Barren Rockland.荒芜岩地。
The weatherfades outgradually.
The sandstorm that sweeps acrosslooksin the darknessis more fearful, 12Illusory Snake that occasionallypresentsare also frightening, Chen Fengtheircalmleads the wayin the sandstorm.
“就在前面了。”Qin Jiesaidin a low voice.秦杰低声说道。„Un.”
“嗯。”Wang Chungentlyto nod.王淳轻轻点头。However, inthisinstance, the tyranny that the surroundingsandstormsuddenlychanges, the place that behindthem, justpassed through, the inexhaustiblesandstormstartsto seethe!
又出手了!„Does not needto managehim.”
“不用管他。”An Tecoldsound said: „It is estimated thatislooked that wethereforeworriedto the rock cavequickly, weclashat the maximum speed, torock cave , he only thenmentalityoneset!”安特冷声道:“估计是看我们快到岩洞所以着急了,我们以最快速度冲进去,到了岩洞,他只有思路一套!”„Good.”
The peopleshouldsay.
众人应道。„Qin Jiein front ofyouleads the way, Wang Chunamongyou, Iam responsible forbringing up the rear.”
“秦杰你前面开路,王淳你们中间,我负责殿后。”An Tekilling intentis imposing, „Ido not believe that hecanassassinateI.”安特杀意凛然,“我就不信,他能暗杀的了我。”By the battle efficiency, heabsolutelyisineveryoneis only strongest! Thatmysteriouspersonevadeseveraltimes, but not present, it is estimated thatalsodreadsAn Te, does not dareto act.
“知道。”Qin JiecoldShengyingsaid.秦杰冷声应道。„shuā!”
The silentfluctuationdissipates.
“跟我来。”Qin Jieleads the peopleto charge into the rock cavefast.秦杰带着众人快速冲向岩洞。Back.
“快!”An Teurged.安特催促。
The Chen FengthreepeoplealsocloselyfollowbehindQin Jie, the fastvanguard, in the Chen Fenghand, Thunder Snakegenereagenttakesquietly, ifencounters the danger......陈锋三人也是紧紧跟在秦杰后面,快速前行,陈锋手中,雷蛇基因试剂已经悄无声息的拿出来,如果遇到危险……„Arrived!”
“到了!”Qin Jiereveals the joyfulcolorsuddenly.秦杰忽然露出欣喜之色。Not far away.
不远处。Thatrock cavehas been in sightdistantly.
“轰!”At present the sandstormis shakenbyQin Jie.
眼前风沙被秦杰震开。Whenhefirstrushed, Chen Fengand the othersfollowed, howeverinthisinstance, sandstormsuddenlycrazysweeping across of backeverywhere.
The endlesssand, coversthem.
无尽的沙子,将他们笼罩。„Be careful!”
The Chen Fengvigilantheartis big.陈锋警惕心大起。However.
然而。Unexpectedly, even if the dangertothissituation, hehas not felt the murderous intention, the goal of thisopposite party, is still nothe!
出乎意料的是,纵然危险到这种地步,他也没有感觉到杀机,这一次对方的目标,依然不是他!„IsAn Te?”
“是安特?”Chen Fengbrow wrinkled.陈锋眉头微皱。
The An Testrengthis the E Gradepeak, ifevenhehas an accident......安特实力是E级巅峰,如果连他都出事的话……„shuā!”
“刷!”Qin Jiebreaks open the sandstorm.秦杰破开风沙。„Comes inquickly!”
“快进来!”Qin Jieangrily roars, the peoplefollowto step into the rock cavebehindhimsubconsciously, everywheresandstormdisappearinthisflash, An Tealsofollowedto come infinally.秦杰一声怒吼,众人下意识的跟在他后面踏入岩洞,漫天的风沙在这一瞬间消失,安特也跟在最后进来了。„Everyone......”
“大家都……”Wang Chuna few wordshad not said that has stopped.王淳一句话没说完已经停下。Yeah.
A Chen Fengsigh.陈锋一声叹息。Qin JieandWang Chunlook at each otherone, is the difficultclosingeye.秦杰和王淳对视一眼,也是艰难的闭上眼睛。People, were few.
The Wang Chunwhole bodyshivers, „howcanlike this?!”王淳浑身颤抖,“怎么会这样?!”Shen Yi (Divine Garments), vanished.神衣,消失了。Will soon step into the rock caveinthemfinallythat moment, the sandstormemergessuddenlymassively, thatbeautifulmisswas also submergedin the sandstorm, has not appearedagain.
在他们最后即将踏入岩洞的那一刻,风沙忽然大量涌现,那位绝美的姑娘也被淹没在风沙之中,再也没有出现。Oneline of eightpeople, onlyhavefourpeople!
一行八人,仅剩下四人!„Imade contribution.”
“我尽力了。”An Tesighed, „Ionewill be protectingyou, butat that time, the magnanimoussandstormappearedfinally, Iwas disturbed, whenIbroke open the sandstormtime......”安特叹息,“我一会在保护你们,但是最后那个时候,海量的风沙出现,我受到了干扰,等我破开风沙的时候……”
The peopleare silent.
众人沉默。As ifin the hearthas the shame, An Tehas been bringing up the rear.
似乎心中有愧,安特一直在殿后。Heput himself the most dangerousplace, butthatmysteriouspersonhas not startedtohim, buthas avoidedhim, startsto others.
他把自己放到了最危险的地方,但是那神秘人也没有对他下手,而是一直避开他,对其他人下手。Virtually impossible to guard against!
防不胜防!„Hisability, shouldbe relatedwith the sandstorm.”
“他的能力,应该跟风沙有关。”Qin Jiehoarsesaying.秦杰沙哑的说道。Wang Chun: „......”王淳:“……”Hislooklosesvery much.
他的神色很是失落。Whocanthink, an request, will developthisfinally?
谁又能想到,一次委托,最后会发展成这样?StrangeAn Te?
怪安特么?Theyloseare more serious!
他们损失更惨重!„Wang Yue......”
The Wang Chundoublefistgrips tightly, killing intentis imposing.王淳双拳紧握,杀意凛然。„Iam absolutely irreconcilablewithyou!”
“我跟你不共戴天!”Angrily roars.
一声怒吼。For a long time.
许久。In the rock cavereturned tonormal.
岩洞内恢复了平静。An Tesets out.安特起身。Turns on the flare, the entirerock caveis flooding the gentlelight.
打开照明灯,整个岩洞充斥着柔和的灯光。Hearrives atcave entrance, looked atoutside the endlesssandstorm, with the gotten darkweather, picks upsomecrushed stonesfromside, seals upcave entrancetemporarilymost.
The sandstorm that sweeps acrosskept offoutsidecave entrance.
The howlingwind sound/rumoralsobecomespeaceful.
“你们休息吧。”„Thatfellowestimatedoes not dareto come, how longIdo not believethem to shield, the timewas too long, it is estimated thatwill bring to the attention of Genetic Union.”
“那家伙估计也不敢进来,我就不信他们能屏蔽多久,时间太长了,估计会引起基因工会的注意。”„Yousleep, perhapstomorrowwill be good.”
“你们睡一觉,说不定明天就好了。”An Telooked attheironeeyes.安特看了他们一眼。„You?”
“你呢?”Chen Fenglookstohim.陈锋看向他。„IandQin Jiestand night watchin turn.”
“我和秦杰轮流守夜。”An Tesaidin a low voice,„weslaughteryear to yearoutside, for several days and several nightsdid not restis also all right, yourManufacturist, a Wang Chunson of the influential, rests is quite good.”安特低声道,“我们常年在外厮杀,几天几夜不休息也没事,你一个制作师,王淳一个公子哥,还是休息一下比较好。”„Many thanks.”
“多谢。”Chen Fengthanks.陈锋感谢。Opens the open countryequipment of Wang Chunpreparation, insideis preparingvarioustypes of ration denses and equipment, Chen Fengopensoneto be reduced the sphere the tent, builds a tenttoWang Chun.
打开王淳准备的野外装备,里面准备着各种压缩食物和装备,陈锋打开一个被压缩成球形的帐篷,给王淳搭建出一个帐篷。Hispresentconditionis not good, Chen Fengconsidershisas far as possible.
然后。Chen Fengalsobuilds a tentinside.陈锋在旁边也搭建出一个帐篷。„Youeither?”
“你们要么?”HelookstodefendinginAn TeandQin Jie of cave entrance.
他看向守在洞口的安特和秦杰。Two peopleshake the head, regardingtheirthesepersonoutside, tentcovers up the thingyear to year, will only affecttheirvigilanthearts.
两人摇摇头,对于他们这些常年在外的人来说,帐篷这层遮掩物,只会影响他们的警惕心。Chen Fengshrugs.陈锋耸耸肩。Hejustpreparedto go inside the tent, the Wang Chunsoundtransmitssuddenly.
只是,他刚准备钻进帐篷,王淳的声音忽然传来。„Chen Feng.”
“陈锋。”Wang Chunsaidin a low voice.王淳低声道。„Un?”
“嗯?”SomeChen Fengunexpected.陈锋有些意外。„Accompaniesmeto be good?”
The Wang Chunsoundcriedquickly, „I alone, fear.”王淳声音都快哭出来了,“我一个人,害怕。”Chen Feng: „......”陈锋:“……”An TeandQin Jie: „......”安特和秦杰:“……”Whatmatter is this?
这算什么事?Chen Feng can only smile bitterly.陈锋只能苦笑。Shen Yi (Divine Garments)justhung, Wang Chunnow the conditionis unstable, he can also understand,Wang Chunis goodtohim, Illusory Snakeallmaterials are also Wang Chunteachhim, at this time, healsothrew downWang Chunembarrassed.神衣刚刚挂掉,王淳现在状态非常不稳定,他也能理解,王淳对他不错,幻蛇的所有资料也是王淳教他的,这种时候,他也不好意思丢下王淳。„Good.”
“好。”Chen Fengenters the Wang Chuntent.陈锋走进王淳的帐篷。Lifts the curtain screentime, the Chen Fengpupilshrinkssuddenly, the bodyobviouslypresents the shortstiffness, thenwalkedcalmly.
只是,掀开帘子的时候,陈锋瞳孔猛然一缩,身子明显出现短暂的僵硬,顿了顿,然后若无其事的走了进去。Thatlightcurtain screen, quietfalling.
“哎。”An TeandQin Jiealsosawthis, can only sigh.安特和秦杰也看见了这一幕,只能叹息一声。
The ageistoosmall.
The fearis normal.
After theypass through the flurry that moststarts, nowhas returned tonormal, the matter of death, haven't theythoughtmanytimes?
他们经过最开始的慌乱之后,现在已经恢复了平静,死亡的事情,他们不是已经想过很多次了吗?Livesanddies, theyshouldbe used to itearly.
生和死,他们早该习惯了。„An Te.”
“安特。”Qin Jieis somewhat gentle.秦杰有些柔和。HeandAn Tebecause of the team leadermatter, because the matter of hiringsurpasseddoes not knowmanytimes, butnow, allbecomedo not have the significance.
他和安特因为队长的事情,因为招人的事情超过不知道多少次了,但是现在,一切都变得毫无意义。„IfIdied, brings back to the hometownmybone ash.”
“如果我死了,把我的骨灰带回家乡。”Qin Jiesaidin a soft voice.秦杰轻声道。„Talked nonsenseanything.”
“瞎说什么。”An Testaredhisoneeyes, „how will youdie?”安特瞪了他一眼,“你怎么会死?”„Whoknows.”
“谁知道呢。”Qin Jiemuttered.秦杰喃喃自语。By the slit of crushed stone, helooksto the rock cave, everywheresandstormblocked from the starry sky, whydoes not know, hethought that thisBarren Rocklandnight, especiallyis cold.
“你……”An Tevisitshim, the lookflashes through the inexplicablebrilliance.安特看着他,眼神闪过莫名的光彩。Butat this time.
A Chen Fengfacestrangelook, looksto focus on the frontbelt/bringhappy expressionWang Chun, as well as a ——faceappearsinhissidebeautiful young girlcalmly!陈锋一脸怪异的神色,看着眼前面带笑意的王淳,以及——一脸若无其事出现在他身边的美少女!Right, isShen Yi (Divine Garments)!
Is thislittle miss, livingunexpectedly?
A Chen Fengfaceis speechless.陈锋一脸无语。Can't fall asleep?
陪我?Accompaniesyour younger sister!
陪你妹啊!Thisfellowclearlyhad the words to say,madeChen Fengcome inintentionally, but, outsidebuthadQin Jie......
这家伙分明是有话要说,故意让陈锋进来的,只是,外面可是有秦杰的……„Don't worry.”
“不用担心。”Wang Chunlightsaying, „hasShen Yi (Divine Garments), theycannot feelanything.”王淳淡淡的说道,“有神衣在,他们感觉不到任何东西的。”„Thatis good.”
“那就好。”Chen Fengrelaxes, at oncesomedoubts: „When does the Shen Yi (Divine Garments)misscome back?”陈锋松了口气,旋即有些疑惑:“神衣姑娘什么时候回来的?”„Does not come back.”
The Wang Chunhappy expressionbecomessomewhatcold, „, butwas killed!”王淳的笑意变得有些冷,“而是被杀了!”„What?”
The Chen Fengmindjumpscrazily.陈锋心神狂跳。„Was killed.”
“被杀了呗。”Shen Yi (Divine Garments)wrinkledelicatesmallnose, the vitality/angrysaid: „Withyoucome back, the behindsandstormsweeps across, was massacred, fortunatelyIam not the person in thisworld, otherwise, butreallydied! The people in your worldwere too fearful.”神衣皱皱秀气的小鼻子,生气道:“跟你们回来的时候,后面风沙席卷,然后就被人杀掉了,还好我不是这个世界上的人,不然的话,可就真的死了!哇,你们这个世界的人太可怕了。”Chen Feng: „......”陈锋:“……”Whatis, isn't the person in thisworld?
什么叫,不是这个世界的人?„You, andlooks.”
“你且看。”Wang Chungives a calm smile.王淳淡然一笑。wēng ——嗡——Wang Chunlifts the hand.王淳抬手。Whatone -and-a-half thisare unrealis the booksfrom the skyrevolves, with the brilliancetwinkle, the Shen Yi (Divine Garments)formvanishesgradually, staringgradually, butthatillusorybookstitle page, a portrait of beautiful young girl, asalso the appearance of Shen Yi (Divine Garments)vanishes, asdisappearance of Shen Yi (Divine Garments)appears!
这是……Chen Fengawakenssuddenly: „Embodiment?!”陈锋猛然惊醒:“具象化?!”„Good.”
“不错。”Wang Chungives a calm smile.王淳淡然一笑。Heobtainedto inheritgenein the past, canchoosesomebookEmbodiment! Buthechoosesthecartoon—— that oneselfmostlikedwithout hesitation
他当年获得传承基因,正是可以选择某本书具象化!而他就毫不犹豫的选择了自己最喜欢的这本漫画——«Crystal Palace's Marvelous Journey».
《水晶宫的奇妙旅行》。Shen Yi (Divine Garments)!神衣!Is one of the Mistress!
“牛。”Chen Fengonlyhas the exclamation.陈锋唯有惊叹。Can the deathdwelling that Mistresssummoned, what can healsosay?
如果这样的话……„Did youseethatmysteriousperson?”
“你看到了那个神秘人?”Chen Fengawakenssuddenly.陈锋忽然惊醒。
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