SOM :: Volume #6 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (2)

#759: I will make you regret

„To buy my research results...?” “想买我的研究成果...?” Io restrains the smile finally, the first extremely earnest gaze approached Rozen. 伊欧终于是收敛起了笑容,第一次极为认真的注视向了罗真 Right.” “没错。” Is welcoming Io's vision, Rozen very confident making noise. 迎着伊欧的目光,罗真非常坦然的出声。 although I'm not like you, has the budget of several warships, even the body living expenses are others provide, but wants to get so far as one to make your surprised money not have the issue.” 虽然我不像你一样,拥有着数艘军舰的预算,连身上的生活费都是别人提供的,但想弄到一笔让你惊讶的钱还是没问题的哦。” Rozen is saying like this. 罗真就这样子说着。 This is not Rozen is boasting. 这可不是罗真在吹牛。 For example, if Rozen really wants some money, that Karyuusai Shouko will definitely not mind that supports him. 比如,如果罗真真想要一些钱,那花柳斋硝子肯定不会介意赞助他。 Perhaps, in the person hearts of some grown man ideology, a Rozen grown man disburses money really extremely in losing face by Karyuusai Shouko, but this is because Karyuusai Shouko needs help from Rozen, wants to serve the purpose taking advantage of Rozen's power, such being the case, investing to support is the natural matter, the division of no grown man little wife. 或许,在一些大男人主义的人心中,罗真一个大男人靠花柳斋硝子来出钱实在太过于丢脸,可这本来就是因为花柳斋硝子有求于罗真,想借罗真的力来达到目的,既然如此,出资赞助就是理所当然的事情,没有什么大男人小女人之分。 Naturally, mainly is also because Rozen came from Chaldea, Chaldea wants Masters to save Human Order, then on same is responsible for all personal safety being the same as the daily safeguard for Masters, regarding the reasonable condition that own standpoint should obtain, Rozen obtains very clearly. 当然,主要也是因为罗真出身于迦勒底,迦勒底想要御主们拯救人理,那就同样得为御主们负责所有的人身安全跟日常保障一样,对于自己的立场所应该得到的合理条件,罗真可是分得很清楚的。 However, even if not by the Karyuusai Shouko investment, by Rozen's brains and knowledge, comes out with a point casually, that can shock a side, gathers an extremely considerable expense. 不过,就算不花柳斋硝子出资,以罗真的头脑跟知识,随便拿一点出来,那都是可以震撼一方,凑到一笔极为可观的费用的。 At least, Rozen really wants to get so far as money, in the mind a fraction of a minute can appear several hundred methods, the difference only lies in the quick or slow, many or few issues. 至少,罗真真想弄到钱,脑海中分分钟都能浮现出数百种的方法,区别只在于快或者慢,多或者少的问题而已。 precisely because of this, Rozen has not been worried for money. 正是因为这样,罗真才从来没有为钱担心过。 If can spend money to solve the problem... 若是能够用钱来解决问题的话... „The issue of money absolutely was not the issue.” “钱的问题就绝对不是问题了。” A Rozen school relaxed expressed toward Io. 罗真一派轻松的向着伊欧这么表示。 However, Io after silent for a while, sighed slightly. 然而,伊欧沉默了一会以后,微微叹息了一声。 Isn't really willing to sell to me 《Setsugetsuka》?” “真的不愿意将〈雪月花〉卖给我吗?” Io somewhat gave a thought to about him to entrain the topic. 伊欧有些顾左右而言他的将话题重新拽了回去。 Obviously, the opposite party does not want to mention this topic. 显然,对方并不想提及这个话题。 Such being the case... 既然如此... Really does not want.” “真的不愿意。” Rozen without any scruples expressed the most direct idea. 罗真毫无顾忌的表达自己最直接的想法。 This makes Io transfer looks to 《Setsugetsuka》 three sisters. 这让伊欧转为看向〈雪月花〉姐妹三人 You? Is willing to follow I?” “你们呢?愿不愿意跟着我?” Io consults the meaning of that three sisters unexpectedly. 伊欧竟是咨询起那姐妹三人的意思。 At that moment, Yaya first took a stand. 当下,夜夜最先表态。 Yaya is Rozen's Doll, will not leave him, this whole life is.” 夜夜罗真的人偶,才不会离开他,这辈子都是。” Yaya very firm is saying, continually tiny bit hesitant does not have. 夜夜非常坚决的如此说着,连一丝一毫的犹豫都没有。 Others also by Rozen being set, not to follow you.” “人家也已经被罗真给预定了,才不想跟着你。” Komurasaki hid behind Irori, is sticking out one's tongue to Io. 硝子躲在伊吕里的背后,对着伊欧吐舌头。 Extremely was really sorry, I and others have to be doomed to serve the person, has not followed others 's idea.” “真的非常抱歉,我等已经有注定要侍奉之人,没有追随他人的想法。” Irori is just imposing makes declaration. 伊吕里更是正义凛然的做出宣言 these three sisters does not want to follow the idea of Io, or anyone, they are not willing to follow. 这姐妹三人就一点都没有想跟着伊欧的想法,亦或者说,无论是谁,她们都不愿意追随。 In this world, can let the idea that these three sisters has devotes life to only has two. 这个世界上,能够让这姐妹三人产生效命的想法的只有两个。 As Karyuusai Shouko that their three sisters parents have. 一个是作为她们姐妹三人父母般存在的花柳斋硝子 One was Rozen. 一个就是罗真了。 After all, only then Rozen can give the these three sisters favorable impression. 毕竟,只有罗真才能给予这姐妹三人好感了啊。 Perhaps saw this point, Io instantaneously becomes unemotional. 也许是看出了这一点,伊欧瞬间变得面无表情。 I will make you regret.” “我会让你们后悔的。” Io was then saying indifferently such words, compared with just that lively open appearance, simply is two extremes. 伊欧便冷漠的说着这样的话,与刚刚那活泼开朗的样子比起来,简直就是两个极端。 This lets a Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people look screen. 这让夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人神色一屏。 Rozen also narrowed the eye, immediately smiled calmly. 罗真同样眯了眯眼睛,随即若无其事的笑了起来。 I want to take a look but actually, how you must make us regret.” “我倒想看看,你要怎么让我们后悔。” Provocation? 挑衅? Rozen always does not fear the provocation, only feared that the opponent provokes insufficiently intensely, ungrateful. 罗真从来都不怕挑衅,只怕对手挑衅得不够强烈,不够意思而已。 Otherwise, Rozen has not paid attention to make a big row one. 否则,罗真就没有理会大闹一番了。 Waits to me.” “给我等着瞧。” Io drops out such aggressive statement, immediately has turned around, runs off directly. 伊欧就抛下这样的狠话,随即转过身,直接跑开。 Sees Io to depart, Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people gathers Rozen's side hastily. 眼看着伊欧离去,夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人连忙聚集到罗真身边 That woman does not seem to plan to give up.” “那个女人好像不打算善罢甘休呢。” Yaya reveals own worry. 夜夜吐露出自己的担忧。 Does not know that she plans to make anything, always thought that she seems anything to set example.” “不知道她打算做什么,总觉得她好像什么都做得出来的样子。” Komurasaki somewhat is also timid. 小紫亦有些胆怯起来。 Rozen-sama, did we put to trouble to you?” 罗真大人,我们是不是给你添麻烦了啊?” Irori somewhat had groundless fears. 伊吕利则有些杞人忧天了。 Instead is Rozen, shrugs, has not cared. 反而是罗真,耸了耸肩,根本就没有放在心上。 You do not need to worry, even if I favor her research very much, will favor her future, she still eventually just will be an professor in school.” “你们不用担心,就算我很看好她的研究,更看好她的未来,她也终究只不过是学院里的一名教授而已。” Compared with former Kingsfort Family's first wife's eldest son, Granville Family's successor, Rosenberg Family's eldest son as well as Bernstein Family's daughter wait/etc. Character, or is 《D-Works》, 《Nectar》 wait/etc. existence, only professor, Rozen had really not been worried. 比起之前遇到的金斯福特家的嫡长子格兰维尔家的继承人罗森堡家的长男以及伯恩斯坦家的千金等等的人物,亦或者是〈神之工房〉〈魔术师协会〉等等的存在,区区一名教授,罗真还真不怎么担心。 Hopes that she, does not make anything really to regret the life-long matter wisely.” “希望她明智一点,别做出什么真的会让人后悔终生的事情吧。” Rozen curls the lip, shortly afterwards brings somewhat relieved Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki group of three, entered Machinart Engineering Department's school building. 罗真撇了撇嘴,紧接着带着有些安心的夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫一行三人,重新走进了机巧工学部的校舍 Later, Rozen discovered, oneself was wrong. 之后,罗真才发现,自己错了。 Where is wrong at? 错在哪呢? Underestimated Io in in the end still wrong. 错在终究还是太小看伊欧了。 Although this professor is not Character at the worst, but the theory made ability that one had a headache about, it may be said that was wonderful greatly incomparable. 这位教授虽然不是什么大不了的人物,可论令人头疼的能力,可谓是奇大无比啊。 ............ ............ Excuse me, front is school building important place, does not allow Automaton to enter, please entrust to your Automaton here.” “不好意思,前面是校舍重地,不允许自动人偶进入,请将您的自动人偶寄放在我这里吧。” In the Rozen's entire group preparation enters classroom inquired the news, wears the white coat, wears the sunglasses, has emerald beautiful hair, the petite young girl blocked there, by the mechanical sound, opened the mouth like this. 就在罗真一行人准备进入一间教室里打听消息时,一个身穿白大褂,戴着墨镜,有着一头祖母绿的秀发,身材娇小的少女拦在了那里,以机械般的声音,这样子开口。 „......” “......” „......” “......” „......” “......” Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people was silent. 夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人沉默了。 No, was not silent, but was dumbfounded. 不,不是沉默了,而是哑口无言了。 Let alone is these three sisters, is Rozen corner of the mouth twitches. 别说是这姐妹三人,就是罗真嘴角抽搐 „...... excuse me what are you doing here? Professor Eliade?” “......请问你这是在干什么呢?埃里亚德教授?” The Rozen extremely speechless words, making the opposite party seem somewhat startled. 罗真极其无语的话语,让对方显得有些惊慌。 Wha... what Professor Eliade? I... I do not know that intelligently clever, the ability excellent and beautiful moving person!” “什...什么埃里亚德教授啊?我...我才不认识那么聪明伶俐、才气高超、美丽动人的人呢!” Quibbling of young girl, making the people on the scene again dumbfounded. 少女的狡辩,令得在场众人再次哑口无言。 Rozen rolled his eyes, ignores the stop of young girl, brings Yaya, Irori and Komurasaki group of three to leave directly, making the young girl clench jaws in behind. 罗真翻了一个白眼,不顾少女的阻拦,直接带着夜夜、伊吕里和小紫一行三人走人,让少女在身后咬牙切齿着。 However, this has not calculated. 但是,这还不算完。 This Student, your Automaton seems like is really beautiful, but a little appearance of damage, might as well give me them probably, how making me help you cultivate/repair?” “这位同学,你的自动人偶看起来真是美丽,不过好像有点损伤的样子,不如将她们交给我,让我帮你修一下如何?” Wears student uniform, wears the mask, actually an emerald beautiful hair direct exposure outside, manner suspicious young girl very towering drills from side, to Rozen that passed by the corridor is saying sincerely. 一个身穿学生制服,戴着口罩,却将一头祖母绿的秀发直接暴露在外,举止可疑的少女非常突兀的从旁边钻出来,对着路过走廊的罗真语重心长的说着。 That is some damages that you cannot see, but doesn't matter, I am in Machinart Engineering Department the famous top student, is very confident to the restore of Automaton hardware, you give me them, when I study clearly... am not right, when I fixed gave back to you again.” “那是你看不见的一些损伤,但没关系,我可是机巧工学部里有名的优等生,对自动人偶硬件的修复很有信心,你就将她们交给我,等我研究清楚...不对,等我修好了再还给你。” Young girl sincere words, were given to disregard by Rozen directly, again ignores the stop of opposite party, bypasses the opposite party, walked. 少女这番语重心长的话,直接被罗真给无视,再一次的不顾对方的阻拦,绕过对方,走了过去。 But, in a while... 可是,没过多久... it was really hard on you, I am Karyuusai, thanked you to look after my Doll, now I must take back them, please give back to me my work.” 真是辛苦你了,我是花柳斋,感谢你照顾我的人偶,现在我要将她们收回了,请你将我的作品都还给我吧。” How body puts on one to see that seems like the young girl of kimono the window curtains makes to take a tobacco pipe, leisurely however comes, how to see does not seem like beautiful, actually installs beautiful movement to pull out very much, while the order tone is saying these words to Rozen. 身上穿着一件怎么看都像是窗帘做成的和服的少女拿着一个烟斗,款款而来,一边以怎么看都不像是妖艳,却装得很妖艳的动作抽着,一边以命令般的口吻对着罗真说出这番话。 Rozen was also finally silent. 罗真终于也是沉默了。 At once... 旋即... You have not to end!? (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ “你有完没完啊!?(╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ Waaaaaaah!” 哇啊啊啊啊啊啊!” Rozen fierce tears the Io body kimono(?) Later, yelled, making Io follow to send out the pitiful yell and calling out in grief. 罗真猛的扯开伊欧身上的和服(?)以后,大叫了起来,让伊欧跟着发出惨叫和悲鸣。 Rozen discovered, oneself really regretted. 罗真发现,自己真的后悔了。 Regretted before oneself, why will be interested in such Character. 后悔自己之前为什么会对这样一个人物那么感兴趣。 More talented Character more is difficult to do, more has to let the odd that the person is hard to accept. 越是有才能的人物就越是难搞,更越是有让人难以接受的怪癖。 Such proverb, before Rozen, does not believe, now believed. 这样的俗语,罗真以前不怎么相信,现在相信了。 Not is only Rozen, even Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people is a distressful appearance. 不仅是罗真而已,连夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人都是一副愁眉苦脸的模样。 Yaya absolutely won't follow such person...” 夜夜绝对不要跟着这样的人...” Same feeling...” “同感...” Others do not want...” “人家也不要啦...” three sisters somewhat weak as so indicated that Io sentencing the death penalty. 姐妹三人就有些无力似的这般表示,将伊欧给判下了死刑。
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