SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#883: Cause finally decides

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At the same time, the fierce combat of Karna and Arjuna also almost decided the victory and defeat. 同一时间,迦尔纳阿周那的激战亦是差不多分出胜负了。 Bang————!” 磅————!” Under the stirring collision sound, burnt roaring flame Divine Spear with mixing with the bow and arrow of thunder was starting the fearful air current and fresh breeze, shattering land, while let to two people of bang simultaneously by flicks, spread out. 震撼人心的碰撞声之下,燃烧着烈焰的神枪与夹杂着雷霆的弓箭掀起了可怕的气流与劲风,一边震裂大地,一边让对轰的两人同时被弹开,拉开了距离。 „Can't this decide the victory and defeat?” “这样也没能分出胜负吗?” Karna grasps Divine Spear sudden retreat, the body roaring flame as before, imposing manner has not weakened. 迦尔纳手持神枪暴退,身上烈焰依旧,气势一点都没有减弱。 "Tch...!" “嘁...!” Arjuna takes the opportunity to spread out similarly, does not have Karna is so calm, without being injured, the breath became somewhat is still rapid. 阿周那同样借机拉开距离,却没有迦尔纳那么从容,即使没有受伤,呼吸也变得有些急促起来了。 Obviously, the fight of two people, Karna must get the winning side. 显然,两人的战斗,迦尔纳要占据上风。 That is also natural. 那也是自然。 „Is this your Golden Armor true powerful ability?” Arjuna then said with clenched teeth: Really is very thorny, no wonder the father god must claim from your hand him.” “这就是你的黄金铠甲的真正威能吗?”阿周那便咬着牙的道:“果然很棘手,难怪父神要将他从你手中夺走。” if it weren't so, in a final war, whether Arjuna had odds of success, that was very difficult to say. 不是这样的话,在最后的一战里,阿周那有没有胜算,那还很难说。 only... 只是... Even if there is this armor, perhaps the final result will not change.” Karna calmly said: Armor only is used to protect eventually own, is not used to defeat the enemy.” “就算有这件铠甲,最后的结果或许也不会改变。”迦尔纳冷静的道:“铠甲终究只是用来保护自己的,不是用来打败敌人的。” Therefore, even if Arjuna cannot defeat Karna, can't Karna defeat Arjuna? 所以,即使阿周那不能击败迦尔纳,迦尔纳也不一定能够击败阿周那吧? However... 但是... this time, I must beat you to be good.” 这一次,我必须击败你才行。” Looks that changes to the sea of fire the entire battlefield, moreover Dragon Species that flies toward here, Karna quietly declared. 看着将整个战场化作火海,而且还往这里飞来的龙种们,迦尔纳静静的宣言 Does not have the means to tow again, following strikes, makes us decide the victory and defeat, Arjuna.” “已经没办法再拖下来了,接下来的一击,就让我们分出胜负吧,阿周那。” Saying, Karna is determined to be the same, the whole body roaring flame inflates suddenly. 说着,迦尔纳似下定了决心一样,浑身烈焰骤然膨胀。 Noble Phantasm that Karna has many. 迦尔纳所持有的宝具有不少。 Defensive nature has Golden Armor. 防御性质的有黄金铠甲 Attack nature has Brahmastra. 攻击性质的有不灭之刃 But, these two Noble Phantasm are actually not Karna's strongest trump card. 可是,这两个宝具却都不是迦尔纳最强的王牌 Legend, when Indra cheated Karna denuded Golden Armor, because its attitude is noble and pure, even Indra looked askance and shocks, thus in return, gave him true Divine Spear. 传说,当因陀罗哄骗迦尔纳剥下黄金铠甲时,由于其态度过于高洁,连因陀罗都为之侧目与震撼,因而作为交换,将一把真真正正的神枪交给了他。 Spear/Gun that light/only that is overthrows gods strikes merely sufficiently, comprised of lightning ray must extinguish the spear/gun, can make it appear as the exchange words by Golden Armor, the sacrifice might be called invincible huge defensive power, Karna can use this fearful Noble Phantasm. 那是足以打倒众神的仅仅一击的光枪,由雷光所组成的必灭之枪,以黄金铠甲作为交换的话就能让其显现,牺牲堪称无敌的巨大防御力,迦尔纳就能使用这一可怕的宝具 Now, Karna liberates it on the preparation. 现在,迦尔纳就准备解放它。 ———— Know the mercy of the King of the Gods ———— ————领悟诸神之王的慈悲吧———— Karna then chants to liberate the Divine Spear incantation. 迦尔纳便咏唱出解放神枪的咒语。 The body, Golden Armor started to burn. 身上,黄金的铠甲开始燃烧了起来。 ———— Indra, observe me ———— ————因陀罗啊,好好看着吧———— The roaring flame changed to lightning ray, making innumerable lightning jump from Karna's body presently. 烈焰化作了雷光,让无数的雷电迦尔纳的身上迸现。 ———— With this single strike, I shall inflict extinction ———— ————绝灭,即在此一刺———— Divine Spear in Karna high holding up hand, making it burn similarly. 迦尔纳高高的举起手中的神枪,令其同样燃烧了起来。 ———— Be reduced to cinders ———— ————彻底燃烧吧———— Under Karna's call, the Golden Armor combustion, let the body direct exposure of Karna completely, invincible defensive power will give the rejection. 迦尔纳的呼唤之下,黄金铠甲燃烧殆尽了,让迦尔纳的身体直接暴露了出来,将无敌的防御力给舍弃。 Because with Noble Phantasm of integration was denuded, the whole body of Karna also becomes the dripping with blood, obviously received a big wound. 因为与自身一体化的宝具被剥下,迦尔纳的全身亦是变得鲜血淋漓,显然受了不小的伤。 But, Golden Armor of that combustion finally actually with jumping the present lightning ray same place, gathers is burning similarly above Divine Spear. 可是,那燃烧的黄金铠甲最终却随着迸现的雷光一起,汇聚到同样燃烧着的神枪之上。 the next moment, Divine Spear in Karna hand in the roaring flame of soaring to the heavens transformed the shape. 下一刻,迦尔纳手中的神枪在冲天的烈焰中变换了形状。 From just like the spear/gun of Hinowa Golden, changes to lightning ray to jump present jet black sharp Divine Spear. 从宛如日轮般的黄金之枪,化作一把雷光迸现的漆黑尖锐神枪 This is Thunder God Indra grants Karna's Divine Spear, truly Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm, can give to have the Divinity opponent deeply to injure, lightning ray that even the gods is unable to contend with. 这就是雷神因陀罗赐予迦尔纳的神枪,真真正正对神宝具,能够赋予具备神性的对手极大的伤害,连众神都无法抗衡的雷光 Your father gives my Divine Spear, you withstand it in this, Arjuna!” “你的父亲交给我的神枪,你就在此承受住它吧,阿周那!” The Karna whole body burns the roaring flame, all Magic Power gathers above this struck, was bloomed by own back just like the solar intense brilliance. 迦尔纳全身燃烧起烈焰,将所有的魔力都汇聚在了这一击之上,让自己的背后都绽放出了宛如太阳般的强烈光辉了。 at this moment, Karna is genuine Sun, true Son of God, shouldering the sun, resembling Divine Spirit is ordinary, rose the midair slowly, exaggerates the fiery red luster the entire world. 此时此刻里,迦尔纳就是真正的太阳,真正的神之子,背负着日轮,似神灵一般,缓缓的升上了半空,将整个天地都渲染成火红的色泽。 But looks at this, the Arjuna whole body shivered. 而看着这一幕,阿周那浑身颤抖了起来。 That not because of fears, because of unprecedented spirit. 不是因为恐惧,而是因为前所未有的激昂。 Right! Is this!” “没错!就是这样!” Arjuna to liking changes to Sun to rise sky Karna, loudly shouted. 阿周那冲着有如化作太阳般升上天空迦尔纳,大声的呐喊着。 This is the fight that I want! This is the end that I want!” “这就是我想要的战斗!这就是我想要的终结!” Before death, Arjuna cannot with the Karna fair war, not only has Karna because of cursing the relations make the tank/war chariot wheel be fallen, causing Arjuna to project an arrow in the Karna back, has him to be cheated by own father, loses Golden Armor, namely disappears invincible defensive power, becomes the factor that is scarred. 生前,阿周那没有能够与迦尔纳公平一战,不但有着迦尔纳因为诅咒的关系而让战车的车轮被陷,致使阿周那迦尔纳的背后射出了一箭而已,更有其被自己的父亲哄骗,失去黄金铠甲,即不见了无敌的防御力,又变得伤痕累累的因素。 Now, Karna sacrificed invincible defensive power again, actually put out this to make reparations to give his God-slaying Spear own father, discontentedly what Arjuna can also have? 如今,迦尔纳再次牺牲了无敌的防御力,却拿出了这把自己的父亲为了赎罪而交给他的弑神之枪,阿周那还能有什么不满的呢? If this is Karna complete... 如果这就是迦尔纳的全部... If this is Karna's power... 如果这就是迦尔纳的力量... Then... 那么... I withstand completely it! Does not remain!” “我就将它全部承受下来!一点不剩!” The big bow in Arjuna hand vanished. 阿周那手中的大弓消失了。 What replaces it is fearful Divine Aura, from Arjuna's body violently surge. 取而代之的是可怕的神气,从阿周那的身上暴涌了出来。 As being honored as existence of 《Endowed Hero》, Arjuna has been caring for by many gods, and obtained all sorts of kindness from their. 作为被誉为《天授的英雄》的存在,阿周那一直都被诸多的神明所眷顾着,并从他们那里得到了种种的恩惠。 But in these kindness, must say that which same most prominent, that is of ———— Shiva Hinduism Three Great Main Gods grants the Arjuna weapon without a doubt. 而在这些恩惠之中,要说哪一样最为突出,那毫无疑问是印度教的三大主神之一————湿婆赐予阿周那的武器。 Managed the destruction and creation Shiva in Three Great Main Gods gave a Arjuna privilege, making him change to Arjuna Noble Phantasm. 三大主神中主掌破坏与创造的湿婆就给予了阿周那一项特权,令其化作阿周那宝具 From the type, that is just Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm. 从种类来说,那只不过是一件对人宝具而已。 But, it not surrounding human kill to the last one Noble Phantasm, but in enemy to effective scope one after another determines, the words of determination failure will then let Noble Phantasm that the opposite party extricates. 可是,它并非是将周围的人类赶尽杀绝宝具,而是对作用范围内的敌人一个接着一个的进行判定,判定失败的话便会让对方解脱的宝具 But the so-called extrication, refers to was the death. 而所谓的解脱,指的就是死亡。 In other words , this is one can make person instant death Noble Phantasm. 换言之,这是一件能够令人即死宝具 But determination object Divinity is higher, the extricated probability is bigger. 而判定的对象神性越高,被解脱的机率就越大。 in other words, this similarly is unequalled God-slaying Weapon. 也就是说,这同样是一件无与伦比的弑神兵器 Facing Karna's God-slaying Spear, Arjuna liberated own God-slaying Weapon similarly. 面对迦尔纳的弑神之枪,阿周那就同样解放了自己的弑神兵器 ———— Holy Ground Expansion, Space Fixation, Divine Punishment Enforcement Period Establishment... All Clear. ———— ————神圣领域扩大,空间固定,神罚执行期限设定,全部批准完毕———— Arjuna then similarly slowly float, such as the can see tornado binding to be the same, the whole body is winding around Divine Aura, flew the midair, faces each other across a great distance with Karna. 阿周那便同样缓缓的悬浮了起来,如被看不见的旋风给裹住一样,全身都缭绕着神气,飞上了半空,与迦尔纳遥遥相对。 Under Divine Aura of Arjuna whole body, Karna that such as brilliance release of Sun the roaring flame is unable to go a step further again, was prevented completely outside. 阿周那周身的神气之下,迦尔纳那如太阳的光辉般释放出来的烈焰都无法再进一步,全部都被阻挡在外。 Takes a quick look around, looked like one to rise to get up with moon that Sun faced each other across a great distance simply, by fiery red luster seizing world took away general, turned into the quiet blue color. 一眼看去,简直就像是有一个和太阳遥遥相对的月亮升了起来似的,将原本被火红色泽给占领的天地生生的夺去一般,变成了幽蓝色。 But these gloomily blue Divine Aura, finally, gathered in the hand of Arjuna completely, changed to one vortex, resembled the ball of light shadow ball. 而这些幽蓝的神气,最终,全部汇聚到了阿周那的手上,化作一个即似漩涡,又似光团的影球。 By Shiva's wrath, your life ends here, Karna! 就用这湿婆的愤怒,让你命丧于此吧,迦尔纳! Arjuna loudly shouted. 阿周那放声呐喊着。 hearing this, the Karna whole body dripping with blood, smiled even as before. 闻言,迦尔纳即使全身鲜血淋漓,依旧笑了。 Very rare smiling. 非常难得的笑了。 The two people vision meets in the midair. 两人的目光就在半空中相遇。 At once, lightning ray and Divine Aura stick out suddenly similarly. 旋即,雷光神气同样暴起。 《Vasavi Shakti》!” 《日轮啊,顺从死亡(VasaviShakti)》!” In the Karna hand a Divine Spear thorn, making it release the bang to extinguish the lightning ray bunch of the world, violently shoots approached the Arjuna direction. 迦尔纳手中神枪一刺,令其释放出轰灭天地的雷光束,暴射向了阿周那的方向。 《Pashupata》!” 《破坏神之手影(Pashupata)》!” The shadow ball in Arjuna fierce make a move, making Divine Aura change to the flash, welcomed to the light beam of attack. 阿周那则猛的出手中的影球,使神气化作闪光,迎向了来袭的光束。 Two light beam then pillage respectively, the evaporation atmosphere, blows out Magic Power, resembles is divided into two halves the entire world, is shaking the whole world. 道光束便分别暴掠,一路蒸发大气,吹灭魔力,似将整个天地都分成两半似的,撼动着整个世界。 Finally, collision in one. 最后,碰撞在了一起。 This side battlefield, was destroyed. 此方战场,就此被摧毁。 No surplus. 没有一点剩余。
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