SG :: Volume #1

#77: Illusory Snake

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Three days later. 三天后。 Chen Feng arrives at Barren Rockland as promised. 陈锋如约到达荒芜岩地 Here is very far from Gold City, in the southerly area, in the transportation vehicle so developed time, Chen Feng has not however used too for a long time. 这里距离金城很远,在偏南的地区,但是在交通工具如此发达的时代,陈锋并没有用太长时间。 Arrived camp that nearby Genetic Union established, Wang Chun and the others had waited there for some time. 到了基因工会建立的营地附近,王淳等人已经等候多时了。 Come, gives you under the introduction.” “来,给你介绍下。” Wang Chun was Chen Feng introduced. 王淳陈锋介绍了一下。 This is named An Te Gene Team, altogether five people, are in E Grade quite powerful Genetic Warrior, is powerful and aggressive, accepts the employment year to year, with the Wang Chun cooperation multiple, the relations are good. This Wang Chun hunts and kills Illusory Snake, naturally also chose them not responsibly. 这是一个叫‘安特’的基因小队,一共五人,都是e级中比较强大的基因战士,实力强悍,常年接受雇佣,跟王淳合作多次,关系不错。这次王淳去猎杀幻蛇,自然也当仁不让的选择了他们。 Hello.” “你们好。” Chen Feng to nod, the vision looks slightly to Wang Chun girl, this......” 陈锋微微点头,目光看向王淳身边的女孩,“这位……” This obviously is not the Gene Team person, this girl seems like, only then 15-16 year, the beautiful astonishment, puts on simply, but pretty clothing, with these Gene Team soldiers at all is not style. 这显然不是基因小队的人,这女孩看上去只有十五六岁,美丽的惊人,穿着简单但是漂亮的服饰,跟那些基因小队的战士根本不是一个画风。 Hello.” “你好。” The girl smiles gracefully, I called Shen Yi (Divine Garments).” 女孩盈盈一笑,“我叫神衣。” Shen Yi (Divine Garments)? 神衣 Chen Feng emits a question mark at heart. 陈锋心里冒出一个问号。 This name...... 这个名字…… A little strange. 有点怪。 My girlfriend.” “我女朋友。” Wang Chun said with a smile, she was very peaceful, with watching the fun, will not stir up trouble.” 王淳笑道,“她很安静,跟着看看热闹,不会惹事的。” Chen Feng: „......” 陈锋:“……” Sentimental this is your young couple goes for a walk! 感情这是你们小两口来踏青啊! However thinks is also, the An Te Team strength is good, in Barren Rockland this not too strong place, sweeps away sufficiently, the Wang Chun belt/bring girlfriend comes, no issue. 不过想想也是,安特小队的实力还算不错,在荒芜岩地这种不算太强的地方,足以横扫,王淳带女朋友来,也没什么问题。 Has not related.” “没关系的。” An Te said with a smile, look very quickly changes serious, „, but, this time may be different from the past. Illusory Snake this Mutated Beast is quite special, must kill as soon as possible, particularly this time also has the Shen Yi (Divine Garments) miss and this Manufacturist, therefore, in the exploration process, hopes that you can obey our arrangements.” 安特笑道,神色很快变得严肃起来,“不过,这次跟以往可不一样。幻蛇这种变异兽比较特别,必须尽快击毙,尤其是这次还有神衣姑娘和这位制作师,所以,探险过程中,希望你们能听从我们的安排。” Naturally.” “自然。” Chen Feng and the others complied. 陈锋等人答应。 Quick, the group leave the camp, walks toward Barren Rockland. 很快,一行人离开营地,向着荒芜岩地走去。 There...... 那里…… Is the Illusory Snake world! 幻蛇的世界! Also is the world that a anything may have! 也是一个什么都有可能发生的世界! Direct acting. 一路直行。 From the camp to Barren Rockland, the probably ten kilometers distances, the surroundings green and luxuriant trees steadily is also reducing, without a trace that finally vanishes. 从营地到荒芜岩地,大概有十公里的路程,周围郁郁葱葱的树木也在不断减少,最终消失的无影无踪。 At present, rugged rocky ground. 眼前,只有崎岖不平的岩地。 wēng — 嗡— Strange sound tremor. 奇异的声音颤动。 A An Te Team team member Qin Jie ear vibrates gently, listens attentively to the surrounding sound. 安特小队一名队员秦杰耳朵轻轻抖动,倾听周围的动静。 In fact, Gene Team of almost every complete disposition, has one to be similar to Monkey such existence, the eye observes four groups, is vigilant! 事实上,几乎每个完整配置的基因小队,都有一个类似于猴子那样的存在,眼观四路,耳听八方! „The front 500 meters, one crowd of Purple Cow Mutated Beast passed by.” “前面五百米,一群紫牛变异兽路过。” The Qin Jie sinking sound said. 秦杰沉声说道。 Makes them first cross.” “让它们先过。” An Te decisive decision. 安特果断决定。 They circle to a common rock behind are waiting. 他们绕到一个不起眼的岩石后面等着。 After one minute . 一分钟后。 Community huge mutate(d) Purple Cow rumble walking past, batters, raises the innumerable mist and dust. On the road sees other Mutated Beast occasionally, overrunning altogether, dies other life resentments forcefully is willing to give up. 一群体型庞大的变异紫牛轰隆隆的走过,横冲直撞,扬起无数烟尘。路上偶尔看到其他变异兽,就一股脑的冲过去,硬生生将其他生命怼死才肯罢休。 This is mutate(d) Purple Cow. 这就是变异紫牛 Barbaric! 野蛮! Flagitious! 凶残! And does not have the brain! 以及无脑! These people how?” “这些人怎么样?” Wang Chun wear a look of happy expression. 王淳面带笑意。 specialty!” 专业!” Chen Feng to praise. 陈锋点赞。 This team conduct is calm, does not annoy troublesome, does not waste the time. From the camp to Barren Rockland this, opens access, several dangers also dodge with ease, obviously they have investigated ahead of time, this may want steady many compared with Xu Fei team. 这个小队行事非常沉稳,不惹麻烦,不浪费时间。从营地到荒芜岩地这一路,畅通无阻,几次危险也轻松规避,显然他们已经提前做过调查,这可比徐飞小队要稳重的多。 Naturally, price also expensive/noble many. 当然,价格也贵的多。 Front arrived.” “前面就到了。” An Te opens the mouth suddenly. 安特忽然开口。 Chen Feng raised the head. 陈锋抬起头。 This road had arrived at the end. 这条路已经到了尽头。 Not far away, in the channel end that two mountain massif crevices compose, is a stretch of rugged rocky ground, everywhere sandstorm sweeps across, visibility less than ten meters. 不远处,在两个山体夹缝组成的通道尽头,是一片崎岖不平的岩地,漫天风沙席卷,可见度不足十米。 This, is Barren Rockland. 这,就是荒芜岩地 Illusory Snake world! 幻蛇的世界! Is more careful.” “都小心些。” The Wang Chun injunction, strikes to kill some ordinary Illusory Snake, to Chen Feng skilled Scale of the Illusory Snake Formula(s), then seeks for Illusory Snake Leader to hunt and kill directly!” 王淳嘱咐,“击杀一些普通幻蛇,给陈锋熟练一下幻蛇之鳞配方,然后直接寻找幻蛇首领猎杀!” Understood.” “明白。” An Te slightly to nod, so long as Wang Chun gene reagent manufactures successfully, even if they task completes. So long as is more careful, this time task, is not too difficult. 安特微微点头,只要王淳基因试剂制作成功,他们就算任务完成。只要小心些,这次的任务,不算太难。 hū — 呼— hū — 呼— The sandstorm howls. 风沙呼啸。 An Te Team two people walk before most, steps into Barren Rockland. 安特小队两人走在最前,踏入荒芜岩地 However. 然而。 In this instance, Shen Yi (Divine Garments) opens the mouth suddenly. 就在这个瞬间,神衣忽然开口。 Wait.” “等等。” The people stop immediately. 众人顿时停下。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” An Te brow wrinkled. 安特眉头微皱 Since this young lady is comes to see lively, stayed well was being good, what chaotic pounded? 既然这位大小姐是来看热闹的,好好呆着就行了,捣什么乱? Under foot.” “脚下。” Shen Yi (Divine Garments) referred to the Qin Jie under foot. 神衣指了指秦杰脚下。 Un?” “嗯?” The Qin Jie mind jumps, the ear tremble slightly, the silent fluctuation escape, feeds back, his complexion becomes the dignified several points, the sandy soil of opening out under foot gently. 秦杰心神一跳,耳朵轻微颤动,无声的波动逸散,反馈回来,他脸色变得凝重几分,轻轻的拨开脚下的沙土。 Inside...... 里面…… Appeared dug out a person! 出现挖出了一个人! Corpse?” “尸体?” The people have a scare. 众人吓了一跳。 An Te and the others looked to the Shen Yi (Divine Garments) vision is astonished however, including Qin Jie had not discovered that this little miss discovered unexpectedly, perhaps, she, not only flower vase is so simple. 安特等人看向神衣的目光更是讶然,连秦杰没发现的,这小姑娘居然发现了,或许,她不只是花瓶那么简单。 Died a few days.” “死了没几天。” Qin Jie inspected, in side of corpse, discovers a high-definition virtual image storage device, immediately the brow wrinkles: How will here have this type of thing?” 秦杰检查了一下,在尸体的旁边,更是发现一个高清的虚拟录像设备,顿时眉头皱起:“这里怎么会有这种东西?” Virtual image storage device! 虚拟录像设备! Used to record the virtual total information video! 是用来录制虚拟全息视频的! The video that this type of equipment records, can broadcasts through the virtual player device or in Virtual Community, the three-dimensional solid, just like appearing to be recording! 这种设备录制出来的视频,可以通过虚拟播放设备或者在虚拟社区播放,三维立体,宛若出现在录像中! How can this type of thing here? 只是,这种东西怎么会在这里? I have a look.” “我看看。” Wang Chun opens. 王淳打开。 wēng — 嗡— Light shadow encirclement. 光影环绕。 Half illusory scenes appear. 一个半虚幻的场景出现。 A tall and powerfully built robust man appears before the people, he is speaking to the lens, while is introducing this place: Water friends, here is the desolated place in legend, hā hā, it is said here Illusory Snake is very fearful, does not dare to annoy D Grade, we come to see today.” 一个身材魁梧的壮汉出现在众人面前,他一边对着镜头说话,一边介绍着这个地方:“水友们,这里就是传说中的荒芜之地,哈哈,据说这里的幻蛇很可怕,连d级都不敢惹,咱们今天就来看看。” Saying. 说着。 He aims at the sandstorm of distant place the lens, one step steps into. 他将镜头对准远处的风沙,一步踏入。 Everyone can see that here sandstorm are many, the line of sight was disturbed, beyond five meters basically could not see clearly, Illusory Snake this type of thing likely hidden in the nearby......” “大家可以看到,这里风沙很多,视线受到干扰,五米以外基本就看不清了,幻蛇这种东西很可能就隐藏在附近……” Robust men just introduced here. 壮汉刚介绍道这里。 Suddenly. 忽然。 One bunch of dark green liquids clash. 一束墨绿色的液体冲来。 What?” “什么?” The lens rock fiercely. 镜头剧烈晃动。 The robust men as if saw anything, turns around to look, but also without saying anything, fell down, the body in several seconds became stiff. 壮汉似乎看到了什么,转身看去,还没说出什么,就倒在了地上,身体在几秒内变得僵硬。 Died. 死了。 Bang! 砰! The image storage device falls on the ground. 录像设备摔在地上。 Chen Feng and the others looked at each other one, immediately look at each other in blank dismay. 陈锋等人对视一眼,顿时面面相觑。 VR Anchor? 虚拟主播 As this year fiery of Virtual Community, VR Anchor also became a big occupation, industry that particularly certain cannot be described, is the vigorous development. However some people rely on the virtual teaching curriculum and open country to explore, depend on the strength to have a bloody road in this industry! 这年头随着虚拟社区的火热,虚拟主播也成了一大职业,尤其是某些不可描述的行业,更是蓬勃发展。但是部分人凭借着虚拟教学课程、野外探险,靠着实力在这个行业杀出一条血路! Such person, respected, but is also more dangerous! 这样的人,受人尊敬,但是也更危险! But they at present...... 而他们眼前…… Died such. 就死了这么一位。 Is more careful.” “小心些。” An Te said in a low voice, position that he dies in the Barren Rockland entrance, your front two meters places.” 安特低声说道,“他死的位置就在荒芜岩地入口,你前方两米处。” Understood.” “明白。” Person whole body cold sweat that two go to advanced, if not Shen Yi (Divine Garments) reminded, they have possibly died here! 两个最先进去的人浑身冷汗,若非神衣提醒,他们可能已经死在这里了! I come.” “我来吧。” Qin Jie walks up on own initiative. 秦杰主动走上前去。 wēng — 嗡— The ear rocks. 耳朵晃动。 His Gene Ability comprehensive start. 基因能力全面开动。 One step. 一步。 Two steps. 两步。 Three steps. 三步。 pā! 啪! Qin Jie steps into Barren Rockland. 秦杰踏入荒芜岩地 shuā! 刷! A light sound. 一声轻响。 Strange silver light flashes through together, in the Qin Jie hand has under dagger cutting of fast preparation early, his agility reaches as high as 800 points, since discovers this fellow ahead of time, how to be sneak attacked? 一道奇异的银光闪过,秦杰手中早有准备的匕首飞快的斩下,他敏捷高达800点,既然提前发现这家伙,怎么可能被偷袭? pū! 噗! Dagger insertion rocky ground. 匕首插入岩地。 Silver little snake, was sewn in the ground stubbornly, the long tongue stretches out, the opened huge mouth has not closed, the both sides sharp tooth is glittering the cold and gloomy green light under the sunlight. 一条银色的小蛇,被死死钉在地面,长长的舌头伸出,张开的巨口还没有合上,两侧锋利的牙齿在阳光下闪烁着森冷的绿光。 Incomparably infiltrates the person! 无比渗人!
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