SG :: Volume #1

#83: The running lantern did you fear

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„.” “哇。” Quite fierce.” “好厉害。” Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise. 陈锋惊叹。 Qin Jie their exploration stories are really splendid, the step by step murderous intention, every so often is also a narrow escape, wants the danger compared with this time situation also has! 秦杰他们的探险故事果然精彩,步步杀机,很多时候也是九死一生,比这次的情况还要危险的也有! No wonder they are so confident. 难怪他们如此坦然。 Passed.” “都过去了。” Qin Jie is filled with emotion, by a Chen Feng such promising Manufacturist praise, his quite feeling was also honored. 秦杰感慨万千,被陈锋这样一个有前途的制作师夸赞,他也是颇感荣幸。 Doesn't matter.” “没关系。” Waits for time you looked for me in the past.” “等这次过去你来找我。” Chen Feng calm saying: I give you to prepare Land Dragon Mutated Gene reagent, when card in a hand.” 陈锋淡定的说道:“我给你准备一个地龙变异基因试剂当底牌。” hā hā, that many thanks.” 哈哈,那就多谢了。” Qin Jie is excited. 秦杰激动。 Land Dragon Mutated Gene reagent? 地龙变异基因试剂 That is equivalent to the D Grade peak strength. 那可是相当于D级巅峰的力量啊。 No wonder so many people must be on good terms with Manufacturist, this named Chen Feng's, in the future absolutely is Great Manufacturist! He had decided, this time must protect good Chen Feng, cannot make him have unexpected. 难怪那么多人要和制作师交好呢,这个叫陈锋的,未来绝对是一个大制作师!他已经决定,这次一定要保护好陈锋,绝不能让他出意外 Naturally. 当然。 He does not know, this so-called Land Dragon Mutated Gene reagent is Chen Feng arranges, does not know, Chen Feng this coming out, instead to protect him! 他不知道,这个所谓的地龙变异基因试剂陈锋自己编出来的,更不知道,陈锋这次出来,反而是为了保护他! However, because Qin Jie the wishful thinking, following Chen Feng that he is always together now, behind lets look for the opportunity a An Te toothache. 不过,正是因为秦杰的这种小心思,他现在形影不离的跟着陈锋,让背后一直寻找机会的安特一阵牙疼。 It seems like in a short time, simply did not have the opportunity to start. 看来短时间内,根本没机会下手了。 The time is in any case long...... 反正时间还长…… In the An Te heart sneers. 安特心中冷笑。 But at this time, Wang Chun also walks from the tent, after a late rest, his complexion was much better, at least did not seem like so pale yesterday. 而此时,王淳也从帐篷中走出来,经过一晚的休息,他的脸色好多了,至少不像是昨天那么惨白。 We now what to do?” “我们现在怎么办?” A Wang Chun face vacant. 王淳一脸‘茫然’。 „.” “等。” An Te sighed, the compression grain that we prepared can also eat for several days, no matter what that mysterious person were how powerful, does not dare to come in! Although this desolated place the habitation is rare, but some people come after all, so long as some people found that the signal shield is unusual, causes other Genetic Union people to pay attention......” 安特叹口气,“我们准备的压缩粮食还能吃几天,任那神秘人如何强大,也不敢进来!这荒芜之地虽然人烟稀有,但是总归有人来的,只要有人发现信号屏蔽异常,引起基因工会其他人注意……” We won!” “我们就胜利了!” An Te sinking sound said: Relax, since I accepted your request, I can lead you to go out!” 安特沉声道:“放心,我既然接受了你的委托,我就一定会带你出去!” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” If there is not known the truth ahead of time, was almost deceived! 如果不是已经提前知道真相,差点就被骗了! Damn the shield is unusual! 见鬼的屏蔽异常! If Chen Feng they have not guessed that wrong, this shield signal, is centered on An Te, spreads toward periphery, only then the nearby has! 如果陈锋他们没猜错的话,这个屏蔽信号,就是以安特为中心,向着周围扩散的,只有附近才有! So long as far away from An Te, can certainly relate the outside world! 只要远离安特,一定能联系外界! Bystanders? 外人? They are impossible to feel. 他们根本不可能感觉到。 The Wang Chun beforehand attempt makes Shen Yi (Divine Garments) pray for rescue, but Shen Yi (Divine Garments) is Wang Chun summons, cannot leave him is too far, reaches the limit not to have the signal. 王淳之前尝试让神衣去求救,但是神衣王淳召唤出来的,不能离开他太远,走到极限也还是没有信号。 An Te, waited for an opportunity! 安特在等,等一个机会! Detains people several days in this rock cave, so long as everyone vigilant heart once gets down, he definitely will massacre Qin Jie, then carries out own plan. 在这个岩洞之中留住众人几天,只要大家警惕心一旦下去,他必然会杀掉秦杰,然后执行自己的计划。 But Chen Feng? 陈锋呢? They also, waited for Shen Yi (Divine Garments) to tempt Snake King Leader to come! 他们也在等,等神衣引诱蛇王首领过来! Chen Feng has to think opens Luck Aura, attracts Snake King, but thinks is very long, finally does not dare to attempt, reason very simple 陈锋不是没想过开启幸运光环,吸引蛇王,但是想了很久,最终还是没敢尝试,原因很简单 Consumes unknown! 消耗未知 Once Luck Aura the influence reality, the Luck Value consumption is huge! Once Luck Value consumes the light, Chen Feng is the true dead end! 幸运光环一旦影响现实,幸运值消耗非常巨大!一旦幸运值耗光,陈锋才是真正的死路一条! Therefore, he will not use. 所以,他绝不会用。 Now...... 现在…… Looked that who first seized the opportunity. 就看谁先把握住机会了。 In Chen Feng heart twittering. 陈锋心中呢喃。 During the daytime. 白天。 Everyone is waiting. 大家都在等待。 Wang Chun half-dead being in a daze, bored went to the tent to sleep as before, An Te calm stands guard in the entrance, the look has swept on Qin Jie once for a while. 王淳依旧半死不活的发呆,无聊了就去帐篷睡觉,安特沉稳的在门口警戒,眼神时不时在秦杰身上扫过。 But Qin Jie? 秦杰呢? He and Chen Feng simply ran into the friend probably, tells one another everything. 他和陈锋简直像是遇到了知己,无话不谈。 Occasionally. 偶尔。 Chen Feng will also enter the tent. 陈锋也会进入帐篷。 „Hadn't Shen Yi (Divine Garments) found?” 神衣还没找到?” Chen Feng some did not feel relieved, time grew An Te certainly to suspect.” 陈锋有些不放心,“时间长了安特一定会怀疑。” Was quick.” “快了。” Wang Chun vision twinkle, „, so long as found Illusory Snake Leader, she will certainly find the way to make.” 王淳目光闪烁,“只要找到幻蛇首领,她一定会想办法弄过来。” That side An Te a little issue.” 安特那边有点问题。” Chen Feng knits the brows. 陈锋皱眉。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Wang Chun is astonished, „did he discover?” 王淳惊异,“他发现了?” No.” “没有。” Chen Feng shakes the head, „...... I see him to turn over back and forth on the light screen occasionally, then sighed, did not have the signal and so on......” 陈锋摇摇头,“不过……我看见他偶尔在光幕上翻来翻去,然后叹气一声,还是没有信号云云……” Normal.” “正常。” Wang Chun thinks, it is estimated that wants to act in a play to us looks.” 王淳想了想,“估计是想演戏给我们看。” Also may contact with others.” “也有可能在联系别人。” The Chen Feng look is dignified. 陈锋神色凝重。 In the Wang Chun eye the cold light flashes through, An Te already like this, if he contacts with others to come again...... 王淳眼中寒光闪过,一个安特已经这样了,如果他再联系其他人过来的话…… I urge Shen Yi (Divine Garments).” “我催催神衣。” Wang Chun took a deep breath. 王淳深吸一口气 As soon as possible.” “尽快。” Chen Feng leaves the tent. 陈锋离开帐篷。 Time. 时间。 Still is draining unceasingly. 还在不断流失。 In the afternoon. 下午。 When Chen Feng thinks a day passes by like this, suddenly, glitters the white brilliance object to come, to enter in the cave air-splitting. 就在陈锋以为一天就这样过去的时候,忽然,一颗闪烁着白色光辉的物体破空而来,杀入山洞之内。 What thing?” “什么东西?” Qin Jie awakens suddenly. 秦杰猛然惊醒。 xiū! 咻! The dazzling white light bang kills. 刺眼的白光轰杀而来。 Gets up!” “起!” An Te lifts up the present stone to install directly. 安特扛起眼前的石块直接装上去。 Bang!” “轰!” That giant stone, was been unexpectedly broken by the white light bang, the white light broke through cave entrance, unexpectedly pounding forcefully to the rock cave, revealed the appearance/portrait. 那巨大的石块,居然被白光轰碎,白光冲过洞口,居然硬生生的砸到了岩洞之内,露出真容。 This is......” “这是……” Qin Jie and the others were astonished. 秦杰等人惊异。 Chen Feng swept one, immediately the mind jumps. 陈锋扫了一眼,顿时心神一跳。 Snake egg! 蛇蛋! This unexpectedly is a snake egg! 这居然是一颗蛇蛋! How will this thing appear here?” “这东西怎么会出现在这里?” An Te is surprised. 安特惊疑不定。 Certainly is that damn mysterious person.” “一定是那个该死的神秘人。” Qin Jie angrily roars, he does not dare to come, therefore tempts Illusory Snake to come from this method.” 秦杰怒吼,“他不敢进来,所以从这种方法引诱幻蛇过来。” An Te: „......” 安特:“……” Damn mysterious person! 见鬼的神秘人! Is that mysterious person he is good? When has he made this snake egg? 那个神秘人就是他好么?他什么时候弄过这个蛇蛋? Said, is only the coincidence? 还是说,只是巧合? Chen Feng looks to Wang Chun. 陈锋看向王淳 Wang Chun slightly to nod. 王淳微微点头 Really. 果然。 Chen Feng felt relieved immediately. 陈锋顿时放心。 Shen Yi (Divine Garments) does? 神衣搞的吗? Since the snake egg appeared...... 既然蛇蛋都出现了…… sī — 嘶— Neighing of terrifying. 一声恐怖的嘶鸣。 The big snake that silver light sparkles appears in the sandstorm, the giant eye fills killing intent, is staring at that snake egg stubbornly, the vision falls to the people on. 一条银光闪闪的大蛇在风沙中出现,巨大的眼睛充满杀意,死死盯着那颗蛇蛋,目光落到众人身上。 This egg loses to him!” “这颗蛋给他丢回去!” The An Te pressing said. 安特紧促道。 Useless.” “没用的。” The Wang Chun complexion is pallid, Illusory Snake, since sees us, how possibly to let off us? Quickly, gets rid of it, only then gets rid of it, we can go on living!” 王淳面色煞白,“幻蛇既然看到我们,怎么可能放过我们?快,干掉它,只有干掉它,我们才能活下去!” Damn.” “该死。” An Te cursed angrily one, does not know why will present this accident. 安特怒骂一声,不知道为什么会出现这种变故。 We together.” “我们一起。” Qin Jie sneers, Illusory Snake Leader nothing more, that fellow thinks that really can get rid of us? An Te, meets our enhancing vigilance heart, so long as that mysterious person appears, immediately gets rid of him.” 秦杰冷笑,“一条幻蛇首领而已,那家伙以为真能把我们干掉?安特,一会我们提高警惕心,只要那神秘人出现,立刻干掉他。” keep it up.” 加油。” Chen Feng encourages, my gene reagent also prepared, that mysterious person is definitely looking in secret, so long as he appeared, I lost his face reagent!” 陈锋鼓励,“我的基因试剂也准备好了,那个神秘人肯定在暗中看着,只要他出现,我丢他一脸试剂!” Good!” “好!” Qin Jie laughs. 秦杰大笑。 That comes!” “那就来吧!” Bang!” “轰!” When he unexpectedly first kills to the big snake. 他居然当先杀向大蛇。 The An Te complexion is pale. 安特脸色铁青。 Assassination Qin Jie? 暗杀秦杰 This time Qin Jie, the vigilant heart instead was highest, in Chen Feng hand that several gene reagent of that momentarily twinkle, made him quite dread. 这个时候的秦杰,警惕心反而是最高的,还有陈锋手中那随时闪烁的那几个基因试剂,也让他颇为忌惮。 It seems like can only first massacre this big snake.” “看来只能先杀掉这大蛇了。” An Te took a deep breath. 安特深吸一口气 Bang!” “轰!” He also follows Qin Jie on. 他也跟随秦杰而上。 Chen Feng and Wang Chun look at each other one, in the eye passed by a happy expression. 陈锋王淳对视一眼,眼中路过一丝笑意。 The preliminary plan, succeeds! 初步计划,成功! Then 那么 Can first hunt and kill this big snake with single-hearted devotion. 可以先专心猎杀这条大蛇了。 sī — 嘶— Neighed. 一声嘶鸣。 The silver big snake to/clashes crazily. 银色大蛇疯狂冲来。 If An Te Team everyone , the big snake of this E Grade peak definitely is not the issue, but only has Qin Jie and An Te now, somewhat was troublesome. 如果安特小队所有人都在,这条E级巅峰的大蛇肯定不是问题,但是如今只有秦杰安特,就有些麻烦了。 Bang!” “轰!” Electric light twinkle. 电光闪烁。 kā! 咔! The ground presents the fissure suddenly. 地面忽然出现裂痕。 „It is not good.” “不好。” The Chen Feng complexion big change, draws Wang Chun to escape rapidly. 陈锋脸色大变,拉着王淳飞速逃开。 Bang!” “轰!” The ground cracks. 地面崩裂。 The most rock cave crashes in the flash. 大半个岩洞在一瞬间崩塌。 Is the landslide cracks in the earth.” “是山崩地裂。” The Wang Chun complexion is somewhat ugly, High Step Fused Secret Skill, has not thought that this Illusory Snake Leader can display unexpectedly, if so perhaps......” 王淳脸色有些难看,“一个高阶融合秘技,没想到这幻蛇首领居然能施展出来,如果是这样的话恐怕……” Hiss!” “嘶!” Incisive neighing. 一声尖锐的嘶鸣。 The big snake quite a while has not taken An Te and Qin Jie, obviously some violent angers. 大蛇半天没拿下安特秦杰,显然有些暴怒了。 wēng — 嗡— On Illusory Snake Leader, the silver brilliance suddenly becomes sparking, quickly turns into the red, the dazzling red light flashes through, Illusory Snake Leader turned into blue. 幻蛇首领身上,银色的光辉忽然变得闪亮,又很快变成红色,耀眼的红光闪过,幻蛇首领又变成了蓝色 Purple...... 紫色…… Yellow...... 黄色…… Each color switching, sparkles. 每一次颜色变换,都十分闪耀。 This what ability?” “这什么能力?” The people mind jumps crazily. 众人心神狂跳。 They feel keenly, each color fluctuation, has a Gene Ability ambush to be one of them, possibly erupts at any time! 他们敏锐的感觉到,每一种颜色的变幻,都有一种基因能力潜伏在其中,随时可能爆发! Chen Feng is a face is more bewildered. 陈锋更是一脸莫名其妙。 This what ghost? 这什么鬼? Electric light snake that installed the running lantern? 一条装了跑马灯的电光蛇? But when the people are surprised, Illusory Snake Leader, flashes through finally wipes the white light, then, before everyone, lost the trail! 而就在众人惊疑不定的时候,幻蛇首领,最后闪过一抹白光,然后,在所有人面前,失去了踪迹! Without a trace! 无影无踪! It, vanished unexpectedly. 它,居然消失了。
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