SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#884: I will save you now

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If, the final showdowns of another two battlefields can describe by vigorous, the showdown that conducts here is can only describe with horrible to look. 如果说,另外两个战场的最终对决可以以轰轰烈烈来形容的话,那么,在这里进行的对决就是只能用惨不忍睹来形容。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” With physical body resounding of tearing sound, arrow cuts the expansive sky to come, pierced the shoulder of Rama directly, carries over a dark red bloodstain above. 随着肉体的撕裂声的响起,一支箭矢划破长空而来,直接洞穿了罗摩的肩膀,在上面带出一阵殷红的血迹。 Wū...!” 呜...!” Rama cannot help but stops the arrow footsteps that dodge front surface violently shoots comes unceasingly, exudes a depressed cry, shortly afterwards extend the hand, grips to prick arrow of shoulder, its effort pulled out, carries over a blood. 罗摩不由得停下不断闪开迎面暴射而来的箭矢的脚步,发出一声苦闷的叫声,紧接着伸出手,握住刺入肩膀的箭矢,将其用力的拔了出来,又是带出一阵鲜血。 Ha... ha... ha... 哈...哈...哈... to take a breather of Rama such painful as, body is tattered and torn, not only the abdomen has the serious injury, each spot of body also has by arrow to the trace of hitting a target. 罗摩就这么痛苦似的喘息着,身上早已千疮百孔,不仅腹部有着严重的伤势,身体的各个部位亦是均都有着被箭矢给射中的痕迹。 However, on the pain compared with body, the pain of innermost feelings suffers the Rama thing truly. 但是,比起身体上的痛苦,内心的痛苦才是真正折磨罗摩的东西。 Si... ta... 悉...多... Rama on pain is calling own wife's name. 罗摩就痛苦似的唤着自己的妻子的名字。 Regarding this, what is revealing in Sita of bow nocking being sad and beautiful as well as coexists evilly the smile. 对此,正在张弓搭箭的悉多露出的是凄美以及邪恶并存的笑容。 Your agrees called my name finally, like desperate and weak, pain called my name, Rama-sama.” “您终于肯叫我的名字了,像这样绝望、无力、痛苦的叫我的名字了,罗摩大人。” Sita then hated is saying. 悉多便憎恶般的说着。 When I with your flesh and blood, was actually discarded by you in the riverside, I also summoned your name, Rama-sama, can you know?” “当我怀着您的骨肉,却被您丢弃在河边的时候,我也是这么呼唤您的名字的,罗摩大人,您可知道吗?” Saying, Sita will be building the arrow release on bow, making three arrow delimit in the midair, at an exceptional pace, approached Rama. 说着,悉多将搭在弓上的箭矢释放,让三支箭矢在半空中划过,以惊人的速度,逼近了罗摩 Clang!” Clang!” Clang!” “铛!”“铛!”“铛!” Rama brandishes Brahmastra immediately, in several times of steel collision sound, three arrow that will attack gives flicks. 罗摩立即挥舞不灭之刃,在数次的钢铁碰撞声中,将来袭的三支箭矢弹开 But, after these three arrow, is also hiding fourth arrow unexpectedly, when Rama's Brahmastra did not have retrieve with enough time, falling of heavily on his thigh. 可是,在这三支箭矢之后,竟是还隐藏着第四支箭矢,趁着罗摩的不灭之刃还没来得及回收之际,重重的落在了他的大腿上。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Does not know that in several tearing sound, in the Rama thigh the arrow, lets the arrow direct penetration. 不知道第几次的撕裂声中,罗摩大腿中箭,让箭矢直接穿透而过。 "Ah...!" “啊...!” Rama knelt down on one knee cannot help but goes immediately. 罗摩顿时不由自主的单膝跪了下去。 Hehehe... Hehehehe...” 呵呵呵...呵呵呵呵...” Looks at Rama this pitiful appearance, Sita is happy smiling that hates. 看着罗摩这个凄惨的模样,悉多即愉快又憎恶的笑着。 Makes me listen to your pain again the cry, more... more... many to covers the degree of I hatred sufficiently!” “再让我听听您痛苦的叫声吧,更多...更多...多到足以覆盖我内心这憎恨的程度!” Sita on such as the resentful soul general emanation so sound , to continue to turn toward Rama to put the arrow. 悉多就如怨魂一般的发出这般声音,继续向着罗摩放箭。 Rama can only draw out arrow on thigh, standing up strongly, moving aside that goes all out, while lets arrow that Brahmastra in hand will attack to flicks, protects vital point is not hit reluctantly. 罗摩只能拔出大腿上的箭矢,竭力的站起,一边拼命的躲闪,一边让手中的不灭之刃将来袭的箭矢弹开,勉强保护着要害不被击中。 Properly speaking, Rama should not be reduced to this extent. 照理来说,罗摩不应该沦落到这番田地 even if not was summoned at the grown period, even if not comes out by Archer Class present world, Rama is also genuine top Servant, to Sita, even if insufficient to form the potential of steamroll, that should not reduce to the aspect that so shooting in bed sheet, wounds. 即使不是以成年时期被召唤,即使不是以Archer职阶现界出来,罗摩亦是货真价实的顶级从者,对上悉多,哪怕不至于形成碾压之势,那也不应该沦落到这般被单方面的射击、射伤的局面。 But, has the dreadful military force even, in the Sita front, how Rama should demonstrate? 可是,就算有着滔天的武力,在悉多的面前,罗摩又该怎么展示? I hate you...! I hate you...! I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you...! Rama...!” 我恨您...!我恨您...!我恨您我恨您我恨你我恨你...!罗摩...!” Sita then non-stop was revealing the words of hate, and turn toward Rama to release arrow. 悉多便不停的吐露着怨恨的话语,并向着罗摩释放着箭矢 Regarding Rama, Sita that words that is full of the hate, is in this world sharp arrow , to continue to prick own innermost feelings. 对于罗摩来说,悉多那一句句饱含怨恨的话语,都是这个世界上再锋利不过的箭矢,持续刺入自己的内心。 Is killing Rama truly does not pierce arrow of body, but pierces the innermost feelings arrow. 真正杀伤着罗摩的不是刺穿身体的箭矢,而是刺穿内心的箭矢 Recalled that before death to all that Sita makes, looks that Sita that is cursing own appearance sad and shrill, the heart of Rama is becomes tattered and torn. 回想起生前对悉多所做的一切,又看着悉多那凄厉的诅咒着自己的模样,罗摩的心已经是变得千疮百孔。 „Do you that hate? Sita!” “你就那么憎恨余吗?悉多!” Rama then only has such question. 罗摩便只剩下这样的疑问。 Then... 然后... Yes, Rama, I hate you, Sita hates you, incomparable hatred you.” “是的,罗摩,我憎恨你,悉多憎恨你,无比的憎恨你。” Sita on such declaration. 悉多就这样子宣言着。 Therefore, can not may I ask you to die?” “所以,能不能请你去死呢?” This becomes last arrow that pierces Rama. 这成为了刺穿罗摩的最后一支箭矢 Puchi!” Puchi!” Puchi!” 噗嗤!”“噗嗤!”“噗嗤!” Body of Rama on one after another was given to pierce, sprinkles the blood at the same time by arrow, finally cannot fight again, fell on the ground slowly. 罗摩的身体就相继的被箭矢给洞穿,洒出鲜血的同时,终于是再也战斗不下去似的,缓缓的倒在了地面上 Aah... finished... Rama-sama...” 啊啊...结束了啊...罗摩大人...” Then Sita is happy, resembles the regrettable opens the mouth. 悉多便即似愉快,又似遗憾的开口。 Sita also wants to you many despairs, more pain, but it seems like also can only stop.” 悉多还想给你更多的绝望,更多的痛苦,但看来也只能到此为止了。” Saying, Sita holds up the bow in hand, let build above arrow to approaching Rama. 说着,悉多举起手中的弓,让搭在其上的箭矢对向了罗摩 Please relax, I will give the Rama-sama extrication, Rama-sama can not need to fight again.” “请放心,我会给予罗摩大人解脱,罗摩大人可以不用再战斗了。” Sita the spoken language, spread to the ear of Rama, spread to Rama to become the tattered and torn innermost feelings. 悉多的这番言语,传入了罗摩的耳中,更传入了罗摩变得千疮百孔的内心。 ( Did Aah... finish...?) (啊啊...结束了吗...?) Rama falls down, looks that Sita to the bow that oneself hold up, the innermost feelings cannot help but emerge one to self-ridicule. 罗摩就倒在地上,看着悉多对自己举起的弓,内心不由得涌现一阵自嘲。 ( Perhaps, this suits results.) (或许,这才是适合余的结局。) Was summoned at the period of youngster, can love Sita wholeheartedly, this lets Rama unusual satisfaction. 以少年的时期被召唤,能够一心一意的爱着悉多,这让罗摩非常的满足。 Rama also believes that only then present self has the qualifications to seek Sita, only then present self can offer all for Sita, finally gives the Sita compensation, making her obtain the proper thing. 罗摩也认为,只有现在的自己才有资格寻求悉多,只有现在的自己才能为了悉多而献上一切,最终给予悉多补偿,让她得到应有的东西。 But, this eventually also is just own wishful thinking. 可是,这终究也只不过是自己的一厢情愿而已。 Sita does not care about own compensation, even if holds what emotion to oneself, the first type that the hatred will still have naturally. 悉多根本不在乎自己的补偿,就算对自己抱有什么情感,憎恨也是理所当然应该存在的第一种。 After all... 毕竟... ( This was abandoned the Sita price, this was retaliation that should obtain.) (这就是余抛弃了悉多的代价,这就是余应该得到的报复。) Therefore, this is good. 所以,这样就好。 ( If like this can make Sita obtain a redemption, that was enough.) (这样如果能够让悉多获得一点救赎,那就足够了。) Rama is thinking like this. 罗摩这样想着。 Finally... 结果... ( Curse is curses as before.) (诅咒依旧是诅咒啊。) Never can meet, even if meets is unable to enjoy the joyful curse, at this moment, indeed is becoming effective. 永远不能相见,即使相见也无法享受喜悦的诅咒,此时此刻里,的的确确在生效。 ( Even if met, then, we still only then this result.) (就算见面了,那么,我们也只有这个结局而已。) Rama accepts fate closed the eye. 罗摩就认命似的闭上了眼睛。 Will soon close that moment of eye in Rama... 就在罗摩即将闭上眼睛的那一刻... Si... ta...?” 悉...多...?” Rama saw is preparing to oneself last attack the face of Sita, was shocked at the scene. 罗摩无意间看到了正准备给自己最后一击悉多的脸,当场愣住了。 Because... 因为... see again/goodbye, Rama-sama.” 再见了,罗摩大人。” Sita evil smiling. 悉多邪恶的笑着。 However, perhaps her hasn't oneself even detected? 然而,或许连她本人都没有察觉到吧? While it with a smile, on her face, when has not known, covered entirely the tear stains. 在其笑着的同时,她的那张脸上,已经是不知何时,布满了泪痕。 Yes. 是的。 Cried. 哭了。 Sita cried. 悉多哭了。 Sees here, Rama understood instantaneously. 看到这里,罗摩瞬间明白了。 ( Sita... is not really hating...!) (悉多...并不是真的恨着余...!) Said is also. 说的也是。 That will Sita possibly hate itself? 那个悉多怎么可能会憎恨自己呢? Is loving her like oneself from beginning to end, Sita has also been loving itself. 就像自己至始至终都爱着她一样,悉多也一直在爱着自己啊。 Thinks of here, the Rama tattered and torn heart burnt. 想到这里,罗摩千疮百孔的心燃烧了起来。 That is to own anger. 那是对自己的怒火。 Unexpectedly suspected that you are hating?” “居然怀疑你在憎恨着余?” This simply is the biggest distrust. 这简直就是最大的不信任。 Before death, Rama has displayed to Sita has not trusted, making her suffer the purely destroyed unclear injustice. 生前,罗摩已经对悉多表现过不信任,让她遭受到清白被毁的不明之冤。 Now, oneself showed this not to trust unexpectedly again, this made in the Rama heart burn to own anger. 现在,自己居然再次展现了这份不信任,这让罗摩心中燃烧起对自己的怒火。 Whoosh! 咻! But at this time, Sita has emitted arrow. 而这个时候,悉多已经放出了箭矢 atmosphere-tearing arrow, shoots suddenly toward the head of Rama. 破空气箭矢,就这么朝着罗摩的脑袋射来。 Oh...! Oooooooooooh...!” “噢...!噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢...!” Rama is roaring loudly. 罗摩放声怒吼着。 Clang————!” 铛————!” Brahmastra by compared with previously any powerful swing, arrow that will attack time flew to ball ruthlessly. 不灭之刃以比先前任何一次都有力的挥舞,将来袭的箭矢给狠狠的弹飞。 Eh? 唉? Sita was startled immediately. 悉多顿时怔住了。 But Rama struggled to crawl from on the ground. 罗摩则是挣扎着从地面上爬了起来。 Sorry, Sita.” “对不起,悉多。” Rama is then gazing at Sita, in unprecedented firm tone, saying. 罗摩便注视着悉多,以前所未有坚定的语气,如此说着。 I was mistaken, should not think oneself by period present world of youngster, all things can be solved.” 余错了,余不应该以为自己以少年的时期现界,所有的事情就能解决。” Since person by past shape present world, that bitter experience trial should also follow to reappear together. 既然人以过去的形态现界,那遭遇到的试炼也该跟着一起重现。 Present you, definitely by 『Demon King』 that can't see capturing?” “现在的你,肯定是被余看不见的「魔王」给俘虏着吧?” Rama wipes off the bloodstain of corners of the mouth, in the eyes blooms brilliance. 罗摩就擦掉嘴角的血迹,眼中绽放出光辉。 Is waiting.” “等着余。” Sita.” 悉多。” I will save you now.” 余现在就来救你。”
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