SOM :: Volume #13 Tokyo Ravens (2)

#2068: The scene in myth

In Kanda Myoujin Shrine, tangled warfare between hundred ghost and Onmyouji launch. 神田明神神社里,百鬼与阴阳师之间的混战就这么展开。 Facing crashing in Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks and evil spirits in shrine, although all Onmyouji complexion is pallid, the rising spiritedly resistance that is actually clenching teeth, lets the appearance that talisman, Shikigami, Magical Arts and spell chanting sound non-stop, is mixing with to shout and drinks greatly, also wailing and pitiful yell, slaughter one group with hundred ghosts. 面对冲进神社中的妖魔鬼怪及魑魅魍魉,所有的阴阳师虽然面色煞白,却还是咬着牙的奋起反抗,让符篆式神咒术以及咒文的咏唱声不停的出现,夹杂着呐喊及大喝,还有哀嚎和惨叫,与百鬼们厮杀成一团。 Hundred ghosts are also various show/unfolds magical powers, some spit fire, some put the smoke, some graze, some charges, launch the attack in the respective method to Onmyouji, brings to cry out strangely and blame to smile and lower roar, roaring and other sounds, plunged numerous Onmyouji. 百鬼们也是各展神通,有的喷火,有的放烟,有的飞掠,有的冲锋,以各自的手段对阴阳师展开攻击,带着怪叫、怪笑、低吼、咆哮等声音,扑向了一众阴阳师们 Onmyouji and Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks war then like a raging fire is conducting, just like scene that in the ancient times myth can have. 一场阴阳师妖魔鬼怪的战争便如火如荼的进行着,宛若古时候的神话中才会出现的光景。 The this time war, will also remain inevitably historically, after to supply, people look at reverently. 这一次的战争,势必也会留在历史上,以供后人们瞻仰。 However, properly speaking, this war should conduct in the one-sided form is right. 不过,照理来说,这场战争应该会以一面倒的形式进行才对。 After all, although Onmyouji has to cope with the Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks method, but this time strength was to really miss much. 毕竟,阴阳师们虽有对付妖魔鬼怪的手段,可这次的战力实在是差得太多了。 In modern age, Onmyouji is personnel scarce profession, person who with passing of time, has Spirit Sight Ability are getting fewer and fewer, can learn Magical Arts to become the Professional Onmyouji talent is very few, usually condition that is used for exorcising Spiritual Disasters wait/etc. often to have short-handed, now facing tens of thousands of Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks, and various legendary Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks, are existences of positions of hundred ghost, odds of success how, it can be imagined. 在现代,阴阳师本来就是一个人员稀少的职业,随着时代的流逝,拥有见鬼之才的人越来越少,能够习得咒术成为专业阴阳师的人才更是少之又少,平时用来祓除灵灾等等都时常出现人手不足的状况,如今面对数以万计的妖魔鬼怪,且还是传说中的各种妖魔鬼怪,名列百鬼之位的存在,胜算如何,可想而知。 Although, in hundred ghosts, not all Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks that powerful, but these powerful existences similarly much, the small and weak evil spirits quantity is big, moves tens of thousands, gathers completely together, let alone in the modern age, Heian Period Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks millennium ago vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered can be domineering and tyrannical, making human be panic at the news. 虽说,在百鬼之中,并不是所有的妖魔鬼怪都那么的强大,可那些强大的存在同样不少,弱小的魑魅魍魉则数量众多,动则成千上万,全部集合在一起,别说是在现代,就是在妖魔鬼怪纵横的千年前的平安时代都能横行霸道,让人类闻风丧胆了。 If not hundred ghosts does not unite, gains a footing respectively, disperses in around the world, some even stand aloof from the world, goes into hiding directly, goes into seclusion in mountain forest, perhaps that really did not have the human anything matter. 如果不是百鬼并不团结,各自占据一席之地,分散在世界各地,有的甚至与世无争,直接销声匿迹,隐退于山林的话,那或许就真的没有人类什么事了。 thanks to this, great strength in hundred ghost have are also eliminated by one by one one by one, by such as Abe no Seimei and so on great Onmyouji gives the ceremonial cleansing. 拜此所赐,百鬼中的强大存在们也才会被一一逐个消灭,被诸如安倍晴明之类的伟大阴阳师们给祓除。 But this time, hundred ghosts are uneven, and gives loyalty to one person, then, in this time, who also can fight with it? 这一次,百鬼齐出,并效忠于一人,那么,在这个时代里,还有谁能与其争锋呢? Then, facing true Hyakki Yagyou, Onmyouji, even if jointly does not have odds of success in this shrine. 如此一来,面对真正的百鬼夜行,阴阳师们就算联合在这神社之中都是没有胜算的。 If trades to make the normal condition, will only take several minutes, Onmyouji will suffer a defeat and flee, one by one will fall from the sky. 若是换做正常情况,只需要几分钟,阴阳师们就会败亡,一一陨落。 But, Rozen the verbal command hundred ghosts, cannot to innocent Onmyouji kill, causing hundred ghosts one after another to restrain most power, for a short time, refused to compromise with Onmyouji unexpectedly. 可是,罗真已经号令百鬼,不得对无辜的阴阳师下杀手,导致百鬼们纷纷都收敛了大部分的力量,一时半会之间,竟是与阴阳师们僵持了起来。 Especially under restraining the power condition must face the 《Twelve Divine Generals》 Level National First-Class Onmyouji words, will keep off, is seemingly natural. 尤其是在收敛力量的状况下还得面对《十二神将》等级国家一级阴阳师的话,会被挡下,貌似也是理所当然的。 Hah!” 喝啊!” Kogure Zenjirou grasps the divine blade, by War God's Divine Protection Bi body, is rushing ahead in everywhere Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks, in the hand each slash of divine blade can cut to kill the evil spirits at the scene, changes to miasma to dissipate. 木暮禅次郎就手持神刀,以军神加护庇体,在漫天的妖魔鬼怪中冲杀着,手中神刀的每一次斩击都能将魑魅魍魉给当场斩杀,化作瘴气消散。 Order!” 急急如律令(order)!” Ohtomo Jin also calm is tying hand seal, shoots talisman, only relies on talisman technique to cope with hundred ghosts who the attack comes, should be considers the enemy to be numerous, for the countermeasure to save Spiritual Power taking? 大友阵亦是冷静的结着手印,掷出咒符,仅凭借着符术来对付袭击而来的百鬼,应该是考虑到敌人众多,为了节省灵力而采取的对策吧? Gold/Metal time! Silver time!” “金次!银次!” Amami Daizen is the Anti-Unit Magical Arts expert, to Spiritual Disaster is the domain that it does not excel, in addition the age is high, Spiritual Power drops, now the strength compared with the past years, cannot rely on the experienced experience to call two process transformations Emperor, came by own Defensive Type, protects in own around the body, is resisting the ghost of attack. 天海大善对人咒术的专家,对灵灾是其不擅长的领域,加上岁数已高,灵力下降,如今实力已经不比当年,可还是凭借着老练的经验唤出两个经过改造的仁王,让自己的护法式现身,护在自己的身周,抵挡着来袭的鬼怪。 God of the East Sea, Amei. God of the West Sea, Shukuryou. God of the South Sea, Kyojou. God of the North Sea, Gukyou, Gods of the Four Seas, fend off a hundred demons and drive back the fierce disaster ———— Order!” 东海之神,名为阿明,西海之神,名为祝良,南海之神,名为巨乘,北海之神,名为禺强,四海大神,退避百鬼,荡除凶灾————急急如律令(order)!” Magical Arts of Yuge Mari loud chanting to Spiritual Disaster special-purpose avoidance Hyakki Yagyou, shoots Five Elements Talisman, forms pentagram light, flicks attack ghost, while is protecting people. 弓削麻里大声的咏唱对灵灾专用的退避百鬼夜行咒术,掷出五行符,形成五芒星的光阵,一边弹开来袭的鬼物,一边保护着身边的众人。 damn!” 可恶!” Yamashiro Hayato is shouting by the anxious sound, uses talisman technique to oppose the enemy, while urges Kodoku to loaf in all around, seems like somewhat thrown into confusion, obviously is not good at coping with Spiritual Disaster, as rookie inexperienced also insufficient, the performance in numerous 《Twelve Divine Generals》 is worst one, even Amami Daizen could not compare, made supercilious his time and time again deep was disappointed. 山城焦人以焦虑的声音喊着,一边使用符术对敌,一边驱使蛊毒游荡在四周,看起来有些手忙脚乱,显然是不擅长对付灵灾,身为新人的经验不足也不足,在一众《十二神将》里表现算是最差的一位,连天海大善比不过,令心高气傲的他一次又一次的深受打击。 Finally, conversely is honored as the model in Exorcism Officer, is more suitable than to work as Exorcism Officer in Exorcism Bureau Miyachi Iwao, actually not at the scene, but makes Garuda graze in remote control Shikigami Shigeoka Shunsuke in the shrine sky, sprinkles innumerable ceremonial talisman, produces one by one Yaksha and Emperor, takes the Shikigami group as the army, formed a guard collar in the attacks of hundred ghosts unexpectedly, is resisting Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks, one side continues to advance the front, although slow actually effective eradicated one by one Monsters, Devils, Ghosts and Freaks, is called 《Colonel》 Character worthily. 结果,反倒是被誉为祓魔官中的楷模,在祓魔局中比宫地盘夫都更适合当一名祓魔官,却不在现场,而是在远程操纵式神兹岳俊辅迦楼罗飞掠在神社的上空,洒下无数式符,生成一个个夜叉仁王,以式神群为军队,在百鬼的袭击中竟是形成了一个防护圈,一边抵御着妖魔鬼怪,一边持续推进战线,虽缓慢却有效的铲除了一个个妖魔鬼怪,不愧是被称为《大佐》人物 These National First-Class Onmyouji abilities are quite then excellent, even if Yamashiro Hayato, although is somewhat thrown into confusion, resistance truly the attacks of hundred ghosts, like other Onmyouji, more or less had not actually been injured. 这些国家一级阴阳师的本领便颇为高超,哪怕是山城焦人,虽有些手忙脚乱,却也确实的抵御住百鬼的袭击了,不像其余的阴阳师,已经多多少少都受了伤。 Can National First-Class Onmyouji of name of 《Twelve Divine Generals》, even if placed can assume sole responsibility for an important task in the ancient times, Great Magical Arts who rushed out own reputation, even might form own school, became existence of noble character and high prestige, will have this result, seemingly still normal. 能够得到《十二神将》之名的国家一级阴阳师们即使放在古代都是能够独当一面,闯出自己的名声的大咒术者,甚至有可能形成自己的流派,成为德高望重的存在,会有这个结果,貌似也正常。 Naturally, that is hundred ghosts has scruples, and truly powerful exist has not closed in the reason that. 当然,那是百鬼们有所顾忌,且真正强大的存在们并没有一拥而上的缘故。 For example Ootakemaru, Shuten-douji, Tamamo-no-Mae as well as Daitengu wait/etc. existed powerful then in shrine above a detached point of view, disdains in radically bullying can only reduce for Onmyouji of animal to treat butchers, stands aloof from the world, does not want to injure human Youkai is also so, can only not only sympathy and pities looks at this. 譬如大岳丸酒吞童子玉藻前以及大天狗等强大存在便都在神社的上空冷眼旁观着,根本不屑于欺负只能沦落为待宰的动物的阴阳师们,一些与世无争,不想伤害人类妖怪也是如此,只能既同情又怜悯的看着这一幕。 If Rozen has the order, numerous Great Youkais naturally can rush, will not be forgiving. 罗真有命令的话,众多的大妖怪们自然会冲上去,绝不会留情。 But Rozen had not thought kill to the last one, whatever they. 罗真本来就没想赶尽杀绝,也就任由他们去了。 Then... 然后... Here gave you.” Rozen looks to Nurarihyon's direction, said: You direct hundred ghosts, do not let them act unreasonably.” “这里就交给你们了。”罗真看向滑头鬼的方向,道:“你来指挥百鬼,别让他们乱来。” Yes, Master.” Nurarihyon happy Hehe received an order. “是,主人。”滑头鬼呵呵的领命了。 Audience Shikigami is also nothing opinion. 一众式神们亦是没什么意见。 First, Nurarihyon's strength indeed is worth them respecting. 一来,滑头鬼的实力的确值得他们尊重。 Secondly, Nurarihyon is Lord of Youkais, and did not have the heart of injuring to human, under condition that in Rozen does not want to slaughter innocents, by its is led hundred ghosts, numerous Great Youkais believe. 二来,滑头鬼妖怪之主,且对人类本来就没有加害之心,在罗真不想滥杀无辜的状况下,由其来率领百鬼,众多大妖怪们还是信服的。 Natsume, Suzuka, Kyouko, we walk.” 夏目,铃鹿,京子,我们走吧。” Rozen nodded, this turns toward three young girls to make noise. 罗真点了点头,这才向着三个少女出声。 Three young girls immediately serious nod. 三个少女立即郑重的点头 At that moment, Rozen has three Shikigami same places, goes toward the shrine deep place. 当下,罗真带着三个式神一起,向着神社的深处而去。
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