SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#879: 《Shield of Rousing Resolution》

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Bang!” “轰!” Resembled mortar general Demonic Spear/Magic Gun then to cut the expansive sky, to Rozen's back, violently shoots directly on. 似迫击炮一般的魔枪便划破了长空,对着罗真的后背,径直的暴射而上。 Believes, so long as in several seconds, that initially in the basin had once had killing, occurrence again in Rozen's body. 相信,只要再过数秒,那当初在盆地里曾经一度发生过的袭杀,将再一次的发生在罗真的身上 At the appointed time, even Rozen can also like previous time like that evade the mortal wound, may under the present condition, be numerous Servants provides Magic Power Master to be seriously injured, that is one can subvert the influence of final victory absolutely. 届时,就算罗真还能够像上次那般,避过致命伤,可在现在这样的状况下,为一众从者们提供魔力御主身受重伤,那绝对是一个可以颠覆最后的胜局的影响。 This influence, was the king of Celtic, Cú Chulainn then sees through it. 这种影响,身为凯尔特一方的王,库·丘林便将其看穿了。 Therefore, Cú Chulainn started killing again, without hesitation will go into hiding, liberates own Noble Phantasm again without hesitation, toward Rozen, started fatally strikes. 所以,库·丘林再一次的发动了袭杀,毫不犹豫的将自身隐匿起来,再毫不犹豫的解放自身的宝具,向着罗真,发动了致命的一击。 What a pity... 可惜... You think that the similar method can also be effective?” “你以为同样的手段还能奏效吗?” Rozen simply has not turned head, relies on 《Eye of the Mind》 to detect from back fatal strike, immediately releases all Magic Power, pours into to own Servant within the body. 罗真根本没有回过头,凭借着《心眼》察觉到来自背后的致命一击以后,立即释放出所有的魔力,注入到自己的从者体内 Which Servant? 哪一个从者呢? Mash!” 玛修!” Rozen summoned the name of opposite party. 罗真呼唤了对方的名字。 Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ————!” 哈啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊————!” Under, avoids in the tank/war chariot charge Mash clear seeing upper air the matter, saw the light of Demonic Spear/Magic Gun behind Rozen extremely fast rumbles, just like radical eruption, sends out loud shout, while knocking of heavily starts shield. 下方,避开战车的冲锋的玛修清清楚楚的看到高空中发生的事情,眼看着罗真的背后极速轰来的魔枪之光,如同彻底的爆发一样,一边发出高声的呐喊,一边重重的敲下了手中的盾牌 Cannot in protect good Rozen previous time, making Rozen be nearly killed, this has made Mash take to heart. 没有能够在上一次保护好罗真,令罗真险些丧命,这一直都让玛修耿耿于怀。 Although, Rozen has said that since the opposite party must Demonic Spear/Magic Gun of heart, that Mash unable to defend is also very normal, but this is unable to convince Mash. 虽说,罗真早已说过,对方既然是必中心脏的魔枪的话,那玛修没有能够守住也很正常,可这根本就无法说服玛修 Because, if Mash really puts forth the full power, actually, this Demi-Servant has the means to defend Cú Chulainn Demonic Spear/Magic Gun. 因为,如果玛修真的使出全力,其实,这位亚从者是有办法防住库·丘林魔枪的。 Perhaps this point, Mash realized in subconscious Richard, therefore so will be guilty, but Rozen also discovered a secret after that from the Mash's ability parameter. 这一点,玛修自己或许在潜意识里察觉到了,所以才会那么愧疚,而罗真同样在那之后从玛修的能力参数里发现了一个秘密。 ............ ............ Class: Shielder 职阶:Shielder True Name: Mash Kyrielight 真名:玛修·基列莱特 Attribute: Lawful・Good 属性:秩序·善 ———— Ability Value ———— ————能力值———— Physical strength: C 筋力:C Endurance: A 耐久:A Agility: D 敏捷:D Magic Power: B 魔力:B lucky: C 幸运:C Noble Phantasm: 宝具: ———— Class Skill ———— ————职阶技能———— Magic Resistance: A 对魔力:A Can cause Magic Array and Great Magecraft invalid, even present age highest rank Magus, cannot directly cause the damage with Magecraft. 能使魔法阵大魔术无效化,即使是当代最高等级魔术师,也不能用魔术直接造成伤害。 Riding: C 骑乘:C Can proficiently control the mount. 能熟练的驾驭坐骑。 Self-Field Defense: C 自阵防御:C When protects one's own side or the one's own side camp power that displays, can display the injury of surpassed defense limiting value to reduce, but the object does not contain himself, Level is higher, the range of protection is broader. 守护己方或者己方阵营之际所发挥的力量,能发挥出超出防御极限值的伤害削减,但对象并不包含自身,等级越高,守护的范围越广。 Possession Inheritance:? 凭依继承:? One of Skill special Skill that Demi-Servant has, inherits to base on Heroic Spirit, and sublimates own school it, in Skill that this inherits is 《Mana Defense》, with 《Mana Burst》 similar Skill, can the Magic Power direct transform defensive power, if has huge Magic Power, even if becomes the sacred wall that protects a country's is not a problem. 亚从者所持有的特殊技能,继承凭依的英灵所持有的技能之一,并将其升华成自身的流派,在此继承的技能《魔力防御》,与《魔力放出》同类型的技能,能够将魔力直接变换成防御力,如果持有庞大的魔力,即使是成为守护一国的神圣之壁都不成问题。 ———— Personal Skills ———— ————保有技能———— Transient Wall of Snowflakes: 现为脆弱的雪花之壁: Can transform the physical defense Mental Power of user, Mental Power is more tenacious, the faith is more powerful, defensive power is then more excellent, but has not displayed the true value at present. 能够将使用者的精神力变换成物理防御,精神力越强韧,信念越强大,防御力便越高超,但目前并没有发挥出真正的价值。 Obscurant Wall of Chalk: 时为朦胧的白垩之壁: 1 when the time axis staggers the object's, thus avoids the attack, Level high words, even the attack of high dimension can still avoid. 将对象在时间轴上一时错开,从而回避攻击,等级高的话,即使是高次元的攻击也可以回避。 Shield of Rousing Resolution: 决意奋起之盾: Rising spiritedly courage, regardless of will not give away person of the protection rear area facing anyone. 奋起勇气,无论面对谁都不会让出后方所守护之人。 ............ ............ This is the Mash's ability parameter, specially to defend and protect birth Demi-Servant, all Skill constitute for this only goal. 这就是玛修的能力参数,一个专门为了防御和守护而诞生的亚从者,所有的技能都是为了这唯一的目的才构成。 Such Mash, can keep off absolutely all in view of the attack of Master. 这样的玛修,绝对能够挡下所有针对御主的攻击。 Even if Cú Chulainn Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, similarly is so. 哪怕是库·丘林魔枪,同样是如此。 Rozen discovered this possibility from Mash's Skill. 罗真就从玛修的其中一个技能里发现了这个可能性。 Shield of Rousing Resolution: Rising spiritedly courage, regardless of will not give away person of the protection rear area facing anyone. 决意奋起之盾:奋起勇气,无论面对谁都不会让出后方所守护之人。 This Skill, actually has attraction enemy all the effects of attack. 这个技能,其实拥有着吸引敌人的所有攻击的效果。 in other words, the attack that so long as the Mash rising spiritedly courage, then, all launches in view of Rozen, its will be attracted completely. 也就是说,只要玛修奋起勇气,那么,所有针对罗真发动的攻击,全部都会被其吸引过去。 Even if Cú Chulainn Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, similarly is so. 哪怕是库·丘林魔枪,同样是如此。 Therefore... 于是... Chī! 嗤! In the upper air, approaches Demonic Spear/Magic Gun of Rozen back to put a path cannot help but suddenly, resembling a lightning is the same, a booklet, builds shield Mash's direction violently shoots to go toward on the ground suddenly unexpectedly. 高空中,逼近罗真后背的魔枪陡然划过一个不由自主的轨迹,似一道闪电一样,骤然一折,竟是向着地面上筑起盾牌玛修的方向暴射而去。 Demonic Spear/Magic Gun fatal strike, was attracted the past by Mash. 魔枪致命一击,就这么被玛修吸引了过去。 Perhaps, in others opinion, this just traded sacrificial victim. 也许,在旁人看来,这只不过是换了一个牺牲者而已。 But, only then Rozen knows, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun strikes, could not injure Mash. 可是,只有罗真才知道,魔枪的一击,根本伤不了玛修 Because, Mash also another Skill. 因为,玛修还有另外一个技能 Obscurant Wall of Chalk: 1 when the time axis staggers the object's, thus avoids the attack, Level high words, even the attack of high dimension can still avoid. 时为朦胧的白垩之壁:将对象在时间轴上一时错开,从而回避攻击,等级高的话,即使是高次元的攻击也可以回避。 If, previous Skill can attract enemy all attacks, that latter Skill can disintegrate enemy all attacks. 如果说,前一个技能能够吸引敌人所有的攻击的话,那后一个技能就是能够瓦解敌人所有的攻击了。 Noble Phantasm that even if must Demonic Spear/Magic Gun of heart, the causes and effects reverse, if the object staggers and disappears from the time axis, that is still doomed only to fly back without any results. 即使是必中心脏的魔枪,因果逆转的宝具,若是对象从时间轴里错开、消失的话,那也注定只能无功而返。 Buzz————!” 嗡————!” In air buzz in the whining noise, Mash's body is similar to turns into the mirage general, drags, unexpectedly is becomes illusory. 在空气的嗡鸣声中,玛修的身体便如同变成海市蜃楼一般,一个摇曳,竟是变得虚幻起来。 Shuā! 唰! Brings sharp sky-splitting sound Demonic Spear/Magic Gun to penetrate in Mash's body, fell on the vacancy. 带着犀利的破空声魔枪玛修的身上穿透而过,落在了空处。 What...?” “什么...?” Sees this, even is callous brutally, like Mad King, made the stunned sound as before. 看到这一幕,即使是冷酷、残酷如狂王,依旧还是发出了愕然的声音。 Then... 然后... Where are you looking at? Idiots!” “你在看哪里啊?蠢货!” In battlefield edge the back of Cú Chulainn, Scáthach ghosts and demons flashing before, two Demonic Spear/Magic Gun in hand also releases ominous Magic Power, stimulated the Cú Chulainn nerve. 身在战场边缘的库·丘林的背后,斯卡哈似鬼魅般的闪现,手中的两把魔枪同样释放出不祥的魔力,刺激到了库·丘林的神经。 Passes through...” “贯穿...” Looking like to pay a man back in his own coin to be the same, facing no longer has the Hero spirit, to slaughter, the disciple who can resort to all means completely, Scáthach is also continually a point hesitant does not have, prepares to liberate Noble Phantasm directly. 就像是为了礼尚往来一样,面对不再具备英雄气概,为了杀戮,可以完全不择手段的弟子,斯卡哈亦是连一点的犹豫都没有,直接准备解放宝具 only... 只是... Do not want to injure Cú-chan!” “别想伤害小库!” Under such tender shout, comes by tank/war chariot crazy dashing about wildly that two horns cows draw, flushes away in the Scáthach direction. 在这样一个娇喝声下,被两头角牛所拉动的战车疯狂的狂奔而来,向着斯卡哈的方向冲去。 Even Cú Chulainn were still included in the attack range, looks the trampled condition unexpectedly. 连带的,即使是库·丘林也被纳入了攻击范围,竟是面露了被践踏的状况。 Hmph! 哼! Scáthach coldly snorted, has not actually avoided completely. 斯卡哈冷哼了一声,却是完全没有避开。 The reason, is only because some people will keep off Medb. 理由,仅是因为有人会挡下梅芙而已。 Order!” 急急如律令(order)!” In the midair, Rozen then made several talisman, making it resemble bullet same jumping out, plundered to Medb's war chariot under. 半空中,罗真便打出了数枚咒符,令其似子弹一样的窜出,掠向了梅芙的战车的底下。 the next moment, these talismans one after another blooms the ray, made rapid-growth of sturdy tree roots from underground, tied down Medb's war chariot. 下一刻,这些咒符纷纷绽放出光芒,令一根根粗壮的树根从地底下快速生长,缠住了梅芙的战车 Medb's war chariot is forced to stop immediately, pulling that even if two horns cows go all out, pulls as before motionless. 梅芙的战车顿时被迫停下,即使两头角牛拼命的拉扯,依旧拉扯不动。 “Ah!” “啊!” Stands Medb on tank/war chariot cannot help but sends out to call out in alarm. 站在战车上的梅芙不由得发出惊呼。 But the charge of Medb was prevented, Scáthach's Noble Phantasm no one has actually been able to prevent. 梅芙的冲锋被阻止,斯卡哈的宝具却已经没有任何人能够阻止了。 《Gáe Bolg Alternative》!” 《贯穿死翔之枪(gaeBolgAlternative)》!” To Cú Chulainn that front pupil is shrinking fiercely, Scáthach liberated Noble Phantasm's True Name loudly, shoots Demonic Spear/Magic Gun in hand suddenly. 对着面前瞳孔猛缩的库·丘林,斯卡哈高声解放了宝具的真名,将手中的一支魔枪骤然掷出。 Bang!” “轰!” One such as previously Cú Chulainn liberated Noble Phantasm to be the same, Demonic Spear/Magic Gun stroke of atmosphere-tearing, the bang approached Cú Chulainn. 一如先前库·丘林解放宝具一样,魔枪破空气,轰向了库·丘林
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