SG :: Volume #1

#79: Yama

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Barren Rockland. 荒芜岩地 The sandstorm fills the air as before. 风沙依旧弥漫。 Chen Feng flung some right hands of turning sour, discards Scale of the Illusory Snake that in the hand abandons, this is his 100th 60 failure. 陈锋甩了甩有些发酸的右手,将手中废弃的幻蛇之鳞丢掉,这已经是他第一百六十次失败了。 Un...... 嗯…… Has not succeeded one time. 一次也没成功过。 Although his Spiritual Energy has attained a designated standard, but Beginner Grade Manufacturist level only then ten Star Rating, are far from achieving to manufacture the E Grade Formula(s) standard, therefore manufactures Scale of the Illusory Snake, is very difficult, does not need Luck Value to assist, success ratio low make the blood boil. 虽然他精神力已经达标,但是初级制作师水准只有十个星级,远远没有达到制作e级配方的标准,所以制作幻蛇之鳞,还是很困难的,不用幸运值辅助,成功率低的令人发指。 However, he does not worry. 不过,他也不着急。 This time goal is Illusory Snake Leader, before meeting Leader, all Illusory Snake are gives him to practice to use, pours has not delayed too for a long time. 这次的目标是幻蛇首领,在遇到首领之前,所有幻蛇都是给他练习用的,倒也没有耽误太长时间。 Wang Chun does not have unexpected. 王淳也没有意外 Many Manufacturist fused powerful Gene Ability, can significantly raise the manufacture level at crucial moments, present practice, but to meet Illusory Snake Leader manufactures is better. 很多制作师都融合了强大的基因能力,可以在关键时刻大幅度提升制作水准,现在的练习,只是为了遇到幻蛇首领制作更好。 Naturally, this is also the present Chen Feng status good reason, if ordinary Beginner Grade Manufacturist dares to play, it is estimated that was lost to feed Illusory Snake early. 当然,这也是如今陈锋身份不俗的原因,如果是一个普通的初级制作师敢这么玩,估计早被丢出去喂幻蛇了。 Cry!” “唳!” A big bird in the air has flown. 一只大鸟空中飞过。 Bang!” “轰!” A package pounded. 一个包裹砸了下来。 Chen Feng skilled opening, inside impressively is a number of new manufacture material express airdrop businesses, according to the different environment, the designation different Mutated Beast delivery package, specialty, quick and safe. 陈锋熟练的打开,里面赫然是一批新的制作材料快递空投业务,根据不同环境,指派不同变异兽投递包裹,专业、快捷、安全。 Hasn't discovered Illusory Snake Leader?” “还没发现幻蛇首领么?” Wang Chun has a look at the time, most of the day has passed. 王淳看看时间,大半天已经过去了。 No.” “没有。” Qin Jie shakes the head. 秦杰摇摇头。 Since analyzing the clear Illusory Snake specific data, they hunt and kill the Illusory Snake speed to assume how much to increase, Qin Jie has been able the accurate capture the appearance of Illusory Snake, not to give it now the making a move opportunity. 自从分析清楚幻蛇的具体数据之后,他们猎杀幻蛇的速度呈几何式攀升,秦杰现在已经能精准的捕捉到幻蛇的出现,不给它出手机会。 However Illusory Snake Leader? 但是幻蛇首领 Had not seen! 一直没看到! Continue.” “继续。” Wang Chun looks to the sandstorm. 王淳看向风沙之中。 Since this Barren Rockland surrounding does not have Illusory Snake Leader, can only be more thorough. 既然这荒芜岩地的外围没有幻蛇首领,只能更深入。 Understood.” “明白。” An Te slightly to nod. 安特微微点头 Sandstorm, as before. 风沙,依旧。 A light energy flutters, the sandstorm shield outside, several people moves toward the deep place, but, just walked several steps, that little miss named Shen Yi (Divine Garments) stopped suddenly. 一股淡淡的能量飘荡,将风沙屏蔽在外,几人走向更深处,只是,刚走了几步,那个叫神衣的小姑娘忽然停下了。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Wang Chun cares to say. 王淳关心道。 „......” “……” The Shen Yi (Divine Garments) big eye winked winking, doubtful saying: „Were we short of a person?” 神衣大眼睛眨了眨,充满疑惑的说道:“我们是不是少了一个人?” How possibly?” “怎么可能?” Wang Chun laughs in spite of trying not, our altogether eight......” 王淳失笑,“我们一共八个……” shuā! 刷! The Wang Chun words stop suddenly. 王淳的话戛然而止。 The people turn head look around, this awakens suddenly, they only have seven people unexpectedly! 众人回头张望,这才猛然惊醒,他们居然只剩下七个人! Chen Feng, Wang Chun and Shen Yi (Divine Garments), An Te Team five people, but now, An Te Team, is short of a person unexpectedly! 陈锋王淳神衣,还有安特小队五个人,而现在,安特小队,居然少了一个人! „???” “???” An Te and the others are also the complexion big changes. 安特等人也是脸色大变。 Zhang Lei?” 张雷呢?” The An Te complexion is pale. 安特脸色铁青。 He is responsible for bringing up the rear, protects us, but has not thought......” “他负责殿后,保护我们,但是没想到……” Member complexion is pallid. 一个队员脸色煞白。 Had an accident! 出事了! The exploration encounters the danger to be very normal! 探险遇到危险很正常! Each of them prepared death, but this strange disappearance, makes everyone back send inexplicably coolly, is extremely frightened. 他们每个人都做好了死亡的准备,但是这种诡异的消失,莫名让所有人后背发凉,万分惊悚。 Qin Jie......” 秦杰……” An Te opens the mouth. 安特开口。 I have not felt anything.” “我没感觉到任何东西。” The Qin Jie complexion is ugly. 秦杰脸色难看。 This is most fearful! 这才是最可怕的! A team member, disappeared, but hasn't he, as the detection ability strongest soldier, what felt unexpectedly? Is this time enemy, what?! 一个队员,就这么消失了,而他,作为侦查能力最强的战士,居然什么都没感觉到?这次的敌人,到底是什么?! Can be only has not followed?” “会不会只是没跟上?” Chen Feng guessed, for example, what the urgency of urination did go to bathroom?” 陈锋猜测,“比如,尿急了上个厕所什么的?” „......” “……” People vision strange looks at Chen Feng. 众人目光诡异的看着陈锋 „A qualified team member, this matter must report.” “一名合格的队员,这种事情必须汇报。” An Te took a deep breath, „, but, pours also has this possibility, Qin Jie, you look for Yama to check the Zhang Lei life and death.” 安特深吸一口气,“不过,倒也不是没有这个可能,秦杰,你去找‘阎王’查一下张雷的生死。” Good.” “好。” Qin Jie turns on the communication meter. 秦杰打开通讯仪。 Yama? 阎王 Some Chen Feng doubts. 陈锋有些疑惑。 Genetic Warrior that has the judgment life and death ability.” “一个拥有判断生死能力的基因战士。” Wang Chun explained for him in a low voice, this ability has no big using, but this fellow self-designated Yama, opened named Life and Death Book virtual shop, the business is very never expected that hot, a large quantities of missing case that initially piled up, he helped solve, quite famous.” 王淳低声为他解释,“这个能力没什么大用,但是这家伙自命阎王,开了一个叫‘生死簿’的虚拟店铺,没想到生意还挺火爆,当初积压的一大批失踪案件,他都帮忙解决了,颇有名气。” So that's how it is...... 原来如此…… Chen Feng suddenly. 陈锋恍然。 This world, is really marvelous precinct. Besides pursuing highest level battle efficiency, the person who each has the unusual ability, can find the place of own survival. 这个世界,果然奇妙无比。除了追求最顶级战斗力之外,每个拥有奇特能力的人,都能找到自己的生存之地。 dí dí 嘀嘀 Signal losing contact!” “信号失联!” The Qin Jie wrist belt/bring vibrates crazily. 秦杰的腕带疯狂震动。 Several other person complexion big changes, look to oneself wrist belt/bring, unexpectedly all does not have the signal! 其他几个人脸色大变,看向自己的腕带,居然全都没有信号! Chen Feng also took a look at one. 陈锋也瞅了一眼。 Does not have the signal! 无信号! Was shielded.” “被屏蔽了。” The Qin Jie complexion is pale. 秦杰脸色铁青。 Although Barren Rockland sandstorm everywhere, the signal will be affected, but will not present losing contact absolutely, this situation, absolutely is the human disturbance! 荒芜岩地虽然风沙漫天,信号会受到影响,但是绝对不会出现失联,这种情况,绝对是人为干扰! Has the person, started to them! 有人,对他们下手了! In this Barren Rockland! 在这荒芜岩地 Some are not wonderful.” “有些不妙啊。” Some Wang Chun headaches, he cannot think through, who will start to them in this place? 王淳有些头疼,他想不通,谁会在这种地方对他们下手? I try.” “我来试试。” An Te somewhat dignified opening light screen, shield signal, although is fierce, but also has the law of decoding, before I come, prepared one to decode the chip specially, but does not know whether effectively, if the opposite party shielded the rank is too high, my decoding chip did not have the effect.” 安特有些凝重的打开光幕,“屏蔽信号虽然厉害,但是也不是没有破解之法,我来之前,特意准备了一个破解芯片,但是不知道是否有效,如果对方屏蔽级别太高的话,我的破解芯片也没效果。” kā! 咔! Chip enable. 芯片启动。 wēng — 嗡— On light screen, light wheel revolving of blue. 光幕上,一个蓝色的光轮旋转。 shuā! 刷! The light wheel revolves crazily. 光轮疯狂运转。 Various types have never seen symbol along with additive device twinkle. 各种从未见过的符号伴随着乱码闪烁。 For a long time. 许久。 When the light wheel stops, above merely few three words and expressions, but a word, writes Wang Yue. 当光轮停止的时候,上面仅仅只有寥寥无几的三个词语,而其中一个词,写着王越 It seems like not good.” “看来还是不行。” An Te is very disappointed. 安特很失望。 Does not use.” “不用了。” In the Wang Chun eye flashes through the cold light, sees Wang Yue these two characters time, he clear awareness, oneself this good younger brother, to start to oneself finally! 王淳眼中闪过寒光,看见王越这两个字的时候,他就清楚的知道,自己这位好弟弟,终于对自己下手了! Couldn't this bear? 这就忍不住了吗? Wang Chun ridicule. 王淳讥讽。 Very good! 很好! Goes back.” “回去吧。” Wang Chun tranquil saying, „, since had/left this matter, does not need to hunt and kill Illusory Snake Leader, the remuneration for services rendered I give you ahead of time, treats as comforting and aiding a bereaved family of that brothers.” 王淳平静的说道,“既然出了这种事情,就没必要猎杀幻蛇首领了,酬金我提前给你们,当做那位兄弟的抚恤。” Thanks.” “谢谢。” Qin Jie and the others expressed the gratitude. 秦杰等人表示感激。 On the exploration road comes across this matter, even if because the employer causes to have an accident, hires team own matter, few people are willing to compensate. 探险路上遇到这种事情,哪怕是因为雇主导致出事,也是雇佣小队自己的事情,很少有人愿意补偿。 Perhaps we could not go back.” “恐怕我们回不去了。” An Te forced smile. 安特苦笑。 „?” “?” The people have doubts visits him. 众人疑惑的看着他。 If as you said that what Wang Yue is that named sends out Gene Team to kill people, you thought that the opposite party won't have the complete preparation? He should know that our strengths, sending out the specialty assassination team to be solved, although does not know that was what ability!” “如果真如你所说的,是那个叫什么王越的派出基因小队来杀人,你觉得对方会没有完全的准备?他应该知道我们所有人的实力,派出了专业的暗杀队伍来解决,虽然不知道到底是什么能力!” An Te refers to the remaining two words and expressions that pointed out to solve. 安特指了指破解出来的剩下两个词语。 Kills, escape route. 狙杀、后路。 „The goal of opposite party is to kill you! If I have not guessed that wrong, all our rear guards were blocked, go back, only then dead end!” “对方的目标就是狙杀你们!如果我没猜错的话,我们的所有后路都被阻断,回去,只有死路一条!” His complexion is very ugly. 他脸色很难看。 He is Gene Team team leader. 他是基因小队队长 This matter, he compares Wang Chun to understand. 这种事情,他比王淳更加了解。 That what to do?” “那怎么办?” Some Wang Chun headaches. 王淳有些头疼。 Thorough!” “深入!” An Te without hesitation, „the sandstorm of this everywhere will not only bring the trouble to us, they do not feel better, the more thorough Barren Rockland deep place, the sandstorm is more serious, concealed is also stronger!” 安特毫不犹豫,“这漫天的风沙不仅仅会给我们带来麻烦,他们也不好受,越深入荒芜岩地的深处,风沙越严重,掩蔽性也就越强!” Good.” “好。” The people look at each other one. 众人对视一眼。 This time, only then follows experiences richest An Te, may avoid this tribulation. 这种时刻,只有跟随经验最丰富的安特,才有可能躲过这一劫。 Chen Feng, sorry.” 陈锋,对不起。” Wang Chun is full of the apology. 王淳充满歉意。 Has not thought of Illusory Snake tour of the time, will bring this trouble to Chen Feng! 没想到一次幻蛇之行,会给陈锋带来这种麻烦! All right.” “没事。” Chen Feng smiles. 陈锋只是笑笑。 Wang Yue? 王越 Does he make a move really because of Wang Chun? Because of? 他出手真的是因为王淳吗?还是因为自己? Also or...... 又或者…… Do both have? 两者都有? Chen Feng has a look in within the body to reach as high as 500 points Luck Value, sneers, since he dares to come to here to explore, prepared completely safe inevitably! 陈锋看看体内高达500点的幸运值,一声冷笑,他既然敢来这里探险,必然是做好了万全准备! Wang Yue? 王越 hē hē. 呵呵 Some things, should mediate. 有些事情,是该了断了。
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