SOM :: Volume #6 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (2)

#757: Ionela Eliade

Ko... Komurasaki...!?” 小...小紫...!?” Komurasaki!” 小紫!” After the Komurasaki screams and painful call appear, Irori and Yaya calls out in alarm similarly, shortly afterwards overtakes hastily. 就在小紫的惊呼声与痛呼声出现以后,伊吕里跟夜夜同样惊呼而起,紧接着就连忙赶了过去。 What happened?” “发生什么事了?” Rozen is also in the heart slightly one tight, immediately steps out, runs in the school building, caught up with Yaya entire group. 罗真亦是心中微微一紧,随即加快脚步,跑进校舍里,追上了夜夜一行人 only, when Rozen enters the school building, arrives to the entrance not far local time, such presents in its front. 只是,当罗真进入校舍,来到离门口没有多远的地方时,这样的一幕呈现在其面前。 It hurts...” 好痛...” Komurasaki sits down exhausted on the ground, is covering own head, a fainting and seeing stars appearance. 小紫瘫坐在地面上,捂着自己的脑袋,一副头昏目眩的模样。 All right? Komurasaki!” “没事吧?小紫!” Hit?” “撞到了吗?” Irori and Yaya in the Komurasaki left and right, plan holding respectively Komurasaki. 伊吕里夜夜分别在小紫的左右两边,打算将小紫给扶起来。 But in the Komurasaki opposite, similarly sits down exhausted there. 而在小紫的对面,同样有一个瘫坐在那里。 Wū... It hurts..., moreover is good to faint...” 呜...好痛...而且好晕...” The opposite party are also covering oneself head, eyes brimming with tears saying such words. 对方同样捂着自己的脑袋,眼泪汪汪的说出这样的话来。 That is one wears the white long unlined gown, has an emerald long hair, the stature is petite, the four limbs are slender, the flesh is also fair incomparable, the facial features somewhat are similar to Rozen, making one feel like have Northern European bloodline Western style, is extremely fine and beautiful, did not lose to Irori, Yaya as well as Komurasaki group of three completely, only lacked three people of that like the artware same dream feeling with the illusory feeling, but one type made one cannot help but want to turn very quiet the breath beauty. 那是一个身穿白色的大褂,有着一头祖母绿的长发,身材娇小,四肢纤细,肌肤亦是白皙无比,五官则与罗真有些相似,让人感觉像是带有北欧血统的西洋风貌,极其精致且美丽,完全不输给伊吕里夜夜以及小紫一行三人,只是缺少了三人那股有如艺术品一样的梦幻感跟虚幻感而已,可还是有一种令人不由自主想屏住呼吸般的美丽。 The age of young girl seems like is also not big, even an immature feeling, falls on the ground like and Komurasaki face-to-face, seems like running too fast to hit the together contemporaries. 少女的年龄看起来亦是不大,甚至给人一种稚嫩的感觉,像这样和小紫面对面的一起跌坐在地面上,看起来就像是跑得太急而撞在一起的同龄人。 No, two people should hit together because of running too fast, will therefore present this? 不,两人应该就是因为跑得太急而撞在一起,所以才会呈现出这一幕的吧? The evidence is two people is covering own head, eats the painful appearance, obviously each other hit. 证据就是两人都捂着自己的脑袋,一副吃痛的模样,显然是彼此撞到了。 Sees here, Rozen cannot help but first relaxes. 看到这里,罗真不由得先松了一口气。 ( Also thinks that was encounters danger...) (还以为是遇到危险了...) After feeling relieved, Rozen goes forward. 放下心来以后,罗真才上前。 „Are you all right? This Student?” “你没事吧?这位同学?” Saw that Komurasaki holds by Irori and Yaya, is saluting, Rozen then turns toward that young girl to make noise. 眼看着小紫伊吕里夜夜扶起来,正在进行慰问,罗真便向着那位少女出声。 But... 可是... I am not Student, but is the professor.” “我才不是同学,而是教授。” Opposite party is rubbing own head, while somewhat discontented so expressed. 对方一边揉着自己的脑袋,一边有些不满的这般表示。 Professor?” “教授?” Rozen was startled immediately. 罗真顿时怔住了。 Not is only Rozen, even Yaya's group of three surprised. 不仅是罗真而已,连夜夜一行三人都惊讶了起来。 „Are you a professor?” “你是教授?” Yaya is astonished. 夜夜讶异而起。 Deceived people...” “骗人...” Irori sends out the feelings in a low voice. 伊吕里低声发出感想。 „It seems like and others obviously is equally big.” “明明看起来就跟人家一样大啊。” Even Komurasaki is out of control the covering the head opens the mouth. 小紫都禁不住捂着脑袋的开口。 However, this let young girl disaffection. 然而,这却让少女更加的不满了。 I know oneself in the professor are young, but I was 17 years old, am not and you equally am also big, therefore, do not treat as the child me.” “我知道自己在教授里面算是年轻的了,但我也已经十七岁了,才不是跟你一样大哦,所以,别把我当做小孩子。” stood up that the young girls do sway, and spoke. 少女摇摇晃晃的站了起来,并如此发言。 In such a case, regardless of behind three sisters for the time being, Rozen is in the brain spiritual light (intelligent) flashes. 在这样的情况下,身后姐妹三人姑且不论,罗真是脑中灵光一闪。 could it be that are you Machinart Engineering Department's Professor Ionela Eliade?” 难道你是机巧工学部的伊欧内菈·埃里亚德教授吗?” Rozen said such a name. 罗真道出了这样的一个名字。 ———— 『Ionela Eliade』. ————「伊欧内菈·埃里亚德」 This is a Machinart Engineering Department extremely famous professor, not only is the Machinart Engineering authority, moreover is very outstanding newcomer Puppet Maker. 这是机巧工学部的一名极其有名的教授,不但机巧工学的权威,而且还是一名非常优秀的新锐人偶师 Although subordinates in the Machinart Engineering Department professor, but this professor not only has the attainments of extra-superior level in Automaton hardware, including has the extremely high level in the software part of Automaton, thus said that she is Puppeteer of newcomer, but her technique/technology has actually dominated above many established Puppet Maker, is one extremely by new star that Machinart Society favors. 虽然是隶属于机巧工学部的教授,可这位教授却不仅是在自动人偶的硬体方面有着超一流水准的造诣,连在自动人偶的软体部分都有着极高的水平,因而说她是一名新锐的人偶使,但她的技术却已经凌驾于很多老牌的人偶师之上,乃是一位极其被机巧界所看好的新星 Rozen will know this professor, that is because has looked at her research book in the school library ———— 《Magic Circuit Overload Theory —— Exploring Magic Circuits From the Perspective of Devices, and its Limits》. 罗真之所以会认识这位教授,那是因为在学院的图书馆里看过她的研究书————《魔术回路超载论——从设备角度探讨魔术回路,及其极限》 In this research book, not only has lets the thing that Rozen is interested in extremely, even in the postscript also Headmaster Edward Rutherford in the book review that writes. 在这本研究书里,不但有着极其让罗真感兴趣的东西,甚至在后记中还有学院长爱德华·卢瑟福写下的书评。 That book review is this. 那段书评是这样的。 If Professor Eliade's research can be successful, then, Machinart Civilization of the world will progress about sharply two centuries, Magecraft no longer only Magus patent, general public also deeply by its benefit.” “如果埃里亚德教授的研究能够成功,那么,全世界的机巧文明都将会大幅进步两个世纪左右,魔术将不再只是魔术师专利,一般民众也会深受其惠。” That 19th century's strongest Magus gave so astonishing evaluation. 那位十九世纪最强大的魔术师就给了如此惊人的评价 But after having read the research book of this professor actually, Rozen also obtained many inspirations, and even for it surprised for a long time. 而实际看过这位教授的研究书以后,罗真同样得到了许多启发,乃至是为之惊讶了许久。 Taking this into consideration, the name of Rozen to this professor has the impression, for sometime also produced went personally, thought that the whereabouts opposite party consulted. 有鉴于此,罗真对这位教授的名字相当有印象,有段时间还产生了亲自前往,去向对方请教的念头。 Can make Rozen have such idea, it can be imagined, ability of this professor high. 能让罗真都产生出这样的想法,可想而知,这位教授的能力有多高。 precisely because of this, regarding this professor, Rozen is also many understanding. 正是因为这样,对于这位教授,罗真亦是有些不少了解。 And one is... 其中一项就是... Mentioned that in the school only has the 17-year-old talent professor, that only had Ionela Eliade one person.” “提到学院里仅有17岁的天才教授,那就只有伊欧内菈·埃里亚德一人了。” This is Rozen mentions the reason of this name. 这就是罗真提及这个名字的理由。 Right. 没错。 This professor only has 17 years old. 这位教授仅有十七岁而已。 Therefore, she is only Puppet Maker of newcomer. 所以,她才会仅是一名新锐的人偶师 You are Professor Eliade is right?” “你就是埃里亚德教授对吧?” Rozen looked at this young girl with a somewhat rarely seen shine in his eyes. 罗真罕见的有些双眼放光的看着这名少女 This seemed to have made Yaya, who was holding Komurasaki, very jealous, wants to say anything time, actually by young girl forestalling. 这似乎让扶着小紫的夜夜很是吃味,想说些什么的时候,却是被少女给抢先。 Originally do you know me?” “原来你认识我啊?” The young girls like overcast to clear to be the same, the disaffection on face transfers can with proud. 少女有如阴转晴一样,脸上的不满转为得以跟骄傲。 Right, I am Ionela, it's okay to call me Io.” “没错,我就是伊欧内菈,叫我伊欧就可以了。” The young girl named Io acknowledged delightedly. 名为伊欧的少女喜笑颜开的承认了下来 Really is you...?” “真的是你...?” Even if had guessed, hears Io to acknowledge, Rozen is out of control to exclaim in surprise. 即便已经有所猜测,听到伊欧承认下来,罗真还是禁不住惊叹而起。 The talent professor who that always wants unable to meet really appeared unexpectedly. 没想到,那位一直以来都想见上一面的天才教授居然真的就这么出现了。 Moreover, an opposite party point did not have Rozen to imagine that type to have the intelligence and ability to be full of the feeling of intellectual, displays lively young girl in appearance the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness like on the contrary, like a professor, is less like the student. 而且,对方还一点都没有罗真想象中那种即有聪明才智又充满知性的感觉,反倒像个将喜怒哀乐都表现在外表上的活泼少女一样,一点都不像一名教授,更像是学生。 Because wants to go to Automaton Expo to have a look, actually the discovery rests the relations that is excessive, just ran too fast, whose appearance did not hit probably carefully.” “因为想去自动人偶博览会上看看,却发现睡过了头的关系,刚刚跑得太急了,好像不小心撞到谁的样子。” Io then absolutely does not have the introspection and unfamiliar of half a point, followed Rozen to explain the cause and effect, while also cast the vision to Komurasaki's body. 伊欧便完全没有半分的反省和生疏,一边跟着罗真解释了前因后果,一边还将目光投至小紫的身上 Just hit you right? Is sorry......” “刚刚撞到你了对吧?抱歉......” Io first said, then does not know why was shocked suddenly, shortly afterwards then tight is staring at Komurasaki, even is staring at Yaya and Irori, like seeing what extremely surprised thing, namely astonished, is pleasantly surprised. 伊欧先是这么说,然后不知为何突然愣住了,紧接着便紧紧的盯着小紫,甚至是盯着夜夜跟伊吕里,如同看到什么极为惊奇的东西一样,即惊愕,又惊喜。 This lets some Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three sisters look at each other in blank dismay. 这让夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫姐妹三人都有些面面相觑 Even Rozen raised the brow, looks looking pensive to Io. 罗真眉头一挑,若有所思般的看向伊欧 In such a case, Io just like by anything taking possession, first is excited small runs up to the Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people side, around three sisters turning circle circle, also the unceasing observation with rapt attention, making the Yaya, Irori and Komurasaki three people unable to bear feel helpless. 在这样的情况下,伊欧宛如被什么东西给附身了似的,先是激动的小跑到夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人的身边,绕着姐妹三人转起了圈圈,又不断的凝神观察,让夜夜、伊吕里和小紫三人忍不住不知所措起来。 Ex... excuse me, what are you doing??” 请...请问你这是干什么?” What strange place has... has?” “有...有什么奇怪的地方吗?” Should just not collide and damage...” “该不会是刚刚撞坏了头...” Yaya and Irori on cannot help but becomes must unnatural get up, Komurasaki also said the somewhat disrespectful words, completely has not actually brought to the attention of Io. 夜夜伊吕里就不由自主的变得不自然起来,小紫还说出了有些失礼的话,却全然没有引起伊欧的注意。 Io does not care at all continues to observe three sisters, finally unexpectedly is extend the hand, strokes in three sisters body back and forth. 伊欧就这么毫不在意的继续观察姐妹三人,最后竟是伸出手,在姐妹三人身上来回抚摸。 You... what are you doing...!?” “你...你干什么...!?” Wait... wait a moment...!” 等...等一下...!” Where you... you are tracing...!? There cannot touch!” “你...你在摸哪里啊...!?那里不能摸啦!” The Yaya, Irori and Komurasaki three people send out to call out in grief one after another, wants to get rid of Io, actually does not cast off the opposite party in any event, can only be given to practice fraud by Io, the whole body touched, making three sisters finally rush to fear. 夜夜、伊吕里和小紫三人就接连发出悲鸣,想摆脱伊欧,却无论如何都甩不开对方,只能被伊欧给上下其手,浑身摸了一个遍,令得姐妹三人终于赶到恐惧起来。 This... should this what professor not have the strange fondness? 这...这个什么教授该不会有奇怪的癖好吧? Three sisters cannot help but were then afraid. 三姐妹便不由得害怕了。 At this time, Io is actually the exciting loud opens the mouth. 这个时候,伊欧却是兴奋的大声开口。 You really are Karyuusai-sensei's hidden highest masterpiece ———— 《Setsugetsuka》.” 你们果然就是花柳斋老师秘藏的最高杰作————〈雪月花〉。” Io pointed out frankly the Yaya three people of origins unexpectedly directly. 伊欧竟是直接道破了夜夜三人的来历。 Wha...!?” “什...!?” Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people immediately stunned. 夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人顿时愕然了起来。 Even Rozen, brow also slightly rose. 即便是罗真,眉头亦是微微一挑 How can you affirm?” “你怎么能这么肯定呢?” Rozen asked such a issue. 罗真提出了这么一个问题。 Like such that before said that although so-called 《Setsugetsuka》 was Karyuusai Shouko's highest masterpiece, world-class most Doll, but their only was also famous in itself, in the words of other country, few people knows that existence of 《Setsugetsuka》, not to mention Automaton that put in an appearance 《Setsugetsuka》 series gave to recognize. 就像之前所说的那样,所谓的〈雪月花〉虽然是花柳斋硝子的最高杰作,世界级的最人偶,可她们也只是在本国非常出名而已,在他国的话,很少有人知道〈雪月花〉的存在,更别提一个照面就将〈雪月花〉系列自动人偶都给认出来了。 But Io confirmed this point without hesitation. 伊欧却是毫不犹豫的确认了这一点。 Plays the fool useless with me?” “跟我装傻是没有用的喔?” Io then such as just Rozen such, both eyes shone stared at three sisters, taking letting three sisters for the absolutely terrified exciting degree, very warm making noise. 伊欧便如刚刚的罗真那样,两眼放光的盯着三姐妹,以让三姐妹都为之毛骨悚然的激动程度,非常热情的出声。 I am Karyuusai-sensei's faithful fan, I have looked through all of Sensei's published books, these three children's body are filling Sensei's work style, for example a lot of use organic materials, within the body Magic Circuit is also full of the artistry, moreover living specimen Machinart, even more is Sensei's favorite young girl-type, the most important thing is constitutes the living specimen materials of their body is completely Cell!” “我可是花柳斋老师的忠实粉丝,老师出版的书我全部都有看过,这三个孩子的身上就充满着老师的作品风格,比如大量使用有机材料,体内魔术回路也充满艺术性,而且还是活体机巧,更是老师偏爱的少女型,最重要的是构成她们躯体的活体材料全部都是精琉啊!” ———— 《Cell》. ————〈精琉〉 This is material comprised of the small organic components. 这是由微小的有机零件所组成的材料。 It can conduct the self- duplication, restore and growth like the cell, said is the components, rather is an artificial cell, when used to implant the human body, that easy can replace human body body some spots, making it constitute and human body completely not different body. 它可以像细胞一样进行自我的复制、修复以及发育,说是零件,不如说是一种人工细胞,若是用来植入人体,那轻而易举就能取代人体身上的一些部位,令其构成与人类肉体完全无异的身体来。 Karyuusai Shouko is Cell completion, can therefore become Greatest Living Doll Maker in the World, manufactures Cell technique/technology is also Karyuusai's secret, even if has appeared in other country, that still with the thing that the different ways manufacture. 花柳斋硝子就是精琉的完成者,所以才能成为仿生人偶界的第一人,制作精琉技术亦是花柳斋的秘传,即使在别的国家有出现过,那也是用不同的方式制作出来的东西。 Rozen has read Karyuusai Shouko's all book collections, naturally also includes to manufacture Cell technique/technology. 罗真看过花柳斋硝子的所有藏书,其中自然也包括制作精琉技术 Io has looked at Karyuusai published book, even if these book impossible write technique/technology of secret, but Cell the description about Karyuusai Shouko manufacture has many. 伊欧则看过花柳斋出版的书,即使那些书不可能写有秘传的技术,但关于花柳斋硝子制作的精琉的描述却有不少。 Io is relying on this point, recognizes Yaya, Irori as well as Komurasaki three people body Cell is the Karyuusai secret made/system structures. 伊欧就凭借着这一点,认出夜夜、伊吕里以及小紫三人身上精琉都是花柳斋秘制的结构。 Such being the case, the opposite party will recognize three sisters is 《Setsugetsuka》 series Automaton is not strange. 既然如此,对方会认出三姐妹是〈雪月花〉系列自动人偶就一点都不奇怪了。 Unexpectedly brings 《Setsugetsuka》 series Automaton...” “居然带着〈雪月花〉系列自动人偶...” Io then looks to Rozen, the look again becomes sparkling. 伊欧转而看向罗真,眼神再次变得闪闪发光。 Could it be that you are Loreley Agnesen?” 难道你就是罗雷莱·阿涅真吗?”
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