SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#880: First massacres that Master

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Victory and defeat already difference. 胜负已分。 This was sees Scáthach to liberate in all person hearts of Noble Phantasm the first flashing through thought. 这是看到斯卡哈解放了宝具的所有人心中第一个闪过的念头。 Facing Scáthach's Noble Phantasm, has started Noble Phantasm Cú Chulainn not to have the method of resistance, is not in the hand Demonic Spear/Magic Gun. 面对斯卡哈的宝具,已经发动过宝具库·丘林早已没有对抗的手段,连魔枪都不在手中。 Therefore, this strikes, will establish the victory and defeat will strike. 因此,这一击,将是奠定胜负的一击。 At least, other people thinks. 至少,其余人都是这么想的。 However, Cú Chulainn is actually extremely calm. 但是,库·丘林却是异常的冷静 I know, no matter my kills successfully is defeated, first to the person who I kill certainly is you.” “我就知道,不管我的袭杀成功还是失败,第一个对我杀来的人一定是你。” On the face of Cú Chulainn appears an evil smile. 库·丘林的脸上就浮现出一个邪恶的笑容。 You have not really disappointed me, Scáthach.” “你果然没有让我失望,斯卡哈。” Was saying such words, Cú Chulainn unexpectedly is to that bang Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, extended own hand directly. 说着这样的话,库·丘林竟是对着那轰来的魔枪,直接伸出了自己的手。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Scáthach's Demonic Spear penetrated the palm of Cú Chulainn immediately, making the blood splutter. 斯卡哈的魔枪顿时穿透了库·丘林的手掌,让鲜血溅射了出来。 Idiot!” “蠢货!” Looks at such Cú Chulainn, Scáthach actually cursed one. 看着这样的库·丘林,斯卡哈却是大骂了一声。 Even if sacrificed a hand to receive this Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, how can also? 就算牺牲一只手来接下这支魔枪,又能怎么样呢? This first Demonic Spear/Magic Gun is not killing used, but is used to nail tight the opponent on space, made its inescapable. 这第一支的魔枪本来就不是杀伤用的,而是用来将对手钉死在空间上,令其无法逃脱。 Therefore, even if Cú Chulainn received this spear/gun with the hand, the effect of this spear/gun will start as before, Cú Chulainn hand nail stubbornly on space, making it unable to move. 所以,就算库·丘林用手接下了这一枪,这一枪的效果依旧会发动,将库·丘林的手死死的钉在空间上,令其动弹不得。 shortly afterwards... 紧接着... Returns to 《Throne》 to engage in introspection to me! Sétanta!” “给我回《座》上反省去吧!瑟坦特!” Scáthach hand shooting in of second Demonic Spear/Magic Gun heavily. 斯卡哈将手中的第二支魔枪重重的掷出。 Therefore, scarlet Demonic Spear/Magic Gun changes to a beam of light, plunders to the direction that Cú Chulainn was. 于是,猩红的魔枪化作一道光束,掠向了库·丘林所在的方向。 The place visited, not only the ground open was blown the storm and sand dust by the plow, even the crushed stone rubble was rumbled entirely broken, changed stopped the powder. 其所过之处,不仅地面被犁开般刮起暴风和沙尘,连碎石瓦砾都被通通轰碎,化作了湮粉。 Demonic Spear/Magic Gun has put the path like lightning, the directly shoots approached Cú Chulainn. 魔枪就划过闪电般的轨迹,直射向了库·丘林 In this side Weibi one of the heart demons strikes. 此方为必中心脏的魔之一击。 However... 然而... Chī! 嗤! By Demonic Spear/Magic Gun that Scáthach shoots, not only is followed must path, hit Cú Chulainn's heart, even probably confused was the same, direct flying shot at the distant place, only left behind storm, vanished the trace. 斯卡哈掷出的魔枪,不但没有遵循着必中的轨迹,命中库·丘林的心脏,甚至像是错乱了一样,直接飞射向了远方,只留下一阵暴风,消失了踪影。 Wha...!?” “什...!?” Scáthach is startled. 斯卡哈大吃一惊。 Deceived people!” “骗人!” Mash same cried out in surprise. 玛修同样惊呼出声了。 Including in Rozen in midair with astonishment, discovers a matter at once finally. 连在半空中的罗真都惊愕而起,旋即终于发现了一件事。 That is... 那就是... Cú Chulainn's body does not have the heartbeat...!?” 库·丘林的身上没有心跳...!?” Yes. 是的。 In Cú Chulainn's body, absolutely does not have the heartbeat. 库·丘林的身上,根本就没有心跳。 Rozen's 《Eye of the Mind》 has not peeped at the fluctuation of heartbeat. 罗真的《心眼》就没有窥视到心跳的波动。 In other words ,... 换言之... His body does not have the heart...!” “他身上没有心脏...!” Rozen said this to make one feel the unbelievable fact. 罗真道出了这个令人觉得难以置信的事实。 precisely because does not have the heart, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to meet deviated, simply does not have hit Cú Chulainn. 正是因为没有心脏,魔枪才会打偏,根本没有命中库·丘林 If even the heart does not have, what's the big deal strike the heart? 若是连心脏都没有,那又如何命中心脏呢? Before union Cú Chulainn, words that spoke, the people understood the reason in immediately. 结合库·丘林之前所说的话,众人立即明白了个中的缘由。 Had guessed correctly own kills the success is defeated, first to is Scáthach Cú Chulainn that he launched an attack has definitely forecast this condition, therefore... 已经猜到自己的袭杀无论是成功还是失败,第一个对他发难的肯定是斯卡哈库·丘林早就预测到了这个状况,所以... Previous time by the heart that Demonic Spear/Magic Gun pierces, he has not repaired, has not cured...!” “上次被魔枪刺穿的心脏,他即没有修复,更没有治愈...!” precisely so. 正是如此。 Even comes back also planned that restores the injury of heart with the aid of 《Holy Grail》's power, the curse of Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to the elimination, may in later, set this time Cú Chulainn that kills the plan then gave up this decision. 即使回来的时候还打算借助《圣杯》的力量来修复心脏的伤势,将魔枪的诅咒给去除,可在之后,定下这次袭杀计划的库·丘林便放弃了这个决定。 In order to deal with Scáthach sticks out suddenly launches an attack, this Mad King is going against heart passed through injury several days unexpectedly actually, went to the battlefield. 为了应付斯卡哈的暴起发难,这位狂王竟硬是顶着心脏被贯穿的伤害好几天,就这么上了战场。 This inhuman approach and inhuman painful and inhuman calculation, Cú Chulainn withstood unexpectedly completely. 这种非人的做法、非人的痛苦、非人的盘算,库·丘林竟是全部承受了下来。 Only for this moment. 只为了这一刻。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” The tearing sound got up. 撕裂声响起了。 That was Cú Chulainn tears on own initiative by Demonic Spear/Magic Gun nailing tight the arm in space, did not attend to the blood that sprinkled crazily, flushed the sound that aroused toward Scáthach. 那是库·丘林主动撕裂了被魔枪给钉死在空间里的手臂,不顾狂洒的鲜血,向着斯卡哈冲来所激起的动静。 „......!” “......!” Scáthach complexion changes, sudden retreat without hesitation. 斯卡哈面色一变,不假思索的暴退 But at this time, Cú Chulainn actually raised a hand. 而这个时候,库·丘林却是举起了一只手。 Whoosh! 咻! Demonic Spear/Magic Gun cuts the expansive sky, resembles again like lightning has delimited back and forth, finally falls toward Cú Chulainn's body, was grasped the palm by it. 魔枪划破长空,再次似闪电般的来回划过,最终往库·丘林的身上落去,被其握进了掌心。 You ended, Scáthach.” “你完了,斯卡哈。” Cú Chulainn is making such declaration to Scáthach. 库·丘林就对着斯卡哈做出这样的宣言 At once, does not attend to the severely wounded body, fierce fleeing approached Scáthach, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun violently thrust in hand. 旋即,不顾重伤的身体,猛的窜向了斯卡哈,将手中的魔枪暴刺而出。 Just liberated Noble Phantasm, absolutely did not have retrieve Demonic Spear/Magic Gun with enough time Scáthach that both Demonic Spear/Magic Gun shot, and does not know that was not because of relations without enough time, simply has not taken out third Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, empty-handed to approaching Cú Chulainn. 刚刚解放了宝具,将两把魔枪都掷出的斯卡哈根本还没有来得及回收魔枪,并且也不知道是不是因为来不及的关系,根本没有取出第三支魔枪,就这么空手对向了库·丘林 In this is at a crucial moment in... 就在此千钧一发之际里... Buzz!” “嗡!” At the same time the surface marking Magic Array as well as magical mark invisible Psychic Power Shield revolve in the Scáthach front, kept off in the Cú Chulainn front. 一面表面刻画着魔法阵以及一道道的咒纹的无形念力之盾斯卡哈的面前旋转而出,挡在了库·丘林的面前。 Clang————!” 铛————!” A Cú Chulainn full power thorn, falls above this invisible shield, finally only rubs sparks, shortly afterwards by flicks. 库·丘林全力的一刺,落在这面无形之盾之上,结果只是摩擦出火星,紧接着就被弹开 That naturally was Rozen's 《Magic Defense》. 那自然是罗真的《魔防》了。 Mash!” 玛修!” Rozen in midair by 《Magic Defense》 flicks Cú Chulainn strikes, while is ordering to Mash. 半空中的罗真一边以《魔防》弹开库·丘林的一击,一边对着玛修下令。 Hah!” 喝啊!” Seizes shield Mash to charge to come, to bring the fresh breeze of howling full power, dashing of heavily in Cú Chulainn's body. 擒起盾牌玛修全力冲锋而来,带着呼啸的劲风,重重的冲撞在库·丘林的身上 Bang————!” 嘭————!” In blasting open exploding sound, Cú Chulainn by Mash solid strikes hitting to fly, in tumbling that under shock wave non-stop, after tumbling out several hundred meters, just now stands firm figure, the sole friction tread, strips the mist and dust, finally by the knelt down on one knee posture, stopped. 炸裂似的爆鸣声中,库·丘林玛修结结实实的一击给撞飞,在冲击波之下不停的翻滚出去,滚出数百米以后方才稳住身形,脚掌摩擦着地面,一路带起烟尘,最后才以单膝跪地的姿势,停了下来。 "Tch..." “嘁...” Cú Chulainn body the dripping with blood, had not actually been paid attention to by it as before, only lifts the view, the gaze to Rozen, in the eyes is filling murderous aura. 库·丘林身上已经鲜血淋漓了,却依旧不被其放在眼里,只是抬起眼帘,注视向罗真,眼中充满着杀气 Cannot solve you in just killing, is really a fiasco.” “没有能够在刚刚的袭杀里将你解决,果然是一个大失败。” Cú Chulainn then regards as the enemy who Rozen thorniest, most needs to massacre from the beginning, attaches great importance to being able be imagined Rozen's. 库·丘林便从一开始就将罗真视作最棘手、最需要杀掉的敌人,对罗真的重视可想而知。 But just like Cú Chulainn, Medb is also arrives to Rozen's sense of presence detests extremely. 而和库·丘林一样,梅芙亦是对罗真的存在感到极其忿恨。 Not only tied down my tank/war chariot, but also injured Cú-chan, you are really the heinous crime.” “不仅缠住了我的战车,还伤害了小库,你真是罪该万死。” Medb to Rozen gnash the teeth with hatred. 梅芙就对罗真恨得牙痒痒的。 But no matter Cú Chulainn or Medb know, in this war, Rozen's position is really most important. 但不管是库·丘林还是梅芙都知道,这一场战争里,罗真的地位真的是重中之重。 Did not say that is the leader of enemy camp, is providing Magic Power Master for numerous Servant, is this supports ability to make people unable not to attach great importance. 不说是敌方阵营的领袖,为众多的从者提供着魔力御主,就是这支援能力都让人无法不重视起来。 If nothing else, in the confrontation of this time, Rozen only make a move two times. 别的不说,在这一次的交锋里,罗真出手两次 Tied down Medb's war chariot with Wood Element Talisman one time, making Cú Chulainn be isolated and cut off from help, can only face directly Scáthach's Noble Phantasm. 一次用木行符缠住了梅芙的战车,让库·丘林孤立无援,只能直面斯卡哈的宝具 Keeps off the Cú Chulainn unexpected counter-attack with 《Magic Defense》 Shield one time, rescued Scáthach, gives to save the entire aspect. 一次用《魔防》之盾挡下库·丘林出其不意的反击,解救了斯卡哈,将整个局面都给挽回。 Killing that Cú Chulainn does one's best, two times in his hands rout. 库·丘林尽心尽力的袭杀,两次都在其手中溃败。 This Chaldea's Master is very clear own localization, over is never strong, only is giving the Servants biggest strengthening and most just right support, then makes the entire aspect different. 这个迦勒底的御主就很清楚自己的定位,从不强出头,只是给予着从者们最大的强化以及最恰到好处的支援,便让整个局面都变得不同。 Taking this into consideration... 有鉴于此... Leave alone Scáthach and that Demi-Servant, Medb.” “别管斯卡哈和那个亚从者了,梅芙。” Cú Chulainn then coldly ordered. 库·丘林便冷冷的下令 Even the severe wound are not related, in brief first massacres that human Master.” “就算重伤也没关系,总之先杀掉那个人类御主。” hearing this, Medb smiled. 闻言,梅芙笑了。 Smiles very joyfully. 笑得非常愉悦。 Good! Cú-chan ~ ~?” “好的!小库~~?” Medb happily and received this Quest happily. 梅芙即开心又愉快的接下了这个任务 Mash and Scáthach expression immediately changed. 玛修斯卡哈的表情顿时变了。 Rozen is also narrows the eye, body Magic Power is surging. 罗真亦是眯起眼睛,身上魔力涌动着。
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