SOM :: Volume #10 Sky Wizards Academy

#1408: Follows one me

I... I am Misora Whitale, Aerial Combat Wizard Division preparatory course second grade, the respective squad is Squad E601, the duty is Squad Leader, the weapon of use is Magic Cannon Sword, my dream wants to become outstanding Magic Cannon Swordsman, protects the Floating City person!” “我...我是美空·惠特儿,空战魔导士科预科二年级,所属小队为e601小队,职务是小队长,使用的武器是魔炮剑,我的梦想是想成为一名优秀的魔炮剑士,守护浮游都市的人!” Misora was difficult to cover conducted such self introduction anxiously. 美空难掩紧张的进行了这样的自我介绍。 Time from the beginning, in the voice of this young girl is also carrying the anxiety that is hard to cover, when may speak of behind, the anxiety in words turned was firm and rigid, like, only then this is unable the compromise general, sound very powerful. 一开始的时候,这个少女的话音中还携带着难以掩盖的紧张,可说到后面时,话语里的紧张变成了坚定和执着,有如只有这个无法妥协一般,声音非常的有力。 Magic Cannon Sword...” 魔炮剑啊...” Rozen is looking pensive nodded. 罗真是若有所思般的点了点头 So-called Magic Cannon Sword, refers to not only has the shooting function, and can treat as the close combat weapon to conduct slash one Mithril Armament. 所谓的魔炮剑,指的是既有射击的功能,又能当做近身战武器进行斩击的一种魔装炼金武器 At this point, that has to mention Mystery of this world. 说到这里,那就不得不提及这个世界的神秘了。 In this world, Wizards, although inborn has Magic Power, can use Magecraft, but they use the technique/spell method basically to only have one type. 在这个世界里,魔导士们虽然天生就拥有魔力,可以使用魔术,但他们使用术式的方法基本上只有一种。 That is Crest. 那就是刻印 Use after Crest Magic Writing Magic Resistance that presents attaches the directivity, forms technique/spell to trigger the miracle after the combination writing, uses power, this is Wizards uses the Magecraft method. 利用经过刻印以后出现的魔法文字对魔力附加方向性,经过组合文字形成术式来引发奇迹,使用力量,这就是魔导士们使用魔术的方法。 The words that spoke may be quite difficult to understand, so long as mentioned Wizards use Magic Writing, that basically can understand. 这么说的话或许会比较难懂,但只要提及魔导士们使用的魔法文字,那就基本能够明白了。 ———— 《Rune》. ————《卢恩》 Wizards use Magic Writing, precisely Runes. 魔导士们使用的魔法文字,正是卢恩符文 Through using Runes constructs technique/spell, uses Magecraft, that is Mystery of this world. 通过使用卢恩符文来构建术式,使用魔术,那就是这个世界的神秘 Just, in order to be faster, Agility, and flexible use Magecraft, Wizards will usually not describe Rune, but is the use from the beginning on the portray good Rune weapon, armor wait/etc., pours into which Magic Power, triggers the portray above Rune, forms technique/spell, is used to fight. 只不过,为了能够更加快速、敏捷且灵活的使用魔术,魔导士们通常都不会自己描绘符文,而是使用一开始就刻画好符文的武器、防具等等,将魔力注入其中,引发刻画在上面的符文,形成术式,用来战斗。 This is so-called Mithril. 这就是所谓的魔装炼金 The Alchemist Division existence significance, is use extant twenty Runes, through studying their different combinations forms new technique/spell, and portrays on all kinds of item, making them play the role, develops new technique/technology and power. 万融炼金科的存在意义,就是利用现存的二十几个卢恩符文,通过研究它们不同的组合来形成新术式,并刻画在各种各样的道具上,让它们发挥出作用,开发出新的技术力量 Aerial Combat Wizard Division's Sky Wizards is Mithril Armament that uses these to develop is fighting. 空战魔导士科的空士们就是使用这些开发出来的魔装炼金武器在进行战斗。 Therefore, Rozen can mix like a fish in water in Alchemist Division, a reason is magnanimous knowledge in his mind may not only only has the knowledge in Rune aspect, Rune is just part of forget it/that's all in his huge knowledge, there is still one can leave in Rune aspect attainments no one its right. 因此,罗真万融炼金科中能够混得如鱼得水,一个原因是他脑海里的海量知识可不仅仅是只有卢恩方面的知识而已,卢恩只不过是他那庞大的知识中的一部分罢了,还有一个就是在卢恩方面的造诣无人能出其右。 After all, Rozen even 18 Primordial Runes can use, gods in the wisdom crystallization of earnestly seeking grasps the person in hand, Rune Magic of this world is not the knowledge of kindergarten to him, Rozen just puts out part casually, immediately then shock man and heaven. 毕竟,罗真可是连十八个原初之卢恩都能使用,将神明都在渴求的睿智结晶掌握于手中的人,这个世界的卢恩魔术对他来说连幼稚园的知识都算不上,罗真只不过是随随便便拿出其中的一部分,立即便惊为天人 Therefore, making Magic Technology of this world ahead of time for half a century also natural, technique/technology that because Rozen grasps has surpassed this world not to know many centuries. 所以,让这个世界的魔导技术提前半个世纪也是理所当然的,因为罗真掌握的技术早已领先这个世界不知道多少个世纪了。 precisely because of this, Rozen can achieve even the textbook to give to tamper. 正是因为这样,罗真才能做到连教科书都给篡改。 Did not speak irresponsibly, but was Rozen has really tampered with the textbook. 不是乱说,而是罗真真的篡改过教科书。 Before then, people in this world call it Magic Crest technique/spell. 在此之前,这个世界的人们将刻印术式称之为魔法 Knew after this matter, Rozen decided immediately must tamper with the textbook. 得知这件事情以后,罗真当即决定要篡改教科书。 if this kind of level were to be called Magic, does that make our these Magus feel sad?” 这种程度就叫魔法的话,那让我们这些魔术师情何以堪?” Regarding Magic, any Magus is unable easily to neglect. 对于魔法,无论是哪一个魔术师都无法轻易忽视。 Rozen as legitimate Magus, in this aspect also some strange focus, impossible helplessly looks that this degree of technique/spell was called Magic. 罗真作为一个正统的魔术师,在这方面也有一些奇怪的执着,不可能眼睁睁的看着这种程度的术式被称之为魔法 Taking this into consideration, Rozen tampered with the textbook personally, changes to Magecraft Magic officially, but also was used by 《Floating City Alliance》. 有鉴于此,罗真亲自篡改了教科书,将魔法正式改为魔术,还受到《浮游都市联盟》的采用。 From now on, people in this world are called Magecraft Magic, and rapid popularizes in each Floating City. 自此,这个世界的人们才将魔法称为魔术,并迅速在各个浮游都市间普及。 But Magic Cannon Sword is numerous Mithril Armament one, has both far and near, not only slash, and may bomb, but balances is very bad, the average person is unable easily to use. 魔炮剑就是众多的魔装炼金武器的一种,远近兼备,既可斩击,又可炮击,但平衡却很差,一般人根本无法轻易使用。 Initially, Rozen saw Misora's information, the one who saw her to use after was Magic Cannon Sword, immediately had two feelings. 当初,罗真看到美空的资料,见到她使用的是魔炮剑以后,立即就产生了两个感想。 „, This girl uses with the Kanata same weapon unexpectedly.” “没想到,这个丫头居然使用和彼方一样的武器。” This is Rozen's first thought. 这是罗真的第一个感想 Impressively, Kanata is also use Magic Cannon Sword. 赫然,彼方也是使用的魔炮剑 Just, concerns to use Magic Cannon Sword technique/technology, Misora and Kanata compare are Heaven and Earth. 只不过,论及使用魔炮剑技术,美空彼方比起来就是天与地 Rozen's second thought is... 罗真的第二个感想就是... No wonder in the material said her, because the movement is slow relational actual combat ability that and misses the point is extremely low.” “难怪资料上说她因为动作迟钝且不得要领的关系实战能力极其低下。” If Magic Cannon Sword so balanced unsatisfactory Mithril Armament, a Sky Wizard candidate of preparatory course second grade lives to use well, without is so easy. 魔炮剑这般平衡性不佳的魔装炼金武器,一个预科二年级空士候补生想使用得好,没那么容易。 Even Kanata when preparatory course second grade is use dagger, afterward used Magic Cannon Sword, thus it can be seen, this weapon some are difficult to operate. 彼方在预科二年级的时候都是使用的匕首,后来才使用魔炮剑,由此可见,这武器有多难操作。 Misora chooses to use such weapon unexpectedly, can only say that does a thankless job. 美空居然选择使用这样的武器,只能说是吃力不讨好而已。 Naturally, this is not the matter that Rozen can take care, Rozen only will look at the second person temporarily. 当然,这暂时不是罗真能管的事情,罗真只是将目光转向第二个人。 Then is you, makes to introduce oneself.” “接下来是你,做个自我介绍吧。” Rozen looks at to person, precisely Lecty. 罗真所看向的人,正是蕾克蒂 Is... is...!” “是...是...!” Lecty stands up immediately. 蕾克蒂立马站起身。 I... I am Lecty Eisenach, spatial... Aerial Combat Wizard Division preparatory course second grade, the respective squad is Squad E601, the weapon of use is Magic Dual Swords...!” “我...我是蕾克蒂·艾森纳赫,空...空战魔导士科预科二年级,所属小队为e601小队,使用的武器是魔双剑...!” Lecty then speech diligently, seemingly following the Misora beforehand instruction, raises own sound as far as possible. 蕾克蒂便努力的说着话,貌似是遵照美空之前的吩咐,尽量提高自己的声音。 I... I have a dream, that free soaring in general sky, holds the post of Aerial Combat Wizard and Magical Armored Insect fights, protects Floating City people, although... although light/only thinks that fights I to fear with Magical Armored Insect trembles, but to protect somebody fights is a very happy matter, I... I think...!” “我...我有一个梦想,那就是在广大的天空中自由自在的飞翔,担任空战魔导士魔甲虫战斗,守护浮游都市的人们,虽...虽然光是想到跟魔甲虫战斗我就怕得直发抖,但为了守护某人而战是一件很幸福的事,我...我是这么想的...!” Lecty goes all out will introduce oneself supporting, because even if anxious and anxious has been shivering, even a about to cry appearance, but at least diligently finally. 蕾克蒂就拼命的将自我介绍给撑了下去,即使因为紧张和不安一直在颤抖,甚至一副快哭出来似的样子,但至少努力到了最后。 Lecty...!” 蕾克蒂...!” Misora is the Lecty actions feels affected. 美空就为蕾克蒂的所作所为感到感动。 conversely Rozen, looks at such Lecty, cannot help but somewhat smiled. 反倒是罗真,看着这样的蕾克蒂,不由得有些莞尔了。 ( And Avrora also really looks like, this child...) (和阿古罗拉还真像啊,这个孩子...) Besides the word usage non- ancient customs, Lecty that timid timid personality and Avrora simply are exactly the same, in addition is golden-haired and blue-eyed, made Rozen have some closeness actually. 除了用词不古风以外,蕾克蒂那胆小怯弱的个性阿古罗拉简直就是一模一样,再加上都是金发碧眼,倒是让罗真产生了些许的亲近感。 However... 不过... ( And Avrora compares, this child was learned...) (和阿古罗拉比起来,这孩子太有料了...) Rozen shoots a look at the spot that Lecty body cannot be described, in the heart is sighing with emotion. 罗真瞥了一眼蕾克蒂身上不可描述的部位,心中感慨着。 As for last person, after Lecty introduced oneself finished, immediately stood up. 至于最后一人,在蕾克蒂自我介绍结束以后,立即站了起来 Perhaps although you have known that who I was, no, should say that does not know I was who was strange, but I made to introduce oneself.” “虽然你或许已经知道我是谁了,不,应该说不知道我是谁才奇怪,但我还是做个自我介绍吧。” Rico then one group of pitch-black bright and beautiful long hair, to compare front two people more comfortable, nature and even the contented stance, introduced itself. 莉子便一拨乌黑亮丽的长发,以比起前面两人更加自在、自然乃至自得的姿态,如此介绍了自己。 I am Rico Flamel, Aerial Combat Wizard Division second grade, the respective squad is Squad E601, the weapon of use is Demonic Spear/Magic Gun, the world all said I for Goddess, only they do not dare to blaspheme this glossary, therefore never spoken out loud, but please forgive them, their only feels inferior in the face of my beautiful appearance . Moreover, do not think I treat in the E-Rank squad am because the result is very bad, my theory result is A, the actual combat result similarly is A, but the weather was not good recently, the previous examination I have not gone, they seemingly gave me very low evaluation, but if your, should and these is vulgar. The person is different, can actually understand my strength why?” “我是莉子·弗拉梅尔,空战魔导士科二年级,所属小队为e601小队,使用的武器则是魔枪,世人皆称我为女神,只是他们不敢亵渎这个词汇,所以从未道出口,但请原谅他们,他们只是在我的美貌面前自惭形秽而已,另外,可别以为我待在e级小队是因为成绩很差,我的理论成绩是A,实战成绩同样是A,只不过最近天气不好,上次的测验我没去,他们貌似给了我一个很低的评价,但如果是你的话,应该和那些庸俗的人不同,能够明白我的实力究竟为何吧?” Rico such natural is telling own deeds. 莉子就这么理所当然的诉说着自己的事迹。 It is not proud, is not arrogant, but is really saying very much naturally, is the fact is ordinary like this, believes that does not doubt. 不是骄傲,更不是傲慢,而是真的很理所当然的说着,如同这就是事实一般,坚信不疑。 Rozen smiled immediately. 罗真顿时笑了。 I understand why finally you will treat in the E-Rank squad, it seems like really such as in the material said that the character was too bad, is this also has only self to blame?” “我总算明白你为什么会待在e级小队,看来真的如资料上说的一样,性格太恶劣了,这也算是咎由自取吧?” Rozen has also looked at Rico's information. 罗真也看过莉子的资料 If its said that her theory result was A, Sensei that will once teach gave to argue down the tears to rush, actual combat ability was not also low, may be called Sharpshooter of every shot hits the target, but because did not turn in the homework, the actual combat examined the relations that did not arrive , the actual result was lowest, will thus treat in the E-Rank squad. 如其所言,她的理论成绩是A,曾经将教课的老师都给驳倒到泪奔,实战的能力同样不低,堪称百发百中的神枪手,可因为不交作业,实战测验也不到场的关系,实际成绩为最低,因而才会待在e级小队中。 Not is only you, the person of this squad seemingly because of the character issue, just now reduces to this situation?” “不仅是你而已,这支小队的人貌似都是因为性格的问题,方才沦落到这地步的吧?” Rozen curls the lip smiles. 罗真撇嘴一笑。 Very good, I understand your conditions for the time being.” “很好,我姑且算是了解你们的状况了。” Then, makes me come to see, your qualities how.” “接下来,就让我来看看,你们的素质如何吧。” Now, you follow one me.” “现在,你们就跟我走一趟吧。”
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