SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#881: 《Clan Calatin》

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In the Ulster legend, Medb is not only sentimental Queen, but also is called mother of soldier, gave birth to many warriors. 阿尔斯特传说中,梅芙不仅是个多情的女王,而且还被称为士兵之母,生下了诸多的勇士。 Before death, to defeat Cú Chulainn, Medb then sent out 28 warrior as son, only they defeated in the hand of Cú Chulainn pitifully finally. 生前,为了击败库·丘林,梅芙便派出了身为自己儿子的二十八个战士,只可惜他们最终都败在了库·丘林的手中。 As a result of this legend, Medb has ability that lives lower part of the body strong body strong soldier, actually does not conduct in the way of childbirth. 由于这个传说,梅芙拥有着生下身强体壮的士兵能力,却不是以分娩的方式进行。 This sentimental Queen relies on is obtaining the heredity information from brave and good at fighting warrior there, then duplicates in within the body, so long as then cuts the fingertip of index finger with blade, making the index finger drop out the blood, when that drop of blood drops in the ground, it will turn into the giant pool of blood, lets have warrior strong soldier of gene to be made. 这位多情的女王凭借着从骁勇善战的勇士那里取得遗传情报,然后在体内进行复制,接下来只要用刀刃割伤食指的指尖,让食指滴出血液,当那滴血液滴落在地面时,它就会变成巨大的血泊,让拥有勇士的遗传因子的强壮士兵从中被制造出来。 This is also soldier of Celtic can the brave and good at fighting reason be at like that. 这也是凯尔特一方的士兵能够那般骁勇善战的原因所在。 Originally, how such ability said again also has the limit, but is relying on 《Holy Grail》's power, Medb overcame the limit, made the several million regiment by the blood, was like general of wording narration, for nameless soldiers Queen as well as ruler. 本来,这样的能力再怎么说也有限制,但凭借着《圣杯》的力量,梅芙克服了限制,以血制造出了数百万的军团,乃是如同字面叙述的一般,为无名的士兵们女王以及支配者。 But before then, this Queen then with the aid of own characteristics as well as 《Holy Grail》's power, made strength that exceeded the human understanding. 而在此之前,这位女王便借助自身的这种特性以及《圣杯》的力量,制造出了超越人智的战力。 Comes out! Wyvern!” “出来吧!双足飞龙!” With shouting of Frey, from the remote horizon, the howling of dragon resounds through the skies, from far to near. 伴随着芙蕾的呼喊,从遥远的天际边,龙的吼叫声响彻云霄,由远及近。 Roar!” “吼!” Roar!” “吼!” Under howling, innumerable Wyvern fly from the horizon, just like the locust, almost can be called is hiding the sky and covering the earth. 在一声声的吼叫声之下,无数的双足飞龙从天边飞来,如同蝗虫一样,几乎可以称得上是铺天盖地 Unexpectedly has Wyvern...!?” “居然有双足飞龙...!?” Mash opens the eye. 玛修睁大眼睛。 Medb that fellow, depends on 《Holy Grail》's power, has Phantasmal Species even been able the blood to make?” 梅芙那个家伙,靠着《圣杯》的力量,已经连幻想种都能用血制造出来了吗?” Scáthach also knit the brows. 斯卡哈同样为之皱眉了。 But this is the fact. 但这就是事实。 Depends on 《Holy Grail》's power, Medb is even Phantasmal Species can make. 靠着《圣杯》的力量,梅芙已经是连幻想种都能制造。 Moreover, and not only only Wyvern. 而且,并不仅仅只是飞龙而已。 Come! Great Dragon! Strongest Dragon Species! Comes!” “来吧!巨龙啊!最强的龙种啊!现身吧!” Medb then loud shout. 梅芙便高声呐喊 Above the remote horizon, shakes the air terrifying dragon's roar to resound through immediately. 遥远的天际之上,撼动空气的恐怖龙吟声顿时响彻起来。 shortly afterwards, Rozen's entire group saw. 紧接着,罗真一行人就看到了。 Above the high clouds, numerous huge shadows descended. 高高的云端之上,众多庞大的影子降落了下来。 But the landing below shadow altogether has 28. 降落而下的影子一共有二十八道。 They have hard scales. 它们均都有着坚硬的鳞片 They have the huge body. 它们均都有着庞大的身体。 They have the wing, has the claw, has the tail, has fiercely like the alligator severed head. 它们有羽翼,有爪子,有尾巴,有狰狞如鳄鱼般的首级。 Impressively, is completely Great Dragon. 赫然,全部都是巨龙 How possibly...!?” “怎么可能...!?” On Argo, sees this Jason complexion big change. 阿尔戈号上,看到这一幕的伊阿宋面色大变。 That... that is true Dragon Species...!?” “那...那是真正的龙种吗...!?” Medea was also startled. 美狄亚同样惊慌了起来。 28...” “二十八头...” The Atalanta's complexion becomes extremely ugly. 阿塔兰忒的脸色变得极其难看。 Besides is being battled these Servant, other people saw dropping from the clouds 28 Great Dragon on one after another, shows the panic-stricken facial expression completely. 除了正在激战中的那些从者以外,其余人纷纷都看到了从天而降的二十八头巨龙,全部都为之露出惊恐的神情。 Including Rozen, complexion also all of a sudden changed. 包括罗真,面色也是一下子变了。 As the expert in summon, can't Rozen possibly look? 作为召唤方面的行家,罗真又怎么可能看不出来呢? At present these Great Dragon, are completely true Dragon Species, in Phantasmal Species strongest existence. 眼前这些巨龙,全部都是真正的龙种,幻想种中最强的存在。 Naturally, these Great Dragon do not look like France Fafnir Divine Beast like that even if top Servant is very difficult to defeat, but they similarly are genuine Dragon Species, does not look like Wyvern Lesser Dragon like that. 当然,这些巨龙并不是像法兰西法夫纳那般的神兽,即使是顶级从者都很难战胜,可它们同样是货真价实龙种,并不是像双足飞龙那般的亚龙 These Dragon Species, even if not is Divine Beast, that also absolutely is Phantasmal Beast Level! 这些龙种,即使不神兽,那也绝对是幻兽等级 Phantasmal Beast! 幻兽啊! That compares favorably with some powerful Servant sufficiently! 那可是足以媲美一些强大的从者了! But such Phantasmal Species, currently then has enough 28 same places to arrive! 而这样的幻想种,现在便有足足二十八头一起降临了! Ahaha! Saw!?” 啊哈哈!看到了吗!?” Stands Medb on tank/war chariot is then laughing loudly. 站在战车上的梅芙便高声大笑着。 This is my highest masterpiece! After 《Holy Grail》's power in brand-new Clan Calatin that in my body makes!” “这就是我的最高杰作!借助《圣杯》的力量以后在我的身体里制造出来的全新的二十八战士啊!” Hears Medb these words, the smart person understood. 听到梅芙的这句话,聪明人就都懂了。 In the middle of 《Clan Calatin》 concept invagination 《Holy Grail》, made 28 Dragon Species by 《Holy Grail》's power again...!?” “将《二十八战士》概念套入《圣杯》当中,再以《圣杯》的力量制造出了二十八龙种吗...!?” Scáthach like understanding what same but in a low voice. 斯卡哈如同明白了什么一样的低声而起了。 This probably was the truth. 这大概就是真相了。 Had given birth to Clan Calatin Medb, this time then by 《Holy Grail》's power, in own within the body again structure the gene as well as warrior concept, making 28 warrior transformations be 28 Dragon Species. 生前曾经生下过二十八战士梅芙,此次便以《圣杯》的力量,在自己的体内重新构架了遗传因子以及战士概念,让二十八个战士蜕变为二十八个龙种 Taking this into consideration, Medb can make innumerable Wyvern, made 28 truly Great Dragon. 有鉴于此,梅芙得以制造出无数的双足飞龙,更制造出了二十八头真真正正巨龙 This is the trump card of Celtic. 这就是凯尔特一方的王牌。 Now, 28 Great Dragon are then leading large quantities of Wyvern respectively, lowers from the upper air. 现在,二十八头巨龙便各自率领着大批的双足飞龙,从高空中降下。 Devastation! Destruction! Does not obey all my to give to destroy!” “蹂躏吧!破坏吧!把不顺从我的一切都给摧毁掉!” Medb turns toward 『Children』 in sky to issue such resounding instruction. 梅芙就向着天空中的「孩子们」做出这样高亢的指示。 Therefore... 于是... ———————— ———————— In the upper air, 28 Great Dragon roared with one voice, with numerous Wyvern together, making the roaring sound of dragon change to explosion the sound wave, shook. 高空中,二十八头巨龙齐声咆哮,与众多的飞龙一起,让龙的咆哮声化作爆炸似的音浪,震荡了开来。 Then, Evil Dragon started the devastation. 然后,恶龙开始了蹂躏。 BOOM————!” 轰隆————!” Innumerable Wyvern simultaneously blowout flame breath, the bang in on the ground, let exploding flame and blast wave expands to open in the land together, arouses astonishing thundering. 无数的双足飞龙齐齐的喷出火焰的吐息,轰在了地面上,让爆炎爆风一起在大地上扩展而开,激起惊人的轰鸣。 Dragon Tooth Warrior was burnt down in Flame Dragon Breath completely. 龙牙兵火焰的龙息中被焚烧殆尽。 Celtic's warriors is unable escape by luck, to be affected similarly together, either turns into whole body burned black corpse, either was blown off at the scene. 凯尔特的战士们同样无法幸免,被一起波及了进去,要么变成浑身焦黑的尸体,要么被当场炸飞了出去。 split second, the entire battlefield changes to a sea of fire, can see the explosion and flame everywhere. 一瞬间,整个战场都化作一片火海,到处都能看到爆炸以及火焰。 Innumerable Wyvern pace back and forth above the battlefield, unceasing is emitting the flame toward, is burning down all, is destroying all. 无数的双足飞龙就徘徊在战场之上,不断的向着下方喷吐着火焰,焚烧着一切,摧毁着所有。 Naturally, 28 Dragon Species also launched the destruction. 理所当然,二十八头龙种同样展开了破坏。 Some Great Dragon and Wyvern spout breath together. 有的巨龙双足飞龙一起喷出吐息 only, their breath, compared with Wyvern, were really many strong. 只是,它们的吐息,比起双足飞龙,实在是强得太多了。 Wyvern are most is the fireball that the blowout explodes, but Great Dragons blowout actually just like can the burninging out land same hot bunch, each give to cover a hill sufficiently, bombing, making the land tremble, sky wail. 双足飞龙最多就是喷出爆炸的火球,可巨龙们喷出的却是宛如能够烧尽大地一样的火束,每一道都足以将一座山丘都给覆盖,一次次的轰炸,让大地震颤,天空哀鸣。 But some Great Dragon are pursuing Argo. 而有的巨龙则是正在追击着阿尔戈号 Roar————! 吼————! Roar————! 吼————! Altogether four Great Dragon looked that flies Argo in upper air is not very pleasing to the eyes is the same, angry roaring, while pursued. 一共四头巨龙似看飞在高空中的阿尔戈号很不顺眼一样,一边愤怒的咆哮,一边追了上去。 Aaaaaaah! Is dying was dying was dying!” 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!要死了要死了要死了!” Jason had sent out the pitiful yell, is operating the hand unprecedented keenness of Argo, lets turns left and right of Argo in great dragon's breath and dashing, thrilling incomparable is escaping. 伊阿宋已经是发出了惨叫,操纵着阿尔戈号的手前所未有的灵敏,让阿尔戈号在巨龙的吐息和冲撞中左拐右拐,惊险无比的逃亡着。 Medea and Atalanta have been attacking to Great Dragon, actually almost not effective. 美狄亚阿塔兰忒一直在向巨龙攻击,却几乎没有奏效。 But other Great Dragon under the order of Medb, start to attack Scáthach as well as Mash. 而其余巨龙则是在梅芙的命令下,开始攻击斯卡哈以及玛修 Senpai!” 前辈!” Mash wants to rush to Rozen's side, actually by three Great Dragon surrounding, cannot withdraw, can only build shield, reluctantly self-preservation. 玛修很想赶到罗真身边,却被三头巨龙给包围住,根本脱不了身,只能架起盾牌,勉强自保。 Seven heads? Also really thinks highly of me!” “七头吗?还真是看得起我!” Scáthach was being pursued by seven Great Dragon Dragon Breath, calm getting hold of returns to Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, jumping leap that while non-stop, dodge attack hot bunch. 斯卡哈被七头巨龙龙息追赶着,正一边冷静的握紧回到手中的魔枪,一边不停的纵身飞跃,躲开来袭的火束。 BOOM!” BOOM!” BOOM!” 轰隆!”“轰隆!”“轰隆!” At once, entire battlefield exploded rumbling sound fills. 一时之间,整个战场都被爆炸的轰鸣声所充满。 As for Rozen... 至于罗真... Saa, no one can protect you.” “撒,没有人能够保护你了。” Cú Chulainn standing in front of Rozen, on the face hoists a fierce smile. 库·丘林站在罗真的面前,脸上扯起一个狰狞的笑容。 What to do then do you prepare?” “接下来你准备怎么办呢?” hearing this, Rozen sank the face, the cold light in the eyes flashed incessantly. 闻言,罗真沉下了脸,眼中冷芒不停的闪动
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