SG :: Volume #1

#75: Aurora

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Scale of the Illusory Snake!” 幻蛇之鳞!” In Chen Feng eye ray greatly hold. 陈锋眼中光芒大盛。 This Intelligence Recommendation, finally was credible a chapter! 这个智能推荐,终于靠谱一回了! Without a doubt, this is an request of Gene Manufacture Association, follows mostly the same except for minor differences of Xu Fei issue, entrusts the Gene Manufacturist work. The Wang Chun goal is clear, is the scale of Illusory Snake, if meets Illusory Snake Leader, will certainly kill Illusory Snake Leader! 毫无疑问,这是一个基因制作协会的委托,跟上次徐飞发布的大同小异,都是委托基因制作师工作。王淳的目标非常明确,是幻蛇的鳞片,如果遇到幻蛇首领的话,就一定会杀幻蛇首领 Chen Feng heart movement. 陈锋心动了。 Task Reward he does not care, but...... 任务奖励他已经不在乎,但是…… If the Wang Chun goal is only the scale, remaining entire Illusory Snake, aren't oneself? Illusory Snake so many scales, lose one unprevailing to oneself! 如果王淳的目标只是鳞片,剩下的整个幻蛇,不就是自己的?幻蛇那么多鳞片,丢出去一个对自己毫无影响啊! Wang Chun bringing team , he so long as followed on the line! 况且,王淳自带团队,他只要跟着就行了! Does this good deed, where look? 这种好事,哪里找? Must meet! 必须接! Presently, the premise can consult. 当前,前提是能够协商好。 Chen Feng relates Wang Chun directly , indicating that own meaning, Wang Chun will entrust to assign at the scene to Chen Feng, can create three mutate(d) Formula(s) talents? 陈锋直接联系王淳,表明自己的意思,王淳当场将委托指定给了陈锋,一个能够创造出三种变异配方的天才? This request does not owe absolutely! 这次委托绝对不亏! I issue you Formula(s), after you are familiar, us.” “我把配方发给你,你熟悉之后我们出发。” Wang Chun said. 王淳道。 Good.” “好。” Chen Feng shows the smile. 陈锋露出笑容。 With praising of several Mutated Gene, the reputation large scale promotion, did not need with be the same finally initially, meets an request also to want various interviews and inspections. 随着几个变异基因的扬名,自己名声大幅度提升,终于不用跟当初一样,接个委托还要各种面试和考核了。 dīng — 叮— The wrist belt/bring vibrates. 腕带震动。 Light screen twinkle. 光幕闪烁。 Chen Feng surprised discovery Wang Chun sends two Formula(s) lists unexpectedly. 陈锋惊讶的发现王淳居然发过来两个配方清单。 first, is the Scale of the Illusory Snake manufacture, E Grade 2-Star, this is task demand Formula(s), the Wang Chun round makes Chen Feng familiar, without issue. 第一个,就是幻蛇之鳞制作,e级二星,这是任务需求配方,王淳发过来让陈锋熟悉,没有问题。 However second...... 但是第二个…… Aurora Gene Formula 极光基因配方 Type: Special 类型:特殊 Grading: E Grade 等级:e级 Function: Combustion within the body gene, the release gene potential, Spirit Affinity reaches the limit, the duration 10 seconds. 作用:燃烧体内基因,释放基因潜能,精神亲和力达到极限,持续时间十秒。 Consumption: Random gene 消耗:随机基因 Virus! 病毒! This unexpectedly is Gene Virus Formula(s)! 这居然是一个基因病毒配方 The Chen Feng mind jumps crazily. 陈锋心神狂跳。 Similar gene, Chen Feng has contacted one time, that is the blood moon/month of Chang Hu use! He has not thought, Wang Chun issues him this unexpectedly! 类似的基因,陈锋接触过一次,那就是常虎使用的血月!他没想到,王淳居然把这个发给他! Gene Virus, is the forbidden articles! 基因病毒,是禁品! Forbids to sell! 禁止销售! However the this thing research value is high, how to use Gene Virus reasonably, whether Gene Virus has the good point is the academic circle research subject. 但是这玩意的研究价值非常高,如何合理利用基因病毒,基因病毒是否有可取之处一直是学术界的研究课题。 Scale of the Illusory Snake Formula(s) you studied to contact with me, rewarded Formula(s) also to give you together, although this thing is unable to sell, but the research value was very high, had very big advantage to Gene Manufacture. I am not Gene Manufacturist, does not understand your lines, yourself study.” 幻蛇之鳞配方你研究好了联系我,奖励配方也一块给你了,这东西虽然无法销售,但是研究价值很高,对基因制作有很大好处。我不是基因制作师,也不太懂你们这行,你自己研究。” Wang Chun brief saying. 王淳简短的说道。 Gene Virus...... 基因病毒…… The Chen Feng heart is fiery, Wang Chun sends in the reward ahead of time, he does not have unexpected, after all now his worth not poor, definitely not for only Formula(s) will ruin the reputation/honorary, but this special E Grade 4-Star Formula(s) unexpectedly will be Gene Virus, somewhat was unexpected. 陈锋心头火热,王淳提前把奖励发来,他倒没有意外,毕竟如今他身价不菲,肯定不会为了区区一个配方毁掉自己名誉,但是这个特殊的e级四星配方居然是基因病毒,就有些出乎意料了。 Especially its function, Spirit Affinity limit! 尤其是它的作用,精神亲和力极限! What concept does Spirit Affinity achieve limit? 精神亲和力达到极限什么概念? Means that you do not need to control, so long as the intention arrived, all Spiritual Energy just like will use freely, the little darling obeys your order! 意味着你根本不需要控制,只要心意到了,所有的精神力都会犹如臂使,乖乖听从你的命令! For example 比如 Chen Feng's Wind Edge! 陈锋的风刃 Maneuver? 回旋? arc degree? 弧度 Chen Feng practiced to be very long. 陈锋练习了很久。 But if Spirit Affinity to the limit, Wind Edge will move as one desires, let alone revolves and arc degree, even if Wind Edge drifts does not have the issue! The promotion of affinity, is not the pure attribute promotion, but can display the pinnacle your Spiritual Energy! 但是如果精神亲和力到了极限,风刃就会随心而动,别说回旋和弧度,就算是风刃漂移都没问题!亲和力的提升,不是单纯的属性提升,而能将你精神力发挥到极致! This, is the great strength of Gene Virus! 这,就是基因病毒的强大! Naturally, consequence...... 当然,后果…… You could die. 你可能会死。 Can this thing, use? 这东西,能用吗? Chen Feng ponder. 陈锋沉思。 Under Luck Aura, he uses Gene Virus, can effectively control the gene damage, what if destroyed is some trash gene in human body, instead is better to the body. This thing to others is the forbidden articles, but to him, possibly is killer mace! 幸运光环下,他使用基因病毒,可以有效的控制基因损坏,如果被破坏的是人体内的一些垃圾基因,反而对身体更好。这东西对其他人而言是禁品,但是对他而言,可能是一个杀手锏! 10 seconds, sufficiently change war! 十秒时间,足以改变战局! Abandons gene......” “废弃基因……” Chen Feng thinking. 陈锋思索。 He must determine quantity that combustion gene needs, once combustion gene surpasses trash gene in within the body, likely has the problem! 他必须确定燃烧基因所需要的数量,一旦燃烧基因超过体内的垃圾基因,很可能出现问题! First does.” “先做出来。” Chen Feng made the decision quickly. 陈锋很快做了决定。 This is one and Illusory Snake equally rare high difficulty Formula(s), is good because , the present Chen Feng level also improved much, used two days of time, is familiar this Formula(s). 这是一个跟幻蛇一样稀有的高难度配方,好在,如今的陈锋水准也提高了不少,用了两天时间,就将这个配方熟悉。 Starts to manufacture! 开始制作! The Gene Virus manufacture method, is mostly the same except for minor differences from ordinary gene, the material that just needs are more, the difficulty is higher! Chen Feng several core blood essence fusion that has the different abilities, under the Luck Value duplication, manufactured to glitter marvelous brilliance Aurora gene reagent. 基因病毒的制作方式,跟普通基因大同小异,只不过需要的材料更多,难度更高!陈锋将几种拥有不同能力的核心精血融合,在幸运值复制下,才制作出了闪烁着奇妙光辉的极光基因试剂 Luck Value consumption, 3 points. 幸运值消耗,三点。 Success! 成功! This is Chen Feng's first share E Grade 4-Star gene, but has not actually created any difficulty, so long as Spiritual Energy reaches the manufacture standard, so long as Luck Value is enough, Chen Feng can make any gene self-confidently! 这是陈锋的第一e级四星基因,但是却并没有造成任何困扰,只要精神力达到制作标准,只要幸运值足够,陈锋自信能做出任何基因 wēng — 嗡— At present flowing light twinkle. 眼前流光闪烁。 In the reagent bottle in hand, blooms wipes the strange brilliance. 手中的试剂瓶中,绽放一抹奇异的光辉。 Tries?” “试试?” Chen Feng is somewhat scruple. 陈锋有些迟疑。 Usually manufactures reagent that completes, he will first test, but this Aurora...... 平时制作完成的试剂,他都会优先测试,但是这极光…… Very dangerous! 很危险! The human body embodiment including massive trash gene, Chen Feng chooses the Gene Virus reason , because under Luck Aura, can consume these trash gene! 人体内蕴含大量的垃圾基因,陈锋选择基因病毒的原因,就是因为幸运光环下,可以消耗掉这些垃圾基因 However 但是 If consumes exceeding the allowed figure? 如果消耗超标呢? Once Gene Ability and gene attribute drop, will be dangerous! Chang Hu used learning from another's mistakes of blood moon/month initially there, Chen Feng has to be discrete! 一旦基因能力基因属性下降,就会非常危险!常虎当初使用血月的前车之鉴就在那里,陈锋不得不谨慎! First checks.” “先查一下。” Chen Feng hesitates, goes to the online inquiry data. 陈锋沉吟,去网上查询数据。 This inside has the evaluation of Gene Manufacture Association, some media reported that even, in many news, there is to use Aurora gene reagent to hang. 这里面有基因制作协会的评测,也有媒体报道,甚至,很多新闻中,也有使用极光基因试剂而挂掉的。 Chen Feng acted according to their taking results to conduct statistics probably. 陈锋大概根据他们的服用结果进行了一个统计。 Conclusion 结论 Feasible. 可行。 gene that the Aurora virus combustion needs, is close to the human body trash gene sum total quantity, even if there is a disparity, not over 1%! 极光病毒燃烧所需要的基因,跟人体垃圾基因总和数量非常接近,就算有差距,也不会超过百分之一! Can try.” “可以一试。” Chen Feng took a deep breath. 陈锋深吸一口气 His present strength is too weak, must have the method of self-preservation! 他现在实力太弱,必须有自保的手段! Thinks of here, Chen Feng leaves the rented room, in the training center in urban district, rented one specifically to be used to test the battle efficiency the training room, this filled gene reagent. 想到这里,陈锋离开出租屋,在市区的训练馆,租用了一间专门用来测试战斗力的训练室,这才一口气灌下基因试剂 ba-dump!” 咕咚!” Gene Grabbing. 基因服用 Bang!” “轰!” terrifying strength floods into within the body instantly, in the energy with body fuses together, this flash, Chen Feng felt that the present the whole world changed. 一股恐怖力量刹那涌入体内,跟身体中的能量融为一体,这一瞬间,陈锋感觉到眼前的整个世界都变了。 Spiritual Energy, enlivens in a flash. 精神力,一瞬间活跃起来。 The present world, becomes unprecedented clear. 眼前的世界,变得前所未有的清晰。 wēng — 嗡— The Chen Feng's double pupil turns into the golden color instantly. 陈锋的双眸刹那变成金色。 Radiant sparkle. 璀璨闪耀。 Chen Feng felt that the body is extremely fiery. 陈锋感觉身体万分火热。 within the body. 体内。 gene is burning. 基因在燃烧。 This instance, all trash gene burn completely! 这一个瞬间,所有的垃圾基因全部燃烧! Unlike blood moon/month consumption while the eruption, Aurora gene, will burn all gene in the flash, then provides 10 seconds of limit affinity! 跟血月的一边消耗一边爆发不同,极光基因,会在一瞬间燃烧所有基因,然后提供十秒的极限亲和力! Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Chen Feng as if can hear thundering in within the body. 陈锋似乎能听到体内的轰鸣。 However, in this instance, he felt that throat one sweet, within the body blood ebullition, the body in this flash, presents the intense pain. 然而,就在这个瞬间,他感觉喉咙一甜,体内血液沸腾,身体在这一瞬间,出现强烈的痛感。 This feeling...... 这种感觉…… Chen Feng looks suddenly to the digitization panel. 陈锋猛然看向数据化面板。 strength! 力量 permanent reduces 1 points! 永久降低一点! Reduced!” “降低了!” The Chen Feng mind jumps crazily. 陈锋心神狂跳。 Under the influence of Luck Value, all trash gene burn completely, unexpectedly also insufficient! 幸运值的影响下,所有垃圾基因全部燃烧,居然也不够! The strength attribute first presented the defect! 力量属性优先出现了缺失! Is good because , the Chen Feng initial estimate does not have the mistake, after strength reduces 1 point, the energy of Aurora gene demand, that belongs to Aurora powerful strength, arrives! 好在,陈锋最初的估算没有错误,力量降低一点之后,极光基因需求的能量,那属于极光的强大力量,降临! Bang!” “砰!” An within the body light sound. 体内一声轻响。 Just likes the broken cocoon rebirth, anything, such splits open gently. 犹如破茧重生,什么东西,就那样轻轻绽开。 Spiritual Energy, lived. 精神力,活了。
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