SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#882: warrior final elegy

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Encounters Cú Chulainn snipe in Rozen, the battlefield is also thorough by Dragon Species to the control, was turned into when a sea of fire that encounters the devastation, in other battlefields, the tactical situation is also changing. 就在罗真遭到库·丘林狙击,战场亦是彻底的被龙种们给支配,变成一片遭到蹂躏的火海时,其余的战场上,战况也在发生着改变。 Roar!” “吼!” The Heracles eye braves ominous roaring light/only, saw that Great Dragon of leader starts to devastate the battlefield, the entire battlefield also by innumerable Wyvern bombing, Argo is even encountering the pursuit of several Great Dragon, immediately has turned the head, the preparation goes to rescue. 赫拉克勒斯眼冒凶光的咆哮,看到一头头的巨龙开始蹂躏战场,整个战场亦是被无数的双足飞龙给轰炸着,连阿尔戈号都遭到数头巨龙的追击,立即就是转过头,准备前往救援。 Because of were lost almost all reason by 《Mad Enhancement》, but Heracles takes Greek most famous Great Hero, remains to have the rationality of part as before, even if exists in the instinct form, this Great Hero still knows, oneself current most this matter of doing is anything. 即使因为被《狂化》而失去了几乎所有的理智,但赫拉克勒斯作为希腊最出名的大英雄,依旧还是残留有部分的理性,就算是以本能般的形式存在,这位大英雄也知道,自己当前最该做的事情是什么。 The matter that although, present Heracles can achieve only then fights, but is only restricted in the fight, nothing compared with this Berserker that may be called immortality more suitable. 虽说,现在的赫拉克勒斯能做到的事情就只有战斗,但仅限于战斗,没有什么比这个堪称不死身狂战士更适合的了。 Only pitifully, some people do not look at Heracles to leave helplessly. 只可惜,有人不会眼睁睁的看着赫拉克勒斯离开。 Hah! 喝! Ha! 哈! Golden spearman and black spearman break through the sea of fire simultaneously, like two stream of light is carrying the fresh breeze of howling, advanced the Heracles front, in the hand the spear/gun jumps out like the poisonous snake immediately, bites to Heracles. 金色的枪兵与黑色的枪兵同时突破火海,像两道流光一样的携带着呼啸的劲风,突进到赫拉克勒斯的面前,手中之枪立即如毒蛇般窜出,咬向了赫拉克勒斯 Clang!” “锵!” Clang!” “锵!” With two clear collision sound, two illustrious the spear/gun in the myth, fall on Heracles body, only punctures a dazzling spark unexpectedly, immediately by flicks. 伴随着两个清脆的交击声,两把在神话中都赫赫有名的枪,落在赫拉克勒斯身上,竟只是刺出一阵刺眼的火花,随即就被弹开了。 Roar!” “吼!” Heracles angry roaring, in the hand an axe sword revolution, sweeps immediately quite the same as fiercely. 赫拉克勒斯立即愤怒的咆哮,手中斧剑浑然一转,猛扫而过。 Bang!” “轰!” In exploding sound, sweeping away of axe sword aroused the fearful tornado, gave to sweep to fly Fionn as well as Diarmuid. 爆鸣声中,斧剑的横扫激起了可怕的旋风,将芬恩以及迪卢木多都给扫飞了出去。 Wū...!” 呜...!” "Gū...!" “咕...!” Fionn as well as Diarmuid just like flown to be the same to the bang by shock wave immediately, one after another turns over in the midair, after a while stands firm figure, is inconsistent fell on the ground. 芬恩以及迪卢木多顿时宛如被冲击波给轰飞一样,相继的在半空中翻转,一会以后才稳住身形,前后不一的落在地面上 Ha... ha... ha... 哈...哈...哈... two spearmen in the instance of landing, the breath became the disorder, let one is standing and waiting for a long time long spear/gun is staggering, knelt down on one knee, body Magic Power became weak. 两名枪兵在落地的瞬间里,呼吸就变得紊乱了起来,让一个伫着长枪的踉跄着,一个单膝跪地,身上魔力则变得微弱至极。 Carefully looked when with just made war natural different, at this moment, these two ride spearman body to be scarred, overdrew seriously. 仔细一看,和刚开战时的潇洒不同,此时此刻里,这两骑枪兵身上已经是伤痕累累,严重透支了。 Roar!” “吼!” Reviews Heracles, not only scatheless, but also fiercely competes and successfully competes, the roaring sound becomes more and more stirring. 反观赫拉克勒斯,不仅毫无损伤,而且越战越勇,咆哮声变得越来越震撼人心。 This can look, this fierce combat, actually who occupied of absolute winning side. 这一眼就能够让人看得出来,这次激战,究竟谁才是占据了绝对的上风的那一个。 In Captain and first warrior facing 《Knights of Fianna》, Heracles solitarily two people suppressing, is strong simply is unable to describe in the spoken language. 面对《费奥纳骑士团》中的团长以及第一勇士,赫拉克勒斯只身一人将两人给压制着,强得简直无法用言语形容。 But is careful thinks, this is the reasonable result. 但仔细一想,这才是合理的结果。 Heracles's 《God Hand》 is almost existence of non-solution, not only can the immunity B-Rank following attack, but can also withstand in the process of attack to enhance the immunity unceasingly to this/should injury defensive power, finally the also entire resurrecting opportunities, must overthrow its 12 times 11 times to announce the victory truly, facing such Noble Phantasm, who can guarantee can oneself win steadily? 赫拉克勒斯的《十二试炼》本来就是几近无解的存在,不仅能够免疫B级以下的攻击,还能在不断承受攻击的过程中提高对该种伤害的防御力及免疫力,最终还有整整十一次的复活机会,必须得打倒其十二次才能真正宣布胜利,面对这样的宝具,谁能保证自己可以稳胜? Before, Diarmuid Demonic Spear/Magic Gun broke through Heracles defense one time actually, not only severe wound he, but also left behind the curse in its body, causing Heracles is not nearly able to regenerate, but after withstanding that attack, Heracles had had the resistance to Diarmuid curse Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, now, then wants to injure Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to Heracles again, is the impossible matter. 之前,迪卢木多魔枪倒是突破了赫拉克勒斯的防御一次,不仅重伤了他,还在其身上留下诅咒,致使赫拉克勒斯险些无法再生,但承受了那一次的攻击以后,赫拉克勒斯已经对迪木卢多的诅咒魔枪产生了抗性,现在,那把魔枪想再伤到赫拉克勒斯,已经是不可能的事情。 In such a case, Fionn and Diarmuid are unable to cause the damage to Heracles, the attack that Heracles that crazy fears suddenly are actually threatening two people always, with fight conducts, finally turns into this aspect, that is also the natural matter. 在这样的情况下,芬恩迪木卢多赫拉克勒斯无法造成伤害,赫拉克勒斯那狂猛可怕的攻击却无时无刻不在威胁着两人,随着战斗的进行,最终变成这个局面,那也是理所当然之事。 If were summoned in general Holy Grail War, Heracles even has means only to sweep away other six Servant, now facing only two rides, wants to suppress them, there is what difficulty? 若是在一般的圣杯战争中被召唤,赫拉克勒斯甚至有办法单凭自身就横扫其余六骑的从者,现在面对区区两骑,想压制他们,又有何难? To defeat such Heracles, either must put out making an exception Noble Phantasm that can kill its one time 12 times, must put out above the B-Rank 12 different methods to consume his resurrecting number of times either, otherwise basically impossible defeats him. 想战胜这样的赫拉克勒斯,要么得拿出可以一次性杀死其十二次的破格宝具,要么得拿出B级以上的十二种不同的手段来消耗掉他的复活次数,否则根本不可能战胜他。 This is named Heracles the fearfulness of Hero, even if in Karna and Scáthach this Heroic Spirit can stand in line one and two existence, wants to suppress Heracles to be easy, wants to defeat Heracles to be difficult. 这就是名为赫拉克勒斯英雄的可怕,即便是迦尔纳以及斯卡哈这种英灵中都能够排上一、二位的存在,想压制赫拉克勒斯容易,想战胜赫拉克勒斯就难了。 Therefore, only Fionn as well as Diarmuid power, does not have the means to defeat Heracles now. 所以,单凭芬恩以及迪木卢多力量,现在已经没办法战胜赫拉克勒斯了。 Really was troublesome.” Fionn on is returning to normal the breath, while helplessly said: Also thinks by our words how many can a little means that who knows that the result is this, really should say that worthily is in Greece steel strength unparalleled Great Hero?” “真是伤脑筋了。”芬恩就一边平复着呼吸,一边无奈的道:“原本还以为靠我们两个人的话多少能够有点办法,谁知道结果是这样,真应该说不愧是希腊中钢力无双的大英雄吗?” Really sorry, king.” Diarmuid seemingly also felt that the final result, said in a low voice: As the 《Knights of Fianna》 seat of honor, collaborates with the king, unexpectedly also reduces to the so embarrassed position, only Hero is unable to overthrow continually, really has the shame in the name of first warrior.” “真是对不起,王啊。”迪木卢多貌似也感觉到了最后的结局,低声道:“身为《费奥纳骑士团》的首席,与王联手,居然还沦落到这般难堪的境地,连区区一名英雄都无法打倒,实在有愧于第一勇士之名。” This may be unable to blame you, Diarmuid.” Fionn shakes the head to lose says with a smile: Opponent is that monster does not have the means that degeneration was Spirit/Fairy Divine Spirit may be easier than to cope him, at least that can also kill, this killed undying in any event.” “这可怪不了你,迪卢木多哟。”芬恩摇头失笑道:“对手是那种怪物也没办法,堕落为精灵神灵可比他容易对付多了,至少那个还能杀死,这个是无论如何都杀不死的啊。” King...” Diarmuid then weak gripped Demonic Spear/Magic Gun in hand. “王啊...”迪木卢多便无力的握住了手中的魔枪 Looks at such Diarmuid, Fionn showed the free and easy smile. 看着这样的迪卢木多,芬恩露出了洒脱的笑容。 I know, Diarmuid, you actually have the hate to me as before.” Fionn looked like sees through the Diarmuid innermost feelings to be the same, is saying with a smile: But, you chose put aside this hate, chose the path that the name of chief Hero had no qualms in 《Knights of Fianna》, presented me for the king as before, your loyalty, your forgiveness, to me was also a redemption.” “我知道,迪木卢多,你其实依旧对我有怨恨。”芬恩就像是看穿了迪卢木多的内心一样,笑着道:“但是,你选择了放下这份怨恨,选择了无愧于《费奥纳骑士团》的首席勇者之名的道路,依旧奉我为王,你的忠诚,你的宽恕,对我来说也是一种救赎。” King...” Diarmuid was startled immediately. “王...”迪木卢多顿时怔住了。 Fionn on laughed loudly. 芬恩哈哈大笑起来 We will be willing to present that Mad King as well as Queen for the lord, the goal is to establish to belong to our countries on this piece of continent, retrieved the past honor.” “我们之所以会甘愿奉那位狂王以及女王为主,目的是想在这片大陆上建立属于我们自己的国家,重新找回过去的荣光。” Fionn revealed the two people goal. 芬恩就道出了两人的目的。 But, with the aid of this new country, regains me and others the former friendship, returns that period that your I trust each other, such idea, I have.” “但是,借助这个新的国家,重拾我等的旧情,重新回到你我互相信任的那个时期,这样的想法,我也不是没有啊。” hearing this, Diarmuid slightly eyes opened wide. 闻言,迪木卢多微微睁大了眼睛 At once, this warrior also slowed down the facial features finally, shows the smile. 旋即,这位勇士终于也是放缓了面容,露出笑容。 Pitifully, this desire could not be realized eventually.” “可惜,这个愿望终究实现不了。” Diarmuid is saying. 迪木卢多就这么说着。 Does not have the means that lacks the just fight to be this result, moreover does not go bad.” Fionn accepted this result simply, immediately stands up, is showing the final smile to Diarmuid, said: At least makes us fight together finally, my first warrior.” “没办法,缺乏正义的战斗本就该是这种结局,而且也不坏。”芬恩非常干脆的接受了这个结果,随即站起身来,对着迪木卢多露出最后的笑容,道:“至少让我们一起战到最后吧,吾的第一勇士。” Facing Fionn the spoken language, that Diarmuid can answer, could it be that in addition has other? 面对芬恩的这番言语,迪卢木多能够做出的回答,难道还有别的吗? "Yes!" “是!” Diarmuid then by the powerful sound, makes the final reply. 迪木卢多便以强而有力的声音,做出最后的回答。 two spearmen does sway stands up from on the ground, again to approaching Heracles. 两名枪兵摇摇晃晃的从地面上站起身,再次对向赫拉克勒斯 Roar————! 吼————! Like detecting the two people consciousness is the same, Heracles makes the response of direct, such as the storm flushed. 有如察觉到两人的觉悟一样,赫拉克勒斯做出正面的回应,如暴风般冲了出去。 Fionn as well as Diarmuid are roaring similarly the charge. 芬恩以及迪卢木多同样怒吼着冲锋。 《Mac an Luin》!” 《无败紫靫草(MacanLuin)》!” 《Gáe Dearg》!” 《破魔的红蔷薇(gaeDearg)》!” Surging water stream and red flash also stuck out suddenly, welcome to Heracles. 激荡的水流以及红色的闪光同时暴起,迎向了赫拉克勒斯 BOOM————!” 轰隆————!” The victory and defeat, in thundering of this time, makes known suddenly. 胜负,就在这一次的轰鸣里,骤然揭晓。
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