SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#885: Only this moment touching of

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Saves... me...?” “救...我...?” Hears the Rama words, Sita is opening own eye. 听到罗摩的话语,悉多睁大着自己的眼睛。 Should this regarding Sita, be big touching? 这对于悉多来说,应该是一个不小的触动吧? How to say again, before death, for saves Sita from the hand of Demon King (Wiseman), Rama spent 14 years to fight with Demon King (Wiseman) fully, finally successful rescued it. 再怎么说,生前,为了从魔王的手中拯救悉多,罗摩都花了整整14年的时间来与魔王做斗争,最终才成功的将其救了回来。 Therefore, Rama saving declaration, regarding Sita, absolutely is powerful touching. 因此,罗摩的拯救宣言,对于悉多来说,绝对是再强大不过的触动。 only... 只是... No! Was you harmed me! Was you harmed me! Rama!” “不!是你害了我!是你害了我!罗摩!” Sita is shouting, seems like rejecting anything, is resisting anything, is not willing to acknowledge that anything is the same. 悉多大喊着,就像是拒绝着什么,抗拒着什么,不愿意承认什么一样。 But saw Sita this appearance calmly, Rama instead. 但看到悉多这个样子,罗摩反而镇定了下来。 „..., I do not know, Sita, you withstood many grievance, withstood many unfair and is uneven, but these are I take to you.” “余...不,我知道,悉多,你承受了许多的委屈,也承受了许多的不公和不平,而那些都是我带给你的。” Rama is then supporting the body of being scarred, step by step approaches toward Sita. 罗摩便撑着伤痕累累的身体,一步一步的向着悉多靠近过去。 I have not planned to ask your forgiving, without the plan makes you understand me, but this is the matter that I can handle only.” “我没有打算求你的原谅,也没有打算让你理解我,但这就是我唯一能做的事情。” Rama on turns toward Sita to approach, while resolute and decisive opens the mouth. 罗摩就一边向着悉多靠近,一边斩钉截铁的开口。 I take an oath in this, Sita, what difficult position regardless of looks, what difficulty regardless of encounters, I will save you.” “我在此起誓,悉多,无论面露什么样的困境,无论遭遇到什么样的困难,我都会去救你。” Rama so declaration. 罗摩如此宣言 Therefore, is waiting for me there, my in the past.” “所以,在那里等着我,我这就过去。” Then, Rama starts to run. 说完,罗摩开始奔跑。 Do not come!” “别过来!” Sita immediately just like suffering the stimulation is the same, holds up the bow in hand, is putting the arrow to Rama. 悉多立即宛如遭受到刺激一样,举起手中的弓,对着罗摩放箭。 xiū xiū xiū xiū xiū...!” 咻咻咻咻咻...!” Innumerable arrow were released from the Sita bow immediately, lets arrow rain hiding the sky and covering the earth raids. 无数的箭矢顿时从悉多的弓上被释放,让箭雨铺天盖地的袭来。 Even just, Sita has not released such arrow rain, but one by one gives the Rama injury, like wants to suffer his same putting arrow, now, Sita has actually disregarded, puts out using full power shooting. 即使是刚刚,悉多也没有释放出这样的箭雨,而是一下一下的给予罗摩伤害,如同想折磨他一样的放箭,现在,悉多却是已经不管不顾,拿出全力全开射击来。 Puchi!” Puchi!” Puchi!” 噗嗤!”“噗嗤!”“噗嗤!” Immediately, the body of Rama was hit by hiding the sky and covering the earth the attack of arrow rain, the arm, thigh, rib region and cheeks wait/etc. suffered touching and going of arrow, leaves behind wounds above. 顿时,罗摩的身体遭受到了铺天盖地的箭雨的袭击,手臂、大腿、肋部以及脸颊等等都遭受到箭矢的擦过,在上面留下一道道的伤口。 But Rama has not actually stopped completely, wholehearted is running forward. 罗摩却完全没有停下来,一心一意的向前奔跑着。 In his hand, is grasping a ring. 其手中,正握着一枚戒指。 A fine incomparable ring. 一枚精致无比的戒指。 Takes this ring, Rama cannot help but recalling the matter on Argo. 拿着这枚戒指,罗摩不由得回想起在阿尔戈号上的事情。 ............ ............ „Is this...?” “这是...?” Looks that was handed the ring that in front of oneself comes, Rama showed the dignified expression. 看着被递到自己面前来的戒指,罗摩不禁露出了凝重的表情。 Because, from this ring, Rama detected honored Divine Aura. 因为,从这枚戒指之上,罗摩察觉到了一股尊贵的神气 This absolutely with the treasure that the god is closely linked. 这绝对是与神息息相关的宝物。 As Vishnu’s seventh incarnation, has many happening together Hero with the gods, Rama has been confirming this point. 作为毗湿奴的第七化身,与众神有过诸多交集的英雄,罗摩确认着这一点。 In fact, this not only with the treasure that the god is closely linked, it even is the thing that Divine Spirit the incarnation becomes. 事实上,这不但是与神息息相关的宝物,其本身甚至就是神灵所化身而成的东西。 Therefore... 因此... I planned that gives you it.” “我打算把它交给你。” Rozen the ring that picks from own finger will hand the Rama front, is looking straight ahead Rama, so opens the mouth. 罗真将从自己的手指上摘下来的戒指递到罗摩的面前,直视着罗摩,这般开口。 This is I protect oneself with the treasure, by its power, even if the curse of Divine Spirit can contend, even if your curse has changed into Personal Skill, properly speaking impossible eliminates, this treasure is my special-purpose thing, gives you, even if there are me to control, it still can only more or less achieve some effects, but its power is without a doubt, should be able to trig the curse of your body to be right in the certain extent upper control.” “这是我护身用的宝物,以它的力量,就算是神灵的诅咒都能抗衡,即使你的诅咒已经化为固有技能,照理来说不可能消除,这件宝物又是我专用的东西,交给你的话,哪怕有我在操控,它也只能多多少少发挥出一些效果而已,但它的力量是毋庸置疑的,应该可以在一定程度上控制住你身上的诅咒才对。” Then, even if the curse has not completely eliminated, at least, under wearing the condition of this ring, Rama can also see that the Sita surface is right. 如此一来,哪怕诅咒没有完全消除,至少,在佩戴着这枚戒指的状况下,罗摩也能见到悉多的面才对。 This lets Rama is surprised, is serious. 这让罗摩又是惊讶,又是郑重。 Since is the so precious treasure, gives it, really?” “既然是如此珍贵的宝物,将它交给余,真的可以吗?” Rama incomparably is then gazing at Rozen earnestly, inquired about this issue toward Rozen. 罗摩便无比认真的注视着罗真,向着罗真询问这个问题。 Rozen immediately curling the lip of helpless. 罗真顿时无奈的撇了撇嘴。 How Ok? Lost it, my power will at least drop entire one section.” “怎么可以啊?失去了它,我的力量至少会下降整整一截。” Rozen is telling the facts. 罗真就实话实说着。 Did not say that detection ability, mental interference and Spiritual Body protection, curse resistance as well as to Illusion Technique independent rebound and other effects, said the reduced consumption of Magic Resistance, restores to accelerate as well as to 《Spirit Vision》, 《Heavenly Eye》, 《Eye of the Mind》 and other Skill the strengthening, these are also Jade Rabbit's Ring in silently work that carries out. 不说感应能力精神干涉灵体防护、诅咒抗性以及对幻术的自主反弹等效果,就说对魔力的减少消耗、恢复加速以及对《灵视》《天眼》《心眼》技能的强化,这些也一直都是玉兔之戒在默默的进行的工作。 In addition, function that Jade Rabbit also warned, initially in the basin encountered killing of Cú Chulainn, Rozen can avoid the mortal wound, sharp of its 《Eye of the Mind》 was a very important factor, but before then, Jade Rabbit also gave warning, just now made Rozen be able timely to respond, made to avoid. 除此之外,玉兔还有示警的功能,当初在盆地里遭遇到库·丘林的袭杀的时候,罗真之所以能够避开致命伤,其《心眼》的犀利是很重要的一个因素,但在此之前,玉兔同样给予了示警,方才让罗真能够及时反应过来,做出回避。 Jade Rabbit is this, as Magical Tool of internal effect, displaying like that is not conspicuous like Golden Crow, the function has not actually lost to Golden Crow silently, only continuously is carrying out own mission. 玉兔就是这样,作为对内效果的咒具,表现不像金乌那般显眼,作用却一点都没有输给金乌,只是一直默默的在执行自己的使命而已。 If lost Jade Rabbit, that Rozen's strength even if not drop half, dropping 20-30% are also very normal matter. 如果失去了玉兔,那罗真的实力就算不下降一半,下降个两、三成也是很正常的事情。 But this, Rozen took it even as before. 可即使是这样,罗真依旧将它拿了出来。 Since decided that must help you, is not fully good.” Rozen is saying with a smile to Rama: moreover, I also only then this means can suppress your to change to the curse of Personal Skill.” “既然决定要帮你,不出全力可不行。”罗真就对着罗摩笑道:“况且,我也只有这个办法能够抑制你那化作固有技能的诅咒了。” Without Divine Spirit rank the words of miracle, wants to suppress Rama that to change to the curse of Personal Skill, basic on impossible. 没有神灵级别的奇迹的话,想抑制罗摩那化作固有技能的诅咒,根本就不可能 That has saved together to sublimate in the record to 《Throne》 along with Rama this. 那已经是伴随着罗摩这个存在一起升华到《座》内的记录。 To tamper with it, and tampers with the record in 《Throne of Heroes》 to be equally difficult, without power of Divine Spirit rank, how possibly to have the opportunity involvement? 想篡改它,就跟篡改《英灵之座》内的记录一样困难,没有神灵级别的力量,怎么可能有机会介入呢? But your...” “可你这样...” Rama also wants to say anything, actually by Rozen breaking. 罗摩还想说些什么,却是被罗真给打断。 Knows? Rama.” Rozen is smiling to Rama, said: In our time, puts on a ring to the wife, that is the truly love.” “知道吗?罗摩。”罗真就对着罗摩笑了笑,如此说道:“在我们的时代,给妻子戴上一枚戒指,那才是真真正正的爱。” hearing this, Rama is startled. 闻言,罗摩为之一怔。 In such a case, Rozen gave Rama Jade Rabbit's Ring. 在这样的情况下,罗真玉兔之戒交给了罗摩 If possible, that wears this ring to the finger of Sita on.” “如果有机会的话,那就把这枚戒指戴到悉多的手指上吧。” Rozen then ponders opens the mouth. 罗真便玩味般的开口。 Naturally, this just taking advantage of your, you may result in brings your Sita, comes together also my Oh? “当然,这只不过是借你的而已,你可得带着你的悉多,一起过来还我哦? These words, deep carved into Rama's mind, was written down by it. 这句话,深深的刻入了罗摩的脑海,被其记了下来。 ............ ............ Recalled that time matter, Rama then smiled smiling. 回想起那个时候的事情,罗摩便莞尔似的笑了。 Many thanks you, Master.” “多谢你,御主。” Rama is then gripping tightly the ring in hand. 罗摩便紧握着手中的戒指。 Was lucky you, under can be saved the Sita opportunity.” “多亏了你,余才有救下悉多的机会。” Although does not know that Sita suffered anything, but her Status/condition affirms abnormal, perhaps was operated by 《Holy Grail》's power, that also perhaps. 虽然不知道悉多遭受了什么,但她的状态肯定不正常,或许是被《圣杯》的力量所操纵了,那也说不定。 If so, that this changes to the curse of Personal Skill to conduct certain extent the ring of suppression continually, definitely can also suppress to control Sita power. 如果是这样的话,那这枚连化作固有技能的诅咒都能进行一定程度的抑制的戒指,肯定也能抑制控制悉多力量 Now puts on the opportunity of this ring for Sita!” “现在就是为悉多戴上这枚戒指的机会!” Rama is braving the arrow rain, does not attend to the whole body the arrow wound, is shouting toward Sita. 罗摩顶着箭雨,不顾浑身的箭伤,向着悉多喊着。 Sita ————!” 悉多————!” Brings most shouting loudly furiously, Rama extend the hand, touched Sita. 带着最为奋力的高喊,罗摩伸出手,触及了悉多 Rama ————!” 罗摩————!” Sita same shouted, the bow in hand to approaching the heart of Rama. 悉多同样大喊出声,将手中的弓对向了罗摩的心脏。 The ring and arrow are then given the release by the hand that two people stretches out simultaneously. 戒指与箭矢便同时被两人伸出的手给释放。 At once, touched the opposite party. 旋即,触及了对方。
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