SOM :: Volume #10 Sky Wizards Academy

#1409: Another training?

Outside Squad Building, street to training ground. 小队大楼外,通往训练场的街道上。 At this time, under Rozen's leadership, subordinated in the Squad E601 young girls is walking here. 此时,在罗真的带领下,隶属于e601小队的少女们正走在了这里。 Surroundings, one by one walking past of student chatting one after another, when arrives at the Rozen's entire group , when sees the people, immediately is first startled, immediately was startled. 周围,一个个的学生相继的说说笑笑的走过,等到来到罗真一行人的附近,看到众人时,立即先是一怔,随即吃惊了起来。 „Isn't that Loreley-senpai?” “那不是罗雷莱学长吗?” „Did Loreley-senpai come Squad Building unexpectedly?” 罗雷莱学长居然来小队大楼了?” could it be that Senpai has planned to return to the squad to move, didn't change over to Alchemist Division?” 难道学长已经打算重新回归小队活动,不转入万融炼金科了吗?” But, why Senpai with that several people in one?” “可是,为什么学长会跟那几个人在一块啊?” „Isn't that three people of F-Rank squad?” “那不是F级小队的三人吗?” „Is this...?” “这到底是...?” Surrounding students one by one is then talking in whispers, is not only surprised, and feels puzzled, making many people stop the footsteps, formed just like supporting Rozen's entire group is proceeding general Status/condition. 周围的学生们便一一窃窃私语着,既感到吃惊,又感到不解,让得很多人都停下了脚步,形成了宛如拥护着罗真一行人往前走一般的状态 Regarding this, Rozen anything had not said that only selfish proceeds. 对此,罗真什么都没说,只是自顾自的往前走着。 As for the Misora, Lecty as well as Rico three people, because surrounding discussion one after another and direction, fell into heavy Status/condition respectively. 至于美空、蕾克蒂以及莉子三人,则因为周围的议论纷纷及指指点点,各自陷入了沉重的状态中。 Misora-san...” 美空同学...” Lecty hides in behind Misora, does not dare figure exposes in the people within eyesight. 蕾克蒂就躲在美空的身后,根本不敢将身形暴露在众人的视野之内。 Puts... felt relieved that Lecty, these fellow only are jealous of us, raise the spirits.” “放...放心啦,蕾克蒂,那些家伙只是眼红我们而已啦,打起精神来。” Misora is comforting Lecty hastily, but her expression and words appear somewhat reluctantly. 美空连忙安慰着蕾克蒂,但她自己的表情和话语都显得有些勉强。 Originally, was the squad of losing steadily, Squad E601 fully suffered others 's ridicule and contemptuous, properly speaking, the people have long been used, but today's severity was particularly more outrageous than ever. 本来,身为屡战屡败的小队,e601小队就饱受他人的嘲笑和轻蔑,照理来说,众人早已习惯,可今天的严重程度却尤胜于以前 Others no longer throw to ridicule, the contemptuous vision, but is startled, the doubt appearance, that performance, instead makes the E601 people more uncomfortable. 他人不再投来嘲笑、轻蔑的目光,而是吃惊、狐疑的模样,那表现,反而让e601的众人更难受。 Because, this time, they follow most popular Hero the back in 《Mistgun》, follows side existence that in countless people look forward, both sides the contribution that the strength and position make differs to a desperate situation, will be questioned, that is also the natural matter. 因为,这一次,她们是跟在《密斯特岗》内最受欢迎的英雄的背后,跟在无数人为之憧憬的存在身边,双方无论是实力、地位还是做出的贡献都相差到一个令人绝望的地步,会受到质疑,那也是理所当然的事情。 Even Rico smacks the lips making noise. 莉子都咂嘴似的出声。 Unexpectedly disregards as Goddess I focuses on body of that man, this 《Mistgun》 mortal really does not have the vision.” “居然无视身为女神的我而将目光集中在那个男人的身上,这个《密斯特岗》的凡人果然没眼光。” Rico is telling the unhappiness of innermost feelings on by own way. 莉子就以自己的方式诉说着内心的不快。 Usually, Rico walks on the road, pours is also used the strange vision to regard with a special fondness by others a lot, even it looks is very indeed outstanding, but that made person not worthy of flattery personality make him fully suffer others 's contempt. 平时,莉子走在路上,倒也没少被别人用奇怪的目光另眼相看,即使其的确长得很出众,但那令人不敢恭维个性早已使其饱受他人的轻视。 At that time, Rico can also be regarded as others envy vision, at least others' line of sight is to place own body. 那个时候,莉子还能当做是他人嫉妒的眼光,至少别人的视线都是放在自己的身上 But now, others' line of sight gathers at Rozen's body unexpectedly, that Rico naturally will think that is not happy. 可现在,别人的视线居然都聚集在罗真的身上,那莉子自然会觉得不愉快了。 However, surrounding person's response, told a three people of reality. 不过,周围的人的反应,还是告诉了三人一个现实。 That is... 那就是... That 《Humanity's Hero》 really came to become our Instructor...” “那个《人类英雄》真的来成为我们的教官了...” In three people of hearts appears simultaneously such idea. 三人的心中就同时浮现这样的想法。 Obviously, even if has passed through beforehand being together as well as self introduction, three young girls are are very difficult the reality. 显然,即使已经经过之前的相处以及自我介绍,三个少女还是很难有现实感。 Side is in 《Mistgun》 and even 《Floating City Alliance》 most has popularity, most competent Hero. 一边是《密斯特岗》乃至《浮游都市联盟》内最有人气、最有实力的英雄 At the same time is in 《Mistgun》 weakest and problem children squads of most issue. 一边则是《密斯特岗》内最弱、最多问题的问题儿童小队。 both sides was really differs many. 双方实在是相差得太多了。 Finally, the former becomes latter's Instructor unexpectedly, this is very difficult to make one have the reality. 结果,前者居然成为了后者的教官,这实在是很难令人有现实感。 But said no matter how, Rozen's was really had some interests to these three people. 但不管怎么说,罗真的确是对这三人产生了些许兴趣。 Therefore... 所以... Ok, here.” “好了,就在这里吧。” After arriving in the training ground, Rozen stopped the footsteps. 来到训练场里以后,罗真停下了脚步。 Which training ground is here?” “这里是哪个训练场啊?” How... why is there literally no one?” “怎...怎么连一个人都没有?” I see such spacious training ground for the first time.” “我还是第一次见到这么空旷的训练场。” Misora, Lecty as well as Rico three people on looking all around. 美空、蕾克蒂以及莉子三人就环顾着四周 The present is afternoon actual combat drill curriculum, properly speaking, will have Sky Wizards of each squad to be right in the training in the one by one training ground in 《Mistgun》. 现在是下午的实战操演课程,照理来说,在《密斯特岗》里的一个个训练场里都会有各个小队的空士们在训练才对。 But, in this open-air training ground, not only including a person not to have, moreover compared with the training ground spacious appearances of other places, making the Squad E601 person surprised. 可是,在这个露天的训练场中,不但连一个人都没有,而且还远比其余地方的训练场空旷的样子,让e601小队的人为之惊讶。 Regarding this... 对此... Here is my special-purpose training ground, above has given me the property rights of this training ground, other people cannot enter without my permission, even the S128 Royal Guard people are so, therefore besides Royal Guard, you are the second squad to have entered here.” “这里是我专用的训练场,上面早已将这个训练场的所有权交给我,其余人没有我的允许不得入内,连S128特务小队的人都是如此,所以除了特务小队以外,你们是第二支进入这里的小队喔。” Rozen is then speaking such words with a smile. 罗真便笑吟吟的说着这样的话。 Specially... special-purpose training ground...!?” “专...专用的训练场...!?” The Squad E601 three people could not speak immediately. e601小队的三人顿时说不出话来了。 I... I had not heard has that squad to have the special-purpose training ground!” “我...我从来就没有听说过有那支小队可以拥有专用的训练场啊!” Misora shouted and wrangled. 美空大呼小叫了起来。 A... amazing...” 好...好厉害...” Lecty throws to Rozen by the look of worship. 蕾克蒂则向罗真投以崇拜的眼神。 Only has Rico, is frowning, opens the mouth. 只有莉子,皱着眉头,这么开口。 You lead us to the training ground, should not want to make us train here?” “你把我们带到训练场里来,该不会是想让我们在这里训练吧?” Rico is asking such a issue unexpectedly. 莉子竟是问出这么一个问题。 What's wrong? Has the issue?” “怎么?有问题吗?” Rozen was actually curious. 罗真倒是好奇了。 Naturally has the issue.” Rico immediately said without hesitation: Why as Goddess I must the streaming with sweat training not be possible? The perspiration endures trains this matter difficultly at all is not I should do?” “当然有问题。”莉子顿时毫不犹豫的道:“身为女神的我为何非得汗流浃背的训练不可?流汗忍受艰苦训练这种事情根本不是我该做的吧?” This woman unexpectedly with habitually using a face natural expression, said like the incurable words. 这个女人竟是用惯用的一脸理所当然的表情,说出像这样无可救药的话。 You are also speaking this words, Rico.” Misora immediately turned towards Rico and angrily said: Allows you to participate in the training of squad each time together, you escape with this excuse, never expected that you add this words now!” “你又在说这种话了,莉子。”美空顿时向着莉子火大的道:“每次让你一起来参与小队的训练,你都用这个借口逃掉,没想到你现在还说这种话!” It seems like that this is the first time that not Rico said. 看来,这已经不是莉子第一次这么说了。 Ri... Rico-san.” Lecty is also weakly said: „... Cannot, words diligently, that not have means getting stronger like this well.” 莉...莉子同学。”蕾克蒂亦是弱弱的道:“不...不可以这样啦,不好好努力的话,那就没办法变强。” Lecty is persuading Rico. 蕾克蒂这么劝说着莉子 But Rico actually thinks otherwise. 莉子却是不以为然。 That is you, I am Goddess, the strength was very strong, does not need to take part in this barbaric training.” “那是你们,我可是女神,实力本来就很强,没必要参加这种野蛮的训练。” Rico flatly refused people's persuasion. 莉子就一口回绝了众人的劝说。 You...!” “你...!” „... Cannot quarrel! Misora-san!” “不...不可以吵架啦!美空同学!” Misora planned makes anything immediately to Rico, actually by Lecty flustered blocks. 美空当即打算对莉子做点什么,却是被蕾克蒂慌慌张张的拦下来。 But Rico actually confident standing there, does not pay attention to Misora, even does not pay attention to Lecty, the vision actually places Rozen's body. 莉子倒是坦然的站在那里,不理会美空,甚至不理会蕾克蒂,目光却放在罗真的身上 Sees that Rozen welcomed Rico's vision. 见状,罗真迎上了莉子的目光 At once... 旋即... so that's how it is, doesn't like to sweat profusely in training?” Rozen deep is so nod said: Truly, my also hateful streaming with sweat training, regarding the training in physical ability I can escape in the past , then escapes, even does not participate completely, pouring is not cannot understand your idea.” 原来如此,不喜欢汗流浃背的训练吗?”罗真深以为然似的点头道:“确实,我也很讨厌汗流浃背的训练,以往对于体能方面的训练我是能逃则逃,甚至完全不参加,倒也不是不能理解你的想法。” hearing this, Misora and Lecty were shocked immediately. 闻言,美空蕾克蒂顿时愣住了。 Rico stares similarly slightly, shortly afterwards does intentionally the relaxed opens the mouth. 莉子同样微微一愣,紧接着故作轻松的开口。 Such being the case, that...” “既然如此,那就...” A few words, Rico has not said, by Rozen breaking. 一句话,莉子还没有说完,就被罗真给打断。 Such being the case, I make you make another training.” “既然如此,我就让你做另外一种训练吧。” The voice falls... 话音一落... Zheng!” “铮!” In Rozen's body, the Magic Power brilliance sparkled. 罗真的身上,魔力的光辉闪耀了起来。
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