SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#878: Is deeply in love with all Queen

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oya?” 哦呀?” Perhaps is because felt unusual Magic Power, sat charge Medb turns the head on tank/war chariot recklessly, looked that to direction that Rozen was. 或许是因为感受到了非同一般的魔力,坐在战车上肆意冲锋的梅芙转过头来,看向了罗真所在的方向。 shortly afterwards, Medb saw escorts Rozen by Mash and Scáthach, at present one bright. 紧接着,梅芙就看到了被玛修斯卡哈保驾护航中的罗真,眼前一亮。 Humm~~?” 哼哼~~?” Medb then joyful as waves the whip, ruthlessly is brushing front mount, making two horns cows send out to angrily roar, has turned the head, flushed in the Rozen and the others direction. 梅芙便愉悦似的一挥手中鞭子,狠狠的抽打着面前的坐骑,让两头角牛发出怒吼,转过头,向着罗真等人的方向冲了过来。 Bang bang bang bang bang...!” “嘭嘭嘭嘭嘭...!” This charge, not only gives to crack-up Dragon Tooth Warrior all the way, but also hit to fly soldier of many Celtic, making Medb's war chariot curl the billowing sand dust, arrived at the Rozen's entire group front. 这一番冲锋,不仅是将一路上的龙牙兵都给撞碎,还撞飞了不少凯尔特一方的士兵,让梅芙的战车卷着滚滚的沙尘,来到罗真一行人的面前。 Senpai!” 前辈!” Mash holds up shield immediately vigilantly, the whole face looks to Medb. 玛修立即举起盾牌,满脸警惕的看向梅芙 Hou? 嚯? Scáthach seems like admiring Medb to dare to rush to own front to be the same, makes admires the sound. 斯卡哈则像是在佩服梅芙敢这么冲到自己的面前一样,发出佩服似的声音。 But Medb has not actually paid attention to these two people completely. 梅芙却完全没有理会这两人 „Are you that Chaldea's Master?” “你就是那个迦勒底的御主吧?” The Medb vision is then taking a fast look around in Rozen's body. 梅芙的目光便在罗真的身上扫视着。 At once, this Your Highness Queen then gave such evaluation. 旋即,这位女王殿下便给予了这样的评价 „It seems like very weak, is not fierce, although Magic Power is very magnificent, but others have no interest in Magus, the powerful and strong warrior is others pursues, you are completely unqualified, goes back to exercise well, after becoming a not bad warrior, how comes? When the time comes others will definitely not love your Oh? parsimoniously “看起来好像很弱,一点都不勇猛,虽然魔力很壮观,但人家对魔术师没有什么兴趣,强大又强壮的勇士才是人家的追求,你完全不合格呢,还是回去好好锻炼一下,等到成为一名不错的勇士以后再过来怎么样?到时候人家肯定不会吝啬疼爱你的哦? Medb is showing the smiling face that pure and charming and has to Rozen, but also licked the lip, a seduction feeling, because of the appearance clear relations, made person unknowingly had blasphemes the feeling of guilty and pleasant sensation, whatever evilly multiplying. 梅芙就对着罗真露出纯洁和娇媚并具的笑脸,还舔了舔嘴唇,给人一种诱惑般的感觉,却又因为长相过于清纯的关系,令人不知不觉间产生亵渎般的罪恶感和任由邪恶滋生的快感。 Only this, Rozen can affirm, actually at present this woman has magic essence how. 只此一眼,罗真就能肯定,眼前这个女人究竟有多么的魔性 No, her magic essence hides in the heart merely, performance outside is actually the visible pure semblance, the created contrast just now is the charm that to let the person wants to stop but cannot. 不,她的魔性仅仅藏在心中,表现在外的却是肉眼可见的纯洁外表,造成的反差方才是让人欲罢不能的魅力。 What a pity, Rozen remains unmoved completely. 可惜,罗真完全不为所动。 That was really also sorry, I do not want to be loved by you.” Rozen frankly said: „The outstanding girl of my side may have many, really thinks that the patronize words, how turn are not one's turn you.” “那还真是抱歉,我可不想被你疼爱。”罗真直言不讳的道:“我身边的优秀女孩可有不少,真想宠幸的话,怎么轮都轮不到你呢。” These words, namely have the real part, has the part of provocation. 这番话,即有真实的部分,亦有挑衅的部分。 Real some naturally is first half, Rozen's side also really has been pacing back and forth many outstanding girls. 真实的部分自然是前半部分,罗真的身边还真一直都徘徊着不少优秀的女孩。 Naturally, Rozen has not thought that must go to patronize anything, although also has by the coquettish behavior that girl shows occasionally pulling up the pent-up anger straight fever, but dozens years came, Rozen is also insufficient to be teased by Medb to suffer defeat. 当然,罗真从来没想到要去宠幸什么的,虽然也不是没有被身边的女孩子偶尔展现出来的娇态给撩得心火直烧,可数十年的时间都这么过来了,罗真还不至于被梅芙这么挑逗一下就败北。 only, Rozen does not know, is the thing that cannot obtain, present Queen more can come the interest. 只是,罗真不知道,越是得不到的东西,眼前的这位女王越是能够来兴致。 Isn't willing to submit to me? Really stupid human.” “不愿意屈服于我吗?真是愚蠢的人类呢。” Medb was instead enthusiastic, is revealing simple-hearted sneering to Rozen. 梅芙反而来劲了似的,对着罗真露出天真无邪的冷笑。 Others most hateful thing that could not conquer, even if were the brave and good at fighting warrior, in my Queen Medb front must kneeling down of obediently, you now regret also with enough time Oh? “人家最讨厌的就是征服不了的东西,哪怕是骁勇善战的勇士,在我女王梅芙的面前都得乖乖的跪下,你现在后悔还来得及哦? This is not the warning. 这并不是警告。 At least, in Celtic Mythology, in the Ulster legend, Medb is because cannot obtain Cú Chulainn, then by liking being lived to hate, it tortured to death. 至少,在凯尔特神话里,阿尔斯特传说中,梅芙就是因为得不到库·丘林,进而才由爱生恨,将其生生折磨致死的。 But even died, turns into the Heroic Spirit present, Medb holds anomaly obsession to Cú Chulainn as before. 而即使是死去,变成英灵的现在,梅芙依旧对库·丘林抱有着异常执念 This made Scáthach sigh. 这让斯卡哈都叹息了。 Told this woman too but useless Oh? Master?” Scáthach turns toward Rozen saying: This woman is the control wants with the coagulum that the acquisitive instinct concentration becomes, no matter the valuables and money, land or the man she want, said that but useless.” “跟这个女人说太多可是没用的哦?御主?”斯卡哈就向着罗真说道:“这个女人是支配欲与占有欲浓缩而成的凝聚体,不管是财宝、土地还是男人她都想要,多说可是无益的。” precisely so. 正是如此。 if it weren't so, Medb will not depend 《Holy Grail》 to act in a self-serving manner on North American Continent, for plunders all, conquers all, holds all, controls all. 如果不是这样的话,梅芙也不会仗着《圣杯》北美大陆上为所欲为,为的就是掠夺一切,征服一切,占有一切,支配一切。 In addition, Medb is to establish evil Kingdom that probably takes her and Cú Chulainn as the king? 除此之外,梅芙大概就是想要建立一个以她和库·丘林为王的邪恶王国而已吧? This is Queen Medb, is only the selfishness and affection, but woman to one's heart's content. 这就是女王梅芙,只为私心、爱心而纵情的女人。 Naturally, such woman, most hateful the thing that cannot result, hateful rejected own thing. 理所当然,这样的女人,最讨厌的就是得不到手的东西,更讨厌拒绝了自己的东西。 Was given to tie up by her whip carefully, Master.” “小心被她的鞭子给捆住,御主。” Scáthach is warning to Rozen like this. 斯卡哈就对罗真这样告诫着。 Regarding such Scáthach, Medb showed the hatred expression finally. 对于这样的斯卡哈,梅芙终于露出了痛恨的表情。 Do not exhibit one to see through all matter same countenance probably, my most hateful was your appearance, Scáthach!” Medb looks like clenches jaws to Scáthach was saying: That loathes the disciple to be obtained the hand by me? What a pity isn't Cú-chan your thing Oh? is your recent interest has shifted to that side human small shepherd now? Is he small pet that you received recently?” “别摆出一副好像能够看穿所有的事情一样的嘴脸,我最讨厌的就是你这个样子了,斯卡哈!”梅芙就像是咬牙切齿般的对着斯卡哈说道:“就那么厌恶弟子被我得到手吗?可惜小库现在已经不是你的东西了哦?还是你最近的兴趣已经转向那边的人类小狼狗了?他就是你最近才收的小宠物吧?” Medb is full of the malicious words, trades is actually the Scáthach bored expression. 梅芙饱含恶意的话语,换来的却是斯卡哈无聊的表情。 My only is responsible for teaching Martial Arts, but can become the person of my disciple, I am some day can kill me to their only requests, does not need to control them in my side.” Saying with a smile that Scáthach then accomplishes a task with ease: You thought you can't struggle me? However is also, compared with the sentimental woman, accepts my pointer is quite interesting to here.” “我只是负责教导武艺,而能够成为我弟子的人,我对他们唯一的要求就是有朝一日能够杀死我,并不需要将他们控制在我的身边。”斯卡哈便游刃有余的笑道:“还是你觉得自己争不过我?不过也是,比起多情的女人,到我这里来接受我的教鞭还比较有趣。” „...... Also really dares to say.” Medb infuriated as say/way: Such being the case, makes you also submit to my front, so long as Queen in this world had me to be enough, did not need what Foreign Territory Queen.” “......还真敢说啊。”梅芙火冒三丈似的道:“既然如此,就让你也臣服在我的面前,这个世界上的女王只要有我一人就足够了,不需要什么异境女王。” I thought actually this is also very interesting.” Scáthach smilingly said: Although I am not interested in your incurable many practical joke, but your straightforward place, I like very much, Medb.” “我倒是觉得这样也很有趣。”斯卡哈莞尔般的道:“虽然我对你无可救药的诸多恶作剧不感兴趣,但你这种率直的地方,我还是很喜欢的哦,梅芙。” Scáthach these words, regarding Medb, simply is the biggest provocation. 斯卡哈这番话语,对于梅芙来说,简直就是最大的挑衅。 I must make you regret, Scáthach.” “我一定要让你后悔,斯卡哈。” Being angry that Medb is clenching teeth, even this very cute, attracted the Queen of many warrior and King as before worthily. 梅芙咬着牙的生着气,即使是这样依旧很可爱,不愧是魅惑了众多勇士及王者的女王 Then... 然后... On! I most beloved tank/war chariot! Tramples them!” “上吧!我最心爱的战车!践踏他们吧!” Medb shouted loudly tenderly, lets draw the tank/war chariot two horns cows to roar loudly, shortly afterwards dashes about wildly, curls up the fresh breeze and sand dust, resembling the avalanche is ordinary, charges into the direction that Rozen's entire group was. 梅芙高声娇喊,让拉动战车的两头角牛大声咆哮,紧接着狂奔起来,卷起劲风和沙尘,似雪崩一般,冲向了罗真一行人所在的方向。 „......!” “......!” Mash and Scáthach responded immediately, simultaneously treads the ground, like arrow plundering opens to the string. 玛修斯卡哈立即反应了过来,同时一踏地面,像离弦之矢般的掠开。 Rozen is simple, wields body to sprinkle the fire powder coat directly, making the coat flutter, flees the midair, brushed past with tank/war chariot that the charge comes, rides impact that tank/war chariot is starting, light float in in the air. 罗真更是干脆,直接一挥身上洒出火粉的大衣,让大衣翻飞,窜上半空,与冲锋而来的战车擦肩而过似的,乘着战车掀起的冲击,轻飘飘的悬浮在了空中。 In this split second... 就在这一瞬间... 《Gáe Bolg》!” 《剜穿鏖杀之枪(gaeBolg)》!” A low and deep, callous and cruel sound liberated own Noble Phantasm, let unclear Magic Power violently surge. 一个低沉、冷酷、残忍的声音解放了自己的宝具,让不详的魔力暴涌了起来。 Bang!” “轰!” the next moment, scarlet Demonic Spear/Magic Gun was rumbled, as then in the basin like that changed to a scarlet lightning ray, violently shoots to Rozen that flew the midair. 下一刻,猩红的魔枪被轰出,一如当初在盆地中那般,化作一道猩红的闪电,暴射向了飞上半空的罗真 Goal, precisely Rozen's back. 目标,正是罗真的后背
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