SG :: Volume #1

#82: Mysterious person true body

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Yes.” “是。” Shen Yi (Divine Garments) supple sound said. 神衣柔声道。 Who?” “谁?” Chen Feng greatly is at present bright. 陈锋眼前大亮。 So long as knows the ability and name of opponent, behind was easier to do, this fellow so rampant reason, because of the unknown two characters! 只要知道了对手的能力、名字,后面就好办多了,这家伙如此嚣张的原因,也只是因为未知两个字! Like Thunder Snake Mutated Gene. 就像雷蛇变异基因一样。 Before it was known very well by the popularity, who can think, gene reagent that F Grade can use, does have the E Grade peak prestige energy unexpectedly? 在它被热门所熟知之前,谁又能想到,一个F级都可以使用的基因试剂,居然有E级巅峰的威能? That mysterious person, once his ability were seen through an affair, they do not fear absolutely! 那个神秘人,一旦他的能力被拆穿,他们绝对不惧! This is also the reason that I called you to come.” “这也是我叫你来的原因。” Wang Chun forced smile. 王淳苦笑。 Un?” “嗯?” The Chen Feng eyebrow selects. 陈锋眉毛一挑。 That person......” “那个人……” Shen Yi (Divine Garments), is An Te.” 神衣顿了一下,“是安特。” What?” “什么?” Chen Feng mind fierce jumps. 陈锋心神猛的一跳。 An Te? 安特 How can...... 怎么会…… shuā! 刷! Before fast from passed over gently and swiftly at present, from most started dead, to each order of An Te, Chen Feng awakened afterward suddenly. 之前发生的一幕幕快速从眼前掠过,从最开始死亡,到后来安特的每一次命令,陈锋骤然惊醒。 A lot, instantaneous clear comprehension. 很多事情,瞬间明悟 No wonder they had not discovered the mysterious person! 难怪他们一直没发现神秘人! No wonder the mysterious person appears each time, is they had presented the places! 难怪神秘人每次出现,都是他们曾经出现过的地方! No wonder they overrun each time, has not seen any enemy! 难怪他们每次冲过去,都没看到任何敌人! It seems like before An Te prepares to act each time, will leave behind the thing that blasts out fixed time, causing the sandstorm is unusual, causes others to pay attention, then strikes to kill in secret! 看来安特每次准备出手前,都会留下一个定时炸开的东西,引起风沙异常,引起他人注意,然后暗中击杀! Shield? 屏蔽? Decodes the chip? 破解芯片? Perhaps is An Te directs and perform! 恐怕都是安特自导自演! However, why? 但是,为什么? Only has a preliminary guess.” “只有一个初步猜测。” Wang Chun took a deep breath. 王淳深吸一口气 I hired them, paid attention by Wang Yue, Wang Yue bought An Te! Let him find the opportunity to get rid of us, but An Te also had own wishful thinking.” “我雇佣了他们,被王越注意到了,王越收买了安特!让他找机会干掉我们,而安特也起了自己的小心思。” Still remembers that Qin Jie with the content that An Te did quarrel?” “还记得秦杰安特吵架的内容么?” It is estimated that is the internal dispute.” “估计是内部纠纷。” Wang Chun sneers, Qin Jie joins up with these people, wants impractical An Te, An Te takes this opportunity simply, gets rid of them completely!” 王淳冷笑,“秦杰跟那些人联合起来,想要架空安特,安特干脆利用这次机会,将他们全部干掉!” This......” “这样的话……” Un, I hire his remuneration for services rendered, Wang Chun give his remuneration for services rendered, all, he can have sole possession of! Then changes a place, the gravity head starts!” “嗯,我雇佣他的酬金,王淳给他的酬金,所有的一切,他都能独吞!然后换个地方,重头开始!” Wang Chun said lightly. 王淳淡淡的说完。 Chen Feng cannot bear show the whites of the eyes, what matter is this? 陈锋忍不住翻个白眼,这算什么事? However, rejoiced that their interior has the contradiction, if this is unusual unity team, it is estimated that he and Wang Chun has been killed now. 不过,也庆幸他们内部有矛盾,如果这是一个非常团结的小队,估计他和王淳现在已经被干掉了。 Why as for first kills the team member? 至于为什么先杀自己队员? Because in the surface Chen Feng and Wang Chun they really do not have the threat . Moreover, if Chen Feng and Wang Chun have an accident, task finished directly, the Gene Team team member a cent of money has walked respectively various, therefore, An Te must first get rid of these people, can they start to Chen Feng! 因为表面上陈锋王淳他们真的是毫无威胁,而且,如果陈锋王淳出事,任务直接结束,基因小队的队员早就分钱各走各的了,所以,安特必须先干掉这些人,才能对陈锋他们下手! Therefore......” “所以……” Chen Feng analyzed a present situation: Qin Jie does not know the circumstances of the matter.” 陈锋分析了一下现状:“秦杰并不知情。” Un.” “嗯。” An Te simply has not told them evidently.” “看样子安特根本没告诉他们。” Wang Chun to nod. 王淳点头 This was interesting.” “这就有趣了。” Chen Feng ponders. 陈锋玩味。 To get rid of everyone's An Te! 一个想要干掉所有人的安特 Qin Jie that does not know the circumstances of the matter completely! 一个完全不知情的秦杰 Their two, in the surface seemingly know nothing, but has actually known the truth Manufacturist and battle efficiency common son of the influential? 还有他们两个,表面上看起来一无所知,但是其实已经知道真相的制作师和战斗力一般的公子哥? Oh. Shen Yi (Divine Garments) that does not have! 还有一个不存在的神衣 How do you plan to do?” “你打算怎么做?” Chen Feng looks to Wang Chun. 陈锋看向王淳 How can also do?” “还能怎么做?” Wang Chun sneers, „, since spent my employment gold/metal, my task must complete! The next goal, hunts and kills Illusory Snake Leader!” 王淳冷笑,“既然花了我的雇佣金,我的任务就一定要完成!下一个目标,就是猎杀幻蛇首领!” Hunts and kills Illusory Snake Leader......” “猎杀幻蛇首领……” Chen Feng hesitation moment. 陈锋沉吟片刻。 Feasible! 可行! Hunts and kills Illusory Snake Leader, Chen Feng and Wang Chun goal also completes! 猎杀幻蛇首领,陈锋王淳的目标同时完成! Wang Chun does not know, but Chen Feng , he if fused Illusory Snake gene reagent, the battle efficiency assumes certainly how much to rise dramatically! 王淳不知道,但是陈锋自己,他如果融合了幻蛇基因试剂,战斗力一定呈几何式暴增! An Te? 安特 He has really not feared him! 他还真不怕他! Illusory Snake Leader he must hunt and kill! 幻蛇首领他必须猎杀! Shen Yi (Divine Garments) will be seeking for Illusory Snake Leader in secret, and directs it.” 神衣会在暗中寻找幻蛇首领,并把它引过来。” In the Wang Chun eye the cold light twinkle, when the time comes we coordinate to act in a play, gets rid of Illusory Snake Leader, then handles our task, finds the way to get rid of An Te again!” 王淳眼中寒光闪烁,“到时候我们配合演戏,将幻蛇首领干掉,然后搞定我们的任务,再想办法干掉安特!” Can hit?” “能打过?” Chen Feng looks to Wang Chun. 陈锋看向王淳 Now does not have.” “现在没有。” Wang Chun shakes the head, „, but by the Scale of the Illusory Snake success of Illusory Snake Leader refinement, my ability can significantly promote, hē hē, when the time comes...... 王淳摇摇头,“但是以幻蛇首领炼制的幻蛇之鳞成功,我的能力就可以大幅度提升,呵呵,到时候……。” Two people look at each other one, is hopeful. 两人对视一眼,充满期待。 In an inferior position? 处于劣势? Is only now! 仅仅只是现在! So long as finds the way to get rid of Illusory Snake Leader, two people battle efficiencies will rise dramatically significantly! 只要想办法干掉幻蛇首领,两人的战斗力都会大幅度飙升! Naturally 当然 Before then, must stand firm An Te. 在这之前,必须稳住安特 An Te...... 安特…… Qin Jie...... 秦杰…… What Chen Feng thinks of suddenly, remains a Qin Jie threat the words, An Te does not need to fear that exposes itself? In other words, so long as Qin Jie relaxes vigilantly, he will act quickly!” 陈锋忽然想到什么,“就剩秦杰一个威胁的话,安特根本不用怕暴露自己吧?也就是说,只要秦杰放松警惕,他很快就会出手!” „It is not good.” “不好。” Wang Chun complexion big change. 王淳脸色大变。 If Qin Jie were killed, they really troubled! 如果秦杰被杀,他们真的麻烦了! Subconscious, Wang Chun wants to go out, then held down by Chen Feng stubbornly. 下意识的,王淳就想出去,然后被陈锋死死按住。 No rush, the Qin Jie detection consciousness is very strong, he has not acted now, should still and other opportunities, you now go out, anything ended.” “别着急,秦杰侦查意识很强,他现在还没出手,应该还在等机会,你现在出去,什么都完了。” Chen Feng said in a low voice. 陈锋低声道。 Was I worries.” “是我着急了。” Wang Chun stands firm the mind. 王淳稳住心神。 Under, gives me.” “下面,交给我吧。” The Chen Feng corners of the mouth show the smile. 陈锋嘴角露出笑容。 Acts in a play? 演戏? Who cannot! 谁不会啊! But at this time. 而此时。 The rock cave entrance, the Qin Jie attention looks at outside unceasingly, the vigilant heart constantly enhances, but unknowingly, the back gave An Te. 岩洞入口处,秦杰的注意力不断看着外面,警惕心不断提高,但是不知不觉,后背就交给了安特 Good opportunity! 好机会! In the An Te eye the cold light flashes through. 安特眼中寒光闪过。 In the hand Gene Ability quiet emergence, he is preparing move of the time of killing Qin Jie, suddenly the back tent place broadcasts the sound. 手中基因能力悄无声息的涌现,他正准备一招击毙秦杰的时候,忽然背后的帐篷处传来声音。 An Te stands firm the mind rapidly. 安特迅速稳住心神。 Qin Jie subconscious turning head: Well, Chen Feng, how did you come out?” 秦杰下意识的回过头:“咦,陈锋,你怎么出来了?” All right.” “没事。” Chen Feng sighed, he fell asleep.” 陈锋叹口气,“他睡着了。” „Haven't you rested?” “你没睡?” Qin Jie chatted with him. 秦杰跟他闲聊。 „It is not familiar with rest with the man.” “不习惯跟男人睡。” Chen Feng spoke thoughtlessly to say. 陈锋随口回道。 Qin Jie: „......” 秦杰:“……” Also is really a reason that makes people unable to refute. 还真是个让人无法反驳的理由。 That hasn't fellow, appeared?” “那个家伙,还没出现?” Chen Feng looks to An Te. 陈锋看向安特 No.” “没有。” On the An Te face does not have one to change countenance. 安特脸上没有一丝动容。 Snort!” “哼!” Chen Feng sneers, that fellow dares to kill the Shen Yi (Divine Garments) girls, if really appeared, I make him have not to return absolutely!” 陈锋冷笑,“那家伙神衣姑娘都敢杀,要是真的出现了,我绝对让他有去无回!” Qin Jie and An Te cannot help laughing, only considers Chen Feng to vent nothing more. 秦杰安特哑然失笑,只当是陈锋发泄而已 I may say.” “我可说真的。” Chen Feng shrugs, you know that I am do do, should hear Thunder Snake gene?” 陈锋耸耸肩,“你们知道我是干嘛的,应该听说过雷蛇基因吧?” Naturally.” “自然。” Qin Jie slightly to nod. 秦杰微微点头 Before Chen Feng comes, Wang Chun has blown many times with them, Chen Feng was fierce. 陈锋过来之前,王淳可是跟他们吹过很多次,陈锋有多厉害了。 You look.” “你看。” Chen Feng lifts the coat. 陈锋掀开外套。 Qin Jie and An Te look stares suddenly in a big way! 秦杰安特的眼神猛然瞪大! On Chen Feng, is carrying three Thunder Snake Mutated Gene reagent unexpectedly personal, not only, in addition, never has so seen gene! 陈锋身上,居然贴身携带着三个雷蛇变异基因试剂,不仅仅如此,除此之外,还有一个从未见过的基因 Three F Grade mutate(d) Thunder Snake gene reagent, each is equivalent to the E Grade peak to strike.” “三个F级变异雷蛇基因试剂,每个相当于E级巅峰一击。” Chen Feng shows the pure smile, is pointing at Aurora reagent serious saying: This E Grade mutate(d) Land Dragon gene reagent, the comprehensive eruption, is equivalent to D Grade peak Genetic Warrior to strike full power.” 陈锋露出纯洁的笑容,指着极光试剂一本正经的说道:“还有这个E级变异地龙基因试剂,全面爆发,相当于D级巅峰基因战士全力一击。” sī — 嘶— Qin Jie two people hold breath a cold air/Qi. 秦杰两人倒吸一口冷气。 Does the D Grade peak strike full power? D级巅峰全力一击? Fuck Me! 我靠! Really has this gene reagent?! 真的有这种基因试剂?! Before naturally did not have.” “以前当然没有。” Now had.” “现在有了。” Chen Feng light saying, I can only manufacture F Grade gene initially time, made Thunder Snake mutate(d) that has E Grade peak strength, because, now I, since breaks through E Grade, naturally can also make strongest E Grade gene! Otherwise you think, my Manufacturist does dare to come to here?” 陈锋淡淡的说道,“我当初只能制作F级基因的时候,就做出了拥有E级巅峰力量雷蛇变异及因,现在我既然突破E级,自然也能做出最强的E级基因!不然你以为,我一个制作师敢来这里?” Qin Jie only has the exclamation. 秦杰唯有惊叹。 Worthily by character of what Vice-chairman praise! This Chen Feng, is really not an average person! 不愧是被什么副会长夸赞的人物!这个陈锋,果然不是一般人! . 只是。 An Te at this moment is actually fearful and apprehensive. 安特此刻却是一阵心惊肉跳。 He is still thinking a moment ago, must simply Qin Jie and Chen Feng gets rid of together, Chen Feng cannot turn what spray in any case, however now...... 刚才他还在想,要不要干脆秦杰陈锋一起干掉,反正一个陈锋也翻不起什么浪花,然而现在…… He only has a lingering fear! 他只有一阵后怕! D Grade peak? D级巅峰? You special are certainly teasing me is right?! 你特么一定在逗我对吧?! He wants saying that this is definitely false, but Chen Feng's status there swayed . Moreover, Chen Feng simply has not deceived their necessities! What is more important, that has never seen in gene reagent, he indeed felt inconceivable strength! 他很想说这肯定是假的,但是陈锋的身份可是在那里摆着呢,而且,陈锋根本没有骗他们的必要!更重要的是,那个从未见过的基因试剂中,他的确感觉到了一股不可思议的力量 Somewhat thorny. 有些棘手了。 An Te does not dare to move now. 安特现在根本不敢动了。 Kills Chen Feng? 陈锋 Crack a joke! 开什么玩笑! This prestige can the thing ties up on the body, will kill Chen Feng he himself also certainly dead! 这种威能的东西绑在身上,杀了陈锋他自己也一定会死! It seems like 看来 Only can need further consideration. 只能从长计议了。 An Te looking pensive. 安特若有所思。 If not know the Chen Feng's card in a hand even if, since knew, he has the means to deal! 若是不知道陈锋的底牌也就算,但是既然知道了,他就有办法应对! First found the opportunity to kill Qin Jie, then oneself played dead to disappear, then looked for one pile of Illusory Snake to attack two people, making Chen Feng use up itself to appear the card in a hand again! 先找机会杀了秦杰,然后自己假死消失,然后找一堆幻蛇过来攻击两人,让陈锋把底牌都用完自己再出现! Un is perfect. 完美。 An Te formulates the good opportunity, restores indifferently. 安特制定好机会,又恢复淡然。 . 只是。 Evening's time, he had not found the opportunity. 一晚上的时间,他也没找到机会。 Because that Chen Feng simply has not slept, but chatted one with Qin Jie in the evening, listened to a Qin Jie lecture of their past story, experience that various places explored. 因为那个陈锋根本没睡觉,而是跟秦杰闲扯一晚上,听秦杰讲他们过去的故事,各种地方探险的经历。 A night. 一夜。 Quietly however passes. 悄然而逝。
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