SOM :: Volume #13 Tokyo Ravens (2)

#2071: 『Ara-mitama』

In the past, Rozen once thinks that Ashiya Douman used Magical Arts Ability of taboo to survive the millenniums time, has survived the present. 过去,罗真曾以为芦屋道满是使用了禁忌的咒术才能存活千年的时光,一直存活到现在的。 Forbidden Technique that here refers to is not 《Taizan Fukun Ritual》 one kind was defined by Onmyou Law as Magical Arts of taboo, but is truly Forbidden Technique, from ancient to present was then indicated and confirmed as evil heretical path magical law, makes sorcery that one is panic at the news. 这里所指的禁术可不是《泰山府君祭》一类的被阴阳法定义为禁忌的咒术,而是真真正正禁术,从古至今便被指认为邪门外道咒法,令人闻风丧胆的邪术 Before had also said that if did not limit to the human relations truth, takes completely taboo technique/spell that in the brain accumulated, the unscrupulous use, Rozen's strength at least needs to rise again several. 以前也说过,若是不局限于人伦道理,将脑中累积的禁忌术式全部拿出来,肆无忌惮的使用的话,罗真的实力至少要再翻上几番。 Because, Forbidden Technique, although is evil, actually without doubt quite powerful, through paying the huge price can obtain corresponding power, even if were despised, thinks that is the shortcut, that is evil, that is deviates the correct path not to have the thing of good end, cannot change them as before, once were implemented, fact that legitimate magical technique is hard to resist radically. 因为,禁术虽然邪恶,却无疑相当的强大,通过付出巨大的代价可以取得相应的力量,即使被人所不齿,认为那是捷径,那是邪恶,那是偏离正道且没有好下场的东西,依旧改变不了它们一旦被实施,正统的术法根本难以招架的事实。 With the Souma Family's Divine Descent ceremony, it is Yashamaru and Kumomaru takes own life as the price, ignored the residential safety to trigger two times Spiritual Disaster terrorist attack to come active leylines one after another, finally was only one point, is scared big forbidden spell, may compare with true Forbidden Technique, it is quite temperate. 就拿相马家的降神仪式来说,它是夜叉丸蜘蛛丸以自身的性命为代价,并不顾市民安危接连触发了两次灵灾恐怖袭击来活跃灵脉,结果都仅是其中一环而已,已经是令人胆寒的大禁咒,可与真正的禁术相比,它已经算是相当温和了。 If nothing else, that type through sacrificing over a hundred human lives, treated as the ceremony that over a hundred human lives the sacrificial offering conducted to offer sacrifices to hold, once successfully displayed, can obtain very powerful effect and power, compared with this evil Forbidden Technique, only took a life of person as the price, directed Mobile Spiritual Disaster, caused terrorist attack approach could it be that to be not temperate? 别的不说,那种通过牺牲上百条人命,将上百条的人命当做祭品进行献祭才能举办的仪式,一旦成功施展,都能取得非常强大的效果和力量,和这种邪恶的禁术相比,只以一个人的生命为代价,引动灵灾,造成恐怖袭击的做法难道不算温和吗? But evil Forbidden Technique has appeared so forth through the ages much. 而诸如此类邪恶的禁术古往今来却出现过不少。 For example lives to take the blood of several hundred young girls to make the catalyst the ceremony, to take the placentas of over a hundred women and even treats as the sacrificial offering as the condition ceremony tens of thousands of souls the ceremony, this kind of Forbidden Technique will not be short. 比如生取数百名少女的鲜血做触媒的仪式、以上百名妇女的胎盘为条件举办的仪式乃至是将成千上万的灵魂当做祭品的仪式,这一类的禁术可是不会少的。 This is the so-called outlet, evil way, evil ways and heresy, is extremely dangerous, undeniably, is very easy to obtain powerful power. 这就是所谓的外道、邪道、恶道以及旁门左道,极其危险,却不可否认,真的很容易让人取得强大的力量 If, legitimate magical technique in the build apartment step by step, one day can the apartment building finally, again comfortably lives, that true Forbidden Technique seizes others' apartment directly, ignores the Master life and death and pain, establishes own joy in others' pain, takes this as happy power. 如果说,正统的术法就是在一步一步的搭建公寓,终有一日能够将公寓给搭成,再舒舒服服的住进去的话,那真正的禁术就是直接夺走别人的公寓,不顾主人的生死及痛苦,将自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上,以此为乐的力量 Ashiya Douman, is becoming famous heretical Onmyouji, most excels is the outside law of taboo, just now can with be legitimate Onmyouji Abe no Seimei becomes the foe. 芦屋道满,就是一名出了名的外道阴阳术师,最擅长的就是禁忌的外法,方才会与身为正统阴阳术师安倍晴明成为仇敌。 Such he, wants to prolong oneself life span through evil Forbidden Technique, survived the millenniums, even if not can say that was simple, was actually not impossible. 这样的他,想通过邪恶的禁术延长自己的寿命,存活千年,即使不能说是再简单不过,却也不是没有可能 For example, he can be lodged by oneself soul in others' body, seizes others' body , to continue survival in the world by this, should this to this legendary heretical Onmyouji, be not difficult? 譬如,他可以让自己的灵魂寄宿在别人的身上,夺走别人的身体,以此来继续存活于世间,这对这位传说中的外道阴阳术师而言,应该不算困难吧? But actually, Rozen this forecast, only guesses half. 但其实,罗真这个预测,仅猜中一半。 In the past, when with Kurahashi Miyo, Ohtomo Jin as well as Kogure Zenjirou group of three confirmed Ashiya Douman's status, Rozen has said. 过去,在和仓桥美代大友阵以及木暮禅次郎一行三人确认芦屋道满的身份的时候,罗真就已经说过了。 If Ashiya Douman really still has in the world, that may is Divine Descent. 如果芦屋道满真的还存在于世,那很有可能就是降神 Since Taira no Masakado and Emperor Sutoku and so on existence can become Vengeful Spirit after dying, becomes Divine Spirit again, is that legendary Great Onmyouji, Ashiya Douman possibly is not a god? 既然平将门崇德天皇之类的存在能够在死后成为怨灵,再成为神灵,那身为传说中的大阴阳师,芦屋道满又怎么可能不是神呢? only, is different from other God, Ashiya Douman as beyond Priest, is Divine Spirit, rather is Ara-mitama, is the wild soul of popular name. 只是,不同于其余的神祇,芦屋道满身为一名外法师,与其说是神灵,不如说是荒御灵,也就是俗称的荒魂。 Then believes in the Shintoism of Japan, the soul of god is constitutes by four parts, respectively is Ara-mitama, Nigi-mitama, Saki-mitama as well as Kushi-mitama, each soul has the different functions, and coordination with each other. 在日本的神道中便认为,神的灵魂乃是由四个部份所构成,分别是荒御魂和御魂幸御魂以及奇御魂,每一个魂都有不同的功能且互相配合。 But the Ara-mitama refers to crude god, for the calamity god, the god of causing trouble, deviates the correct path, does evil crudely , and abnormal god, will create all kinds of calamity in world. 荒御魂指的是粗暴的神,为祸的神,作祟的神,偏离正道,作恶粗暴且不正常的神,会在世间造成各种各样的灾厄 Many dying a violent death the soul of person or is extraordinary people is treated as Ara-mitama to come the sacrificial offering, for example Four Great Onryou, actually is also Ara-mitama. 很多死于非命的人的灵魂或者是伟人都会被人当作荒御魂来祭祀,比如四大怨灵,其实也是荒御魂 Ashiya Douman is then the same as Four Great Onryou, is the Ara-mitama category, is Divine Spirit one ———— Ara-mitama. 芦屋道满便与四大怨灵一样,都属于荒御魂的范畴,乃是神灵的一种————荒御灵 His appearance, on Onmyoudou, is regarded as Divine Descent even, that is also quite modest. 他的出现,在阴阳道上,就算被视为降神,那亦是丝毫不过分的。 However, Ashiya Douman's existence does not base on the Divine Descent miracle, is only his choice. 然而,芦屋道满的存在并不是基于降神的奇迹,仅是其自身的选择。 usually, so-called god refers to is Phase 5 Spiritual Disaster, after Spiritual Disaster arrives in Phase 4 continues to deepen the evolution, after arriving in the chain-like limit, the Spiritual Energy deviation then no longer is twists, but will change the normal shape, accepts for the world, then becomes a all things Spiritual Energy in which shape and generalization, becomes part of the world.” 通常来说,所谓的神指的就Phase5灵灾,在灵灾抵达Phase4以后再继续深化演进,抵达连锁的极限以后,灵气的偏向便不再是扭曲的,而是会变回正常的形态,为世界所接受,进而成为万物灵气的其中一种形态并普遍化,也就是成为世界的一部分。” Rozen's voice resounds slowly. 罗真的声音缓缓响起。 only, after turning into Phase 5, Spiritual Disaster dispersing, will turn into one of the universal group consciousness, namely turns into named 『God』 an member of existence, will not retain the self-awareness not saying that but also is unable to appear in the world freely.” 只是,变成Phase5以后,灵灾将会自我散开,变成普遍性的集体意识之一,亦即变成名为「神」的存在的一份子,不会保留自我意识不说,还无法在人世自由显现。” Then, if under normal circumstances, should some people not want to turn into this to be right. 如此一来,正常情况下的话,应该不会有人想变成这样才对。 At least, Ashiya Douman is so. 至少,芦屋道满就是如此。 From the classification, you have been Phase 5 existed, but you do not want to be diluted by your existence, integrates in all things Spiritual Energy, becomes part of the world, loses the self-awareness, loses the personal freedom, cannot appear on the ground, therefore you chose the body of personnel to take Katashiro, through the fetter of Katashiro, remained by oneself at the Phase 3 stage intentionally, preserved in the world with such method.” “从分类上来说,你早已是Phase5的存在了,可你不想让自身的存在被稀释,融入万物灵气中,成为世界的一部分,失去自我意识,又失去人身自由,不能在地上显现,所以你选择了用人的身体作为形代,通过形代的束缚,故意让自身停留在Phase3的阶段,用这样的方法存留于世间。” Sees the Ashiya Douman's time for the first time, Rozen through 《Eye of the Mind》's power, peeps at Ashiya Douman's body to be similar jet black, huge, terrifying and evil shadow according to attached, such as Devil is ordinary, to are roaring threateningly phenomenon. 第一次见到芦屋道满的时候,罗真就通过《心眼》的力量,窥视到芦屋道满的身上仿佛有一个漆黑、巨大、恐怖、邪恶的黑影依附着,如厉鬼一般,对着自己张牙舞爪的咆哮着的现象。 That is correct. 那是正确的。 This is the Ashiya Douman's existence way, by old person's body or is corpse as basing on object, forcefully keeps present world, since the survival. 这就是芦屋道满的存在方式,以老人的身体或者说是尸体作为凭依的对象,硬生生的留在现世,存活至今。 In other words , Ashiya Douman by becoming an Oni, becomes the Phase 3 way, preserved own has concept and self-awareness. 换言之,芦屋道满通过成为鬼的方式,成为Phase3的方式,保住了自身的存在概念以及自我意识。 Master that once Tsuchimikado Suzu —— Saotome Suzu —— Hishamaru then to wait to be reincarnated appeared again , to continue to follow, to find Ashiya Douman, took to become its Shikigami to take the price for half a century, taking it was Ara-mitama part, studied, finally discarded own physical body, transferred spiritual existence, imitated Ashiya Douman to have the way part, survives now. 曾经的土御门凉——早乙女凉——飞车丸便为了等候转世的主人再次出现,继续追随,找到了芦屋道满,以成为其式神半个世纪作为代价,取走其身为荒御灵的一部分,进行研究,最终舍弃了自身的肉体,转为灵性存在,效仿芦屋道满存在方式的一部分,存活到现在。 Therefore, at this moment, appears in front of Rozen without a doubt is Divine Spirit one, although is Ara-mitama, and to keep the ground, oneself will remain at the Phase 3 stage, has not arrived in the Phase 5 rank, but that is because fetters with Katashiro own having concept and self-awareness causes the result. 所以,此时此刻里,出现在罗真面前的毫无疑问是神灵的一种,虽是荒御灵,且为了留在地上,将自身停留在Phase3的阶段,并没有抵达Phase5的级别,但那是因为用形代束缚住自身的存在概念和自我意识导致的结果。 If Ashiya Douman discards that mortal body, he can restore momentarily as the Ara-mitama true stance. 如果芦屋道满舍弃那具肉身,那他随时可以恢复身为荒御灵的真正姿态。 What a pity, oneself the appearance that does not plan to do that. 可惜,本人不打算这么做的样子。 This world is very interesting.” “这个世界可是很有趣的哦。” Ashiya Douman then to Rozen smiling recklessly. 芦屋道满便对着罗真肆意的笑着。 Although now has become quite senseless, but only has 『Magic』 is invariable forever, like past Tsuchimikado Yakou, almost all Magical Arts System integrations, will create Imperial-Style through the ages, that is really a pleasant experience, now, this happiness appears again, because of this, Old Man must continue on one's last legs to get down in this world.” “虽然现在已经变得比较无趣,但唯有「咒」是永远不变的,就像过去的土御门夜光,将古往今来几乎所有的咒术系统都统合了起来,创造出帝式,那真是一个令人愉快的体验,现在,这种愉快再一次的出现了,就是因为这样,老朽才需在这世上继续苟延残喘下去啊。” In Ashiya Douman's words is filling to yearning and focus of Magical Arts. 芦屋道满的话语中就充满着对咒术的向往及执着。
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