SOM :: Volume #10 Sky Wizards Academy

#1407: Makes to introduce oneself

„......!” “......!” When the sound of that faint smile spreads to the ear of three young girl on the scene, three young girls on the scene one after another are startled immediately. 当那似笑非笑的声音传入在场三个少女的耳中时,在场的三个少女顿时纷纷一惊。 Because only, before then, three people have not heard the sound that opens the door, has not detected any sound. 只因为,在此之前,三人既没有听到开门的声音,更没有察觉到任何的动静。 This sound is to then come so suddenly, silent, no omen, lets three young girls entirely stood up from the seat. 这个声音便是来得如此突然,无声无息,没有一点前兆,让三个少女通通都从座位上站了起来 Then, three talents see. 然后,三人才看到。 „Are you Squad E601?” “你们就是e601小队吧?” On the platform of squad room, wears the youngster who the undergraduate student overpowers not to know when appeared there, both hands elbow folded on the desktop, the whole person also by the platform, looks below three young girls, suddenly smiled. 在小队室的讲台上,身穿本科生制服的少年不知何时出现在了那里,双手手肘叠在桌面上,整个人亦是靠在讲台,看着下方的三个少女,蓦然一笑。 Sorry, came lately, very long has not arrived in Squad Building to come, could not bear looked at both eyes, hasn't made you wait for a long time?” “抱歉,来迟了,很久没有到小队大楼里来了,忍不住多看了两眼,没让你们久等吧?” Rozen's voice brings some pondering, making one not know real. 罗真的声音就带着些许的玩味,让人根本不知道是不是真的。 However, three young girls on the scene have not been able to care about this point. 但是,在场的三名少女已经无法在意这一点了。 Three people look to present Rozen on platform, cannot attend to being surprised completely, only shows the stunned incomparable expression. 三人就看着出现在讲台上的罗真,完全顾不得感到吃惊,只露出愕然无比的表情。 Without the means. 没办法。 You... you are...” “你...你是...” Misora is shivering the finger is pointing at Rozen. 美空颤抖着手指的指着罗真 wā... wā wā wā...” 哇...哇哇哇...” Lecty was completely helpless. 蕾克蒂更是完全手足无措了。 Deceived people...?” “骗人的吧...?” Even Rico resembled to mutter surprisedly. 莉子都似过于惊讶般的喃喃了起来。 This really does not have the means. 这真的是没办法。 The present person, others could not know, but as 《Mistgun》's Aerial Combat Wizard, if has not known the present person, then absolutely stayed in 《Mistgun》 in vain. 眼前之人,别人或许能够不认识,但身为《密斯特岗》的空战魔导士,如果还不认识眼前之人,那在《密斯特岗》里绝对是白待了 Opposite party is not only in entire 《Mistgun》 most legend, most world-famous Character, but also entire 《Floating City Alliance》 is known to everybody existence that is known to everybody. 要知道,对方不仅是整个《密斯特岗》内最传奇、最举世闻名的人物,而且还是整个《浮游都市联盟》都无人不知无人不晓的存在。 《Magic King》...” 《魔导王》...” Such a few words, do not know that whose comes out by whispering. 这样的一句话,就不知道是由谁呢喃出来的。 Rozen looks but not see intentionally, vision in three people of body one after another has swept, at once shrugs. 罗真故意视而不见,目光在三人的身上接连的扫过,旋即耸了耸肩。 With I know, your three people are really personality in various significances are bright and noticeable, to your first impression Ma, for the time being is also not bad, gives you 60 points.” “和我知道的一样,你们三人还真是各种意义上的个性鲜明和引人瞩目,对你们的第一印象,姑且还算是不错,给你们60分吧。” Such view, made three people respond finally. 这样的说法,总算让三人反应了过来。 shortly afterwards... 紧接着... Unexpectedly as Goddess, but perfect I get 60 points of such evaluation, are you cracking a joke?” “居然给身为女神而完美无瑕的我打上60分这样的评价,你是在开玩笑吧?” Rico took the lead to respond, and without hesitation made such response. 莉子率先反应了过来,并毫不犹豫的做出这样的回应。 This is the subconscious response, has not basically passed through the brain to ponder, it can be said that fully conforms to oneself personality a few words. 这是下意识的回应,基本没经过大脑思考,可以说是完全符合本人个性的一句话。 But this also let Misora and Lecty sufficiently has a scare. 可这也足以让美空蕾克蒂被吓一大跳了。 What foolish talk you... you are also speaking...!? Rico...!” “你...你又在说什么蠢话啊...!?莉子...!” Ri-Ri-Ri-Ri... Rico-san! Cannot speak to that like this! Not!” 莉莉莉莉...莉子同学!不可以对那一位这样说话啦!不可以!” Misora and Lecty at the scene panic. 美空蕾克蒂当场惊慌失措了起来。 „...... I only spoke the truth.” “......我只是实话实说而已。” Rico then responded, looks at Misora as well as Lecty that panic appearance, looks at Rozen has a relish the expression, in the eyes flashes through a flurry, coldly snorted that actually shows off power, should not be excessive, has not withdrawn the meaning of own speech. 莉子这才反应了过来,看着美空以及蕾克蒂那惊慌失措的模样,更看着罗真饶有兴致般的表情,眼中闪过一丝慌乱,却还是逞强的冷哼了一声,别过头,一点都没有撤回自己的发言的意思。 Id... idiot...!” 笨...笨蛋...!” Rico-san...!” 莉子同学...!” Misora wants to press down the appearance of Rico's head apology immediately, Lecty is still panic. 美空顿时一副想按下莉子的脑袋道歉的模样,蕾克蒂则还在惊慌失措。 The Squad E601 three people become one group. e601小队的三人就这么慌成一团。 Sees that although Rozen finds it interesting, has not actually looked. 见状,罗真虽觉得有趣,却也没有一直看下去。 Ok, calmed down.” Rozen said by the optional tone: I merely came to have a look at you, it's okay for you to regard me as an ordinary senpai, otherwise the topic cannot conduct, got it?” “好了,都冷静下来吧。”罗真以随意的口吻如此说道:“我只是来看看你们的而已,你们就把我当做普通的学长看待就行,不然话题根本进行不下去,明白了吗?” Rozen's tone is such optional, but in the sound actually carries inconceivable power general, making three young girls on the scene finally calm. 罗真的口气就是那么的随意,但声音中却携带着不可思议的力量一般,让在场的三个少女总算冷静了下来。 But three people thought isn't a little realistic? 可三人还是觉得有点不现实吧? After all... 毕竟... That... that...” “那...那个...” Misora on first not being able to repress making noise. 美空就第一个按耐不住的出声。 could it be that are you our Instructor?” 难道你就是我们的教官吗?” These words, Misora brings exciting saying. 这句话,美空是带着点兴奋的说出来的。 Not is only Misora, Lecty is also pleasantly surprised and disturbed appearance, even if Rico casts the vision to Rozen's body, cannot leave. 不仅是美空而已,蕾克蒂同样又惊喜又忐忑的模样,即使是莉子都将目光投至罗真的身上,没有能够离开。 Believes, any squad does meet such condition, the performance will not compare Squad E601 to be good? 相信,任何一支小队遇上这样的状况,表现都不会比e601小队好吧? Who at present is this man? 眼前这个男人是谁啊? That is called existence of humanity's hero and hope. 那可是被称为人类的英雄及希望的存在啊。 When the preparatory course first grade, to the convenience only used for a year own squad rose A-Rank, second grade makes an exception to rise S-Rank directly, becomes Royal Guard's Captain, even if 《Bebel》 were alarmed, finally convenes specially, allowing only academy preparatory student him to participate in the campaign of forefront, finally the opposite parties make the astonishing performance, not only take to make the score that the person cannot believe that even crushes all Aerial Combat Wizard, becomes commanding of forefront, leads human, attained from the hand of Magical Armored Insect won several times greatly. 在预科一年级时,对方便仅用了一年的时间让自己的小队升上了A级,二年级时直接被破例升上了S级,成为特务小队的队长,即使是《薇贝尔》都被惊动,最终特别召集,让只是预科生的他参与最前线的战役,结果对方都做出惊人的表现,不但拿下令人不敢相信的战绩,甚至压倒所有的空战魔导士,成为最前线的统率者,带领人类,从魔甲虫的手中拿到数次大胜利。 In addition the opposite party in the deeds that Alchemist Division makes, said with no trace of politeness, who doesn't want to be instructed by him? 再加上对方在万融炼金科做出的事迹,毫不客气的说,谁不想被他指导? Even if A-Rank Squad, that will accept his instruction without hesitation? 哪怕是A级小队,那都会毫不犹豫的接受他的指导吧? But Squad E601 is the weakest squad, can actually accept such person's instruction, could it be that in addition can not inspired and stimulated? e601小队不过是最弱的小队,却能够接受这样的人的指导,难道还能不振奋、亢奋吗? What a pity... 可惜... I indeed was appointed, but can become your Instructor, this must be undetermined.” “我的确被这么任命了,但会不会成为你们的教官,这点还得待定。” Rozen like giving the people sprinkles next basin cold water to be the same, like this opens the mouth. 罗真有如给众人泼下一盆冷水一样,这样子开口。 If you disappoint me, I will leave.” “如果你们让我失望的话,那我就会离开。” Simple a few words, making the Squad E601 three people restore from inspired and stimulated Status/condition instantaneously. 简简单单的一句话,让e601小队的三人瞬间从振奋、亢奋的状态中恢复了过来。 Three people are looking at each other mutually, finally was silent. 三人就互相对视着,最终沉默了。 Clearly, three people realized, perhaps the situation does not have simplicity that oneself and the others imagines. 很明显,三人都意识到了,情况或许没有自己等人想象的那么简单。 Especially Rico. 尤其是莉子 so that's how it is, famous 《Humanity's Hero》 not unnecessary time waste in our such E-Rank squad body, therefore needs to inspect?” 原来如此,大名鼎鼎的《人类英雄》没有多余的时间浪费在我们这样的e级小队身上,所以需要考核吗?” Rico is saying by the calm tone. 莉子以冷静的口吻这么说着。 But Rozen had not opposed that the opposite party with such coarse view, feels probably is indifferently same, so shrugs. 罗真也没有反对对方用这么难听的说法,像是觉得无所谓一样,这般耸了耸肩。 Ma, you, if thought that is this, that thinks then.” ,你们要是觉得是这样的话,那就这么认为即可。” Then, Rozen changed the topic. 说完,罗真语锋一转 In brief, your three sit down.” “总之,你们三个都坐下吧。” Rozen so told. 罗真这般吩咐了。 „......” “......” The Misora, Lecty as well as Rico three people look at each other again mutually, immediately silently returns to the respective seat, sat. 美空、蕾克蒂以及莉子三人再次互相对视,随即默默的回到各自的座位上,坐了下来。 However, three people of vision tight staring in Rozen's body, only display differently. 不过,三人的目光都紧紧的盯在罗真的身上,只是表现不同而已。 Misora brings anxiously. 美空是带着紧张。 Lecty brings anxiously. 蕾克蒂是带着不安。 As for Rico, looked that carefully examines to here in the eyes completely, like wants while this rare opportunity, to see through in 《Mistgun》 most famous Hero to be the same. 至于莉子,看向这边的眼中满是审视,如同想趁着这个难得的机会,看穿《密斯特岗》内最有名的英雄一样。 In these circumstances... 在这样的情况下... First, first makes to introduce oneself.” “首先,先来做个自我介绍吧。” Rozen shows a faint smile, the sound resounds. 罗真微微一笑,声音响起。 As you know, I am Loreley Agnesen, Aerial Combat Wizard Division undergraduate course second grade, the respective squad is S128 Royal Guard, the duty is Captain, but has withdrawn from the frontline at present basically, volunteers to change over to Alchemist Division, concentrates on the research.” “如你们所知,我是罗雷莱·阿涅真,空战魔导士科本科二年级,所属小队为S128特务小队,职务是队长,不过目前已经基本退出前线,志愿是想转入万融炼金科,专注于研究。” speech finished, Rozen first looked to Misora. 语毕,罗真先看向了美空 Then is you, makes to introduce oneself.” “接下来是你,做个自我介绍吧。” Rozen gave Misora the topic. 罗真将话题交给了美空 Un... understood...!” 知...知道了...!” Misora immediately stood up. 美空顿时站了起来
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