弹箭矢,展现出一股不依不饶的气势 Unexpectedly together with launches the attack for soldier of Celtic?” “居然连同为凯尔特一方的士兵都进行攻击吗?” Scáthach looks at this, sinks the face, while must deal with seven Great Dragon that oneself roared, a quite difficult appearance. 斯卡哈看着这一幕,一边沉下脸,一边又得应付冲着自己咆哮的七头巨龙,一副相当棘手的样子。 Senpai! Senpai!” 前辈前辈!” Mash innumerable wants to clash toward Rozen's direction, actually compelling only to build shield by four Great Dragon Dragon Breath, around the body is burnt down the burned black land, only remained Mash one person to depend on Noble Phantasm to protect itself. 玛修无数次的想往罗真的方向冲,却被四头巨龙龙息给逼得只能架起盾牌,身周的一切已经是被焚烧成焦黑的大地,只剩玛修一人靠着宝具保护了自己。 Ahahaha! Really good! Too was really good ~ ~ ~?” 啊哈哈哈!真棒!真是太棒了~~~?” Medb also rides impressively in Great Dragon's body, flies in the highest place, looks under to change to a battlefield of purgatory, exudes the extremely happy big laughter. 梅芙赫然也骑在一头巨龙的身上,飞在最高处,看着下方化作一片炼狱的战场,发出极其欢愉的大笑声。 As for remaining three Great Dragon, has turned toward float Rozen in midair to surround the past. 至于剩下的三头巨龙,早已向着悬浮在半空中的罗真包围了过去。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Two Great Dragon hover in behind Rozen, is roaring to Rozen, making the heavy breathing sound change to the sound wave, resembling the hurricane is the same, assails to Rozen, making the Rozen body coat flap flap make noise, scatters innumerable fire powder. 两头巨龙翱翔在罗真的背后,冲着罗真咆哮着,让哮声化作音浪,似飓风一样,吹袭向罗真,使罗真身上的大衣猎猎作响,飘散出无数的火粉 Cú Chulainn rides in the head of last Great Dragon, grasps Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, has the brutal smile, looked to Rozen. 库·丘林骑在最后一头巨龙的头上,手持魔枪,带着残酷的笑容,看向了罗真 Rozen takes back all of these in the eyeground. 罗真这一切都收归于眼底。 Also is really generous, the magnificent scene.” “还真是大手笔,大场面啊。” Rozen can only so whispering. 罗真就只能这般呢喃了。 The battlefield situation turned into the worst situation all of a sudden. 战场的局势一下子变成了最坏的情形。 Facing these 28 true Dragon Species as well as innumerable Wyvern, let alone is Dragon Tooth Warrior's regiment, is gathers Greece and India all Servant's power, that may be unable to exceed. 面对这二十八头真正的龙种以及无数的双足飞龙,别说是龙牙兵的军团,就是集合希腊一方与印度一方所有的从者的力量,那都不一定能够胜得过。 Mad King and resourceful Queen that let alone, side there is still one kills without batting an eye are eying covetously. 更别说,旁边还有一个杀人不眨眼的狂王和一个不择手段的女王在虎视眈眈着。 Regardless how to see, Rozen as if no odds of success appearance. 无论怎么看,罗真这边似乎都已经没有胜算了的样子。 But obviously, in this Mythical War, the surrender was not permitted. 而显然,在这场神话战争里,投降是不被允许的。 The matter that both sides can achieve only has one. 双方能够做到的事情就只有一件。 That slaughters. 那就是厮杀。 Death.” “死吧。” Cú Chulainn on tranquil makes such declaration, is the matter that naturally can have is the same like this. 库·丘林就平静的做出这样的宣言,如同这是理所当然会发生的事情一样。 shortly afterwards, Great Dragon under Cú Chulainn body then also follows to roar to make noise, the wing inspires, brings the fresh breeze of howling, toward the Rozen's direction charge. 紧接着,库·丘林身下的巨龙便也跟着咆哮出声,翅膀一振,带着呼啸的劲风,向着罗真的方向冲锋而来。 That is just like the nightmare scene. 那是宛如噩梦一般的场景。 Observes closely in the King of Evil hand of Rozen life to grip tightly Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, even is scarred, the even the heart mortal wound has not repaired, actually as before without hesitation is riding Great Dragon, to/clashes toward Rozen's direction. 盯住罗真性命的邪恶之王手中紧握魔枪,即使伤痕累累,连心脏的致命伤都还没有修复,却依旧毫不犹豫的骑着巨龙,向着罗真的方向冲来。 But Great Dragon roared again and again, simply has not paid attention to Rozen, resembles to observe closely the prey gaze he, opened the big mouth, to float in Rozen of midair, suddenly was spouting scalding hot Dragon Breath. 巨龙则更是连连咆哮,根本没有将罗真放在眼里,似盯住猎物般的注视着他,张开血盆大口,对着悬浮在半空的罗真,豁然喷出了灼热的龙息 That said Dragon Breath, is not only carrying the astonishing high temperature, but also very huge, almost can cover an entire mountain top quickly. 那道龙息,不仅携带着惊人的高温,而且非常的巨大,几乎快能够覆盖一整个山头了。 Rozen only thought that own field of vision was all given to cover by Flame Dragon Breath, the whole person looks like the reef that a tsunami that welcomed the flame, will soon be embezzled. 罗真只觉得自己的视野全被火焰的龙息给覆盖,整个人就像是一个迎来火焰的海啸的礁石,即将被吞没。 Hū! 呼! Facing this scalding hot Dragon Breath, the Rozen body coat then sticks out suddenly suddenly, resembling cloak is the same, protects Rozen in behind. 面对这灼热的龙息,罗真身上的大衣便猛然暴起,似斗篷一样,将罗真护在身后 Rumble————! 轰————! Scalding hot Dragon Breath falls on floating the fire powder coat, its thorough embezzling. 灼热的龙息落在飘洒着火粉的大衣上,将其彻底的吞没了。 only, this scalding hot Dragon Breath actually cannot injure and Rozen together. 只是,这一道灼热的龙息却没有能够伤及罗真 Under the protection of Golden Crow's Coat, Rozen is withstanding the ignition of Dragon Breath, oneself are perfect. 金乌大衣的守护下,罗真就这么承受着龙息的灼烧,自身却完好无损。 As symbolizing Divine Spirit of Sun, Golden Crow most does not fear is the high temperature and flame, including once was honored as Wisdom King Acala's Favored Son Miyachi Iwao's 《Fire Realm Magic》 to be resisted by it, even can burninging out all things and endless Demon Army Wisdom King Acala’s true flame is unable to break through the protection of Golden Crow, the wound and Rozen, trivial dragon flame, how can accomplish? 作为象征着太阳的神灵,金乌最不怕的就是高温与火焰,连曾经被誉为不动明王赐子宫地盘夫的《火界咒》都被其抵挡了下来,即使是能够烧尽三千世界和无尽魔军不动明王的真炎都无法突破金乌的守护,伤及罗真,区区龙炎,如何能够办得到呢? Therefore, Rozen will defend gives Golden Crow completely, oneself pinches Magic Seal, chants the incantation. 因此,罗真就将防御全部交给金乌,自身则是掐起法印,咏唱咒语。 ———— Taniyata udakadaibana enkeienkei sowaka ———— ————跢侄他·乌驮迦提婆那·堙醯堙醯·娑婆诃———— In the ancient times in Vedic Mythology of India, the ruler of water, one of the Twelve Devas, Varuna, Varuna magical technique ———— 《Mantra of Varuna》. 古代印度的吠陀神话中,水的支配者,十二天之一的水天,伐楼那术法————《水天法》 ———— Noumaku sanmanda bodanan barunaya sowaka ———— ————曩莫·萨漫眵·勃驮南·伐楼拿也·婆娑诃———— Rozen then chanted representative Varuna Veda Mantra, making huge Water Energy be awakened by it. 罗真便咏唱出了代表水天的吠陀真言,让庞大的水气被其唤醒了。 Bang————!” 嘭————!” Water Energy on around Rozen’s body blasting open, changes to the dreadful flood, emerges in this side world. 水气在罗真的身周炸裂,化作滔天的洪水,涌现在此方天地之间。 Therefore, embezzles Rozen's dragon flame to be given to suppress by huge Water Energy, the dreadful flood also like tsunami emergence, expands to all directions, gave to suppress area the surroundings sea of fire. 于是,吞没罗真的龙炎被巨大的水气给扑灭,滔天的洪水还如海啸般的涌现,扩展向四面八方,将周围一带的火海都给扑灭了。 Chī————! 嗤————! Made in the evaporation sound of person of tooth acid, a lot of steam then resembled explosion same rise. 令人牙酸的蒸发声中,大量的水蒸气便似爆炸一样的盛起 Roar!” “吼!” Dragon Breath kept off, dragon flame extinguished Great Dragon then sends out anger the roaring sound, turns toward Rozen to throw directly, opens to cover entirely dragon mouth of fang, at an exceptional pace, to Rozen biting ruthlessly under. 龙息被挡,龙炎被灭的巨龙便发出愤怒似的咆哮声,直接向着罗真扑来,张开布满獠牙的龙口,以惊人的速度,对着罗真狠狠的咬下。 „......!” “......!” Rozen complexion concentrates, has not actually avoided, instead opened huge incomparable 《Magic Defense》 Shield in own front, forced in it the Great Dragon mouth. 罗真面色一凝,却是没有回避,反而在自己的面前张开了一面巨大无比的《魔防》之盾,将其塞进了巨龙的口中。 Clang————!” 锵————!” The junction strikes in sound, the huge mouth of dragon closes up suddenly, bites on firm incomparable 《Magic Defense》 Shield, actually can only arouse steel the collision sound, making it send out the pain to shout. 交击般的声响中,龙的巨口骤然合拢,咬在坚固无比的《魔防》之盾上,却只能激起钢铁似的碰撞声,令其发出痛呼。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Immediately, another two Great Dragon threw from behind Rozen suddenly, as if prepares to be split up Rozen. 顿时,另外两头巨龙罗真的背后猛然扑了上来,似乎准备将罗真四分五裂。 Regarding this... 对此... Comes out! Hokuto!” “出来吧!北斗!” Rozen summoned own Guardian Beast. 罗真呼唤了自己的守护兽 Zheng————!” 铮————!” A dazzling radiant brilliance blooms from Rozen's body immediately, changes to the a ray of light belt/bring, on the straight clouds were the same, shoot up to the sky. 一道刺眼的璀璨光辉顿时从罗真的身上绽放而出,化作一道光带,直上云霄一样,冲天而起了。 Noble Dragon Energy, in that band of light, continuously swept across. 一股高贵的龙气,在那光带内,不住的席卷了出来。 Rumble...” 轰隆隆...” By black smoke that raises from the on the ground sea of fire covering sky resounds one to thunder suddenly intermittently, making innumerable dense cloud layer appear, called lightning flashes and thunder rolls. 原本被从地面上的火海里升起的黑烟给覆盖的天空陡然响起一阵阵轰鸣,让无数黑压压的云层浮现,亦唤出了电闪雷鸣 The band of light that Dragon Energy turns into then submerged, finally, changing is extremely together slender, just like blocking the sky same giant dragon shadow. 龙气化成的光带便没入了其中,最终,化作一道极其修长,宛若遮天蔽日一样的庞大龙影 Bang————!” Bang————!” 嘭————!”“嘭————!” Two has not responded toward Great Dragon that Rozen throws, immediately by the fearful speed bang is flown by huge Dragon Tail that finds out from cloud layer. 两头向着罗真扑来的巨龙还没有反应过来,立即就被从云层内探出的一条巨大的龙尾以可怕的速度轰飞。 shortly afterwards, huge dragon head searched from cloud layer, opened a pair of eye. 紧接着,一个庞大的龙首才从云层中探了出来,睁开了一对眼睛。 Inside, holy dragon prestige resembles radiance unceasingly glittering. 内里,圣洁的龙威似光华般不断闪烁而过。 Áng!!!!!!!!!!!!” 昂!!!!!!!!!!!!” world-shaking mighty dragon roar, sweeps across from the mouth of opposite party, resounds through the world. 惊天动地威武龙吟,从对方的口中席卷而出,响彻天地。 What...!?” “什么...!?” Sees this, is not only Cú Chulainn, even Medb shocked. 看到这一幕,不仅是库·丘林而已,连梅芙都震惊了。 Naturally, other Servants similarly are so. 理所当然,其余的从者们同样都是如此。
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