SG :: Volume #1

#76: Putting best into it

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wēng — 嗡— Training room. 训练室。 All things shiver in this moment. 所有的东西在这一刻颤抖。 The cups, stools and various types of instruments, all objects of training room are vibrating, is indistinct, Chen Feng as if sees active Spiritual Energy these thing packages. 杯子、凳子、各种仪器,训练室的所有的物体都在抖动,隐约间,陈锋似乎看到活跃的精神力将这些东西包裹。 Concentrates!” “凝!” Chen Feng void finger/refers. 陈锋虚空一指。 shuā! 刷! All things instantly static. 所有东西刹那静止。 Wind Edge!” 风刃!” Chen Feng stimulates to movement Wind Edge. 陈锋催动风刃 At present, deep-blue Light Edge projects together. 眼前,一道湛蓝色光刃射出。 As if no change?” “似乎没什么变化?” Chen Feng looking pensive. 陈锋若有所思。 Stopping. 停。 A subconscious point. 下意识的一点。 shuā! 刷! Wind Edge unexpectedly void static. 风刃居然虚空静止。 Right! 没错! But half a month revolving Wind Edge stops like this, float in midair. 半月型旋转而出的风刃就这样停下来,悬浮在半空中。 This......” “这……” The Chen Feng eye opens. 陈锋眼睛睁大。 Is this effect of affinity limit? 这就是亲和力极限的效果? Then...... 那么…… sōu! 嗖! Also Wind Edge projects together. 又是一道风刃射出。 Two Wind Edge hit together, astonishing matter happened, two Wind Edge, have not collided to explode unexpectedly, but under the affinity function of terrifying, fused one, turned into an alternately strange shape! 两个风刃撞击到一起,惊人的事情发生了,两道风刃,居然没有碰撞爆炸,而是在恐怖的亲和力作用下,融合到了一起,变成了一个交叉奇怪的形状! „Is this also good?” “这也行?” Chen Feng is shocked. 陈锋惊呆。 sōu! 嗖! Also Wind Edge projects together. 又是一道风刃射出。 Three curving Wind Edge interweave, unexpectedly became Wind Wheel of three pieces of fan blade! 三个弯曲的风刃交织,居然成了一个三片扇叶的风轮 Extension!” “转!” The Chen Feng subconscious mind moves slightly. 陈锋下意识的心神微动。 Suddenly “忽 Three Wind Edge start to revolve by the central point. 三个风刃以中心点开始旋转。 The terrifying wind power shakes in the room, not only Wind Edge might, after they combine together, huge prestige energy that fuses! 恐怖的风力在房间内震荡,不仅仅风刃本身的威力,还有它们组合到一起之后,融合出来的巨大威能! Goes!” “去!” Chen Feng release. 陈锋释放。 xiū! 咻! Wind Wheel howls. 风轮呼啸而出。 Bang!” “轰!” Falls to the ground instantaneous, strength eruption of terrifying. 落地瞬间,恐怖力量爆发。 The might that the fusion overlay of three Wind Edge, erupt, wants strong big several times compared with the might that Chen Feng ten Wind Edge continuous emissions bloomed in the past! 三个风刃的融合叠加,爆发出来的威力,比陈锋以往十个风刃连续发射绽放出来的威力还要强大数倍! Unusual terrifying! 非常恐怖 Then......” “那么……” Many Wind Edge?” “更多风刃呢?” Chen Feng chants in a low voice. 陈锋低吟。 sōu! 嗖! sōu! 嗖! A series of Wind Edge eruptions. 一连串的风刃爆发。 Ten Wind Edge are taking shape instantaneously, Chen Feng controls them to collide to the same place, the active Spiritual Energy automatic evolution, formed huge Wind Edge! 十个风刃在瞬间成型,陈锋操控它们碰撞到在一起,活跃的精神力自动演化,形成了一个巨大的风刃 Length about three meters terrifying Wind Edge! 一个长度近三米的恐怖风刃 deep-blue brilliance bright glassy surface, such float in in the air. 湛蓝色的光辉亮如镜面,就这样悬浮在空中。 Giant-type Wind Edge?” 巨型风刃么?” The Chen Feng vision twinkle, aimed at the evaluation meter of distant place. 陈锋目光闪烁,对准了远处的评测仪。 sōu! 嗖! Wind Edge eruption. 风刃爆发。 The ear hears sound that air-splitting shouts. 耳边传来嘶吼的破空声。 Bang!” “轰!” Wind Edge blasting open. 风刃炸裂。 dí — 嘀— Attack Strength: 800 units.” 攻击强度:800单位。” Prestige can Grading: E Grade High Step.” “威能等级:e级高阶。” This might...... 这威力…… Chen Feng holds breath a cold air/Qi. 陈锋倒吸一口冷气。 Just stepped into E Grade, he who even E Grade gene has not fused, erupted E Grade High Step strength unexpectedly, Gene Virus, was really fearful! 才刚刚踏入e级,甚至连e级基因都没融合的他,居然爆发出了e级高阶力量,基因病毒,果然可怕! This, is truly powerful strength! 这,才是真正强大的力量 huā — 哗— The Chen Feng eye is absent-minded a while ago. 陈锋眼前一阵恍惚。 At present becomes dark. 眼前发黑。 Is pale. 脸色苍白。 That exceptionally enchanting world vanished at this time. 那异常炫丽的世界在这时候消失。 Finished?” “结束了么?” Chen Feng has not given full expression. 陈锋意犹未尽。 Too crisp! 太爽了! What a pity, only has 10 seconds. 可惜,只有十秒。 Chen Feng looked in within the body, scans with gene again. 陈锋看了看体内,用基因再次扫描。 within the body all trash and abandon gene to vanish, loses points besides strength attribute permanent, Chen Feng now is even healthier than the average person! 体内所有垃圾和废弃基因已经消失,除了力量属性永久失去一点之外,陈锋现在甚至比一般人还要健康! Is cleaned up to the virus that the body harms, possibly to be how unhealthy? 对身体有损的病毒都被清理了,怎么可能不健康? However...... 但是…… The human body is a giant factory! 人体本身就是一个巨大的工厂! In the human body will have the new cell birth every day, new gene appears, is not only these to healthy gene, these useless gene! 人体内每天都会有新的细胞诞生,新的基因出现,不仅仅是那些对身体有益的基因,还有那些没用的基因 This, is the Chen Feng card in a hand. 这,就是陈锋底牌。 He estimates initially, requires three days of probably, his within the body will be abandoned gene to fill up by other again, this also means, quickest three days can use Aurora time! 他初步估算,大概需要三天的时间,他体内就会再次被其他废弃基因填满,这也意味着,最快三天才能使用一次极光 A little injures.” “有点伤。” Chen Feng brow wrinkled. 陈锋眉头微皱 The gene consumption is not the issue, however drop of strength...... 基因消耗不是问题,但是力量的下降…… Abandons gene to select?” “废弃基因就这么点?” Chen Feng is somewhat regrettable. 陈锋有些遗憾。 Thinking of his even brain hole, if he had the cancer, what un...... has the cancer cell or, can gene in within the body type of harmful trash be more? 他甚至不无脑洞的想,如果他得了癌症,嗯……有癌症细胞或者什么的,体内这种有害的垃圾的基因会不会更多? Aurora, whether can use infinitely? 极光,是否能无限使用? More is more excited. 越想越心动。 However. 然而。 This idea eventually gave up. 这个想法最终还是放弃了。 Cancer gene, that is the domain that he does not understand, this year gene mutate(d) anything is very normal, if cancer cell mutate(d) has anything damn the thing, he really played himself. 癌症基因,那是一个他不了解的领域,这年头基因变异什么的很正常,如果癌症细胞变异出什么见鬼的东西,他就真把自己玩死了。 Quick. 很快。 Chen Feng reorganized the Aurora test data. 陈锋就把极光的测试数据整理出来了。 Aurora, will allow him to enter a special condition, this special condition, Chen Feng calls it Virus Mode! 极光,会让他进入一种特殊的状态,这种特殊的状态,陈锋称之为病毒模式 Under Virus Mode, he has the God-like control, but price also very huge Luck Value consumes 10 points, within the body trash gene totally destroys, some gene attribute permanent drops 1 point! 病毒模式下,他拥有神一般的掌控力,但是代价也非常巨大幸运值消耗十点,体内垃圾基因全部摧毁,某个基因属性永久下降一点! Time interval: Three days. 间隔时间:三天。 This data......” “这份数据……” The Chen Feng vision is bright. 陈锋目光熠熠。 Wasted 1 strength attribute, the value! 浪费一点力量属性,值了! Since Aurora treats as the card in a hand, must test! 极光既然是当做底牌的,就必须测试! Considers 试想 If the most critical moment, oneself take Aurora gene, following gene to strengthen same has the problem or is unable to move, what consequence can be? 如果最关键时刻,自己服用极光基因,跟上次基因强化一样出现问题或者无法动弹,会是什么后果? Thinks fearfully! 想想都可怕! If not the previous time Wang Yao saves him, he has died! 上次若非王瑶救他,他已经死了! But now, since there is this condition, he must attempt! Is good because, Aurora has not disappointed him, too had not in a big way come and gone out with the data of estimate. 而现在,既然有这个条件,他必须尝试!好在,极光并没有让他失望,跟原本预估的数据没有太大出入。 Hope will never use.” “希望永远不会用到。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 Aurora gene tests successfully, he starts to study to investigate the Scale of the Illusory Snake content, has had the Aurora complex data, this E Grade 2-Star Formula(s) has not brought what difficulty to him, quick familiar. Later Chen Feng relates Wang Chun, determined three days later embarks, this prepares the thing. 极光基因测试成功,他开始研究究幻蛇之鳞的内容,有过极光的复杂数据,这份e级二星配方没给他带来什么难度,很快熟悉。之后陈锋联系王淳,确定了三天后出发,这才准备东西。 one portion Aurora reagent. 一份极光试剂 three portions Thunder Snake reagent. 三份雷蛇试剂 ...... …… Chen Feng prepared for completely to rest. 陈锋做好了完全准备才去休息。 Night. 夜。 Deeper. 更深了。 But at this time. 而此时。 Wang Family is hosting the evening banquet, extremely busy. 王家正举行着晚宴,热闹非凡。 Suddenly, a little miss walked, lively banquet unexpectedly as if in a flash static, but is quick, the people treat as anything not to see to continue to chat. 忽然,一个小姑娘走了进来,热闹的宴会竟似乎在一瞬间静止,但是很快,众人又当做什么都没看到继续闲聊。 The place that she passes through, countless people avoid, no one dares to approach! 只是,她所走过的地方,无数人避开,无人敢靠近! Elder sister.” “姐。” Wang Yue is joyful. 王越欣喜。 Comes the person, is Wang Yao. 来人,正是王瑶 Un.” “嗯。” Wang Yao slightly to nod. 王瑶微微点头 Yao'er, you came.” 瑶儿,你来了。” A middle-aged person led a youngster to walk, came, the father gave you under the introduction, this was......” 一位中年人带着一个少年走了过来,“来,爸给你介绍下,这位是……” Go away!” “滚!” The Wang Yao coldly (calmly) vision has swept. 王瑶冷冷的目光扫过。 killing intent is imposing! 杀意凛然! Wang Tianhao a few words had not said that could not be justified, but that was brought the youngster to frighten one to tremble by him, almost frightens the urine unexpectedly at the scene, stampede. 王天豪一句话没说完就说不下去了,而那个被他带来少年吓得一个哆嗦,竟差点当场吓尿,狼狈逃窜。 Wang Yao!” 王瑶!” Some Wang Tianhao anger. 王天豪有些火气。 The double fist grips tightly, the forehead is angry. 双拳紧握,额头青筋暴露。 He knows that this daughter looks down upon herself, but this is the public area. 他知道这个女儿看不起自己,但是这可是公共场合。 However. 然而。 Wang Yao is only coldly (calmly) visits him, the vision like the blade, the ice-cold fearfulness, Wang Tianhao looks at each other for several seconds with her, can only a sigh, well good, I walk!” 王瑶只是冷冷的看着他,目光如刀,冰冷的可怕,王天豪跟她对视几秒,只能一声叹息,“好好好,我走!” Elder sister, can't you give the father a face?” “姐,你就不能给爸一点面子?” Wang Yue forced smile. 王越苦笑。 Wang Yao shakes the head, has not talked too much. 王瑶摇摇头,并未多言。 Thinks. 想了想。 She opens the mouth suddenly: With Wang Family these old things, maintains a distance.” 她忽然开口:“跟王家那些老东西,保持点距离。” Ah? 啊? Wang Yue a little confused. 王越有点懵逼 Wang Family these elders? 王家那些长辈? What they represent is entire Wang Family, Wang Family all resources in their hands, maintained the distance with them, who gives back to his resources?! 可是他们代表的是整个王家啊,王家的所有资源都在他们手中,跟他们保持了距离,谁还给他资源?! He plays the role stupid in front of Wang Yao to let Elder Sister cares about himself, does not represent him to be really stupid. 他在王瑶面前扮蠢是为了让姐姐更关心自己,不代表他真蠢。 The Wang Family resources, he must have! 王家的资源,他必须拥有! Puts best into it.” “好自为之。” Wang Yao deep looked at Wang Yue one, goes floating. 王瑶深深的看了王越一眼,飘然而去。 Elder sister?” “姐?” A Wang Yue palpitation. 王越一阵心悸。 Wang Yao comes specially, to speak these words? Let him maintain the distance with Wang Family? 王瑶特意过来,就是为了说这句话?让他跟王家保持距离? But why? 可是为什么? A Wang Yue confusion. 王越一阵心烦意乱。 Others do not know, he himself may be clear, reason that oneself promote is so quick, because of Elder Sister, if after Elder Sister, does not help him...... 别人不知道,他自己可清楚,自己之所以提升这么快,就是因为姐姐,如果姐姐以后不帮他的话…… Don't think too much.” “别想太多。” Wang Tianhao racket son shoulder, she eventually is only a person, but behind you, is our entire Wang Family!” 王天豪拍拍儿子肩膀,“她终究只是一个人,而你背后,是我们整个王家!” Yes.” “是。” Wang Yue heard that the word mind is happy. 王越闻言心神舒畅不少。 Elder Sister why to the Wang Family such big prejudice? Also...... speaks the truth to the father, he is not really clear, since the Elder Sister body has the problem, as if the whole person changed! terrifying that the strength changes to inconceivable at the same time, the character also becomes even more ice-cold. 只是,姐姐为什么对王家这么大成见?就连对爸也……说实话,他真的不明白,自从姐姐身体出现问题之后,似乎整个人都变了!实力变的恐怖到不可思议的同时,性格也变得越发冰冷。 Elder sister...... 姐…… what happened to you? 你到底怎么了 Wang Yue is at a loss. 王越迷惘。 But at this time. 而此时。 The banquet becomes after the field in Wang Yao livelier, only then some common corner, Wang Chun static sitting in the corner, the hand holds a comic book, looked fever. 宴会在王瑶离场之后变得更热闹,只有某个不起眼的角落,王淳静静的坐在角落,手捧着一本漫画书,看的入迷。 You are Wang Chun, I......” “你就是王淳吧,我……” An attractive miss walks, I am......” 一个漂亮的姑娘走过来,“我是……” „!” “嘘!” The Wang Chun finger puts the mouth, do not disturb me to read.” 王淳手指放到嘴边,“不要打搅我看书。” You......” “你……” The girls are at a loss for words immediately, turn around to depart, can hear dying fat dwelling indistinctly anything. 姑娘顿时语塞,转身离去,隐约可以听见‘死肥宅’什么的。 Regarding this. 对此。 Wang Chun smiles. 王淳只是笑笑。 Why these girls come, he was too clear, but, has the relations with him? He comes here dozen of soy sauce nothing more concerned about the status. 这些姑娘为什么而来的,他太清楚了,但是,跟他有关系吗?他只是碍于身份来这里打个酱油而已 Wang Family......” 王家……” The Wang Chun corners of the mouth reveal wipe the smile of ridicule. 王淳嘴角露出一抹讥讽的笑容。 Stretching oneself. 伸伸懒腰。 Wang Chun opens the comic book, immerses in the cartoon quickly, independence outside the world. 王淳翻开漫画书,很快沉浸在漫画之中,独立于世界之外。 Immediately must go to Barren Rockland with Chen Feng......” “马上要跟陈锋荒芜岩地了……” I cannot be loaf.” “我可不能偷懒。”
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