SOM :: Volume #16 Fate/Grand Order (5)

#2599: Forecast in the future( end)

Fuwu!” 芙呜!” As Rozen's approaches, stood Fou on his shoulder happy called one, jumped to Mash. 随着罗真的靠近,站在其肩膀上的芙芙欢叫了一声,跳向了玛修 Mash extend the hand, very natural caught Fou, is stroking Fou that extremely soft fur, while is gazing at Rozen, in the eyes has the gentleness that usually does not have. 玛修伸出手,很自然的接住了芙芙,一边抚摸着芙芙那一身极为柔软的毛皮,一边注视着罗真,眼中有着平日所没有的柔和。 Withstands Mash such line of sight, Rozen is arriving its side, smiles mutually with it. 承受着玛修这样的视线,罗真来到其身边,与其互相相视一笑。 shortly afterwards, two people extremely tacit making noise no longer, looks into the distance together to the present beautiful blue sky. 紧接着,两人就极为默契的不再出声,一起眺望向眼前的美丽蓝天。 The handsome youngster and beautiful young girl stand above the snowy area shoulder to shoulder, the scene under blue sky, compares a picture simply beautifully also only. 俊朗的少年以及美丽的少女并肩站在雪地之上,蓝天之下的光景,简直比一副画还唯美。 Silence of flowing among two people has not become the serious and awkward atmosphere, but warm, fills to be in love. 流动在两人之间的寂静也没有成为沉重和尴尬的氛围,而是更加的温馨,更加的充满爱恋。 At this moment, silent wins the sound. 这一刻,无声胜有声。 However, some words, must result in says personally, just now can express completely. 但是,有一些话语,还是必须得亲口说出来,方才能够完整的表达出来。 At least, Mash now is such mood. 至少,玛修现在就是这样的心情。 Therefore... 于是... I, can meet Senpai, was really good.” “我,能够遇见前辈,真的是太好了。” Mash like thinking aloud same whispering. 玛修如同自言自语一样的呢喃着。 That tone, one listens to know that is heart-to-heart talk. 那语气,一听就知道乃是肺腑之言。 Without Senpai, I like, some day, cannot certainly have to go out of the Chaldean opportunity, will not have the opportunity of seeing the blue sky?” “如果没有前辈,我一定不会像这样,有朝一日,能够有走出迦勒底的机会,更不会有看到蓝天的机会吧?” Mash thinks. 玛修是这么认为的。 But Rozen actually shakes the head. 罗真却是摇了摇头。 What leads from aseptic room you are Aniki, my anything has not done.” “把你从无菌室里带出来的是老哥,我什么都没做。” precisely so. 正是如此。 If not Roman, depending on that time Rozen's power and position, basically impossible saved Mash, will not arrive with Mash now this step. 如果不是罗曼的话,凭那个时候的罗真的力量以及地位,根本不可能拯救得了玛修,甚至不会和玛修走到现在这一步。 That time I, repelled to Chaldean all very much, and even others 's Magus of life to the operation my life of these recklessly unseemly behavior felt that the dislike even hated, if were not Aniki brings you to my front, told that I looked after you, perhaps, understood your matter, I will still choose to treat as anything not to see even, to continue to resent the world and detest mundane affairs, repelled all.” “那个时候的我,对迦勒底的一切都很排斥,对那些肆意妄为的操纵我的生命乃至他人的生命的魔术师更是感到厌恶甚至是仇恨,如果不是老哥把你带到我的面前,吩咐我照看你的话,或许,就算知道了你的事情,我也会选择当做什么都没有看见,继续愤世嫉俗下去,排斥一切。” Rozen has not looked to Mash , to continue to look at the present blue sky, so opens the mouth. 罗真没有看向玛修,继续望着眼前的蓝天,这般开口。 Therefore, should be me, can meet you, good to be really right.” “所以,应该是我来说,能够遇见你,真的太好了才对。” Without Mash the attendance of companion and working with perseverance always, Rozen cannot arrive at today. 若是没有玛修一直以来的陪伴及锲而不舍的照顾的话,罗真根本走不到今天。 Was you make me have the companion.” “是你让我拥有了同伴。” Is you make in I understand this world also warm.” “是你让我知道了这个世界上还有温暖。” Your goodness does not know that had to save from the wrong road me several times.” “你的善良不知道有几次把我从歧途上拯救了回来。” Without you, my unimaginable, present I, can be what appearance.” “若是没有你,我都想象不到,现在的我,到底会是什么样子。” Therefore, Rozen to Mash is also heartfelt thanks. 因此,罗真玛修也是由衷的感谢的。 If, Roman church Rozen's is concept of family member, that Mash church Rozen's was the concept of friend as well as lover. 如果说,罗曼教会罗真的是家人的概念的话,那玛修教会罗真的就是友人以及恋人的概念了。 Did not have Mash, Rozen absolutely will to turn into one not to believe anybody, besides Roman, no one is willing existence that was close to and even accepts. 没有了玛修,罗真一定会变成一个不肯相信任何人,除了罗曼以外,谁都不肯接近乃至接受的存在。 Such a thinks, can meet Mash, was really the Rozen this whole life most lucky matter. 这么一想,能够遇见玛修,真的是罗真这辈子最幸运的事情了。 Naturally... 当然... Senpai is also to me same.” Mash poured out in a low voice: Did not have Senpai, I do not dare to imagine, I meet how lonely, how lonely.” 前辈对我来说也是一样的。”玛修低声倾诉道:“没有了前辈,我根本不敢想象,我到底会是多么的寂寞,又是多么的孤独。” Has not met Rozen, Mash even continue survive unable to achieve. 没有遇见罗真,玛修甚至连继续存活下去都做不到。 in other words... 也就是说... We are the same?” “我们都是一样的吧?” Yes.” “是的。” Rozen and Mash smiles again, all perform in do not call the turn. 罗真与玛修再次相视一笑,一切尽在不言中。 This split second, even if not need Absolute Contract, does not need the soul to melt, two people can understand the mood of opposite party, the sentiment of opposite party. 一瞬间,哪怕不需要绝对契约,不需要灵魂相融,两人都能明白对方的心情,对方的感情。 From now henceforth, we will have very long very long time, can continuously together.” “从今以后,我们还会有很长很长的时间,会一直在一起。” Rozen pours love to consider. 罗真倾情相告。 Perhaps in this world.” “或许是在这个世界里。” Perhaps in other world.” “或许是在别的世界中。” May travel.” “或许会在旅游。” Also may fight.” “也或许会在战斗。” Many things, are waiting for us to be done.” “很多很多的事情,都在等着我们去做。” It can be said that the two people life, from this moment, just now announced start. 可以说,两人的人生,从这一刻里,方才宣布了开始。 From now on we no longer were Master and Servant in Chaldea, but by our status, chose we have thought the life.” “今后我们就不再是迦勒底中的御主从者了,而是以我们自己的身份,选择我们自己想过的生活。” Rozen looks at Mash. 罗真看着玛修 You are also willing to recognize me for Senpai, recognizes me for Master, by Servant and Familiar status , to continue with my together?” “你还愿意认我为前辈,认我为御主,以从者使魔的身份,继续跟我在一起吗?” The answer of this issue, Mash almost without hesitation gives. 这个问题的答案,玛修几乎是毫不犹豫的给出来的。 Naturally.” “当然。” Mash said. 玛修就这么说了。 Starting from that day, in that sea of fire, I had decided, this life, must offer to Senpai completely, as Senpai's Servant, stepped over all difficulties.” “从那一天开始,在那一片火海中,我就已经决定,这一生,一定要全部奉献给前辈,作为前辈的从者,迈过所有的困难。” This determination, even if to the present, has not changed. 这个决心,哪怕是到现在,都没有改变。 Although returns immature, but please let me follow you, Senpai.” “虽然还不成熟,但请让我一直跟着你吧,前辈。” Saying, Mash showed the smile. 说着,玛修露出了笑容。 That is until now most beautiful, happiest, shyest and smiling decidedly. 那是至今为止最为美丽,最为开心,又最为羞涩和决然的笑。 Rozen then also smiled, extend the hand, supports into Mash the bosom. 罗真便也笑了,伸出手,将玛修拥入怀中。 Mash has not revolted, amenable by Rozen's bosom, with its supports. 玛修没有丝毫反抗,顺从的靠在罗真的怀里,与其相拥。 The youngster and youngster are then hugging mutually each other, looks at the blue sky, resembling will be the same in the forecast in the future, in the eyes is full of the brilliance. 少年与少年便互相拥抱着彼此,看着蓝天,似在展望未来一样,眼中充满着光辉。 But looks at such Mash, Rozen is also thorough relaxed own mind. 而看着这样的玛修,罗真亦是彻底的放松了自己的心灵。 The Human Order Incineration crisis has elapsed. 人理烧却的危机已经逝去。 The final enemy has also defeated. 最终的敌人也已然战胜。 But then, Rozen also many matters must do. 但接下来,罗真还有很多很多的事要做。 For example, he wants to return to Akabane Family, wants to see Hinowa, wants to see Char and Frey. 比如,他想回赤羽家,想见日轮,更想见夏露芙蕾 For example, he wants to return to Kirigaya Family, wants to see Kirito, wants to see Suguha, wants to see Silica, Lis, Sinon, Yui, Klein, Agil and Sachi and even is Saichou and Hanachou. 比如,他想回桐谷家,想见桐人,想见直叶,也想见到西莉卡莉兹诗乃结衣克莱因艾基尔乃至是彩蝶和花蝶 Even, Rozen also wants to go to Moon, sight Titan Altera again, the belt/bring from that stone chamber comes out her. 甚至,罗真还想前往月球,再一次的见到巨神阿蒂拉,把她从那个石室里带出来。 In the past, Rozen had experienced that one by one world, that made him obtain the full growth world, Rozen wants to go back to have a look. 过去,罗真曾经经历过的那一个个世界,那让他得到了充分的成长的世界,罗真就都想回去看看。 Let alone, in these world, the there is still one lover, with his child, has been waiting for him. 更别说,在那些世界里,还有一个爱人,怀着他的孩子,一直在等着他。 Rozen can finally going back without any scruples, gathers with the spouses and friends, and even lives and travels together. 罗真终于是可以毫无顾忌的回去,与爱人和友人们相聚,乃至是一起生活和旅行。 In the future, really makes him quite anticipate. 未来,真的让他相当的期待。 Then... 然后... Right, Senpai, you have not told me, child who before mentioned what's the matter!” “对了,前辈,你还没告诉我,之前提到的孩子是怎么回事呢!” Mash enforced suddenly, fixes the eyes on Rozen not to put. 玛修突然严肃了起来,紧盯着罗真不放了。 Not is only Mash. 不仅是玛修而已。 „„ „ „ „ We also want to know!” ” ” ” ” “““““我们也很想知道!””””” In the Chaldean entrance, one by one as Servant and Familiar young girls one by one appears, or complexion is bad, facial expression ice-cold, or wear a look of faint smile smile, tight is staring at Rozen, in the eyes murderous aura is almost the shape same essence. 迦勒底的大门口,一个个身为从者使魔的少女们一一出现,或是面色不善,或是神情冰冷,亦或是面带似笑非笑的笑容,紧紧的盯着罗真,眼中杀气几乎是形同实质。 Haha... Hahaha...” 哈哈...哈哈哈...” Rozen corner of the mouth twitches, the hollow laugh, like seeing the time of death arrival is common. 罗真嘴角抽搐,干笑不已,有如见到死期到来一般。 It seems like that in the future waits for his is not only happy, a there is still one extremely fearful difficult problem, needs him to overcome. 看来,未来等待他的不仅仅是美好,还有一个个极为可怕的难题,需要他去克服。
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