„hū ——”
“呼——”Sandstormas before.
风沙依旧。Chen Fengoneline of sevenpeoplego throughin the sandstorm.陈锋一行七人在风沙中穿行。Allfaces are very serious, even ifmeetsIllusory Snake, theyhave not paid attention, butchoseavoidance, at this time, everyone'sattention, placedon that momentarilypossibleenemy!
笼罩在所有人心头。Qin Jiedoes not dareto select the least bitto be lax!秦杰更是不敢点有半点松懈!Both eyeslikeelectricity!
双目如电!two earstrembleslightly!双耳轻颤!TwoGene Abilitycomprehensivestarts!
两种基因能力全面开动!Even the enemyis strong, hestillhad confidence that catchestraces!
就算敌人再强,他也有把握捕捉到一丝蛛丝马迹!„They likely are also the E Gradepeaks.”
“他们很可能也是e级巅峰。”„Evenis more powerful than us, will not be strong is too many, will otherwise not hunt and killuswiththisway, therefore, we have the opportunity!”
“就算比我们强大,也不会强出太多,不然不会用这种方式来猎杀我们,所以,我们还有机会!”Thisis the analysis of An Te Team.
现在——Theymustin the danger, seek forthata slim chance of survival.
The distant placestrong windssweep across.
远处狂风席卷。Place that theyjustpassed through, behindthem, that alwaystyrannicalsandstorm, someinexplicable00007075-10, in the sandstorm, the light shadowflashesto passunexpectedlytogether.
The Qin Jiefirsttimenoticed.秦杰第一时间注意到了。Hasexceptionally!
有异常!Inthatsandstorm, as ifhas anything, is rolling.
那风沙中,似乎有什么东西,正在滚动。„Be careful.”
“小心。”An Teinjunction.安特嘱咐。Everyonetakes place.
所有人就位。Is staring in thatsandstormstubbornly, the light shadow of thattrundleis even more huge, hiddenin the sandstorm, unexpectedlytacit understandingandfusionlike that!
The dazzlingbrillianceflashes throughin the flash.
耀眼的光辉在一瞬间闪过。„Be careful!”
“小心!”Everyonestimulates to movement the defense.
所有人催动防御。At present.
眼前。Is out of sortsinthisflash.
The attacks of severalpeoplejumpsubconsciouslyshoot.
A loud sound.
一声巨响。Allattacksfell the ground.
所有攻击都落到了地面。Quick, the sandstormreturns tonormal, thatlight shadow, seems to have vanished.
很快,风沙恢复正常,那光影,似乎已经消失了。„Ran away?”
“逃走了吗?”Qin Jiemuttered.秦杰喃喃自语。Thatlight shadowfeelsis very strange, resembling the personis inhuman, inflashbloomingbrilliance, whatspecialabilityis? Laser fire?
那光影给人的感觉很诡异,似人非人,会在一瞬间绽放光辉,到底是什么特殊的能力?激光射击?Heshakes the head.
他摇摇头。„Hisstrength is not really strong.”
“他的实力果然不算强。”Wang Chunrelaxes.王淳松了口气。„Good.”
“不错。”Qin Jieto nod, „, if the opposite partystrengthrealsteamrollwe, have cometo regrethardly, he can only use the darkkillersection, thisexplained that the opposite partydoes not wantto loseor......”秦杰点头,“如果对方实力真的碾压我们,早就过来硬憾了,他只能用暗杀手段,这说明对方不想损失或者……”
The Qin Jie words saying halfreveal the panic-strickengodsuddenly.秦杰话说了一半忽然露出惊恐的神。What's wrong?
The peoplemindjumpscrazily.
敌人?Theyalmostlooksubconsciouslyto the surroundings.
他们几乎下意识的看向周围。ButChen Fenglooksfollowinghisvision,falls the ground, the pupil is also suddenly a contraction, „person, was short ofone.”
The peoplelook at each otherone, thisis panic-stricken.
众人对视一眼,这才惊恐。An Te Team!安特小队!Alsowas short of a person!
又少了一个人!Theirfivepeople of team, at this time, hadthreeunexpectedly!
The remainingthatteam membersare panic-stricken, „hestoodinmea moment agoobviouslybehind.”
剩下的那个队员惊恐,“刚才他明明站在我身后。”Back to back.
背对背。Thisistheybattles the bestposture of time, buta moment ago, lost a person!
“草!”An Tecursed angrilyone.安特怒骂一声。
The face of Qin Jie is also ugly/difficult to look atawfully, why, wasat this time! Ifgiveshimagainsome time, thisGene Team......秦杰的脸也是难看的要命,为什么,偏偏是这个时候!如果再给他一段时间,这个基因小队……Yeah.
The Qin Jiedoublefistgrips tightly.秦杰双拳紧握。„What's wrong?”
“怎么了?”Chen Fengnoticeshisgodto be somewhat unusual.陈锋注意到他的神有些异常。„All right.”
“没事。”Qin Jieshakes the head, does not wantto say.秦杰摇摇头,不想多说。Chen Fenghad not asked.陈锋也没多问。Is missingcontinuouslytwopeople, without the sense of crisisis false!
但是——Chen Fenghas not feltanycrisis!陈锋没有感觉到任何危机!Ifnormally, so long asaffectsownlife, Chen Fengcan certainlycatch a sense of crisis, thisis not the ability, butis20years of life and deathaccompanyingto gain experience! However, a moment ago, includingtwicedeceased people, hehad not been feeling an unusualityunexpectedly!
如果正常情况下,只要影响到自己的生命,陈锋一定能够捕捉到一丝危机感,这不是什么能力,而是二十年生死相伴的历练!但是,刚才,连着两次死人,他居然没有感觉到一丝异常!Thisis not absolutely normal!
这绝对不正常!Only if......
“我们可能猜错了。”Chen Fengopens the mouthsuddenly, „ourpreliminary estimate, is the opposite partyisGene Team, are not manybecause of the strength, ordoes not wantto present the serious damage that weare stronger, thereforeusesthismethodassassinations, but, has the possibility, is the opposite partyonly a person?”陈锋忽然开口,“我们初步估计,是对方是一个基因小队,因为实力比我们强的不多,或者不想出现重大损失,所以才用这种手段一个个暗杀,但是,有没有可能,对方只是一个人?”„Only then a person, thereforehe can only usethismethod!”
“只有一个人,所以他只能用这种手段!”„Hisstrengthis very strong, butis also afraidis besieged.”
“所以……”„Onlycanget rid of!”
“只能一个个干掉!”Chen Fenganalyzes.陈锋分析完。
The peoplelook at each otherone, deep is so.
那么——What is thisfellowability?
这家伙的能力是什么?Thisspecialtime, most fearfulis not the strengthsurpassesyou, butisunknown!
这个特殊的时代,最可怕的不是实力超过你,而是未知!unknownability!未知的能力!Thinkscarefully how manythatenemytimeacts, the brilliance of thattwinkle, thathidden the abilityinsandstorm, ability that eventakes awayquietly, whatis?
Is thismysteriousGene Ability?
这又是一个怎样神奇的基因能力?Person who suchhas the unknownability, hiddenin the sandstorm, is observingthemin secret, looks for the opportunityto actmomentarily, appalling!
这样一个拥有未知能力的人,隐藏在风沙之中,暗中观察着他们,随时寻找机会出手,让人毛骨悚然!„Does Yi Yi, have the means?”
“衣衣,有办法吗?”Wang Chunlooks atShen Yi (Divine Garments).王淳看着神衣。„No.”
“没有。”Shen Yi (Divine Garments)shakes the head, „opponentsimplyhas not appeared, has no wayto aim.”神衣摇摇头,“对手根本没出现,没法针对。”„Yes?”
The Wang Chunfaceis dignified.王淳脸凝重。Thistime, reallysomedangers!
这一次,是真的有些危险了!„Qin Jie, shields the sound.”
“秦杰,屏蔽声音。”An Teopens the mouthsuddenly.安特忽然开口。„Understood.”
“明白。”Qin Jieslightlyto nod.秦杰微微点头。„wēng ——”
A beam energycovers the peoplequietly, thisisQin Jieacts according to the smallskill of Gene Abilitycreation, cankeep the bystanderfromhearingtheirsounds.
“我有个办法。”An Tesaidin a low voice, „a meeting, thatfellowpresentsagaintime, weseize the opportunity, rushes to the sandstormto dohimdirectly! Ifhe is really a person......”安特低声道,“一会,那家伙再出现的时候,我们抓住机会,直接冲到风沙中搞他!如果他真是一个人的话……”„Imakehimpay with a lifeformyteam member!”
“我让他为我的队员偿命!”An Tekilling intentis imposing.安特杀意凛然。„Good.”
The peoplelook at each otherone.
众人对视一眼。This means that feasible.
这个办法,可行。Waits for deathwithitlike thisbewilderedly, might as wellspells!
与其这样莫名其妙等死,还不如拼一把!They have sixpeople!
他们还有六个人!An Te TeamstrengthstrongestAn TeandQin Jie, themdo not fear!安特小队实力最强的安特和秦杰也在,他们根本不惧!„.”
“出发。”Oneline of sixpeopleagain.
一行六人再次出发。In the sandstormleads the way.
The timepassesquietly, everyone is waiting for the opportunity.
时间悄然而逝,每个人都在等着机会。For a long time.
那风沙中终于出现了异常。Wipes the light shadowto flash through, thistime, nothinghesitant, everyoneruns outsuddenly, in the instance of thatbrillianceblasting open, has killedin the sandstorm.
然而——Inthatsandstorm, stillnobody left!
那风沙中,依然空无一人!Butthey, the peoplelook at each otherone, is the cold sweatis dripping.
而他们,众人对视一眼,都是冷汗淋漓。Alsowas short ofoneperson!
又少了一人!Inthatflash, inthatflash that theyflushed, An Te Team the personvanisheda moment ago! Is left overtwo peoplemerely!
就在刚才那一瞬间,就在他们冲进来的那一瞬间,安特小队又有一个人消失了!仅仅剩下两人!An TeandQin Jie!安特和秦杰!But the Their groupeightpeople, only havefivenow, Chen Feng, Wang Chun, Shen Yi (Divine Garments), Qin JieandAn Te.
而他们一行八人,如今也只有五个,陈锋、王淳、神衣、秦杰和安特。„Howcanlike this......”
“怎么会这样……”An Teis scared, was short ofone!安特失魂落魄,又少了一个!„Bang!”
A Qin Jiefisthitsruthlesslyin the surroundingprecipice.秦杰一拳狠狠打在周围的山岩上。Blood......
血……Remainsfollowing the fist.
顺着拳头留下来。„Theyare the brothers of life.”
The Qin Jiesoundis hoarse, „, ifdied in battle, excusable, isthiscause of death...... damn, An Te, earlyifyoulistened tometo say......”秦杰声音沙哑,“如果战死,情有可原,可是这种死法……该死的,安特,如果你早听我说的……”„Are youblamingme?”
“你在怪我?”An Te is also full of the anger.安特同样充满愤怒。„Ifyoulistenearlymy, manymoves of somepeoplecome, establish a team, wehave developed! Theywill not dienow!”Qin Jieis excited, „yourstrength, althoughstrongest, butmanagementis not good! Simplydoes not have the qualificationsto work asthisteam leader!”
“如果你早听我的,多招一些人进来,成立一个团队,我们早就发展起来了!他们现在也不会死!”秦杰激动,“你实力虽然最强,但是管理方面根本不行!根本没有资格当这个队长!”„Or do youwork as?”
The An Teangerinsteadsmilesextremely.安特怒极反笑。„Shuts uptome!”
“给我闭嘴!”Wang Chunangrily rebukes, „at this time, did youalsothink the internal strife?”王淳一声怒斥,“这个时候,你们还想内讧?”Qin Jieis staring atAn Testubbornly, lownan, „Ihatehimincessantly, but alsohatesme...... ourtwostrengthsto be obviously strongest, actuallyhas no wayto protect the teammate.”秦杰死死盯着安特,一声低喃,“我不止恨他,还恨我自己……我们两个明明实力最强,却没法保护队友。”
The peopleare silent.
The people, have been disappearing, buttheyhave no means.
人,一直在消失,但是他们却没有任何办法。„Ido not believe!”
“我就不信!”„Iswhatabilitycanbe so mystical!”
“到底是什么能力能如此神秘!”Qin Jieboth handsaccording to ground.秦杰双手按在地面。„wēng ——”
The silentfluctuationdissipatestoward the surroundings.
无声的波动向着周围逸散。„Cansee the enemy?”
“能看到敌人吗?”Wang Chunasked.王淳问道。„No.”
“没有。”AlthoughQin Jieis very angry, but the thoughtis clearer: „But, Idiscover a rock cavein the , no matterthatfellowiswhatstrength, so long asweenter the rock cave, hehas no meansassassination! He can only come, withourdirectlyshowdown!”秦杰虽然很愤怒,但是思维却更加清晰:“不过,我在附近发现一处岩洞,不管那家伙到底是什么实力,我们只要进入岩洞,他就没有任何办法暗杀!他只能现身,跟我们正面对决!”„Good.”
“好。”Peopleat presentonebright.
众人眼前一亮。In the rock cavedoes not have the sandstorm, a simplechannel.
岩洞里面没有风沙,只有简单的一个通道。Thisis a verygoodway.
“走!”„Immediatelygoes to the rock cave!”
“立刻去岩洞!”Wang Chunordereddecisively.王淳果断下令。Inthere, theymust the followingmysteriousperson conduct the finalshowdown! Friend who... reads, youcansearch for„”, then the firsttimefoundhome stationOh.
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