SSAT :: Volume #7

#621: Cannot not permit not to dare

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When branch operates completely, the city of many state county exploded immediately, because the All Times Sect branch foreign unification announced, recruits capable person outstanding, the treatment is rich! 分舵全部运作起来,很多州郡的城池顿时炸了,因为万古宗分舵对外统一宣布,招募能人俊杰,待遇非常丰厚! For example! 比如! Yearns to hire clerk 50, the monthly salary 10,000 tael, more pay for more work! 诚招业务员50名,月俸万两,多劳多得! Yearns to hire branch Protector 10, peak Martial Ancestor monthly salary 5 spirit stone, Martial King level monthly salary 10 natural spirit stone. 诚招分舵护法十名,巅峰武宗者月俸五颗灵石,武王层次月俸十颗天然灵石 The condition is, only recruits loose cultivator outward, any powerful, family's martial cultivator please do not disturb. 条件是,只对外招募散修,任何有势力、家族的武修请勿打扰。 During the assignment , the performance satisfactory person may recommend by branch, becomes All Times Sect one. 任职期间表现良好者可由分舵推荐,成为万古宗一员。 This type of recruiting advertisement once were issued, immediately raises the great unrest in various cities, many loose cultivator is ready to make trouble all. 这种招募广告一经发布,顿时在各城池掀起轩然大波,很多散修无不蠢蠢欲动。 „The striving for success most lifetime accomplishes nothing outside, why not tries!” “在外拼搏大半辈子一事无成,何不去试试!” Walks, walks, we register!” “走,走,我们去报名!” Suddenly, the All Times Sect branch entrance of various provinces county, it may be said that is fully occupied, has really not lacked peak Martial Ancestor, even the expert of Martial King level! 一时间,各州郡的万古宗分舵门口,可谓人满为患,其中还真不缺巅峰武宗,甚至武王层次的高手! They care about the monthly salary actually not, but to can become All Times Sect one to move. 他们倒不是在意月俸,而是对能成为万古宗一员非常动心。 Actually many martial cultivator some plans of joining, but had once inquired, learned that this potential Three A's sect gate, on recruiting the disciple chooses the aptitude not wrong young people generally. 其实很多武修都有加入的打算,但曾打听过,获知这潜力三甲的宗门,在招募弟子上一般选择资质不错的年轻人。 Helps All Times Sect work, not only there is a wage to take, basic opportunity, why not. 万古宗做事,不仅有薪水拿,还有入门机会,何乐而不为呢。 sect master.” 宗主。” The Li Luoqiu case bank draft reported: Various branch have recruited many Martial Ancestor one after another, Martial King cultivation base has ten.” 黎洛秋例行汇报道:“各分舵已陆续招募不少武宗,其中武王修为就有十名。” not wrong, not wrong.” 不错,不错。” Jun Changxiao said: Multi- inspection inspection, works wholeheartedly, can integrate sect gate.” 君常笑道:“多考察考察,真心实意来做事的,可以纳入宗门。” Un.” “嗯。” Li Luoqiu paused, said: Just obtained the news, the Lily Holy Sect person on the road that comes visiting.” 黎洛秋顿了顿,道:“刚得到消息,百合圣宗的人正在来访的路上。” ó?” ?” Jun Changxiao is surprised the different way: How did they come?” 君常笑诧异道:“她们怎么来了?” Shortly, letter of Lily Holy Sect visit delivered. 没多久,百合圣宗来访的书信送了过来。 The letter/believes has not sent, learned ahead of time, thus it can be seen, All Times Sect, in the information gains on, done unusual was outstanding. 信都没送来,就提前获知了,由此可见,万古宗在情报获取上,已经做的非常优秀了。 Three years of nearing approximately.” “三年之约在即。” Jun Changxiao holds the chin, twittering said: What meaning they at this time was the person?” 君常笑托着下巴,呢喃道:“她们这时候来人是什么意思呢?” Li Luoqiu said: Perhaps wants to search the bottom.” 黎洛秋道:“也许是想来探探底。” Jun Changxiao cracks into a smile, said: My All Times Sect’s bottom, is so good to search?” 君常笑咧嘴一笑,道:“我万古宗的底,是那么好探的吗?” ...... …… Bang! 轰! Bang! 轰! In the training room, Xiao Zuiji bombardment testers, the strength value constantly changes, the whole body is sweat profusely. 训练房内,萧罪己一次次轰击测试机,力量数值不断变化,全身已是大汗淋漓。 Every day cultivates, he will come to here to test, even if but one jin (0.5 kg) promotion, feels incomparably precious. 每天修炼完毕,他都会来这里进行测试,哪怕只是一斤提升,都觉着无比的弥足珍贵。 The true experience error, understands that has again is how hard-won. 只有真正体会过失去,才明白再次拥有是多么来之不易。 Xiao Zuiji very grateful sect master. 萧罪己很感激宗主 Without him , there would be no today's. 没有他,就没有今天的自己。 Stiffens unceasingly, guards this sect gate with the life, is the Xiao Zuiji’s lifelong goal. 不断去变强,用生命捍卫这个宗门,就是萧罪己的人生目标。 Zuiji.” 罪己。” Jun Changxiao by the gate before, said: „A Lily Holy Sect elder, leading the disciple to visit shortly.” 君常笑靠在门沿前,道:“百合圣宗一名长老,带着弟子不久后会来拜访。” Xiao Zuiji is startled. 萧罪己一怔。 Cancels the beads of sweat of forehead, said in a low voice: „Did she also follow?” 抹去额头的汗珠,低声道:“她也跟着来了吗?” Un.” “嗯。” According to the latest information that branch sends, Murong Xin also comes. 根据分舵送来的最新情报,慕容欣也来了。 Xiao Zuiji aspirates, shakes the head saying: Is shames my?” 萧罪己吐了一口气,摇摇头道:“又是来羞辱我的吗?” He will never forget, person who a few years ago, cultivation base backed up to degenerate into the disabled person, Murong Xin brings Lily Holy Sect came Xiao Family to break an engagement. 他永远不会忘记,几年前,修为倒退沦为废人,慕容欣百合圣宗的人来萧家退婚一幕。 „The Xiao Family lord, old one this time comes, for other, does not only hope that my disciple can direct descendant renounce the engagement with your family, if must to a reason, that not can be joined.” 萧家主,老身此次前来,不为别的,只希望我弟子能和你家嫡系解除婚约,如果非要给一个理由,那就是配不上。” Your Xiao Family can present a extreme grade spirit root talent, pouring is also the greatest chance, but, this level finds at everywhere in my Lily Holy Sect, therefore the engagement must draw back today.” “你们萧家能出现一个极品灵根的天才,倒也算是莫大的机缘,不过,这种层次在我百合圣宗随处可见,所以婚约今天必须退。” The Lily Holy Sect elder arrived at Xiao Family to say each, each character pierced the Xiao Zuiji’s heart, let him often the having a dream dream, the subconsciousness gripped tightly the fist all. 百合圣宗长老来到萧家说过的每一句,每一个字都刺穿了萧罪己的心,让他每每做梦梦到,无不下意识紧握拳头。 Does not have the sentiment with Murong Xin, breaks an engagement indifferently. 慕容欣没感情,退婚无所谓。 You keep aloof, I am the ants, this is also indifferent! 你们高高在上,我是蝼蚁,这也无所谓! But, why must trample with the foot ruthlessly! 可是,为何非要用脚狠狠践踏! What?” “什么?” „Didn't this child have spirit root, cultivation base to back up?” 此子没了灵根,修为又倒退了?” When the Lily Holy Sect elder knows the Xiao Zuiji’s recent situation, that arrogant manner is richer. 百合圣宗长老得知萧罪己的近况,那种高傲神态更为浓郁。 Without spirit root and cultivation base, is the through and through waste, naturally could not be joined to Junior Apprentice Sister Murong.” “没了灵根修为,便是彻头彻尾的废物,自然更加配不上慕容师妹了。” I heard that for the first time spirit root will drop, it seems like, your Xiao Family usually in also handles the matter that what natural justice does not accommodate a lot.” “我还是第一次听说灵根会跌落,看来,你们萧家平日里也没少做什么天理不容的事情。” junior apprentice sister breaks an engagement, the reality is the wise action, otherwise marries trash, all destroyed for a lifetime.” 师妹来退婚,实乃明智之举,否则嫁给一个垃圾,一辈子就全毁了。” With the Lily Holy Sect disciple at first remains silent, possibly thinks that the aptitude is inferior to Xiao Zuiji, waits to know that he did not have the aptitude and cultivation base, jumps to taunt in abundance, sharp of spoken language, making the Xiao Family high level all angry. 跟过来的百合圣宗弟子起初保持沉默,可能认为资质不如萧罪己,等得知他没了资质和修为,纷纷跳出来挖苦,言语之犀利,让萧家高层无不愤怒。 Their angry Lily Holy Sect does not go too far, but is angry, this brings the glory to the family direct descendant, now brings the endless shame! 他们不是愤怒百合圣宗欺人太甚,而是愤怒,这个给家族带来荣耀的嫡系,如今又带来了无尽羞辱! Elder Cheng.” 程长老。” The Xiao Family lord said with a smile: This marriage, we draw back.” 萧家主笑道:“这个婚,我们退。” Second Rate sect gate to Xiao Family, is the unattainable colossus, naturally does not dare to have any disobedience. 二流宗门萧家而言,是高不可攀的庞然大物,自然不敢有任何忤逆。 This is 10,000 taels silver.” “这是一万两银子。” Lily Holy Sect elder tone throughout very arrogant say/way: Relieves the compensation of engagement.” 百合圣宗长老语气始终很傲慢的道:“算是解除婚约的补偿吧。” Witnessed that patriarch accepts that represents shame ten thousand two bank note, Xiao Zuiji cannot bear a blood splatter finally. 目睹家主收下那代表‘羞辱’的万两银票,萧罪己终于忍不住一口血喷溅出来。 I’m sorry.” 对不起。” Before Murong Xin leaves, once spoke such a few words. 慕容欣离开前,曾说这么一句话。 Just before leaving, but can also shame me? 临走了,还要羞辱我吗? Xiao Zuiji grips the fist tightly, the fingernail falls into the meat, blood a little bit seeps out, making him unable to feel slightly the ache. 萧罪己紧攥拳头,指甲盖身陷肉里,鲜血一滴滴渗出,让他感觉不到丝毫疼痛。 Because this pain and was trampled hurting of dignity, is not anything. 因为这点痛和被践踏尊严的疼,根本算不上什么。 After the Lily Holy Sect person leaves, Xiao Family holds the family conference immediately, ó, no, is one conducts the critique congress that two times injure to Xiao Zuiji. 百合圣宗的人离开后,萧家当即召开家族会议,,不,是一场对萧罪己进行二次伤害的批判大会。 On that day. 那天。 Xiao Zuiji does not know how to live. 萧罪己不知怎么活过来的。 Waits gradually to restore consciousness, the person had been pursued by the family. 等逐渐恢复意识,人已被家族驱逐出去。 The injury from Lily Holy Sect, as well as was abandoned by Xiao Family, making him thoroughly dejected, roams about outside for five years. 来自百合圣宗的伤害,以及被萧家抛弃,让他彻底心灰意冷,足足在外流浪五年。 Kills people not the excessive point place. 杀人不过头点地。 This from dignity and spiritual devastation is most fatal. 这种来自尊严和精神上的摧残才是最为致命的。 Remembers the past events that finds it unbearable to recall, Xiao Zuiji is grasping the fist once again subconsciously, the complexion is slightly fierce. 想起不堪回首的往事,萧罪己又一次下意识握着拳头,脸色略显狰狞。 Breaking an engagement. 退婚。 Can accept! 可以接受! But trampling of that dignity, is the men is unacceptable! 但那种尊严的践踏,是男人都不能接受! Therefore this is Xiao Zuiji is unable to forgive a Murong Xin point, because sees her each time, will think of Lily Holy Sect that crowd of nearly countenance satanically. 所以这也是萧罪己始终无法原谅慕容欣的一点,因为每次看到她,就会想到百合圣宗那群近乎恶魔般的嘴脸。 Jun Changxiao by has not spoken in the gate. 君常笑靠在门沿前始终没说话。 Although does not have the witness to break an engagement, but can also guess correctly, Second Rate sect gate brings Murong Xin to break an engagement, definitely many spoken language shame, the superiority feeling that coming show to be a cut above others. 虽然没目睹退婚一幕,但也能猜到,二流宗门带着慕容欣去退婚,肯定有诸多言语羞辱,来秀自己高人一等的优越感。 Therefore, when that woman previously the visiting All Times Sect’s time, made Xiao Zuiji set three years, not after proof can extraordinary, only to use the strength brings back the dignity of once losing! 所以,当那女人先前来访万古宗的时候,才让萧罪己定下三年之约,不是为证明以后能有多了不起,只为用实力拿回曾经失去的尊严! Shame?” “羞辱?” Jun Changxiao vision coldly said: My All Times Sect disciple, anybody cannot, not be accurate, does not dare!” 君常笑目光冷厉道:“我万古宗弟子,任何人不能、不准,也不敢!”
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