SOM :: Volume #16 Fate/Grand Order (5)

#2598: That blue sky

Basically, the choice of Roman has not stemmed from Rozen's expectations. 基本上,罗曼的选择并没有出乎罗真的预料 By the Roman present condition, he is unlikely again retrieve Solomon's Ring. 罗曼现在的状况,他是不太可能再回收所罗门的戒指的。 Did not say that it had discarded as Solomon all power, under the present condition, even has these nine rings, Roman should unable to use. 不说其本来就已经舍弃了身为所罗门的所有力量,在现在的状况下,即便有这九枚戒指,罗曼应该都是使用不了的了。 After all, present Roman, except for having when 《Holy Grail War》 because of 《Holy Grail》 that winning to obtain remains outside Magic Power, other anything did not have. 毕竟,现在的罗曼,除了有在〈圣杯战争〉时因获胜而获得的〈圣杯〉的残留魔力以外,其余的什么都没有了。 Reviews Rozen, as gives to treat as the nourishment absorption Solomon's power, the individual that and grows healthy and strong, he naturally can use Solomon's Ring. 反观罗真,作为将所罗门的力量都给当做养料吸收,并茁壮成长起来的个体,他自然是可以使用所罗门的戒指的。 So long as gives to wear these nine rings in the hand, tenth that does not need to copy, they can conduct the communication of spiritual aspect with 《Miracle》, displays complete power of ten rings to come, under that Rozen can invalid world any Magecraft, and integrates these Magecraft entirely, after becoming second King of Magic following King Solomon. 只要将这九枚戒指都给佩戴在手中,不需要仿造的第十枚,它们就能与〈奇迹〉进行灵性方面的沟通,发挥出十枚戒指的全部力量来,那罗真就可以无效化世间任何的魔术,并将那些魔术都通通纳入麾下,成为继所罗门王以后的第二个魔术之王 Therefore, all in all, no matter looks in own condition share, looks in among the sentiment and fetters with on Rozen, Roman will choose these rings gives Rozen. 因此,于情于理,不管是看在自身的状况的份上,还是看在与罗真之间的感情和羁绊上,罗曼都会选择将这些戒指都交给罗真 Perhaps, they will also be the same with the tenth ring, fuses with your soul, has the chemical reaction, has the qualitative change, finally the exuviate turn endure to compare 《Miracle》's power, that also perhaps.” “或许,它们也会和第十枚戒指一样,与你的灵魂融合,产生化学反应,产生质变,最终蜕变成堪比〈奇迹〉的力量,那也说不定。” Roman is saying to Rozen. 罗曼就这么对着罗真说了。 Therefore, Rozen nodded. 于是,罗真点了点头 Ok, I accepted.” “行吧,那我就收下了。” This was also Rozen already that was ready. 这也是罗真早就做好的准备。 Although, almost no use of these rings regarding Rozen, even if only relies on 《The Cleansing》's power, Rozen can achieve with the Solomon's Ring same matter, under namely invalid world all Magecraft and even Magic, integrate these Magecraft and Magic, the effect compared with Solomon's Ring, will be only will be absolutely strong, will not be weak. 虽说,这些戒指对于罗真而言几乎没什么用处,哪怕仅凭借〈圣歼〉的力量,罗真都能做到和所罗门的戒指一样的事情,即无效化世间一切的魔术乃至魔法,亦将这些魔术魔法都纳入麾下,效果比起所罗门的戒指,绝对是只会强,不会弱的。 However, like Roman said that who knew these rings and once tenth general, with Rozen soul fusion, thus had the radical transformation, turned endures to compare existence of 《Miracle》? 但是,就像罗曼所说的一样,谁知道这些戒指是不是能够和曾经的第十枚一般,和罗真灵魂融合,从而产生剧烈的蜕变,变成堪比〈奇迹〉的存在呢? Reason that tenth the exuviate will turn into 《Miracle》 such unique world power of out of the norm, the main reason leaves in Rozen's body. 要知道,第十枚之所以会蜕变成〈奇迹〉这样超脱世界的规格外力量,最主要的原因还是出在罗真的身上 Because is too high with Solomon's Ring compatibility, itself treats as the nourishment to absorb Solomon's power completely, causes the soul and ring fusion, produces relations of chemical reaction no one could expect, tenth the exuviate turned into 《Miracle》 such existence. 由于和所罗门的戒指相性实在太高,本身又将所罗门的力量当做养料全部吸收,导致灵魂和戒指融合,产生了谁都预料不到的化学反应的关系,第十枚才蜕变成了〈奇迹〉这样的存在。 Since tenth can achieve such matter, other nine rings not necessarily cannot achieve. 既然第十枚能够做到这样的事情,其余的九枚戒指不一定就做不到。 Perhaps, Rozen can through absorbing them, fuses them, expedites the new miracle to come again, that also perhaps. 或许,罗真能够通过吸收它们,融合它们,再催生出新的奇迹来,那也说不定。 Naturally, in addition, Rozen accepts these rings, to give the Roman life picture next period. 当然,除此之外,罗真收下这些戒指,也是为了给罗曼的人生画下一个句点。 As the matter stands, you turning human truly, no longer was Solomon, Aniki.” “这样一来,你就确确实实的变成人类,不再是所罗门了,老哥。” Left such words, Rozen had turned around, the preparation left. 留下了这样的话,罗真转过身,准备离开了。 Rozen!” 罗真!” Looks at this, Roman cannot bear stop by calling him. 看着这一幕,罗曼还是忍不住喊住了他。 Rozen knows certainly that Roman now is what mood. 罗真当然知道罗曼现在是什么心情。 Did Roman definitely take to heart about the past matter? 罗曼肯定还是对过去的事情耿耿于怀吧? Won Rozen's happy the matter to oneself. 对自己夺走了罗真的幸福的这件事。 However, Rozen or those words. 但是,罗真还是那句话。 I, the moment have not felt compared with present happy.” “我,从来没有一刻觉得比现在幸福。” Rozen was showing the free and easy smile to Roman, immediately walks suitable simple, no longer detains own opportunity to Roman. 罗真就对着罗曼露出了洒脱的笑容,随即走得相当的干脆,不再给罗曼留住自己的机会。 Roman looks at Rozen, resembling can see that was just same in the free and easy smile that own front exposed, eye again was moist. 罗曼怔怔的看着罗真,似能够看到刚刚那在自己的面前展露的洒脱笑容一样,眼睛再一次的湿润了。 Until at this moment, last barrier in Roman heart vanished from sight. 直到这一刻里,罗曼心中的最后一点隔阂才消失不见 From now on, Solomon will not exist, the named Romani Archaman man will survive in this world, until like the ordinary mortal, welcomed the end of life. 从今往后,所罗门将不复存在,只有名为罗玛尼·阿其曼的男人会在这个世界上存活下去,直到像普通的凡人一样,迎来生命的终结。 ............ ............ Another side, after leaving the Roman room, Rozen has not returned to own room, has not returned is cheering Central Control Room, walks toward the Chaldean front door directly. 另一边,离开了罗曼的房间以后,罗真也没有回到自己的房间,更没有回还在欢呼雀跃中的中央管制室,直接往迦勒底的大门走去。 Not front doors to other Chaldean places, but leads to outside world, outside front door to Chaldea. 不是通往迦勒底的其余地方的大门,而是通往外面的世界,通往迦勒底外的大门。 Fu! Fuwu!” 芙!芙呜!” Fou does not know that drills from that corner, cheerful is calling, while jumps up Rozen's shoulder, stays there directly, since rubbed Rozen's cheek. 芙芙不知道从那个角落里钻出来,一边欢快的叫着,一边跳上罗真的肩膀,直接停留在那里,蹭起了罗真的脸颊 „Do you also want to handle the same matter with me? Little fellows?” “你也想跟我做一样的事情吧?小家伙?” Rozen continues to walk forward, extend the hand, selected small head that selects Fou. 罗真继续向前走,伸出手,点了点芙芙的小脑袋。 Fu! 芙! Fou exudes the delightful cry, seems like responding. 芙芙发出悦耳的叫声,似乎是在做出回应。 The matter that a person of beast wants to handle now is indeed same. 一人一兽现在想做的事情的确一样。 That is, leaves Chaldea, has a look at the world outside Chaldea. 那就是,离开迦勒底,看看迦勒底外的世界。 In without using 《Miracle》 opens the doors to other world, before opening the journey of endless world, I have not had Chaldea.” “在没有用〈奇迹〉打开通往其余世界的门,开启无尽世界的旅途之前,我还从来没有出过迦勒底。” As the Chaldean test-tube baby, because of obtaining the inexplicable miracle obtained new student/life, avoid die young Rozen, before then, was only allowed to move in Chaldea, even before meeting Roman is like Mash, basically only moves in aseptic room or the laboratory, how to have possibly looked at Chaldea outside world? 作为迦勒底的试管婴儿,因得到了莫名的奇迹才得到新生,免于夭折的罗真,在此之前,仅被允许在迦勒底里活动,甚至在遇到罗曼之前还和玛修一样,基本只在无菌室或者实验室里活动,怎么可能看过迦勒底外面的世界呢? Now, Human Order has restored, human history was also recovered, today or outside Chaldea one year sees fine weather rarely a time, if at this time does not go out, when that should go out? 现在,人理已经恢复,人类史亦是被复原,今天还是迦勒底外一年都难得见到一次的好天气,此时若是不出去,那又该在什么时候出去呢? Rozen has the type urgently wants to have a look at this world the mood of sky, even Fou understood. 罗真就有种迫切的想看看这个世界的天空的心情,连芙芙都理解了。 A person of beast leaves Chaldea, finally arrived at outside. 一人一兽就这么离开迦勒底,终于来到了外面。 only, some people have acted swiftly to get there first. 只是,已经有人捷足先登。 Mash?” 玛修?” Rozen stops the footsteps, astonishedly spoke. 罗真停下脚步,讶异出声 Senpai?” 前辈?” Is looking Mash of present scene hears the sound, turns head. 正怔怔的看着眼前的景象的玛修听到动静,回过头来了。 This turns head, even Rozen presented short absent-minded. 这一回头,连罗真都出现了短暂的恍惚。 Because, at this moment, presents in its front scenery, was really beautiful. 因为,此时此刻里,呈现在其面前的景色,实在是太美了。 Sees only, outside Chaldea presented a stretch of the world of ice and snow, the connection has approached the end snowy mountain edge. 只见,迦勒底外就出现了一片冰天雪地,一直连接向了尽头的雪山边缘。 Mash stands there, behind stays behind a fleeing footprint, the back is the sunny blue sky, making the radiant sunlight shine in body of this young girl, making the whole body of young girl resemble to put on a gold/metal gauze. 玛修就站在那里,身后留下一窜脚印,背后则是阳光明媚的蓝天,让璀璨的阳光都照耀在这个少女的身上,令得少女的浑身都似披上了一层金纱。 In such a case, scene that the young girl glances back, possibly to be how beautiful? 在这样的情况下,少女蓦然回首的场景,又怎么可能不美呢? Let alone, on Mash that exquisite charming face also remains happily, remains move. 更别说,玛修那张精致的俏脸上还残留着开心,残留着感动。 Naturally will be moved. 当然会感动。 I should think early, person who most wants to see Chaldea outside blue sky, should be you.” “我早该想到,最想看到迦勒底外面的蓝天的人,应该是你。” Rozen recovers, first feels relaxed, immediately smiles bitterly. 罗真回过神来,先是释然,随即苦笑而起。 Thought back on initially, Mash does not know that had many time is looking into outside snowscape on the Chaldean corridor, is looking into the snowstorm, only looked at can see has never seen the blue sky. 遥想当初,玛修不知道有多少次在迦勒底的走廊上眺望着外面的雪景,眺望着暴风雪,只望能够看到从未见过的蓝天。 Now, this dream eventually was realized, this young girl possibly not here? 现在,这个梦想终于实现了,这个少女又怎么可能不在这里呢? Has never left Chaldeans is not only Rozen, also this cute Kouhai. 从未离开过迦勒底的人就不仅是罗真,还有这个可爱后辈 Rozen then depresses the feeling in heart, arrived at side Mash. 罗真便压下心中的感慨,来到了玛修身边。
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