SOM :: Volume #5 Tokyo Ravens

#606: True Yakou's reincarnation

At the same time , in distance a rooftop of building to Onmyou Agency, a youngster appeared here. 同一时间里,在离阴阳厅有一段距离的一栋大楼的天台上,一名少年出现在了这里。 The youngster stand the edge in rooftop, is looking into also entire Onmyou Agency in tumult, what in the eyes reveals is some constraining with melancholy. 少年站在天台的边缘,眺望着还在骚动中的整个阴阳厅,眼中流露出来的是些许的压抑跟忧郁。 Finally, cannot smooth impediment...” “最后,还是没有能够顺利的阻止啊...” The youngster are muttering, constraining that in the eyes reveals with melancholily appeared richer. 少年喃喃着,眼中流露出来的压抑跟忧郁显得更加的浓郁了。 In sky, moon just pokes head from the dark cloud, sprinkles next month the light, according to body of youngster, makes its complete emergence gradually. 天空中,月亮刚好从乌云中探出头来,洒下月光,照在少年的身上,令其全貌渐渐的出现。 Carefully looked, the youngster has the young look, the mischievous semblance and high stature, has is presenting the rice yellow hair color, seems like delinquent, the expression actually gives people one type uprightly honest even can be said as the clumsy feeling. 仔细一看,少年拥有着年轻的相貌、顽皮的外表以及高高的个子,拥有着呈现稻黄的发色,看起来像个不良少年,表情却给人一种忠厚老实甚至可以说是笨拙的感觉。 If Rozen, that can certainly recognize the identity of youngster here? 如果罗真在这里的话,那一定能够认出少年的身份吧? The precisely Tsuchimikado branch family only son, receives by Tsuchimikado Takahiro and Tsuchimikado Chizuru for adopted daughter's Natsume's adoptive brother ———— Tsuchimikado Harutora. 正是土御门分家的独生子,被土御门鹰宽土御门千鹤收为养女的夏目的义兄————土御门春虎 Since the native place of countryside, because of the Suzuka matter, Rozen and Harutora is hurried respectively, had passed over a half year matter. 自从在乡下的老家里,因为铃鹿的事情,罗真春虎匆匆忙忙间分别,已经是过去了半年以上的事情。 After a half year, was ridiculed by Rozen is the Bakatora youngster appears in Tokyo now, and in the eyes did not have again initially clumsy with upright, some only profound Mystery feelings and depressing melancholy feelings. 时隔半年,被罗真揶揄为蠢虎的少年如今却是出现在东京里,并且眼中再也没有了当初的笨拙跟忠厚,有的只是深邃的神秘感和压抑的忧郁感。 But this birth was concluded as is unable to become Onmyouji, does not have the Spirit Sight ability, even branch family is unable to inherit, is doomed to pass the lifetime youngster in the world of average person unexpectedly, at this moment, body sends out some fluctuations of Magical Power. 而这位一出生就被断定为无法成为阴阳师,不具备见鬼的才能,连分家都无法继承,注定得在普通人的世界里度过一生的少年,此时此刻里,身上竟是散发出咒力的些许波动。 This had been using the proof of massive Magical Arts some time ago. 这是在不久前使用过大量咒术的证明。 This even Spirit Sight ability no youngster then the whole body sends out the ancient atmosphere that the legend rank Onmyouji can have now, Magical Arts power of thorough marrow its body upright honest washes off completely, making it only be left over the inconceivable Mystery feeling. 这位连见鬼的才能都没有的少年现在便浑身散发出传说级别的阴阳师才能具备的古老氛围,深入骨髓的咒术力量更是将其身上的忠厚老实给全部洗去,令其只剩下不可思议的神秘感。 In such a case, Harutora has been looking into the Onmyou Agency's direction, like recalling anything, like remembering matter of what pain, in the eyes appears decidedly with the chilly appearance. 在这样的情况下,春虎一直都在眺望着阴阳厅的方向,如同在回忆着什么,又如同想起什么痛苦的事情似的,眼中浮现出决然跟冷冽的神采。 Without a doubt, this is the performance that past Harutora body will not present absolutely. 毋庸置疑,这是过去的春虎身上绝对不会出现的表现。 But now, these performance appear in its body, unexpectedly is seems that natural, for its profound increased one point of sense of reality with Mystery. 但现在,这些表现出现在其身上,竟是显得那么自然,又为其深邃和神秘添加了一分真实感 By some moment, Harutora likes to detect that anything is the same, raised the head, looks to the horizon, on the face is appears to wipe the smile finally. 直到某一刻里,春虎才有如察觉到什么一样,抬起头,看向天边,脸上终于是浮现出一抹笑容。 That is not that no plans that past Harutora body can have frequently cracks into a smile, but has the smiles of some flavors. 那不是过去的春虎身上经常会出现的那种毫无心机的咧嘴一笑,而是带着些许韵味的微笑。 Finally came?” “终于来了吗?” Then Harutora fondly remembers happy as saying these words. 春虎便即怀念又开心似的说出这番话。 shortly afterwards, in the horizon that Harutora looks into, a shadow appearance quietly. 紧接着,在春虎所眺望的天边,一道黑影才悄然的出现。 Hū! 呼! With the instigation sound of wing, the shadow passing over gently and swiftly midair, arrived at the Harutora above. 伴随着羽翼的煽动声,黑影掠过半空,来到了春虎的上方。 Radiant fire powder sprinkles in its body. 璀璨的火粉在其身上洒落。 The jet black feather flutters in its body. 漆黑的羽毛在其身上飘下。 three-legged crow comes. 三只脚的乌鸦就这么呼啸而来。 Raven's Wing!” 鸦羽!” Harutora to three-legged crow extend the hand, is smiling, while made the summon. 春虎对着三足的乌鸦伸出手,一边笑着,一边做出了呼唤。 The body, light Spiritual Energy had scattered. 身上,淡淡的灵气已经是飘散了出来。 But Raven's Wing had the response to this Spiritual Energy, just like confirmed finally anything is the same, drops from the clouds, flies to Harutora's direction, is stirring up the wing, changes to black wind, falls on its body. 鸦羽就对这股灵气产生了反应,宛如终于确认了什么一样,从天而降,飞向春虎的方向,煽动着翅膀,化作一阵黑风,落在其身上 Bang!” “嘭!” With blasting open of black wind, fluttering of jet black feather with sprinkling of golden fire powder, Raven's Wing thorough taking possession to Harutora's body. 伴随着黑风的炸裂,漆黑羽毛的飘飞跟金色火粉的洒下,鸦羽彻底的附身到了春虎的身上 The next second, Harutora has not changed to the rampage crow monster unexpectedly, but is body releases massive Spiritual Energy, making the jet black feather circle in body, changes to a jet black coat. 下一秒钟,春虎竟是没有化作暴走的乌鸦怪物,而是身上释放出大量的灵气,使漆黑的羽毛盘旋在身上,化作一件漆黑的大衣。 Yes. 是的。 Raven's Wing restored the Magical Tool shape. 鸦羽恢复成咒具的形态了。 What did this indicate? 这说明了什么? Explained Raven's Wing approved Harutora, acknowledged Harutora as the qualifications of Master. 说明了鸦羽认可了春虎,承认了春虎身为主人的资格。 This not Enforced Domination like Rozen, but extremely initiative approval. 这不是像罗真一样的强制支配,而是极为主动的认可。 But can by Master that Raven's Wing approves, looks over the history and world, only has one person. 而能够被鸦羽所认可的主人,纵观历史以及世界,都只存在着一人。 That is... 那便是... Really is easy to look.” “还真是让人好找啊。” When such a coarse ore actually steady familiar sound conveys from the back, wears Harutora smile on face of jet black coat then also becomes richer, immediately has turned the head, looks to own behind. 当这样一个粗矿却稳重的熟悉声音从背后传来时,身披漆黑大衣的春虎脸上的笑容便也变得更加浓郁,随即转过头,看向自己的身后 In there, the pair of two people of groups do not know when appeared. 在那里,有一对二人组不知何时出现了。 Wears Onmyou Academy's female student uniform, petite young girl. 身穿阴阳塾的女生制服,身材娇小的少女。 Lacked an arm, tall man. 缺了一只手臂,身材高大的男人。 precisely latter that starts talking. 开口说话的正是后者。 Sees only, One Armed Oni King looks to wear Harutora of black coat, what on the face is carrying is one somewhat felt relieved the smile, making it close the eye. 只见,独臂的鬼王看着身披黑大衣的春虎,脸上携带着的是一个有些放心似的笑容,令其闭上了眼睛。 As for unemotional young girl tight is staring at Harutora, like confirming anything, partly after making a sound , before such as like that resounding of sound not spirited abort. 至于面无表情的少女则是紧紧的盯着春虎,如同在确认着什么一样,半响以后才如以前那般,声音毫无昂扬顿挫的响起。 Unexpectedly turns into now this stupid type, no wonder could not find continuously.” “居然变成现在这幅蠢样,难怪一直都找不到。” The young girls then said such words, not only in the sound does not have the fluctuation, even the expression has not had the tiny bit change. 少女便说出了这样的话,不仅声音中毫无波动,连表情都没有出现一丝一毫的变化。 Looks at such young girl, who can think, to find at present this youngster, she not only does not hesitate with the Ashiya Douman transaction, obtains longevity method, becomes his Shikigami, lived some time in his subordinate, even also painstakingly and other for half a century, to find him, making him awaken, but also had once plotted against Rozen, left Tokyo that has treated, went to another region? 看着这样的少女,谁又能够想到,为了找到眼前这个少年,她不仅不惜与芦屋道满交易,取得长生的方法,又成为他的式神,在其麾下生活了一段时间,甚至还苦等半个世纪,为了找到他,让他觉醒,还一度暗算过罗真,更离开一直待的东京,远赴他乡呢? The youngster do not know that what the young girl has made, but saw her to be separated by half a century of appearance here, even if by guessing, him can guess correctly that the young girl did make the great effort? 少年也不知道少女做过些什么,但看到她相隔了半个世纪的出现在这里,就算是靠猜的,他都能够猜到少女付出了多大的努力吧? Hishamaru...” 飞车丸...” Harutora is then gazing at Saotome Suzu, what in the eyes reveals is gentleness that no matter previous life or this life rarely can see. 春虎便注视着早乙女凉,眼中流露出来的是不管前世还是今生都很少能够见到的温柔。 Regarding this, Saotome Suzu was actually not only did not appreciate kindness rendered, instead direct opens the mouth. 对此,早乙女凉却是不但一点都不领情,反而直接开口了。 Such do not visit me, is not the young girl, does not make people think happy.” “别那样看着我,又不是幼女,一点都不让人觉得开心。” A few words, making the Harutora whole body the strength just like vanish to be the same instantaneously, became had no alternative. 一句话,让春虎浑身的力气都宛如瞬间消失一样,变得无可奈何了起来。 You have not changed.” “你还是一点都没有变啊。” Harutora is smiling bitterly. 春虎苦笑着。 Obviously, regarding Saotome Suzu's this performance, Harutora already not to wonder at strange sights. 显然,对于早乙女凉的这幅表现,春虎已经见怪不怪了。 boy and girl was separated by half a century of meet again, under the things have remained the same, but people have changed condition, unexpectedly is appears such light. 少年少女相隔了半个世纪的再见面,在物是人非的状况下,竟是显得这么的平淡。 But, this light also disclosed the faith that among two people the deep-rooted fetters as well as do not need to talk too much. 可是,这份平淡却也透露出两人之间根深蒂固的羁绊以及无需多言的信赖。 This made one be able to confirm the status of youngster. 这就更让人能够确认少年的身份了。 Then? Have you awakened now completely?” “然后呢?你现在已经完全觉醒了吗?” The Kakugyouki gaze to Harutora, so opens the mouth. 角行鬼注视向春虎,这般开口。 Now should call you Harutora? Should call you Yakou?” “现在应该叫你春虎呢?还是应该叫你夜光?” Right. 没错。 Yakou. 夜光 Harutora is truly Yakou's reincarnation. 春虎才是真真正正夜光转世 Although oneself also just realized that this matter, before quite a while, is misses with Magical Arts completely, does not know why unfathomable mystery was given to carry off by the family member, is forced to leave native place, is conducting an ordinary youngster of fleeing from calamity, but the present words, Harutora no longer is that anything does not know, idiot that anything does not need to worry. 虽说本人也是刚刚才意识到这件事情,半天前更是完全与咒术无缘,不知为何莫名其妙的就被家里人给带走,背井离乡,进行着逃难的一个普通的少年,可现在的话,春虎已经不再是那个什么都不知道,更什么都不需要烦恼的笨蛋了。 Present Harutora is out-and-out legendary Onmyouji ———— Tsuchimikado Yakou. 现在的春虎是不折不扣的传说中的阴阳师————土御门夜光
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