SOM :: Volume #6 Unbreakable Machine-Doll (2)

#611: 《Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart》

Liverpool. 利物浦 This is situated in the England northeast port city, one of the England eight big cores cities, is River Mersey city county one of the five municipalities, simultaneously the Merseyside capital, situated in the London northwest 325 kilometers, goes by train London only to be less than three hours. 这是位于英格兰西北部的港口城市,英格兰八大核心的城市之一,亦是默西河畔都市郡的五个自治市之一,同时还是默西塞德郡的首府,位于伦敦西北325公里,乘火车到伦敦仅需不到三个小时。 It is the United Kingdom famous business center, is the second largest commercial harbor, the center is also broad, produces massive cotton that to transport around the world in Manchester from this place, causes its , is not only Great Britain shows off the in the world commercial harbor, also is the position is next to Cambridge's academic city. 它是英国著名的商业中心,同时也是第二大的商港,腹地宽广,在曼彻斯特市所生产的大量棉花就是从这个地方运送到世界各地,使其不仅是大英帝国夸耀于世的贸易港,同时亦是地位仅次于剑桥的学术都市 But in this world, Liverpool has another name. 而在这个世界里,利物浦就有着另外一个称呼。 ———— 『Machinart City』. ————「机巧都市」 Even if looks over the entire world, here is still the Machinart Technology most developed city. 即使纵观全世界,这里也是机巧技术最发达的城市。 Therefore, if looks from the sky downward, that can see, in Liverpool this city, the pedestrian is continuous, the store also or the restaurant lives it up. 所以,如果是从上空往下看的话,那就能够看到,在利物浦这个城市中,行人正络绎不绝着,无论是商店亦或是餐厅都热闹不已。 But besides shoe store, dressmaker and jeweller, here also sales machine parts, Magecraft thing as well as Automaton finished-products shop front, even can also see that simple tinplate Doll is selling the appearance of bread and between-meal snack. 而除了鞋店、服饰店、珠宝商之外,这里还有着销售机械零件、魔术用品以及自动人偶完成品的店面,甚至还能看到简单的马口铁人偶在贩卖面包和零食的模样。 In other city, this is the scene that is difficult to see. 在别的城市里,这是很难看到的景象。 Sky over this prosperous and developed city, a crow like same, uses the spacious wing tearing air that flies from the remote horizon, while by acute angle rotation, toward this city. 就在这个繁荣、发达的城市上空,一只乌鸦如同从遥远的天际飞来的一样,一边用宽大的羽翼撕裂空气,一边以锐角回转,朝着这个城市而来。 Even if the build of crow is the huge type in all birds, in the process of soaring will sprinkle unexpectedly intermittently radiant like sunlight fire powder, integrates in the air, appears that dazzling. 乌鸦的体型即使是在所有的鸟类当中都属于巨大的类型,飞翔的过程中竟是会洒下阵阵璀璨如阳光般的火粉,融入到空气里,显得是那么的耀眼。 Carefully looks, this crow unexpectedly is also three feet, even searches through the entire world, crow that could not find this variety. 仔细一看,这只乌鸦竟是还有着三只脚,即使寻遍全世界,那都找不到有这种品种的乌鸦。 Three-legged Golden Crow flies toward Machinart City Liverpool, finally straight falls toward the street, launches the both wings, while proceeds to extend three feet, after slows down the speed, turned a body dexterously, fell before a grand building. 三足的金乌就这么朝着机巧都市利物浦飞来,最终笔直的往街道落下,一边展开双翅,一边将三只脚往前伸,在空中减缓速度以后,轻巧的翻了一个身,落在了一栋宏伟的建筑物前。 The next second, Three-legged Golden Crow changes to cloak quite the same as, a change, turned into a youngster unexpectedly. 下一秒钟,三足的金乌浑然化作一张斗篷似的,一个翻动,竟是变成了一名少年。 The youngster wear the magnificent jet black coat, the age in 15-16 years old, in the look has the makings of Japan, there is a fineness of Western world, seems like mixed blood, exceptionally handsome. 少年身披华丽的漆黑大衣,岁数在十五、六岁之间,相貌中即有东洋的气质,又有西洋的精致,看起来就像是个混血儿,异常的帅气 at this moment, youngster then raised the head, looks to the present grand building. 此时此刻里,少年便抬起头,看向自己眼前的宏伟建筑物。 „Was here Royal Academy of Machinart in rumor?” “这里就是传闻中的皇家机巧学院了吧?” The youngster are so muttering. 少年这般喃喃着。 The front is towering a precisely powerful big lecture room, under meeting for first time will even mislead the person into thinking is Buckingham Palace, fence enough five meters high that the brick builds, on the stone-made front door the also bullet hole installment, the only bullet hole does not seem like used to resist the foreign enemy, but is used to gun down escaping, its evidence lies in the guards bright vision has not been gazing at the street, but completely centralized in school land, although the whole is seemingly conservative reserved, but still filled imposing manner, looks like the headquarters of army to be the same simply. 其面前耸立着的正是一栋威风凛凛的大讲堂,乍见之下甚至会让人误以为是白金汉宫,砖头砌成的围墙足足有五公尺高,石造的大门上还有枪眼装置,只是枪眼似乎不是用来抵御外敌,而是用来枪杀脱逃者,其证据就在于守卫们炯炯的目光并未注视着街道,而是全部集中在校地之内,尽管整体看上去保守内敛,不过依然充满了气势,简直就像是军队的司令部一样。 However... 不过... This is the school, rather is the prison?” “这与其说是学院,不如说是监狱吧?” The youngster satire is then somewhat speaking such words. 少年便有些讽刺般的说着这样的话。 But the fact indeed is so. 可事实的确是如此。 Once enters, then in has not obtained under the condition of permitting, regardless of the student for the time being, Automaton is not allowed to go out, otherwise the guard will have to execute Doll privilege. 一旦进入其中,那在未获得允许的状况下,学生姑且不论,自动人偶是不准外出的,否则守卫将有处决人偶权利 Therefore, must say that it is a prison, that is also indisputable. 所以,要说它是监狱,那也无可厚非。 only, strictly speaking, it is an school and that's the end.” 只是,严格来说,它还是一座学院就是了。” The youngster curl the lip. 少年撇了撇嘴。 In Machinart Civilization prosperous early years, with the astonishing development of science and technology, human also established high Magecraft System in the 20 th century. 机巧文明繁盛的这个二十世纪初叶,随着科学技术的惊人发展,人类也建立起了高度的魔术体系 ———— 《Machinart》. ————〈机巧魔术〉 This letting Magecraft concept for it big change, Magic Circuit Automaton that constructs by as well as operates its Puppeteer inter-combination to display the past not unimaginable rapid and precise, powerful Magecraft modern chanting magic, was discovered, and caused Magus no longer and long incantation restricts by troublesome Magecraft, after can easy displaying Magecraft, was diverted in the military purpose. 这种让魔术概念为之丕变,透过内建的魔术回路自动人偶以及操纵它的人偶使相互组合便可施展出过去无法想像的迅速、精确、强力魔术的近代咏唱法,在被发现,并使魔术师不再受到麻烦的魔术阵以及冗长的咒语拘束,可以轻而易举的施展魔术以后,也被转用到了军事用途上。 For example United Kingdom that Liverpool is , the victory of Battle of Trafalgar, is the victory of battle of setback, must have the merit that United Kingdom proud Machinart Division performs. 例如利物浦所在的英国,无论是特拉法尔加之役的胜利,还是滑铁卢之役的胜利,都少不了英国引以为豪的机巧师团所立下的功劳。 This lets not only United Kingdom, is expanding the annihilation nature weapon in the entire world, and World War atmosphere extremely rich time, big powers military all in excavation of going all out outstanding Puppeteer. 这让不只是英国而已,在全世界都在扩充破灭性武器,并且世界大战的氛围极其浓郁的这个时代,列强的军方全都在拼了命的发掘着优秀的人偶使 In such a case, trains emerging Puppeteer, will educate the outstanding person to become whole nation to vigorously develop career, it can be said that a corollary of history. 在这样的情况下,培养新兴的人偶使,教育出优秀的人才会成为举国上下努力发展的事业,可以说是一种历史的必然。 Existence that at present this school precisely arises at the historic moment for this reason. 眼前这座学院正是为此应运而生的存在。 ———— 《Walpurgis Royal Academy of Machinart》. ————〈华尔普吉斯皇家机巧学院〉 Royal Academy of this precisely in Machinart City Liverpool, although is situated in United Kingdom, has the autonomy, can not divide the nationality, not to divide the race, outstanding talent of letting male and female from around the world to go study, it can be said that stands in this time in the Machinart Technology forefront now, is Machinart the advanced organization of palace. 正是位于机巧都市利物浦内的皇家学院,虽坐落在英国,却拥有着自治权,可以不分国籍、不分人种、不分男女的让来自世界各地的优秀人才就读,在当今这个时代里可以说是站在机巧技术的最前端,亦是机巧魔术的殿堂的先进机构。 Talent almost spread all over around the world that comes out from here, so long as successfully graduates, that at least can by the outstanding officers who the military makes a good use, all countries in the world attach importance to this institute's advanced educational institution and resources, the continuous provision student, having been making the outstanding talent go to here to go study, even if enters the school expense not poor, only strength that this school goes study is not enough to support, only if the rich organization and even the country, otherwise also really acting not, but many enterprises will not hesitate to spend the large amount of money the talent to escort to here with the country as before. 从这里出来的人才几乎遍布世界各地,并且只要成功毕业,那至少都是能够被军方重用的优秀将士,世界各国更是看重这座学院先进的教育机构和资源,一直都在源源不断的提供学生,让优秀的人才前往这里就读,即使进入这座学院就读的学费不菲,单凭一家之力根本不足以支持,除非是富有的机构乃至国家,否则还真担当不起,可依旧还是有很多企业跟国家不惜斥巨资将人才送往这儿。 Now, the youngster also arrived here. 如今,少年也来到了这里。 And... 并且... „Should you also almost get down from my body?” “你也差不多该从我身上下来了吧?” Youngster somewhat desolate is making noise to coat in 『a certain baggage』. 少年有些冷淡的对着自己大衣内的「某件行李」出声。 At this time, the coat of youngster presented some sounds. 这个时候,少年的大衣才出现了些许的动静。 Specifically speaking, there was a head that came out of the coat. 具体来说,就是有一个脑袋从大衣里面探了出来 What came out from the youngster's coat was one having an exquisite and very excessively beautiful appearance, with a pitch-black and beautiful straight hair dangling like a waterfall, a young girl's head sufficient enough to make people feel mesmerized. 从少年的大衣里探出来的是一个拥有着精致得过分的美丽相貌,一头乌黑亮丽的长直发如瀑布般垂下,足以令人感到惊艳的少女的脑袋 only, at this moment, this is more beautiful much the young girl is tight will bind in the coat of youngster, is hugging the body of youngster, did not mind the own graceful delicate tender body sticks to its body present situation, instead the whole face flushed, the correct use moist eye is gazing at the youngster. 只是,这一刻,这个美丽得过分的少女却是紧紧的将自己裹在少年的大衣中,拥抱着少年的身体,毫不介意自己曼妙柔弱的娇躯紧贴在其身上的现状,反而满脸潮红,正用湿润的眼睛注视着少年。 Has arrived? Dar~ling~ “已经到了吗?亲~爱~的~ The young girls then use as greasy to say such words as no good tone sweetly. 少女便用着甜腻到不行的口吻说出这样的话。 But youngster actually extremely indifferent. 可少年却异常冷漠 Who is your Darling?” “谁是你亲爱的啊?” The youngster responded. 少年就这么回应了。 don't say that.” The young girls are coy, namely is happy, resembles satisfiedly own body closer youngster, said: Narukami's bosom so comfortable, so warm, Yaya is already no good.” 别这么说嘛。”少女扭扭捏捏着,即似开心,又似满足的将自己的身体更加贴近少年,道:“鸣神的怀抱好舒服,好温暖,夜夜已经快不行了啊。” Right?” The youngster close the eye, immediately saying of corner of the mouth twitches: then get away from me, don't randomly grope my body with that hand!” “是吗?”少年闭上眼睛,随即嘴角抽搐的说道:“那就赶紧给我坏掉,别用那只手在我的身上乱摸!” Was shouting youngster fierce knocking of got down the fist, pounds on the head of young girl, making the young girl pain shout one, covering the head, the squatting lower part of the body of eyes brimming with tears. 如此喊着的少年猛的敲下了拳头,砸在少女的脑袋上,让少女痛呼了一声,捂着脑袋,眼泪汪汪的蹲下身去了。 The youngster then sighed. 少年这才叹息了一声。 Really was enough...” “真是够了...” This was the youngster only feelings. 这是少年唯一的感想了。
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