SOM :: Volume #7 Fate/Grand Order (3)

#877: 『King』 to 『King』

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Regarding having the on the ground matter, in Argo Servants in midair naturally took in the eyeground completely. 对于发生地面上的事情,处于半空中的阿尔戈号内的从者们自然是全部都收进眼底了。 That... that what's the matter...!?” “那...那是怎么回事啊...!?” Jason is operating the ships by surprising technique/technology, lets the ships unceasing avoidance attack the arrow rain, the tactical situation of while to on the ground launching also reveals anxious look. 伊阿宋一边以过于让人惊讶的技术操纵着船只,让船只不断的避开来袭的箭雨,一边对地面上展开的战况亦是露出焦急之色 Arjuna that fellow runs to bother also has no problem, this was the guessed correctly matter, but that and Rama looks exactly the same Servant what's the matter...!?” 阿周那那个家伙跑出来搅局也就算了,这是早就猜到的事情,但那个和罗摩长得一模一样的从者又是怎么回事...!?” The people on Argo on clear seeing, with Rama by Sita to the severe wound, two people were conducting the intense battle. 阿尔戈号上的众人就清楚的看到,随着罗摩悉多给重伤,两人正在进行激烈的交战。 Said is the battle, actually is just Sita constantly has the evil smile to conduct shooting toward Rama, Rama is obviously still vacillating very much, facing Sita shooting, can only the passive defense, brandish Brahmastra, the arrow complete ball that will attack flies, is actually not able to go forward one step, active offense. 说是交战,其实只不过是悉多一味的带着邪恶的笑容向着罗摩进行射击,罗摩则很明显还在动摇中,面对悉多射击,只能一直被动的防御,挥舞不灭之刃,将来袭的箭矢全部弹飞,却根本无法前进一步,主动攻击。 In such a case, the Rama injury seemingly also had a big influence on it, making the Rama movement cause a lot of blood to sprinkle each time. 在这样的情况下,罗摩的伤势貌似也对其造成了不小的影响,令罗摩每次动作都会导致大量的鲜血洒出。 Therefore, Rama ended up unexpectedly leeward, by Sita suppressing. 于是,罗摩竟是落得了下风,被悉多给压制住了。 The influence that this causes may be big. 这导致的影响可不小。 At present, Karna had launched the fierce combat with Arjuna, lets stick out suddenly from a battlefield corner/horn that the roaring flame and thunder continuously, the land trembles repeatedly, the storm of impact is mixing with the sand dust, making the sand storm scenery fluctuate there, that changes to land of death that area no one can approach, fierce of tactical situation, that is can be imagined. 要知道,目前,迦尔纳已经和阿周那展开了激战,让烈焰与雷霆不住的从战场的一角暴起,大地频频震颤,冲击的暴风更是夹杂着沙尘,让沙尘暴般的风景在那里起伏,将那一带化作无人能够靠近的死亡之地,战况之剧烈,那是可想而知。 But Heracles with Fionn and in the Diarmuid two Servants battle, the former roared similarly again and again, if rampage tank/war chariot, kept dashing to fiercely attack, the latter walked randomly in around the body of opposite party, the water stream as well as two curse light of in the hand the spear/gun such as surged, fled again and again to the Heracles direction, let the fierce combat of both sides is also the raising impact one after another, the collision in the battlefield, is shaking the air. 赫拉克勒斯则同样与芬恩迪木卢多两骑从者交战中,前者咆哮连连,如暴走战车,不停冲撞猛攻,后者则游走在对方的身周,手中之枪如激荡的水流以及两道诅咒之光,连连窜向了赫拉克勒斯的方向,让双方的激战亦是接连的掀起冲击,在战场上不住碰撞,撼动着空气。 This war, Mash, Scáthach, Karna, Rama as well as Heracles one line of five Servants are the star players, has the top Servant strength every people, must depend on their breaks through enemy lines to open up the perspective to be good. 此次战争,玛修斯卡哈迦尔纳罗摩以及赫拉克勒斯一行五骑从者就是主力前锋,每一人都有着顶级从者的战力,必须靠着他们的冲锋陷阵来打开局面才行。 Otherwise, even if the both sides regiment strength differs not in a big way, Dragon Tooth Warrior or Celtic warrior quantity reaches several million much, but unlike individual frail Dragon Tooth Warrior, Celtic's the body strong body of warrior one by one is strong, in the quantity differs under not the big condition, who will achieve the overwhelming success, does not need to consider. 要不然,即使双方军团战力相差不大,无论是龙牙兵还是凯尔特战士的数量都多达数百万,但与个体脆弱的龙牙兵不同,凯尔特的战士一个个的身强体壮,在数量相差不大的状况下,谁会获得压倒性的胜利,根本不需要考虑。 Therefore, in the tentative plan of people, only if Celtic uses 《Holy Grail》 to summon new Servant, otherwise, Karna can with Arjuna to, Heracles solve two to ride spearman, Rozen can bring Mash and Scáthach directly attack the root of the problem, fights a victory and defeat with Cú Chulainn and Medb, then, remaining Rama can definitely the charge of to do as one pleases. 所以,在众人的设想中,除非凯尔特一方使用《圣杯》召唤出新的从者,否则,迦尔纳会与阿周那对上,赫拉克勒斯会解决两骑枪兵,罗真会带着玛修斯卡哈直捣黄龙,与库·丘林梅芙决一胜负,那么,剩下的罗摩肯定能够随心所欲的冲锋。 At the appointed time, with the aid of Rama that Rank A+ to army Noble Phantasm's power, in addition Atalanta and Medea two people conducts the rear support on Argo, can definitely the steamroll Celtic's regiment, eliminate enemy all strengths finally, supports other wars again. 届时,借助罗摩A+级的对军宝具的力量,再加上阿塔兰忒美狄亚二人在阿尔戈号上进行后方的支援,完全可以碾压凯尔特的军团,最终消灭敌方所有的战力,再去支援其它战局。 However, Rama by Sita keeping off, this is the matter that no one can think. 然而,罗摩会被悉多给挡下来,这是谁都想不到的事。 Including Rozen, also has not thought, Medb did not summon new Servant with 《Holy Grail》 unexpectedly, but was the direct blackening Sita, making Sita go to cope with Rama. 包括罗真,同样没有想到,梅芙居然不是用《圣杯》来召唤出新的从者,而是直接黑化了悉多,让悉多前往对付罗摩 This indeed is effective weapon to Rama. 这的确是一把对罗摩而言再有效不过的武器。 As the matter stands, the last vanguard was also diverted, even faced with the crisis, this caused the battlefield tactical situation to present the inversion all of a sudden. 这样一来,最后一名前锋也被牵制,甚至面临危局,这导致战场的战况一下子出现了颠倒。 At least, lost breaking through enemy lines of Servant, warrior of Celtic can turn the head, copes with Dragon Tooth Warrior with single-hearted devotion. 至少,失去了从者的冲锋陷阵,凯尔特一方的战士是得以转过头来,专心对付龙牙兵 Jason on helplessly looks that large quantities of Dragon Tooth Warrior were destroyed, the vast expanse of white bone sea was given to embezzle by the dense huge crowd gradually, cannot help but looks hot tempered. 伊阿宋就眼睁睁的看着大批的龙牙兵被摧毁,白茫茫的骨海渐渐被黑压压的人海给吞没,不由得面露暴躁不已。 Medea and Atalanta is launching Magic Bullet, shooting that continuously, looks dignified look similarly. 美狄亚阿塔兰忒一个不停的发射着魔弹,一个不住的射击,同样面露凝重之色 Sends completely Dragon Tooth Warrior! Medea!” “把龙牙兵全部派出去吧!美狄亚!” Atalanta makes noise on the by urgent tone. 阿塔兰忒就以刻不容缓的语气这么出声。 „... Has sent!” “已...已经派出去了!” Medea waves the magic wand, sprinkles massive dragon tooth, produces Dragon Tooth Warrior, while the breath slightly becomes rapid. 美狄亚一边舞动魔杖,洒出大量龙牙,生成龙牙兵,一边呼吸微微变得急促起来。 Must produce several million Dragon Tooth Warrior, must conduct rear support shooting, but must use Magecraft to maintain the flight of Argo, presents in all Servant, work load highest, biggest is actually the princess of this continuously working silently. 即要生成数百万龙牙兵,又要进行后方的支援射击,还得使用魔术维持阿尔戈号的飞行,在场所有的从者里,工作量最高、最大的其实就是这位一直默默的做事的公主殿下。 If not because of before set off, for the victory of war, Rozen and one's own side almost all Servant concluded temporary contract, perhaps including the Heracles contract, that Medea Magic Power has exhausted. 如果不是因为出发之前,为了战争的胜利,罗真己方几乎所有的从者都缔结了临时契约,包括赫拉克勒斯都契约了,那美狄亚魔力或许早就用尽。 Raises while convenient, reason that with 『almost』 such glossary, that is because of Jason, Rozen has not concluded temporary contract with it only. 顺带一提,之所以用「几乎」这样的词汇,那是因为唯独伊阿宋,罗真没有与其缔结临时契约 Jason oneself would rather not be a matter, Rozen did not think that can increase what advantage with its contract, might as well say will instead waste Magic Power, might as well non- contract. 伊阿宋本人不情愿是一回事,罗真也不觉得与其契约能够增加什么优势,倒不如说反而会浪费魔力,还不如不契约。 Audience Servants obtained the support of Magic Power from Rozen there, the strength compared in the past somewhat enhancement. 一众从者们就都从罗真那里得到了魔力的支援,战力相较于以往多少有些提高。 But the present form, regarding one's own side, has the disadvantage as before. 可现在的形式,对于己方而言,依旧存在劣势。 Tch...!” ...!” Atalanta cannot help but flabbergasted. 阿塔兰忒不由得咋舌。 If were not worried that side Rozen copes with main culprit to need power, feared that will create the excessive consumption to his Magic Power, Atalanta will definitely launch in salvos Noble Phantasm, will give tearing the camp of enemy side. 如果不是担心罗真那边对付罪魁祸首需要力量,怕对他的魔力造成过度的消耗,阿塔兰忒肯定会连发宝具,将敌方的阵营给撕裂。 That side Master how?” 御主那边到底怎么样了呢?” Atalanta is worrying for this reason. 阿塔兰忒就为此忧心着。 Regarding this... 对此... Already... already to!” “已...已经对上了!” Medea does not know that used what Magecraft, calls out in alarm opening the mouth such. 美狄亚不知道是不是使用了什么魔术,惊呼般的这么开口。 ............ ............ At this time, Rozen is launching own 《Heavenly Eye》 full power, such as an invisible network is the same, covers the surrounding area. 此时,罗真正将自己的《天眼》全力展开,如一个无形的网络一样,笼罩住周围的一带。 All terrains print Rozen's mind all of a sudden completely. 所有的地形一下子全部印入罗真的脑海 Everyone's position is likely the dense and numerous points is also ordinary, by its clear ascertainment. 所有人的位置亦是像密密麻麻的点一般,被其清清楚楚的探知。 Rozen under carrying of Golden Crow's Coat, extremely fast grazes, while closes one's eyes, periphery investigation all conditions. 罗真就在金乌大衣的携带下,一边极速飞掠,一边闭着眼睛,探查周围所有的状况。 The side, two Servants is escorting. 身旁,两骑的从者在保驾护航。 Bang!” “嘭!” Mash like the tank/war chariot charge, supporting the shield before her body to completely send any Celtic soldiers in her path flying, making its place visited by arbitrary cleaning up clean, curls up sand dust in the back, is extremely magnificent. 玛修战车般冲锋着,架在身前的盾牌将前方路上的凯尔特士兵全部撞飞,令其所过之处被蛮横的清理干净,于背后卷起一道道沙尘,极其壮观。 Puchi!” 噗嗤!” Scáthach wholly absorbed is brandishing Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, making Demonic Spear/Magic Gun on both hands change to the wind wheel, moves among one revolution, innumerable Celtic warrior body was poked bleeds the hole, the body dies at the scene. 斯卡哈则专心致志的挥舞着魔枪,让双手上的魔枪都化作风轮,一动一转之间,无数的凯尔特战士身上就被戳出了血洞,身死当场。 Under escorting of this two Servants, Rozen can open access, goes toward own goal. 在这两骑从者的保驾护航之下,罗真才能得以一路畅通无阻,向着自己的目标而去。 Toward goal that exudes the delightful actually resounding laughter. 向着那发出悦耳却高亢的笑声的目标。 Hehehe...! Hahaha...!” 呵呵呵...!哈哈哈...!” Under such resounding inspired laughter, a young girl who grasps the pointer is sitting on tank/war chariot that in the elephant of armor is being drawn by two Equipment, running quickly heartily in battlefield. 在这样高亢振奋的笑声之下,一个手持教鞭的少女正坐在一辆由两头装备着盔甲的大象拉动的战车上,于战场上尽情的奔驰。 Likely two steel then keep is drawing tank/war chariot, dashes in the battlefield back and forth, not only need crush Dragon Tooth Warrior collisions, but also wait/etc. hit the rock, ground is split up, making the sand dust fill the air. 两头钢象便不停的拉着战车,在战场上来回冲撞,不仅将龙牙兵一具具的撞得粉碎,还将岩石、地面等等都撞得四分五裂,令沙尘弥漫。 The young girls about this scene felt probably the joyful and happy appearance, has been laughing at the sweet and delicate voice. 少女对这个景象好像感到非常的愉悦和开心的样子,一直都在娇声大笑着。 „Is that Queen Medb?” “那就是女王梅芙吗?” Mash tightened the nerve. 玛修绷紧了神经。 Is as always unscrupulous.” “还是一如既往的肆无忌惮啊。” Scáthach lightly snorted. 斯卡哈轻哼了一声 As for Rozen... 至于罗真... That is Queen plum Fu... “那就是女王芙... Stares Queen that is laughing loudly, Rozen narrows the eye. 凝视着那位高声大笑的女王,罗真眯起眼睛。 The body, Magic Power started to release. 身上,魔力开始释放了出来。
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